
  • Men of Valor, welcome to a session where we delve deep into the heart of spiritual warfare, a realm where battles are fought not in the open but within the cloaked shadows of our daily lives. Today, we engage with the dual mandate of submitting ourselves to God while actively resisting the adversary. As we explore this powerful dynamic, let's prepare our hearts and minds to strengthen our resolve and sharpen our spiritual strategies.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: James 4:7 - "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

    This verse from James encapsulates the essence of spiritual warfare and the Christian's defense strategy in a succinct yet profound command. Submission to God is not a passive act but an active, daily decision to align our wills, desires, and actions with His divine will. It sets the stage for the second command: to resist the devil. This resistance is the natural counterpart to submission, ensuring that as we draw near to God, we repel the forces of evil. The promise is emphatic and clear—when we resist, the devil will flee. This dynamic interplay between submission and resistance forms the backbone of our spiritual constitution and our defense against the enemy.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Deepen Your Commitment to Prayer: Prayer is the primary way we submit to God. Enhance your prayer life by setting dedicated times for prayer and meditation on Scripture. Use these moments to surrender your plans and seek God’s direction, thereby fortifying your spiritual defenses.

    * Cultivate Awareness of Spiritual Influences: Stay vigilant about the influences that surround you. Regularly assess the media you consume, the conversations you partake in, and the thoughts you entertain. Make it a habit to ask yourself whether these elements draw you closer to God or make it easier for the enemy to find a foothold in your life.

    * Actively Engage in Community Support: The battle against spiritual forces is not meant to be fought alone. Engage actively with your faith community to build mutual support and accountability. Share your struggles and victories, pray for one another, and stand together in resistance against common spiritual threats.

    Conclusion: Brothers, as we embrace the call to spiritual warfare, remember that our strength lies not in our might but in our submission to God and our resistance to the devil. This battle requires both divine guidance and personal discipline. As we commit to these practices, we not only defend ourselves but also strengthen the entire body of Christ against the wiles of the enemy.

    Call to Action: This week, take a proactive step in each of the focus areas. Begin each day with prayer, remain alert to spiritual influences throughout the day, and connect with a brother in Christ to discuss how you can support each other in your spiritual journeys.

    Question of the Day: In what area of your life do you need to strengthen your resistance against the enemy, and what practical steps will you take to submit that area more fully to God?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, we submit ourselves to You anew today. Grant us the wisdom to recognize the devil’s schemes and the strength to resist them. Help us to stand firm in our faith, united in our resolve and empowered by Your Spirit. We thank You for the promise of victory in Your name. Amen.

    Men of Valor, let us go forth with the assurance that as we submit to God and resist the devil, we will see the enemy flee. Our victory is secure in Christ. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome, valiant soldiers of The Tribe Of Valor! Today, we are called to the front lines of a battle that rages not only around us but within the very fabric of our spiritual lives. This battle demands our utmost vigilance and strength as we defend the constitution of our faith—those unshakeable truths and moral principles handed down through God's Word. Our mission is clear: to stand firm against the forces that seek to undermine our spiritual integrity and to uphold the righteousness we are called to in Christ.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: 1 Peter 5:8-9 - "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings."

    In this potent call to arms, Peter paints a vivid picture of our adversary—the devil, who stalks with the ferocity and cunning of a roaring lion. His warning is stern and his instructions clear: be alert, be sober-minded, and stand firm. This isn't just about personal perseverance; it's a collective battle shared by believers worldwide. We are reminded that our fight against spiritual evils is part of a broader struggle, connecting us with brothers and sisters in faith across the globe.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Cultivate Spiritual Alertness: To be alert is to be perpetually ready, keeping your spiritual senses sharp and your mind clear. Regularly engage in prayer and Scripture study to fortify your understanding of God’s Word. This prepares you to recognize and repel the subtle deceptions and temptations that threaten your spiritual well-being.

    * Maintain a Sober Mind: A sober mind is free from the intoxication of worldly distractions and passions. Evaluate your life for anything that may be clouding your spiritual clarity—be it entertainment, social media, or even relationships. Make conscious efforts to eliminate or moderate these influences, ensuring your focus remains steadfast on God’s truth.

    * Stand Firm in Community: Our strength often increases in the company of fellow believers. Commit to fostering strong, accountable relationships within your church or spiritual community. Share your struggles and victories, pray for one another, and encourage each other to remain resilient in faith. Remember, the battle is both personal and communal.

    Conclusion: Brothers, as we stand firm in our faith, let us draw upon the collective strength and wisdom of our global family of believers. Our enemy is formidable, but our God is greater, and His power within us is more than sufficient to overcome any challenge. Let us move forward with the confidence of those who are not only called to endure but to triumph in Christ.

    Call to Action: This week, take a moment to assess your level of spiritual alertness and sobriety. Identify one area where you can improve, and take practical steps to enhance your spiritual discipline in that area. Perhaps set a new schedule for prayer, join a Bible study, or cut back on activities that distract from your faith focus.

    Question of the Day: What does "standing firm in the faith" look like in your daily life, and how can you strengthen this stance starting today?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, arm us with strength and vigilance as we face the spiritual battles before us. Help us to be sober-minded and alert, relying on Your Word and Your Spirit to guide and protect us. Unite us with our brothers and sisters in faith, sharing in our struggles and supporting each other in our victories. May we stand firm, unwavering, and faithful, as we uphold the spiritual constitution You have established for us. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

    Men of Valor, let us not grow weary in this fight. Gird yourselves with truth, righteousness, and faith. The battle is fierce, but our victory is sure. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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  • Welcome, mighty warriors of The Tribe Of Valor Podcast! Today, we gather to sharpen our spiritual swords and reinforce our shields as we delve into the depths of spiritual warfare and the profound duty of defending the spiritual constitution of our faith. In a world where the battleground is not only physical but also ideological, we are summoned to stand firm against the forces that challenge the very essence of divine truth and moral righteousness.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 - "For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."

    This passage from 2 Corinthians serves as a powerful reminder that our conflict is not with the seen, but the unseen; not with flesh and blood, but with ideologies and spiritual deceptions. As soldiers of Christ, our armament is not forged from steel but from spiritual strength, equipped by God to dismantle strongholds of false reasoning and rebellion against the knowledge of God. This warfare demands more than physical might; it requires the acumen to identify and combat the erroneous philosophies and moral distortions that pervade our culture.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Fortify Your Mind with Scripture: Regular, disciplined study of the Bible is essential. Immerse yourself in the Word to fortify your understanding of God’s truths. As you deepen your knowledge, you will be better equipped to recognize and refute the false doctrines and deceitful ideologies that oppose biblical principles.

