Utbildning – Colombia – Rekommenderade podcasts

  • The Spanishland School Podcast is a Spanish Learning Podcast designed to teach you Spanish in 10 minutes or less.

    This Spanish Podcast is targeted towards Intermediate and Advanced Spanish students as it is primarily spoken in clear, Latin American Spanish from our “profesora principal” Andrea Alger.

    Andrea is a native Spanish teacher from Colombia with a specialization in linguistics and has many years of experience teaching Spanish to students of all ages.

    Each episode is structured in a way that is fun to listen to and has concise, actionable teaching to give you the training you need to level up your Spanish fluency.

    The ultimate goal of the Podcast is to give you the Spanish tips and teaching you need to starting thinking and speaking like a native Spanish speaker.

    We want you to hear the language, be immersed in it, and understand it in a way that you leave each episode with a greater confidence to engage the Spanish speaking world around you.

    When you take time to listen to our Spanish Podcast, we know that you will start to learn Spanish like you never have before as you bust through the intermediate plateau.

    Now jump in and get started!

  • Aquí vamos a contar historias. Vamos a hablar de cultura, de cine, de paz, de viajes, de música. Vamos a continuar la conversación que empezó en la radio hace 25 años, pero además aprovecharemos las nuevas posibilidades que se abren con este medio. Bienvenidos a mi podcast de historia.

  • Learn Spanish, step by step! LearnCraft Spanish is a proven system that will teach you how to learn Spanish fluently, from the ground up. Starting with a foundation of core Spanish grammar and the most common Spanish vocabulary, Timothy will guide you through the essential steps to speaking and understanding fluent Spanish like a native speaker. If you're a serious Spanish learner and you want to make deep, personal connections with the native Spanish speakers in your life, the LearnCraft Spanish podcast is for you. Join us on a rigorous, fulfilling journey to Spanish fluency.

  • Un programa donde se mostrará de manera sencilla la ingeniería que hay detrás de las pequeñas cosas del día a día, desde un complejo motor de avión hasta una deliciosa taza de café...

  • Un podcast en tu mañana para desarrollar el líder que hay en ti!

  • El objetivo principal de este podcast es de ayudar, apoyar, y guiar a los Hispanos/Latinos a obtener su propia casa y a poder invertir más en sus futuros! Quiero apoyarlos, informarlos, guiarlos, y protegerlos en todo relacionado en bienes raíces en los Estados Unidos y también al rededor del mundo si es posible. Por favor compartan y subscríbanse a este podcast. Hasta pronto y gracias por su apoyo!

  • Colombian Mental health professional, comedian, and playwriter Ana Maria Grisales shares her life experiences and expertise in order to serve, explore and challenge some of the beliefs of the female community. A place that hopes to help us understand and embrace our true identities. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ana-maria-grisales/support

  • Espacio donde compartiré historias y conversaciones que me han marcado mi vida, junto con reflexiones que espero sean de gran ayuda para vivir desde la plenitud y el bienestar. Soy Beatriz Elena, comunicadora social y periodista, pero en este podcast me conocerán como Elena, que significa antorcha, claridad, luz o mujer del sol. Los invito a acompañarme en este espacio de intimidad donde tratare de brindarles un poco de esa luz y claridad que ha llegado a mi vida y me ha dado el poder para renacer y convertirme en mi mejor versión, desde el amor y la abundancia.
    IG @uncafecitoconelena

  • For five years The Healthy Compulsive Project has been offering information, insight and inspiration for OCPD, obsessive-compulsive personality, perfectionism, micro-managers and Type A personality. Anyone who’s ever been known to overwork, overplan, overcontrol or overanalyze is welcome here, where the obsessive-compulsive personality is explored and harnessed to deliver what it was originally meant to deliver. Join psychotherapist, Jungian psychoanalyst and author Gary Trosclair as he delves into the pitfalls and potential of the driven personality with an informative, positive, and often playful approach to this sometimes-vexing character style.

  • "Coaching para familias pre-ocupadas" es el pódcast que deberías escuchar si, como familia, vas a tope con tu día a día, hay cosas que te preocupan en la educación de tus hijos/as y quieres aprender nuevas maneras de acompañarlos.

    Porque a ser madre o padre no se enseña en ningún lado y para ello hemos creado esta comunidad para compartir el camino que, en algunos momentos, puede hacerse cuesta arriba.

    Te invito a que me sigas en instagram (@jordisolercoach) y que construyamos esa comunidad que necesitas para compartir tus preocupaciones y ocupaciones en la educación de tu hijo/a.

    ¿Lista para dar el primer paso? ¡Te espero en nuestro próximo episodio!

  • We all try to dedicate time for learning Torah. Many people attend Daf Yomi, have a chavrusa, etc. Yet, most people find it difficult to learn Halacha in a consistent and clear way. We either spend too much time on one subject or try to breeze through a summary of all the laws in a few minutes. Neither of these approaches work. The concept of 12 Minute Halacha Daily (Monday through Friday) is to spend one hour a week learning Halacha from the sources all the way through the contemporary poskim and applications. This can be listened to while driving, sitting down with the sefer, or even while taking a leisurely walk. The purpose of the Shiur is to learn Halacha together without getting bogged down with many details or fancy lomdus. This way one can go through many Halachos with a deep appreciation of the sources, the rules, and see why we do what we do in our everyday lives. That is why i chose the Chayei Adam as a springboard. This podcast isn't intended to replace the need for a Rav in one's life. This is simply Limud Hatorah together. My hope is that we discuss some of these things by our Shabbos table and show our family that although we need to spend significant time at work, our excitement and passion is for Limud Hatorah, Avoidas hashem and Halacha.

    Please reach out with questions, suggestions or complaints. 12minutehalacha @gmail.com

    This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts.
    Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with the world.

