Historia – Nya podcasts

  • The Dolls Podcast spotlights ladies from the 60s and 70s who inspire cohosts Emma Rosa Katharina and Abigail Devoe. With each episode they’ll share the story of one actress, activist, musician, groupie, or fashion icon, with the purpose of proving her lasting influence. They may have lived in the time of the Whiskey A Go-Go and Studio 54, but celebrating the women of yesterday still matters today.

    Keep the shindig going with @thedollspod on Instagram!

  • Am Vormittag des 15. März 1921 in der Hardenbergstraße in Berlin Charlottenburg erschießt der Armenier Soghomon Tehlirian den ehemaligen türkischen Großwesir Talaat Pascha. War Rache sein Motiv? In dieser sechsteiligen Podcastserie erzählen Christin Pschichholz, Christine Marth und Ani Menua ausgehend von diesem Mord und dem darauffolgenden Prozess vom Genozid an der armenischen Bevölkerung während des Ersten Weltkrieges, dessen Folgen und die Rolle des Deutschen Reiches.

    Ein Projekt von Depart e. V. – Demokratie in Partnerschaft,
    gefördert durch die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

  • Dieser Podcast wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz ins Deutsche übersetzt und eingesprochen. Es ist ein Experiment. Darum ist es möglich, dass trotz einer noch durch einen Menschen erfolgten Nachkorrektur die Sprecher manchmal unnatürlich klingen oder Sprachfehler machen. Das Original kann auf Niederländisch angehört werden. 


    Vom Kneipenbesitzer zum König. Dies ist die bizarre, wahre Geschichte von Jan van Leiden.

    Dieser Schauspieler, Wirtshausbesitzer und Schneider wurde im 16. Jahrhundert zum Anführer einer Bewegung, der Täufer, die das Ende der Welt verkündeten. Im Vorgriff auf die Endzeit entstand in Münster eine Utopie. Es radikalisierte sich in kürzester Zeit zu einer Diktatur.

    In dieser Podcast-Reihe begleiten Sie den Journalisten Max Boogaard auf seiner Suche nach Jan und erfahren, was vor rund 500 Jahren in Münster geschah. Auf diese Weise lernen Sie Jan van Leiden immer besser kennen: von seiner anfänglichen Begeisterung über sein extravagantes und rücksichtsloses Königtum bis zu seinem letzten Geständnis im Todestrakt.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Entrevistas con especialistas en Estudios Ibéricos sobre sus publicaciones recientes. Novedades de editoriales universitarias, comerciales e independientes. Tu podcast global de contenido académico en español con entrevistas a escritores y autoras sobre sus libros y publicaciones recientes. Investigaciones, tesis y capítulos de diferentes países del mundo a tu alcance. Nuestra misión es la divulgación del conocimiento.
    Interviews with Iberian Studies specialists about their recent publications. New books from university presses and commercial and independent publishing houses. Author-interview global podcast. Academic content in Spanish: books, research, theses, dissertations, and articles from writers worldwide within your reach. Our mission is public education.

  • 小朋友们,快来加入我们的成语广播剧吧!
    在这里,成语不再是枯燥乏味的背诵,而是一段段生动有趣的故事! 我们邀请了多位声音演员,为您呈现诙谐幽默的成语世界。让孩子们在欢声笑语中,轻松掌握成语的运用,了解背后的文化内涵。
    #成语广播剧 #亲子教育 #中华文化 #趣味学习

  • Magazine cultural emitido en vivo todos los sábados a las 16.45 hora argentina por LU20, Radio Chubut, desde La Patagonia. Una producción de CANCELADOS.

  • A guide through the key historical events, conflicts, treaties, administrative decisions, political policies, religious transformations, and cultural synthesis that led to the unification of the German States and creation of the German Empire in 1871. Intro & Outro Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 3, Curtesy of Musopen.org

  • Hello, welcome to the show!
    In this podcast, we talk about the story of our species and how we came to be.
    From our humble ape ancestors to Bronze Age societies, our story has been fascinating.
    Anthropology, archaeology, and history are all thoroughly covered.
    All information is based on peer-reviewed research.
    Fringe theories and conspiracies are not entertained.
    Grazie e arrivederci!

  • Tra i grandi paesi europei, all’inizio del secolo scorso, l’Italia era il più arretrato dal punto di vista dei diritti. Un divario colmato, in buona parte, proprio lungo il Novecento - nonostante due conflitti mondiali e vent’anni di dittatura - grazie a importanti conquiste sul piano sociopolitico.
    Con questa serie proponiamo un percorso tematico che racconta le lotte, i sacrifici, i compromessi che hanno trasformato il nostro Paese in una moderna democrazia.
    Grazie agli interventi di esperti autorevoli come Maria Chiara Giorgi, Anna Maria Poggi, Fabrizio Loreto, Chiara Saraceno, accompagnati dalla voce narrante della giornalista Francesca Milano, ripercorreremo i passaggi chiave che, nel Ventesimo secolo, sono stati fondamentali per la conquista di diritti sociali e civili che oggi diamo per scontati, ma sono stati il terreno di lunghe e faticosissime battaglie.