    * Engage in Prayer as Strategic Warfare: Prayer is your direct line to divine power. Use it not only for personal edification but as a strategic tool in spiritual warfare. Pray for discernment, strength, and the boldness to stand firm in your convictions. Intercede for those deceived by worldly philosophies, that they might come to know the truth of Christ.

    * Practice Righteousness in All Conduct: Living out the principles of God’s Word is perhaps the most potent form of warfare against the enemy. Let your life be a testament to the power and love of God. In your interactions, decision-making, and even in moments of conflict, choose responses that align with biblical righteousness.

    Conclusion: Brothers, our call to battle in the spiritual realm is urgent and non-negotiable. Armed with the truth of Scripture and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are not just defenders; we are conquerors. The stakes are eternal, and our dedication must be unwavering. Let us commit to these disciplines, knowing that each day we are not only defending our spiritual constitution but advancing God's kingdom on earth.

    Call to Action: Identify a current issue in your community or the wider world where biblical truth is under attack. Determine how you can actively engage in this area—be it through prayer, advocacy, or direct action—and make a plan to implement this engagement in the coming week.

    Question of the Day: What stronghold or false ideology do you find most challenging to combat, and what Scripture can you use to strengthen your position?

    Let's Pray: Lord God, our mighty Commander, equip us with Your full armor as we engage in this spiritual battle. Grant us wisdom to discern deception, strength to resist the enemy, and courage to uphold Your truth. May our lives reflect Your glory, and our actions advance Your kingdom. We stand firm in Your power and promise, ready to obey and serve. Amen.

    Warriors of the Tribe of Valor, let's rise to this divine challenge with fervor and faith. The battle is fierce, but our victory in Christ is assured. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Warriors of The Tribe Of Valor, welcome to a pivotal gathering where we brace ourselves for the relentless battles of the spirit. In today's discourse, we delve into the profound realms of spiritual warfare, focusing not just on the skirmishes we face but on the larger war over the souls of men and the sanctity of divine truth. As Men of God, we are called to be defenders not only of our faith but also of the moral and ethical principles that anchor our lives. This battle demands vigilance, courage, and an unwavering commitment to the constitution of God’s Kingdom.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Ephesians 6:11-12 - "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

    The Apostle Paul’s words to the Ephesians serve as a stark reminder of the invisible war raging around us. This war is not waged with worldly weapons or against human foes but against a much more insidious enemy: the spiritual forces of evil. To stand firm in this battle, we must be fully equipped with the armor of God—truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. Each piece of this armor is critical for defending not only our own spirits but also the spiritual well-being of our communities and nations.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Daily Donning of the Armor: Begin each day by consciously putting on the armor of God. Visualize yourself girding your loins with truth, fitting the breastplate of righteousness, and strapping on the sandals of peace. Take up the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. This daily ritual will prepare you to face any spiritual adversity with divine strength.

    * Cultivating a Spirit of Discernment: In a world brimming with deceit and misinformation, a discerning spirit is essential. Invest time in studying God’s Word to recognize truth from falsehood. Pray for wisdom and insight to discern the spiritual undercurrents influencing societal trends and personal interactions. Discernment will guide you in standing your ground against deceptive tactics.

    * Engaging in Prayer Warfare: Prayer is your communication line to divine power. Engage regularly in prayer not just for personal needs but as intercession for your community and country. Pray against the spiritual forces of evil that seek to undermine godly principles and moral integrity. Remember, your prayers wield power in the spiritual realm.

    Conclusion: Men of Valor, as we commit to defending our spiritual constitution and engaging in this holy warfare, let us be vigilant and steadfast. The challenges are great, but the power within us—granted by our Almighty God—is greater. Let us stand firm, equipped and ready, knowing that in this spiritual battle, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

    Call to Action: This week, identify a specific area in your community or personal life where you see spiritual darkness encroaching. Commit to addressing this area with the armor of God and prayer. Whether it’s a local issue, a family matter, or a personal struggle, take a stand for righteousness.

    Question of the Day: What aspect of the spiritual armor do you find most challenging to maintain, and how can you strengthen that area in your life?

    Let's Pray: Lord, arm us with Your strength and clothe us in Your armor so we may stand against the wiles of the devil. Grant us courage to uphold Your truths and defend the principles of Your Kingdom. May we be vigilant in prayer, steadfast in faith, and unwavering in our commitment to Your cause. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

    Brothers, let’s march forward with the confidence of those who are divinely protected and powerfully equipped. The battle is fierce, but our victory is assured. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • My Resilient Warriors,

    In your journey of faith and in the daily battles you face, there are few things as challenging yet fundamentally transformative as discipline. Hebrews 12:11 speaks directly to this truth: "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." This scripture does not shy away from the reality of discipline's immediate discomfort but emphasizes the profound and lasting benefits that result from it.

    Discipline, in its essence, is a tool used not to punish but to mold, to shape, and to enhance. It is a necessary part of your training as My warriors, designed to strengthen not just your physical and mental resilience but, more importantly, your spiritual fortitude. The pain that often accompanies discipline is temporary, a fleeting discomfort that paves the way for a far greater reward: the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

    Righteousness—living in a way that is right and just according to My standards—may seem a daunting task, especially when faced with the complexities and temptations of the world. However, the discipline I impart through various experiences, trials, and even daily routines is meant to train you, to refine your character, and to align your will with Mine.

    Today, I urge you to reflect on the areas of your life where My discipline is currently at work. Perhaps you are in the midst of challenges that require you to exercise patience, to curb your impulses, or to make sacrifices that are painful in the moment. These situations are not without purpose. They are My loving hand sculpting your character, making you into the man I have called you to be—a man of peace, integrity, and righteousness.

    Consider also the long-term benefits that discipline brings. While the process may be difficult, the outcomes—peace of mind, a strengthened faith, and a closer relationship with Me—are invaluable. These are not merely rewards; they are the very essence of a life lived well in My presence.

    I encourage you, My sons, to not grow weary or disheartened by the rigors of discipline. Instead, embrace it as a vital part of your spiritual training. Trust in My wisdom and love guiding this process, for I discipline those I love, and I cherish a heart that willingly submits to My training.

    Persevere through the discomfort, knowing that it is producing a harvest of righteousness and peace in your life, preparing you for greater battles and greater victories. Let this understanding transform your perspective on discipline from a burden to a blessing.

    With Infinite Wisdom and Unconditional Love,

    God, Your Almighty Commander

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome, brothers of The Tribe Of Valor! Today, we are called to the forge—not of iron, but of our very souls—where we confront the heat of discipline to mold a wiser, stronger self. In the pursuit of godly manhood, discipline is not merely a practice but a profound expression of love for wisdom and growth. As Men of God, our spiritual resilience and readiness hinge on our ability to embrace discipline not as punishment but as a cherished tool for honing our faith and character. Let’s sharpen our understanding and fortify our resolve to embrace every challenge and correction as a gift from God.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Proverbs 12:1 - "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid."

    This piercing proverb lays bare a fundamental truth: to despise correction is to embrace folly, but to love discipline is to love knowledge. In the crucible of discipline, our character is tested and our commitment to God’s ways is refined. This Scripture calls us to a courageous discipline—one that actively seeks growth through correction and is vigilant in its pursuit of wisdom. Such discipline is not passive; it requires a deliberate and steadfast heart, ready to receive and act on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the wise counsel of others.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Cultivate a Receptive Heart: Begin by examining your response to correction. Do you resist and resent it, or do you welcome it as an opportunity for growth? Strive to cultivate a heart that sees reproof not as a threat but as a tool for personal and spiritual development. Embrace humility, allowing God and trusted advisors to speak into your life.

    * Seek Out Constructive Feedback: Don’t wait for discipline to find you. Proactively seek feedback from those you respect—leaders in your church, peers in your community, or mentors in your life. Ask them to help you identify areas where you can grow and request their honest insights regularly.

    * Apply Wisdom to Daily Decisions: Discipline extends beyond accepting correction; it includes applying learned wisdom to make better choices every day. Use the insights gained from discipline to guide your decisions in family, work, and ministry. Let your love for knowledge translate into a life marked by wise, thoughtful actions.

    Conclusion: Brothers, our call to courageous discipline is both a challenge and a blessing. It demands that we lay down our pride and pick up the mantle of teachability. As we do, we transform not only our own lives but also impact those around us by exemplifying a life that values growth and wisdom over comfort and complacency.

    Call to Action: Identify one area this week where you need more discipline. Commit to one specific change in how you will seek or apply wisdom in that area. Perhaps you will schedule a meeting with a mentor, join a study group, or start a practice of daily self-reflection. Take concrete steps to integrate discipline into your life.

    Question of the Day: What aspect of your life do you find most resistant to discipline, and how can you approach it with a new perspective this week?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, grant us the courage to embrace discipline as a pathway to knowledge. Help us to love correction as we love wisdom. Strengthen our hearts to be receptive and humble, eager to learn and quick to apply the truths You reveal to us. May we grow in every reproof and every challenge, becoming wiser servants in Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Men of Valor, let’s step into the forge of discipline with determination and expectant hearts. Let's refine our spirits under the hammer of God's Word and the anvil of daily life. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome, warriors of The Tribe Of Valor! Today we dive into a crucial aspect of our spiritual journey: the discipline of waiting. In our fast-paced world, waiting is often seen as passive or unproductive, but as Men of God, we are called to understand that there is profound strength and courage in waiting on the Lord. This session focuses on the power of patient endurance and how it forms an essential part of our spiritual armor, equipping us to face life's battles with resilience and steadfast faith.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Psalm 27:14 - "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord."

    Psalm 27:14 does not merely suggest waiting as an option; it commands it as a discipline intertwined with strength and courage. Waiting on the Lord is a deliberate act of faith, affirming our trust in His timing and His plans. It teaches us that true courage often lies not in rushing forward but in standing firm, confident in God’s promises, regardless of our current visibility of His plans. This type of waiting cultivates a deep resilience, preparing our hearts and minds for the actions God calls us to at the precise moment He chooses.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Develop a Habit of Daily Meditation: Start each day with a time of quiet meditation on God’s Word. Use this time to renew your commitment to wait on His guidance. Allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen your heart and mind against the impulses of immediate action when what is required is patient endurance.

    * Cultivate Faithfulness in Small Things: Disciplined waiting involves remaining faithful even in the minor aspects of our lives. Focus on being diligent and thorough in your daily responsibilities, whether at work, home, or ministry. Show God that He can trust you with little, preparing you for greater tasks ahead.

    * Engage in Active Service While Waiting: Waiting on God’s timing does not mean inactivity. Look for opportunities to serve in your community and church. Engage in acts of kindness and service, which are themselves acts of spiritual warfare against selfishness and idleness. This keeps your spirit engaged and your faith active, even as you wait for further direction.

    Conclusion: Brothers, as we grow in our ability to wait courageously on the Lord, let us embrace the quiet strength it brings. This courageous discipline is not about inaction but about prepared readiness—ready to move when God says move, and steadfast when He says to stand. By mastering this, we become not only resilient warriors but wise and patient leaders.

    Call to Action: This week, identify one area of your life where impatience has taken root. Commit to practicing disciplined waiting in this area. Perhaps it involves a decision you need to make, a relationship you need to mend, or a change you’re hoping to see. Apply these focus points to bring both peace and purpose to your waiting.

    Question of the Day: What challenges do you face in waiting on the Lord, and how can you address these to strengthen your faith?