  • How much better would you feel if:

    - Your house was easy to keep clean.

    - Your mind was less cluttered.

    - You had more time to be present with the ones you love.

    - You had more energy to do the things you enjoy.

    That would feel amazing wouldn’t it?

    Well, this will be your life soon! I am here to show you how you can achieve this in the easiest way possible. :)


    Hey there, Welcome Here! My name is Brooke Tikka.

    As a mom of three with several chronic health conditions, I got to a point where I felt like I wasn‘t getting anywhere - no matter how hard I tried.

    I was exhausted. I felt like I had lost the person I had hoped to be. I felt stuck in my own head.

    I knew something had to change.

    It started with mindset shifts and decluttering my physical and mental clutter. Then, it led to learning new mom hacks that made my day to day life easier!

    Now, a couple years later, I am here to share what I’ve learned in hopes that it will help you as much as it has helped me.


    My goal is to keep this as simple as possible, but to make sure it still has an impact on your day to day life.

    Every Tuesday I will release a new episode walking you through a way that you can simplify your life. I will be walking you through step-by-step so you can do it with me.

    If you listen to one episode a week, you will be amazed by how much it adds up. Before you know it, you will be experiencing all of the benefits I listed above!


    If you have any questions, need some extra encouragement, or want to celebrate your wins, there are two ways I can help you with that! One way is by going to my website at simplifymomlife.com and joining me in the comments section of any of my posts.

    The other way is to join my email list by going to simplifymomlife.com and signing up on the homepage. If you decide to join my email list you will get each blog post/ episode sent to your inbox every week and will be able to reply to any of my emails.

    Don‘t hesitate to reach out to me, I want to help you as much as I can!


    Before we jump into it, I want to let you know that I am proud of you for making this decision to simplify your life. This is a life changing decision that will bless both you and your family!

    If you are ready to get started, grab your coffee, start listening, and let‘s do this!

    We are in this together.:)


    Website: https://simplifymomlife.com
    ---------> You can sign up for my email list on my website homepage by clicking the link above!

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/708703813123520

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simplify.momlife/

    Contact Me: https://simplifymomlife.com/contact/

  • Hablemos de Derecho Disciplinario es un espacio académico en cual se estudian las normas vigentes del Estado Colombiano respecto a la vigilancia, control y sanción de las conductas de los funcionarios públicos y aquellos particulares que la Ley determinó cómo disciplinables, normas de carácter general y especial así como las últimas reformas proferidas por factor de convencionalidad.

  • Bienvenue dans "Univers", ton allié quotidien vers un épanouissement personnel.

    Des rêves, nous en avons tous !

    Je suis Lysa, coach transformationnel, mais surtout créatrice de possibilités.

    Ce podcast s'adresse à des personnes comme toi, cherchant à évoluer, à dépasser leurs limites et à comprendre les rouages de leur âme. C'est un espace pour discuter, réfléchir, rire et grandir ensemble. Je te propose une pause dans ton quotidien, un moment authentique et un voyage unique où chaque épisode est une nouvelle exploration.

    Développement personnel, spiritualité, mindset, et coaching, bienvenue dans mon Univers.

    C'est à travers mes expériences personnelles que j'illustrerai mes propos. Je te ferai voyager avec moi et te donnerai mes meilleurs conseils de coach pour transcender ton quotidien.

    Alors, que tu sois en quête de sagesse, de motivation, ou simplement curieux de comprendre les rouages de la vie, prépare-toi à un rendez-vous régulier avec toi-même et l'univers.

    Rejoins-moi chaque mercredi pour rencontrer un nouvel épisode de « Univers ».


    "Univers" est ton compagnon bienveillant pour évoluer, dépasser tes limites et comprendre les rouages de ton âme.

    Abonne-toi dès maintenant sur tes plates-formes d'écoute préférées et embarque dans cette aventure où nous brisons les barrières de la peur.

    Si tu as aimé l'épisode, n'hésite pas à laisser une note ou un commentaire sur Apple Podcast, Spotify, ou ta plateforme d'écoute. Tu feras grandir le podcast et aideras d'autres personnes à surmonter leurs peurs.

    Merci pour ta présence et à la semaine prochaine :)


    Pour en savoir un peu plus...

    Tu peux tout retrouver sur : https://linktr.ee/lysaandrea

    Mon compte Instagram : @lysa_andrea_Mon site internet : lysaandrea.com

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • Welcome to "Mom's Super Simple English",
    歡迎來到 "媽媽超簡單英文",

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • ¿Puede una madre soltera empoderarse? ¿puede una madre soltera diseñar la vida de sus sueños sin descuidar la educación de sus hijos? ¿Cómo salimos de la zona de victimas?¿Como tener una relación tranquila con el padre de mi hijo? ¿ Debería demandar al padre de mi hijo? ¿Cómo hago para que el tiempo me alcance para cuidar de mis hijos y trabajar ?¿podré volver a sentirme feliz?

    Te invito a visitar mi blog www.elpoderdelamdresoltera.com

  • Sin vulnerabilidad no hay conexión interior ni exterior, sin conexión no hay despertar de consciencia, sin despertar de consciencia no hay vida, solo un patrón de heridas y aprendizajes no intencionales que te desconectan de tu alma. Este podcast es un intento de dejar en el mundo lo que soy, lo que sé, lo que camino y lo que aprendo. Integramos espiritualidad y salud mental. Hablamos de forma real, conectamos y creamos espacios seguros para sentir.

    Nuestra alma vino al mundo a expandirse pero nuestra mente nos está limitando. Déjame enseñarte el camino de consciencia, conexión y expansión

  • Welcome to Return on Podcast, where we talk about the experiences, obsessions and habits of the most successful e-commerce entrepreneurs.