    ‘900. Un secolo di conquiste è una serie podcast realizzata da Chora Media per il Polo del '900.
    Scritta da Francesca Borghetti
    La cura editoriale è di Davide Savelli e Anna Iacovino 
    La produzione esecutiva è di Lia Chiòvari
    Il coordinamento della post-produzione è di Matteo Scelsa
    La supervisione del suono e musiche sono di Luca Micheli
    Il fonico di studio di Torino è Riccardo Mazza di Experimental Studio
    Il fonico di studio di Roma è Lucrezia Marcelli
    La post-produzione e montaggio sono di Luca Micheli e Cosma Castellucci
    Voce maschile di Lucio Saccone

    Per il Polo del 900 direttore Emiliano Paoletti, Responsabile archivi e biblioteca Catia Cottone
    Le fonti citate sono cortesemente messe a disposizione da:
    Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza ETS
    Associazione culturale Vera Nocentini ETS
    CREO Centro Ricerca Etnomusica e Oralità
    Fondazione Istituto Piemontese Antonio Gramsci Onlus

  • 歡迎來到《歷史潮流》!在這個節目中,我們一起穿越時空,探索人類歷史的浩瀚海洋。無論是古今中外的歷史事件、偉人傳奇,還是那些被時光掩蓋的故事,我們都將透過深入的研究和生動的敘述,讓歷史重現眼前。我們的第一個系列節目《夢回歷史》分為多個季數,每一季將帶您深入探索不同的歷史主題。第一季將探索中國歷史的輝煌與變遷,而第二季則將聚焦於台灣歷史,揭示這塊土地的獨特魅力。另外,我們的節目《歷史聊齋》以輕鬆的聊天方式,讓您了解歷史中的趣事和冷知識,每一期都是一場時光之旅,讓您感受歷史的生動與趣味。無論您是歷史愛好者,還是對探索人類過去的種種奧秘充滿好奇,我們都歡迎您加入我們的旅程,一起品味歷史的滋味,探索歷史的潮流!立即訂閱《歷史潮流》,與我們一同啟航,穿越時光的長河!--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 高雄市立歷史博物館身為全臺第一座城市博物館,肩負保存及推廣高雄在地歷史的重要使命,此次與高雄廣播電臺共同合作【高雄原來這麼大】節目,將以歷史上的高雄小故事、在地特色文化以及本館的典藏品、展覽為主,透過主持人與與談人的分享,將課本上未曾教過的高雄歷史介紹給聽眾朋友。

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • Personal stories and lessons from inside the rise and fall of the PC revolution as narrated by the author. Sinofsky joined Microsoft in 1989 as a software design engineer on C++. Over the next 23 years he worked across many major products and teams including C++ and Visual C++, Office for six major releases ending as SVP of Office, Windows 7 and Windows 8, as well as most major internet services as President of Windows.


  • The podcast explores the tragic case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, a victim of Munchausen by proxy and medical child abuse at the hands of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard. It delves into Gypsy's life, the abuse she endured, and the events that led to the murder of her mother. The story highlights the psychological impact of abuse, the failures of the medical and legal systems, and the challenges faced by victims of abuse. It also emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about Munchausen by proxy and supporting victims of abuse.

  • 號外號外~



    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • A Limited Series Podcast About the Ways Online Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Infiltrate Wellness Communities and Religious Spaces.

    Distributed by Axis Mundi Media - www.axismundi.us

    Produced in conjunction with the Institute for Religion, Media, and Civic Engagement - www.irmce.org

    Generous funding provided by the Henry Luce Foundation.

  • The life stories of the people who have shaped our own, told through the obituaries pages of The Times. As Nelson Mandela noted, “you can’t really be proud of yourself if you don’t know your history”. Anna Temkin, Deputy Obituaries Editor at The Times, introduces the endlessly fascinating stories that tell us about how we got to this point in history.

    The Times has published daily obituaries for over a century. Now, each week Anna builds on that legacy as she is joined by voices from across the paper to explore the lives which have enriched and informed our own lives.

    New episodes every Tuesday.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • 陆家嘴,坐落于上海市浦东新区黄浦江畔的,这里是上海的金融中心,一幢幢高楼拔地而起,直耸云霄,是众多知名跨国银行的大中华区总部所在,是上海最具现代化城市魅力的地方,她拥有许多上海的知名地标建筑:1995年建成东方明珠、1999年建成的金茂大厦、2008年建成的环球金融中心、2014年建成的上海中心,构成了一部上海摩天大楼的发展史……