    Let's Pray: Lord God, we thank You for the strength found in waiting on You. Help us to be strong and take courage in these times of waiting. Teach us to trust in Your perfect timing, knowing that You are always at work for our good and Your glory. May our hearts remain steadfast and our spirits eager for Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    Men of Valor, let us wait with the strength of warriors and the patience of saints. God is at work, and His plans are worth the wait. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome, mighty men of The Tribe of Valor! In today's session, we dive deep into the core of what it means to embody courageous discipline as Men of God. In our pursuit of Christ, we are often confronted with trials and tribulations that test our faith and resolve. Yet, it is precisely in these moments that God calls us to demonstrate not just resilience but a disciplined spirit that clings tightly to His promises and commands. Let’s ready our hearts to understand how steadfast endurance through trials shapes us into the leaders and warriors God desires us to be.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: James 1:12 - "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

    James 1:12 serves as a clarion call to all believers, especially men who lead in their homes, communities, and churches. The verse not only acknowledges the inevitability of trials but also highlights the blessedness of enduring these challenges with a firm, disciplined faith. This endurance is not passive; it is an active, vigorous assertion of trust in God’s goodness and sovereignty. The "crown of life" mentioned is a metaphorical reward for those who do not waver in their commitment to Christ, illustrating the eternal significance of our earthly struggles.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Cultivate a Prayerful Response to Trials: When trials strike, make prayer your first response, not your last resort. Set a discipline to seek God’s guidance and strength in every challenge, whether big or small. This will not only fortify your faith but also align your actions and decisions with God’s will, ensuring that you handle trials in a way that honors Him.

    * Maintain a Godly Perspective on Suffering: View your trials through the lens of Scripture, understanding that God uses them to refine and shape us. Remind yourself and others that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us (Romans 8:18). Keep an eternal perspective that values spiritual growth over temporary comfort.

    * Demonstrate Resilience through Community Support: Do not face your trials alone. Engage with your church, small groups, and trusted spiritual mentors. Share your struggles and seek support, for God often works through His people to provide comfort and counsel. Moreover, be that support for others in their times of need, embodying the love and strength of Christ.

    Conclusion: Brothers, as we confront the challenges life throws our way, let us do so not with fear or resignation but with a heart full of courage and discipline. Our perseverance through trials not only strengthens our own faith but also serves as a testament to the power of Christ in us, inspiring and encouraging others in their spiritual journey.

    Call to Action: This week, reflect on a recent trial or challenge you've faced. How did you respond? Could your response have been more aligned with God’s will? Choose one of the focus points above and implement it in your life, aiming to fortify your spiritual resilience.

    Question of the Day: Which aspect of facing trials with courageous discipline do you find most challenging, and how can you begin to address this?

    Let's Pray: Lord God, we thank You for the strength You provide in times of trial. Help us to remain steadfast and disciplined, trusting in Your promises and power. Equip us to face every challenge with courage and integrity, that we might not only endure but triumph in Your name. Amen.

    Men of Valor, let's embrace our trials as opportunities to demonstrate our faithfulness and discipline. Armed with God’s Word and empowered by His Spirit, we march forward. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome to The Tribe Of Valor Podcast, mighty men of faith! Today, we ignite our spirits with a call to arms—a call to embody the courageous discipline that marks true Men of God. In our journey through the tumults of life and the trials of our times, God calls us not to a spirit of fear, but to one of power, love, and self-control. As we delve into the Scriptures and the very heart of God, let us attune our ears and our actions to His voice, embracing the discipline required to lead and live with divine strength and moral excellence.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: 2 Timothy 1:7 - "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."

    This powerful declaration from Paul to Timothy resonates through the ages, reminding us that our spiritual inheritance is not one of timidity or passivity. Instead, God equips His warriors with a spirit of power—to overcome obstacles, a spirit of love—to see and serve the needs of others, and a spirit of self-control—to govern our passions and our actions. This triad of virtues forms the bedrock of courageous discipline, enabling us to stand firm in our convictions and act boldly in our faith.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Cultivating Power Through Prayer and Fasting: Begin by strengthening your spiritual muscles through disciplined prayer and fasting. Set aside specific times each day for prayer and regularly schedule fasts to seek God's face and favor. This practice not only deepens your reliance on God but also empowers you to live victoriously over sin and temptation.

    * Exercising Love in Community and Service: True courage involves extending love beyond the comfort zones of our personal lives. Engage actively in your community by serving those in need and showing Christ's love through practical acts of kindness. This could be volunteering at a local shelter, mentoring young people, or simply supporting a friend in distress. Let your actions reflect the breadth and depth of divine love.

    * Embracing Self-Control in Daily Conduct: Self-control is perhaps the most challenging aspect of spiritual discipline. Work on this by setting boundaries in areas where you are most tempted, whether it's in your use of time, consumption of media, or interactions in relationships. Seek accountability from trusted brothers in Christ who can encourage and challenge you to maintain these boundaries.

    Conclusion: Brothers, the path to courageous discipline is not for the complacent—it is for the called. It demands our utmost integrity and our deepest commitment to God’s standards. As we grow in power, love, and self-control, our lives will not only reflect God’s spirit but will also inspire and transform those God places in our paths.

    Call to Action: This week, identify one area where you need more power, love, or self-control. Commit to a specific action that will strengthen that virtue in your life. Perhaps you will commit to daily prayer, a specific act of service, or a practical step towards better self-control. Share this commitment with a fellow believer who can help keep you accountable.

    Question of the Day: Which of these three divine attributes—power, love, self-control—do you find most challenging to embody, and how will you address this challenge?

    Let's Pray: Lord, thank You for empowering us with a spirit not of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. Help us to embrace these gifts fully, using them to glorify You and to lead lives of courageous discipline. Guide us in our actions and shape us into the men You desire us to be. Amen.

    Men of Valor, the battle lines are drawn, and our orders are clear. Let’s harness the powerful spirit God has given us and march forward with confidence. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Men of The Tribe of Valor, today we delve into the heart of spiritual warfare and the disciplined life God calls us to lead. In a world riddled with distractions and temptations, it's not merely about surviving, but thriving through the strength and might of our Lord. Our session today will rekindle your commitment to stand firm, armored and ready, not just as men, but as warriors of Christ. Let's align our hearts to God’s frequency, attuning ourselves to hear and heed His strategic commands in this battle for our souls and our societies.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Ephesians 6:10-11 - "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."

    The Apostle Paul doesn’t mince words when he describes the Christian life as a battleground. This passage calls every man to not only acknowledge the spiritual warfare we are in but also to actively engage in it with God's strength. It is a divine empowerment that enables us to withstand the cunning tactics of our adversary, the devil. The armor of God is not metaphorical; it is a literal, vital necessity for every man who dares to live righteously in a fallen world. It encompasses truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer—each piece critical for our defense and offense in this spiritual battle.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Daily Donning of the Armor: Make it a discipline to mentally and prayerfully put on each piece of God's armor every morning. Begin with the belt of truth, securing it with the breastplate of righteousness, grounding your steps with the readiness of the gospel of peace. Shield yourself throughout the day with faith, helmet your thoughts with salvation, and wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. This daily ritual will prepare you to face the day's battles with God’s might.

