
  • In this weeks podcast, Jim Putman talks with Blake Whiteman and Heather Dalton about men's and women's roles in church leadership. They begin by discussing the current trend of Progressivism among Christians, then they move on to the story of Deborah, a women judge we see in the Bible, and how she stepped up to what God was calling her to do. Here are some of the points they touch on in this episode: Christian progressives tend to believe that as time goes by the Holy Spirt will lead us to new understanding and a new trajectory of truth.The New Testament is clear that we are not to add or take anything from the scriptureThere are boundaries laid out in the Bible about sex and gender - we have equal value but we complement each other.At Real Life Ministries, we teach from a complementarianism view of men and women's roles, not an egalitarianism one.All of us, as followers of Jesus, are to submit to one another - we need to focus more on posture, not position. To view Real Life Ministries Doctrinal Statement on Men and Women's roles click here:https://reallifeministries.s3.us-west 2.amazonaws.com/Media/2023/RLM+Womens+and+Mens+Roles+-+Upated+8-2023.docx.pdf Resources mentioned:Evangelical Feminism - Wayne GrudemEvangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth - Wayne Grudem To watch all episodes of this podcast go to: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

  • Are we truly willing to surrender everything to God, even at great personal cost? Hannah's story, marked by profound anguish over her longing for a child, prompts us to examine the posture with which we approach the Lord: do we come with open hands, ready to let go, or do we cling tightly to our desires? In this episode of The Overtime Podcast, Jim Putman joins with Blake Whiteman, Gabe Cleave, and Titus Leger to talk about the life of Hannah and how God used her to model an illustration of strength and dignity that we can still learn from today.

    To watch all the episodes of the podcast go to:

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  • Welcome to this special Mother’s Day edition of the Overtime Podcast featuring Jim Putman, his mom Bobbi Putman, and Santha Yinger. This week we look into the virtues highlighted in Proverbs 31 and celebrate the wisdom and strength of godly women.

    Jim will guide us through reflections on the passage, exploring its meaning with insights from Santha and Bobbi, both mothers and spiritual mentors. Together, they discuss the profound impact of fearing the Lord, the steadiness that faith brings, and the importance of gratitude and community in nurturing a godly life.

    To watch all the episodes of this podcast go to: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

  • In this episode of the Overtime Podcast, Jim Putman is joined by Blake Whiteman and Bill Krause as they close out the Stand Firm series by addressing the topic of End Times from the perspective of the books of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians.

    Some of the things they address:

    - The priority of the mission of Christ over doctrinal disagreements on the end times.- They reference biblical passages emphasizing God's patience and timing regarding the end times.- Recognizing of the danger in alienating others from Christ through divisive attitudes on eschatology.- The lack of detailed timing in biblical prophecy and God's intentional withholding of information.- The importance of living in alignment with God's will despite uncertainty about future events.- Speculation about God's intentional vagueness in prophecy to confound the devil's plans.- Confidence in God's sovereignty and ultimate victory, regardless of apparent setbacks.- Reminder to trust in God's wisdom and follow His commands, even when outcomes seem unclear.

    We need to shift our focus away from fixating on the intricate details of future events and instead embrace the message of hope and salvation offered by Jesus. Today is the day for salvation; let's use our voices to share this hope with others.

    While we may not know the exact timing of future events, we can live confidently in God's sovereignty and reach out to those who are hurting or seeking. Let's be known for our hope and assurance in Christ, even amidst the challenges of the world.

    As we close this series, may we stand firm, comfort the brokenhearted, and encourage one another. Let's be willing to endure suffering for the sake of pointing others to the eternal hope found in Jesus. God bless you, and see you next time on The Overtime Podcast.

    Other sermon series we have available on this topic:

    One Minute After You Die: https://realliferesources.org/?s=one+minute+after+you+die&id=842:

    The Return of the King: https://realliferesources.org/?s=Return+of+the+king&id=842

    What Will Heaven be Like? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGM1s49fd4I

    To watch all the episodes of this podcast go to: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

  • In this episode of the Overtime Podcast, Jim Putman sits with Craig Miles, Blake Whiteman, and Titus Leger as they discuss what it looks like to stand firm in the scriptures and the truth we were given. One of the questions they address in this episode is the subject of how we are to respond to a brother or sister who is actively living in sin. What does it mean when the Bible says not to associate with anyone like this? Listen as they talk about our love for others, our desire that all will come to Christ, and our responsibility to protect some of the environments we are in as believers. You can watch all episodes of the podcast here:


  • In this episode of Overtime: Jim Putman, Blake Whiteman and Titus Leger address the issue of standing firm to the message we have been given by the new testament writers.

    They discuss that upholding the teachings Paul and the apostles entrusted to us is essential, particularly as various individuals may attempt to alter the gospel's message. According to 1 Timothy, all scripture is divinely inspired and definitively bestowed upon the saints.