    * Cultivating Spiritual Vigilance: Vigilance is key in detecting the devil’s schemes. Regularly engage in self-examination and confession as part of your spiritual regimen. Keep your senses sharpened through consistent prayer and fasting, staying alert to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and warnings.

    * Strengthening through Scripture and Fellowship: Immerse yourself in the Word of God daily. Scripture is your strategic battle plan and fortification in times of attack. Additionally, do not battle alone—foster strong relationships with fellow believers. Accountability and mutual encouragement are your allies in maintaining spiritual discipline and resilience.

    Conclusion: Brothers, our call to courageous discipline is not just about personal holiness; it's about communal strength and mission in the face of relentless spiritual adversity. By adopting these disciplines, we prepare not only ourselves but also empower our brothers, leading as Christ leads—with strength under control and love that conquers all.

    Call to Action: Identify one area this week where you need to strengthen your spiritual armor. Perhaps it's in truth, faith, or wielding the Word. Commit to a specific action that will fortify that area of your life. Share this commitment with a brother who can hold you accountable.

    Question of the Day: Where do you feel most vulnerable in your spiritual armor, and what step will you take to reinforce it?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, equip us with Your full armor so we may stand strong against the schemes of the devil. Strengthen our resolve to pursue courageous discipline in every aspect of our lives. Let us be vigilant, rooted in Your Word, and unified in Your Spirit. Amen.

    Men of Valor, rise and arm yourselves! The battle is fierce, but our God is fiercer. With His strength and our disciplined readiness, we will not just endure—we will prevail. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Warriors of The Tribe Of Valor, welcome to a session where we forge our spirits into the armor of God! Today, we confront the rugged terrain of our spiritual battles with the theme of "Courageous Discipline for Men of God." Discipline, often viewed through the lens of restriction, is actually a tool for liberation in the Kingdom of God. It frees us from the shackles of sin and fortifies our souls against the onslaught of worldly temptations. As we gather to sharpen our resolve, let's delve into the Scripture that will anchor our discussion and action.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 - "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love."

    Paul's words to the Corinthians are a clarion call for every man who follows Christ. To "be watchful" is to maintain vigilance against spiritual complacency. "Stand firm in the faith" challenges us to root ourselves deeply in biblical truths. "Act like men and be strong" reflects the biblical mandate for courageous leadership that isn't swayed by fear or popular opinion. Finally, encapsulating all these commands is the directive to let all actions be governed by love, the ultimate mark of a true disciple of Christ.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Elevate Vigilance in Spiritual Practices: Begin by assessing your daily routines. Where can you increase your spiritual vigilance? Perhaps it's dedicating more time to prayer, engaging more deeply in Scripture study, or fasting regularly. Make these practices non-negotiable parts of your day, designed to strengthen your spiritual alertness.

    * Cultivate Steadfastness in Beliefs: In a world that often shifts like sand, a Man of God must know what he stands for. Take time each week to reaffirm your core beliefs through meditation on God’s Word. Prepare yourself to defend these beliefs with grace and truth, making apologetics a part of your spiritual arsenal.

    * Exercise Spiritual Strength and Love in Leadership: Leadership in any capacity should reflect strength coupled with love. Evaluate how you lead in your home, workplace, and community. Are your actions and decisions reflective of Christ’s love? Strive to lead by example, showing both strength and gentleness in your interactions.

    Conclusion: Men of Valor, the discipline we are called to is not for the faint of heart. It demands our full engagement and a heart committed to God’s will. As we sharpen these disciplines, we not only grow stronger in our faith but become beacons of hope and strength to those around us.

    Call to Action: This week, focus on one of the action steps outlined. Whether it’s enhancing your vigilance, strengthening your convictions, or embodying love in leadership, take concrete steps to manifest courageous discipline in your life. Share your commitment with a brother in Christ who can hold you accountable.

    Question of the Day: Which area of courageous discipline do you find most challenging, and what specific action will you take to grow in that area?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, strengthen us to embrace the disciplines that forge true godly men. Help us to be vigilant in our faith, steadfast in our convictions, strong in our actions, and loving in all we do. Equip us to lead with courage and serve with humility. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

    Brothers, we are called to be the vanguard of virtue, the exemplars of strength and love. With God as our guide and discipline as our path, let's rise to meet the challenges ahead. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • My Valiant Warriors,

    In the midst of your daily battles, personal ambitions, and the drive for success, there lies a deeper, more enduring call that shapes the essence of your character and the impact of your life. Philippians 2:3-4 offers profound guidance on this path: "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." This scripture is not merely advice; it is a directive for living a life that truly reflects My heart and My kingdom.

    The call to eschew selfish ambition and conceit is a challenge to the very nature of human pride and the societal norms that often encourage self-promotion at the expense of others. Instead, I call you to a life of humility, where you recognize the value and significance of others and place their needs alongside, or even above, your own. This is not about diminishing your worth but about elevating the practice of love and service as primary virtues in your life.

    Humility and selflessness are essential attributes for anyone who seeks to live according to My will. They are the hallmarks of a godly man and are foundational to developing a character that can truly influence and lead others in a way that honors Me. When you live with humility, you mirror the attitude of Christ, who, though being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage.

    Looking to the interests of others means actively seeking ways to serve, support, and uplift those around you. It involves listening to their concerns, understanding their challenges, and offering your time, resources, and gifts to assist them. This approach changes the dynamics of relationships, fostering a community where mutual support and love are the norms rather than the exceptions.

    Today, I invite you to examine your life through the lens of these verses. Reflect on your motivations and interactions: Are they driven by self-interest or guided by a desire to serve? How can you incorporate greater humility and selflessness into your daily actions?

    Consider practical steps you can take to prioritize the interests of others in your family, workplace, community, and church. Perhaps it involves lending a listening ear, offering your skills for a community project, or simply giving time to those in need of company or support.

    Embrace this call to humility and selflessness not as a burden, but as a liberating way to live out your faith. As you do, you'll find that serving others not only enriches their lives but also brings profound joy and fulfillment to your own.

    With Divine Love and the Call to Serve,

    God, Your Eternal Commander

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome, valiant men of The Tribe Of Valor Podcast! Today, we gather to address a profound challenge set before us by Scripture: "What is a REAL Man?" As we seek to understand this from God’s perspective, we look to the Bible, which lays out not just characteristics but a divine calling for men. It instructs us on balancing strength with gentleness, leading with integrity, and committing deeply to the principles of our faith. Let’s sharpen our focus and open our hearts to hear how God defines true manhood, particularly in the role of fatherhood.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Ephesians 6:4 - "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."

    This verse from Ephesians isn’t merely advice; it’s a command to fathers. Paul underscores the dual responsibility to avoid causing frustration and resentment in children while actively nurturing them in the Lord’s ways. This directive highlights a crucial aspect of manhood—being a spiritual leader in the home. A REAL Man embodies this call by shaping his home not as a battleground of wills, but as a training ground for life under God’s loving authority.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Cultivate a Gentle Leadership Style: Begin by assessing how your leadership style impacts your family. Strive for gentleness in your approach, recognizing that your strength is not in the volume of your voice but in the consistency of your love and respect. Model the behavior you expect, showing your children that true strength involves kindness and understanding.

    * Implement Discipline with Grace: Discipline is essential for growth, but it must be administered with grace, not harshness. Seek wisdom from Scripture to discern appropriate, constructive ways to discipline that lead your children towards a deeper understanding of God’s love and justice, not away from it.

    * Engage in Active Spiritual Teaching: Take an active role in the spiritual education of your children. This means more than weekly church attendance; it involves daily conversations about faith, regular family devotions, and demonstrating through your own actions what it means to live a life dedicated to Christ. Let your home be a place where God’s Word is lived and loved.

    Conclusion: Brothers, stepping into our God-given role as REAL Men requires intentional action and humble reliance on the Holy Spirit. By embracing gentle leadership, disciplined grace, and active spiritual teaching, we not only obey God’s command but also forge a legacy of faith that will influence generations. Let these practices become not just actions but hallmarks of your life.

    Call to Action: This week, identify one specific action you can take to strengthen your role as a spiritual leader in your home. Whether it's initiating a family devotion time, adjusting the way you discipline to be more in line with biblical principles, or simply showing more patience and love daily, make that commitment before God.

    Question of the Day: What area of fatherhood do you find most challenging, and what step can you take this week to grow in that area?

    Let's Pray: Father God, empower us to be men who lead our families with love and integrity. Help us to be gentle leaders, wise in discipline, and fervent in spiritual instruction. May our homes reflect Your grace and our lives manifest Your truth. Give us the strength to build up our children in Your ways, that they may walk confidently in Your love. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

    Men, we have our mission. Let’s rise to meet this holy calling with boldness and love. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome, warriors of The Tribe Of Valor Podcast! Today we tackle a pivotal question at the heart of every godly endeavor: "What is a REAL Man?" In this age of shifting values and fleeting virtues, we return to the bedrock of Scripture to define manhood. A REAL Man, as ordained by God, embodies a blend of strength and gentleness, leads with unwavering integrity, and commits wholly to God's principles. As we dive deep into God's Word, let us be attentive to His voice, leading us to the essence of true manhood.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Proverbs 20:7 - "The righteous who walks in his integrity—blessed are his children after him."

    This verse from Proverbs isn’t just a call to personal righteousness; it’s a testament to the enduring legacy a man can build through his integrity. Integrity isn’t merely about being honest when others are watching—it’s a steadfast adherence to God's truth, regardless of the situation. It’s about consistency in character that speaks volumes across generations, laying a foundation not only for one's life but also for the lives of those who follow.

    Focus Points to work on:

    * Consistency in Private and Public: A REAL Man ensures his private life and public persona are not at odds but are reflections of the same godly principles. This consistency means being true to one's values, whether in solitude or in the spotlight, solidifying a legacy of trust and respectability.

    * Steadfastness in Trials: Integrity is often tested not when times are easy but during trials. A REAL Man shows his true character under pressure—choosing righteousness over convenience and truth over expediency. His moral compass remains fixed, guided by the Scriptures, regardless of the challenges he faces.

    * Transparency and Accountability: A REAL Man embraces transparency in his actions and accountability for his decisions. He shuns deceit and welcomes guidance, recognizing that iron sharpens iron. By doing so, he not only upholds his integrity but also fosters an environment where others are encouraged to grow in their faith and character.

    Conclusion: Brothers, the call to embody the biblical definition of a REAL Man is both noble and demanding. It requires a daily commitment to live out the virtues of strength, gentleness, and integrity. As we cultivate these traits, we do more than just live righteous lives—we build legacies that bless our families and echo through generations.

    Call to Action: This week, focus on one of these focus points. Whether you strive for greater consistency, steadfastness in adversity, or enhanced transparency, take tangible steps toward solidifying your integrity. Seek feedback from trusted brothers in Christ, and commit to regular self-examination before God.

    Question of the Day: What aspect of integrity challenges you the most, and what practical step can you take this week to strengthen this area of your character?

    Let's Pray: Lord Almighty, guide us in the pursuit of true manhood. Help us to walk in integrity, reflecting Your love and truth in every aspect of our lives. Strengthen us to be men who not only profess Your Word but live it out every day. May our actions inspire and lead others to Your grace. Bless our efforts to shape a legacy of righteousness that honors You and benefits many. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

    Men of Valor, let's rise to the occasion. The blueprint for a REAL Man is clear. With God’s guidance and our committed action, let's build lives of integrity that stand firm against the tides of time. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome to The Tribe Of Valor Podcast! Today, we’re embarking on a critical exploration: "What is a REAL Man?" This question isn't just philosophical; it’s foundational to how we live out our faith and lead our lives. In a society brimming with contradictory definitions, the Bible provides clear, unchanging standards for manhood. As we dive into these Scriptures, let's open our hearts to hear God’s voice, guiding us toward embodying the virtues of a man who honors God in all his ways.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Titus 2:2 - "Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness."

    Paul’s instruction to Titus underlines key virtues that should mark the life of every man who follows Christ. These attributes aren’t merely for older men but are goals for all men as they mature in faith and character. Being sober-minded, dignified, and self-controlled speaks to a man’s conduct and disposition, while being sound in faith, love, and steadfastness reflects the depth of his spiritual life. Each trait combines to forge a comprehensive picture of biblical manhood.