    The guys talk about how some believe in only focusing on the words directly spoken by Jesus (the "red letter" words), they discuss how this view is too narrow. Even the red-letter words were written down by other people, not Jesus himself. Jim highlighted several rules vital for interpreting scripture accurately: Knowing the original language helps us understand what it really meant back then, looking at its history helps us know what it was meant to say, and we should consider everything together instead of just picking out parts that suit our own ideas. Following these rules helps us really get what the scriptures are trying to teach us.

    You can watch all episodes of the podcast here: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast

  • In this episode of the Podcast - Jim Putman sits down with Blake Whiteman, Gabe Cleave, and Sam Meredith to talk about standing firm in the middle of the struggles and circumstances that we encounter in this world.

    They discuss that in life's trials, we often question God, but in the book of Thessalonians Paul calls us to find gratitude even amidst chaos, believing that He is shaping our lives. This faith brings hope beyond circumstances, anchored in the promise of Jesus' return. It inspires active love, showing readiness for Christ's return. Faith leads to hope, then love—a journey of deepening commitment.

    Some of the things they cover are:

    * Recognizing God's active presence in our lives, even in the midst of trials and challenges.

    * Understanding that true faith leads to a fundamental shift in values, identities, and actions.

    * Finding assurance not in fleeting circumstances but in the promise of resurrection and the imminent return of Jesus.

    * Assessing our readiness not through rituals or dogma alone, but through the authenticity of our love for one another.

    * Committing to continually deepen our love for one another, recognizing it as the hallmark of our faith's maturity.

    We hope you enjoy this episode! To see all episodes of the podcast go to: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

  • Welcome to the Overtime Podcast – where each week the Sermon Team from Real Life Ministries unpacks and goes deeper into the weekly sermon. This week Jim Putman is joined by Wayne Burnham and Titus Leger as they discuss the topic of how Jesus was able to undo sin in our lives by His sacrifice – and what that means to us on a daily basis.

    Understanding how sin impacts our lives as Christians, and how it impacts God, is crucial for our spiritual growth and relationship with Him. By looking at what the Bible says and some different viewpoints, we can gain insight into how sin affects us and how we can overcome it with God's help.

    Here are some of the things they discuss:

    Sin: CurseBeing legally guilty when we sin.Finding freedom from our sinful habits, though we still struggle with them.We're not controlled by sin anymore, but it's still a challenge.Sin: JustificationGetting forgiveness for our sins is just the beginning of a journey.Even though we're forgiven, we still mess up sometimes, so we shouldn't get too comfortable.God's forgiveness isn't an excuse to keep sinning; it helps us do what's right.Sin: Being in the LightWalking in darkness while claiming fellowship with God constitutes deception.Restoration and guidance are vital for believers straying from the path.Calvinist vs. Arminian PerspectivesGod's desire for salvation juxtaposed with human free will.The role of the Holy Spirit in drawing individuals versus personal choice in accepting salvation.Sin's Impact and Believer's ResponseSin's role in Jesus' crucifixion and its effects on others.Differentiating between stumbling in sin and persisting in it.Personal testimony illustrating the consequences of rejecting faith.Challenges in Modern ChristianityDiluting the gospel's message to soften its impact.Significance of acknowledging Jesus as both Lord and Savior for sanctification.Spiritual Warfare and RenewalThe ongoing battle against the enemy despite Christ's victory.Renewing the mind and combating Satan's accusations with God's truth.Daily Gospel ApplicationPreaching the gospel to oneself as a daily practice.Heart transformation amidst the ongoing struggle with sin.Discipleship and CommunityThe necessity of discipleship within the church for believers combating addiction.Leveraging the power of community for spiritual growth and support.

    Thank you for joining us! If you would like to watch all episodes of The Overtime Podcast you can go here: The Overtime Podcast

    For more resources, sermons, and discipleship tools go to: https://realliferesources.org/

  • In this weeks discussion on The Overtime Podcast, Jim Putman, Jim Blazin, and Blake Whiteman are talking about Judgement. Reminding us of the responsibility we bear for our actions and the consequences of sin. Knowing that God sees us as legally guilty - and it is this fact that underscores the necessity of salvation.

    Some of the things they cover in this episode are:

    - Responsibility for Sin

    - God's hatred of Sin

    - God's Holiness and Justice

    - Two Deaths

    - Spiritual and Physical

    - Two books on the day of Judgement

    Thank you for joining us for this episode! If you would like to watch all episodes go to: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

  • In this episode, our team is talking about the Exodus story and how it lays a crucial foundation for understanding Jesus and the New Covenant. Jim Putman chats with Jim Blazin, Blake Whiteman and Santha Yinger about what we can learn from the Israelites about being in bondage, and how that translates into current culture. Other things they touch on are: Going back to old patterns of bondageTying our identity to ChristLifestyles that foster relational bondageHow to carry the message of hope into a dark world We hope you enjoy this conversation! You can find all episodes of the Overtime Podcast at https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

  • In this episode of the podcast, Jim Putman talks with Jim Blazin, Gabe Cleave, and Christian Putman about God's plan for the Home Sphere of our lives. What happens when our homes don't look like the blueprint God created for families? What if there is a gap?