    Focus Points:

    * Sober-Minded and Dignified: A REAL Man maintains a level of seriousness about life’s responsibilities. He is not swayed by fleeting desires or the chaos of circumstances but approaches decisions with thoughtful consideration and wisdom. His dignity stems from a profound sense of self-respect and respect for others, displayed in both his actions and his words.

    * Self-Controlled and Sound in Faith: Self-control is a hallmark of spiritual maturity. A REAL Man masters his impulses and emotions, channeling them into constructive actions that honor God. Coupled with a sound faith—robust, unwavering, and deeply rooted in Scripture—this self-control guides him through life’s trials and triumphs alike.

    * Abounding in Love and Steadfastness: Love and steadfastness are the glue that binds all other virtues. A REAL Man loves fiercely—his family, his friends, and his community. His love is active, shown through service and sacrifice. Steadfastness, or perseverance, characterizes his commitment to his principles and to his faith, no matter the opposition or hardship.

    Conclusion: Men of Valor, these traits sketch the portrait of a man who does not just exist but truly lives for something greater than himself. As we aspire to these standards, we’re not just following rules; we’re cultivating a character that resonates with the heart of God. Let these virtues become the pillars of your daily walk, shaping every action and decision.

    Call to Action: Consider which of these traits you need to develop further. Perhaps focus on becoming more dignified in your dealings with others, or on deepening your faith to remain sound amid life’s pressures. Take actionable steps this week to grow in that area, seeking accountability from brothers who can spur you on in this journey.

    Question of the Day: Which of these traits do you find most challenging to incorporate into your life, and what will be your first step toward that growth?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the clear blueprint You provide for manhood. Empower us to embrace and embody these virtues—sober-mindedness, dignity, self-control, sound faith, love, and steadfastness. Help us to grow in each of these areas, that we might reflect Your love and truth in all that we do. We seek to honor You in our path to becoming REAL Men. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

    Brothers, the blueprint is before us, and the tools are in our hands. Let’s build steadfast, godly lives that stand as testaments of Your grace and power. Let’s Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • In the heart of every believer lies a battlefield: the war between doubt and faith, fear and courage. Throughout history, warriors and men of faith have risen to meet such challenges with a battle cry that echoes their resolve. For the Christian man, this cry is encapsulated in the Hebrew phrase, "Rak Chazak Amots!"

    The Meaning of "Rak Chazak Amots!"

    "Rak Chazak Amots!" is a phrase of profound significance found in the Old Testament, translating to "Only be strong and courageous!" This command can be traced back to the book of Joshua 1:6-7, where God commissions Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses’ death. The Lord commands Joshua:

    “Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go."

    These words, "Rak Chazak Amots!" are not merely a call to physical bravery but a divine directive to be steadfast in faith and obedience to God's Word. It encapsulates a spiritual fortitude that transcends the physical battles Joshua faced.

    The Application Today

    Today, "Rak Chazak Amots!" can serve as a rallying cry for Christians everywhere, especially men striving to live out their faith authentically. It's a reminder that our strength doesn't come from ourselves but from our unyielding courage in God's promises and commands. Here’s how this can be applied in daily life:

    * In Spiritual Leadership: Whether leading a family, a community group, or a church, embodying "Rak Chazak Amots!" means stepping up with God-given courage. It's about making decisions that align with Scripture, even when they're unpopular or challenging.

    * In Personal Battles: Each person faces their own Jericho walls. These could be personal sins, challenges at work, or relational struggles. Calling on "Rak Chazak Amots!" is a declaration that we are not backing down because God is with us as He was with Joshua.

    * In Cultural Engagement: In an era where Christian values often conflict with cultural trends, "Rak Chazak Amots!" empowers believers to stand firm in their convictions and engage lovingly and boldly with the world around them.

    Drawing Strength from Scripture

    Embedding this battle cry in our hearts requires continuous engagement with Scripture. Just as Joshua was instructed not to turn from the law to the right or to the left, we must immerse ourselves in the Bible. It is our source of truth, guidance, and encouragement in every skirmish we face.


    "Rak Chazak Amots!" is more than an ancient war cry; it's a present-day proclamation for every man who dares to live a life of godly courage. It calls us back to our biblical roots, reminding us that our ultimate strength and success lie in our unwavering commitment to follow God wholeheartedly.

    As you face your daily battles, may you echo "Rak Chazak Amots!" in your heart—a reminder that you are never alone in the fight. God is always with you, fortifying your spirit with His mighty power. So, be strong and courageous. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Warriors of the Tribe Of Valor, gather around as we delve into a vital exploration of what defines a REAL Man in the eyes of the Lord. In a culture cluttered with mixed messages about masculinity, we are called to return to the bedrock of biblical truth to sculpt our understanding and our lives. As we unpack the scriptural essence of true manhood, let us align our hearts to hear God's voice, guiding us toward a life of integrity, strength, and devout commitment.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Psalm 112:1, 5 - "Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!... It is well with the man who deals generously and lends; who conducts his affairs with justice."

    Psalm 112 presents a portrait of a man who is not only righteous but also blessed by God for his way of life. This man embodies a fear of the Lord that is rooted in awe and reverence, not terror. His delight in God's commandments is a joyful obedience that shapes his every action. Additionally, his generosity and commitment to justice are practical manifestations of his spiritual devotion. Such characteristics forge the foundation of what it truly means to be a man under God’s covenant—marked by a robust moral compass and a heart aligned with divine principles.

    Focus Points:

    * Reverential Fear and Delight in God’s Commandments: A REAL Man holds a deep-seated reverence for God that is the cornerstone of his life. This fear is coupled with delight in adhering to God’s Word, driving him to live out his faith with enthusiasm and integrity. His obedience is not burdensome but a joyful expression of his love for God.

    * Generosity as a Lifestyle: True manhood involves more than mere words; it involves actionable generosity. A REAL Man gives freely, not only of his resources but also of his time and talents, embodying the generous heart of God towards others. His hands are open, and his heart is willing, always ready to bless those in need.

    * Justice in Conduct: Integrity in all dealings is non-negotiable for a REAL Man. He conducts his personal, professional, and spiritual affairs with justice, ensuring fairness and truth guide his decisions. By doing so, he upholds the righteousness that God esteems and becomes a beacon of trust and reliability to those around him.

    Conclusion: Brethren, the path to realizing the full stature of manhood prescribed in Scripture is both demanding and rewarding. It calls for a fearless pursuit of God’s heart, a generous spirit, and an unwavering commitment to justice. As we strive to embody these traits, we become not only followers of Christ but leaders in our communities and exemplars of God’s design for manhood.

    Call to Action: This week, take a moment to evaluate your life in light of these biblical standards. Identify one area where God is prompting you to grow—be it in reverence, generosity, or justice. Commit to making tangible changes that will deepen your walk and reflect the character of a REAL Man.

    Question of the Day: Reflect on your own life: Which of these three characteristics—reverence, generosity, justice—do you find most challenging to consistently implement, and why?

    Let's Pray: Lord, mold us into men who fear You and delight greatly in Your commandments. Strengthen us to be generous in all aspects of our lives and to act justly in every situation. May our lives reflect Your goodness and lead others to Your grace. Equip us, Father, to be the men You call us to be, for the glory of Your name. Amen.

    The blueprint for a REAL Man is clear. Now, let’s rise to meet it with the full force of our commitment and conviction. Let’s Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Welcome, brave listeners of The Tribe Of Valor Podcast! Today, we delve into a crucial topic that defines the very core of our spiritual existence: "What is a REAL Man?" In a society where manhood is often misinterpreted through secular lenses, it is essential that we turn to the infallible truth of the Bible to shape our understanding. As we explore this theme, we will focus on aligning our lives with God's voice and the fruits of the Spirit, which provide a clear and solid framework for godly manhood.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Galatians 5:22-23 - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

    The Apostle Paul provides us with a list of virtues that should be evident in the life of every believer. These fruits of the Spirit are not just aspirational; they are marks of a transformation that takes place when a man truly commits to living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. For a REAL Man, these traits are non-negotiable. They are the essence of divine character, etched into our lives as we walk in obedience to God’s voice.

    Focus Points:

    * Living in Love and Kindness: A REAL Man embodies love and kindness in every aspect of his life. This means putting others first, seeking the best for those around him, and responding to life’s challenges with a compassionate heart. It’s about loving fiercely in a world that often promotes indifference.

    * Practicing Peace and Forbearance: In a world rife with conflict and turmoil, a REAL Man serves as a pillar of peace and a model of forbearance. He strives to diffuse conflicts rather than ignite them and shows patience even under provocation. This commitment to peace is a direct reflection of his deep reliance on God's calm amidst storms.

    * Demonstrating Faithfulness and Self-Control: A hallmark of a REAL Man is his unwavering faithfulness—to his family, his commitments, and above all, to God. Coupled with self-control, these traits forge a man who can be trusted and relied upon, a leader who commands respect not through force but through the steadfast nature of his character.

    Conclusion: Brothers, to embody these fruits of the Spirit is to tap into the very essence of what it means to be a REAL Man as defined by Scripture. This journey requires daily dedication, constant prayer, and an unwavering focus on the spiritual growth that God desires in each of us. As we cultivate these traits, we not only fulfill our calling as men of valor but also shine as beacons of hope and strength in a troubled world.

    Call to Action: This week, I challenge each of you to choose one fruit of the Spirit to cultivate more deliberately. Whether it's extending love where there is none, offering peace in chaos, or practicing self-control in temptation, let your actions reflect your commitment to growing into the REAL Man God has called you to be.

    Question of the Day: Which fruit of the Spirit do you find most challenging to demonstrate consistently, and what practical steps will you take to cultivate it in your life?

    Let's Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your clear guidance on what it means to be a true man of God. Help us to embody the fruits of the Spirit in all aspects of our lives. May we be men who not only hear Your voice but actively seek to live out Your virtues every day. Strengthen us, Lord, to be the leaders and warriors You have called us to be. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    It's time to step up and live out the truth we know. The world is watching, and our families are counting on us. Let's not just talk about being REAL Men; let's live it out every day. Let's Get To Work...

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Don’t plan to stop working; plan for your next mission and make it impactful!

    God gave you specific time and talents to use for Him!

    Poem by Marianne Williamson:

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
  • Greetings, warriors of the Tribe of Valor Podcast! Today, we embark on a powerful journey to dissect, understand, and embrace the profound question: "What is a REAL Man?" In a world where the lines often blur between fleeting cultural expectations and eternal truths, we aim to anchor our discussion in the unshakeable foundation of God's Word. Together, we'll explore how listening to God's voice can illuminate the path to true manhood—an endeavor not for the faint-hearted but for the valiant in spirit.

    Scripture: Our springboard for today’s discussion is: James 1:19-20 - "Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God."

    In these compelling verses, James lays out a template not just for communication, but for character. A REAL Man, as defined by the Scriptures, embodies the capacity to listen, the wisdom to guard his words, and the mastery over his emotions. This blueprint challenges every man to refine his nature according to the righteousness of God rather than the impulses of human anger.

    Focus Points:

    * Mastery of Listening: A REAL Man prioritizes understanding over being understood. He is swift to place his ear to the heart of God and to the needs around him, ensuring his actions and words are informed by wisdom rather than haste.

    * Measured Speech: He understands the power of words and chooses them with precision and prayer. His dialogue builds up rather than tears down, bringing glory to God and grace to those who hear.

    * Moderation of Emotions: True strength is displayed not in uncontrolled expressions of power, but in the composed and purposeful channeling of passion. A REAL Man controls his anger, knowing that his emotions must align with the divine purpose, not with momentary provocations.

    Conclusion: Brothers, the path to becoming a REAL Man is a daily pursuit that intertwines divine guidance with diligent self-discipline. As we seek to model ourselves after the biblical definition, let us embrace the challenge to grow in these three critical areas. By doing so, we not only align closer to God’s standards but also impact our families, communities, and generations to come with the strength of our godly character.

    Call to Action: Reflect on these focus points this week. Identify one area in your life where God is calling you to grow. Take deliberate steps, seek accountability, and immerse yourself in Scripture and prayer.

    Question of the Day: Which of these three focus points do you find most challenging, and what steps will you take to address it in your walk with God?

    Let's Pray: Father, guide us as we strive to be men after Your own heart. Help us to hear Your voice clearly, speak Your wisdom boldly, and react to life’s trials with Your grace. Equip us, Lord, to be leaders and examples of true manhood in a world desperate for Your truth. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    Brothers, our mission is clear, and our blueprint is before us. Let's rise to the occasion with courage and conviction. Let's Get To Work...

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