    The truth is, there are gaps in every home - and God's plan for us includes utilizing His Body, the Church. Listed below are some of the specific things these four discuss when it comes to filling in the gaps. -

    God's plan for the Home Sphere involves raising children to know the Lord and preparing them for challenges they will face.

    Even traditional families have gaps that should be filled by the church community, encouraging individuals to seek and accept help when needed.We sometimes have to make a choice between convenience and ensuring that our children know Jesus.If we don't fill the gaps, we can be sure Satan will.It can come down to a battle of the mind for our children. Remember that Satan is the father of lies. Understanding our identity in Christ (Eph. 1-2) is key to combat lies and avoid becoming a victim.

    You can watch all of the episodes of the Overtime Podcast here: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

    You can find more resources for discipleship, parenting and marriage here: https://realliferesources.org/

  • On this weeks podcast, Jim Putman is joined by Jim Blazin, Gabe Cleave, and Blake Whiteman as they talk about the importance of the marriage partnership in raising Godly children. They also touch on the role those who are single or even empty-nesters have in helping to parent the children and young people in the Church Body - we all have a part to play.

    Creating a home sphere that leaves a lasting impression on children requires an intentional effort from parents and adult church members. This goes beyond simply verbalizing faith; it involves modeling the principles of God in our daily lives. The foundation of this impression begins with the marriage relationship, which is a conduit of grace and a display of God's plan, but it extends to all of us who live together as one body in Christ's Church. The commitment to mutual submission, sacrifice, and obedience is essential for a home that reflects God's truth and withstands the challenges that may arise.

    Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/3YMfJ3Y7YZk

    For more episodes go to:


  • 🎙️ This Week on the Overtime Podcast: Navigating the Parenting Journey

    Join the discussion on parenting led by Jim Putman, accompanied by the perspectives of Craig Miles, Blake Whiteman, and Chris Short.

    In this episode, they delve into the intricacies of raising children, exploring key topics such as:

    Prioritizing God in Our Lives: Uncover the traps that can emerge when we fill our lives and schedules with things that take precedence over our relationship with God. What adjustments can we make to align with His guidance in training our children?

    Preparing Kids for the World: Explore the tangible steps in preparing our children for the challenges of the world they are entering. How can we equip them with the skills and values they need to live as disciples of Jesus in an unbelieving world?

    Influences on Our Children: Reflect on the current influencers in our children's lives. Are they shaping our kids in a direction that aligns with our ultimate goals? How can we actively guide and curate these influences?

    Sharing Family Stories: Embrace the power of storytelling in nurturing faith. Are we sharing our family stories, particularly those moments where God's guidance and deliverance played a pivotal role? Discover the significance of passing down faith-building narratives.

    Community of Believers: Look at the importance of being part of a supportive community of believers while navigating the challenges of raising children. How does a strong community contribute to the holistic development of both parents and kids?

    Tune in to this compelling episode where the Overtime Podcast team explores the art and challenges of parenting, offering valuable insights and practical wisdom for listeners on this shared journey. 🌟

    To listen and watch more of the Overtime Podcast go to our webpage: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

  • In this episode of the Real Life Ministries Overtime Podcast, our host Jim Putman is joined by Bill Krause, Jim Blazin and Christian Putman. These Campus Pastors share their thoughts about raising Godly children, and impressing God's Word and values into their lives.

    Welcome to the Real Life Overtime podcast, the place where Jim Putman and the members of the Real Life Ministries Sermon Team go deeper into the weekend sermon - discussing the things that they weren’t able to cover on Sunday.

    You can watch all episodes of this podcast at: https://realliferesources.org/the-overtime-podcast/

    For more discipleship resources check out https://realliferesources.org/

  • “Welcome to the Real Life Overtime podcast, the place where Jim Putman and the members of the Real Life Ministries Sermon Team go deeper into the weekend sermon - discussing the things that they weren’t able to cover. Get ready to hear them dig into the theology, philosophy and the practical life applications that they didn’t get to from the pulpit."

    This week Jim Putman welcomes Gabe Cleave and Christian Putman to the podcast - In this weekend's installment of the Unhurried series, the discussion revolved around embracing an unhurried life, exploring the profound aspects of suffering and its connection to slowing down. Some of the topics they cover are:

    What are the reasons for suffering? What does it look like to journey through suffering? How can we look at suffering through the lens of the cross?

    We hope you enjoy these deeper dives into the weekend topics from the Real Life Sermon team - be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode!

    "The Real Life Overtime Podcast: Where the sermon doesn’t end on Sunday"

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/qdkR2K0407g

    For more resources go to:


  • Welcome to the first episode of The Overtime Podcast – the place where the Real Life Sermon Team go deeper into the topics that they didn’t have time to cover on Sunday. This week, you will hear from Jim Putman, Blake Whiteman, Gabe Cleave and Titus Leger as they discuss last weeks sermon from our Unhurried Life series, and talk about what it looks like to slow down enough to care about the people around you.

    Watch this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bzncynrwKzs

    For more resources go to:
