
  • Hello, hello! Welcome to another episode of The Audio Unicorn, the show dedicated to helping business owners and marketing professionals understand the world of podcasting for business. I’m your host, Izabela Russell, and I’ve been working as an audio branding expert in my own business since 2011.

    Today, we're diving into a question I get asked all the time: How much does it actually cost to start a podcast, and what are the ongoing monthly expenses? With over 20 podcasts released alongside Mike at Music Radio Creative, we've tried pretty much everything. So, if you're looking to start a podcast with minimal hassle and optimal sound quality, keep listening!

    Connect with Izabela on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with my team on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/collections/podcast-essentials

  • Choosing the right day to publish your business podcast can significantly impact its reach and engagement. In this episode, we explore the key factors to consider when selecting the optimal publishing day, including understanding your target audience's listening habits, analyzing competitor release schedules, and leveraging the power of consistency. Discover actionable strategies to align your podcast with peak listening times, differentiate yourself from competitors, and establish a reliable release schedule that keeps your listeners coming back for more. Tune in to optimize your podcast's publishing strategy and maximize its impact in the business world.

    Connect with Izabela on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with our team on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/pages/podcast-production

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  • In this episode I share my reflections from attending NAB 2024 in Las Vegas. Some points of interest include:

    Massive gender gap in the broadcast industry AI in media The future of local radio and podcasting

    Rise Women in Broadcast Media: https://risewib.com/

    Book mentioned: Invisible Women by Carline Craido Perez

    Connect with Izabela on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with our team on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/collections/podcast-essentials

  • Welcome to Audio Unicorn, the show dedicated to helping business owners and marketing professionals grasp the concept of podcasting for business. I'm Izabela Russell, an audio branding expert since 2011, and today, we're diving into how you can excel as a podcast host at every stage of the interview process.

    Before the Interview Research Your Guest

    Deep Dive into Their Background: Investigate your guest's career path, educational background, and personal interests. This foundational understanding allows you to ask questions that highlight their unique perspectives and experiences.

    Examine Their Work: Review their publications, media appearances, and social media activity. This not only shows your respect for their work but also enables you to engage in more meaningful conversations.

    Understand Their Recent Activities: Stay informed about their latest achievements and current projects. This acknowledgment can serve as a warm and personalized conversation starter.

    Prepare Your Equipment

    Ensure your recording equipment is in top condition to avoid any technical hiccups. Remember, having a backup plan, like my memorable interview with Mike, can save the day when unexpected issues arise.

    Outline the Interview

    Creating a rough outline helps in maintaining the interview's flow while ensuring all critical points are covered. From a structured introduction to a thoughtful closing, each segment of the interview should be planned for coherence and engagement.

    Set Clear Expectations

    Communicate with your guest about the interview's format, duration, and any specific content preferences or boundaries. This step is crucial for establishing a comfortable and respectful environment for your guest.

    During the Interview Create a Welcoming Atmosphere

    Begin with light, open-ended questions to warm up and establish rapport with your guest.

    Engage in Active Listening

    Listening attentively to your guest's answers not only shows respect but can also lead to spontaneous and in-depth discussions that captivate your audience.

    Mind Your Body Language

    Your body language affects your voice's tone and energy, even if it's not visible. Keeping a relaxed posture helps in maintaining an engaging voice.

    Keep the Conversation Flowing

    Use your prepared questions to guide the conversation naturally, but don't hesitate to explore intriguing topics that arise during the interview.

    Encourage Storytelling

    People are drawn to stories. Prompting your guest to share personal anecdotes enriches the podcast with depth and relatability.

    Handle Technical Issues Calmly

    If technical issues occur, address them with composure. A well-thought-out backup plan can be invaluable in these moments.

    After the Interview Show Appreciation

    Always thank your guest for their time. A follow-up thank you note can further solidify your relationship.

    Edit Thoughtfully

    Carefully edit the interview to enhance the listening experience, removing any pauses or off-topic tangents that might distract from the content's value.

    Promote the Episode

    Leverage all your social media platforms for promotion, tagging your guest to reach a broader audience.

    Engage with Your Audience

    Respond to feedback and comments from your listeners. This engagement not only fosters a community but also provides valuable insights for future episodes.

    Reflect and Improve

    Listen back to your interviews and identify areas for improvement. Continuous learning and adapting are key to evolving as a podcast host.


    Being an exceptional podcast host involves thorough preparation, skillful execution, and thoughtful follow-up. By deeply understanding your guest, ensuring technical quality, and fostering engaging conversations, you create a podcast that's informative and captivating. Setting clear expectations and effectively promoting your episodes further enhances the listener experience. Remember, the goal is to provide value to both your guest and your audience, contributing to the growth and success of your podcast as a meaningful platform for conversation.

    Connect with Izabela on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with our team on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/collections/podcast-essentials

  • In the ever-evolving world of podcasting, staying ahead means embracing change, innovation, and the latest technology. In an enlightening conversation with Mike Russell, a renowned Adobe-certified professional and podcasting expert, we delve into how AI and advanced tools are revolutionizing podcasting. Mike, with his extensive background in radio production and as an influencer in podcast production, shares his invaluable insights and favorite tools for podcasters looking to elevate their audio content.

    The Excitement of Podcasting Today

    Mike Russell's enthusiasm for podcasting shines through as he discusses the immense potential and opportunities it offers. Despite its maturity, the podcasting medium remains a fertile ground for creators to find their audience and make a significant impact. The integration of AI into content creation is particularly exciting, offering ways to enhance production quality and discoverability without the traditional legwork.

    Why Transcription is Key

    Transcription isn't just about accessibility; it's a strategic tool for discovery and engagement. Mike emphasizes the importance of using AI to generate summaries from transcripts, making content searchable and more appealing to a broader audience. With big names like Apple implementing automatic transcription, the landscape of podcast discoverability is changing, underscoring the importance of quality content over keyword stuffing.

    Tool #1: Audacity and AI Transcription

    Audacity's partnership with Intel to introduce AI plugins, including a game-changing AI transcription feature, illustrates the leaps in accessible podcasting tools. This integration not only democratizes high-quality podcast production but also showcases the power of open-source software in driving innovation in the audio content sphere.

    Tool #2: Adobe's Enhanced Speech

    Highlighting the need for clear, professional audio, Mike introduces Adobe's Enhanced Speech as a vital tool for improving audio quality. This feature exemplifies how AI can salvage imperfect recordings, ensuring that content creators don't lose valuable material due to technical shortcomings.

    Mike has covered both of the above tools in detail with examples in his latest YouTube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COIS94vlffI

    Tool #3: Voice Cloning with ElevenLabs

    Perhaps the most futuristic tool discussed is ElevenLabs' voice cloning technology. Mike shares his experience in creating a virtually automated podcast using this technology, pointing to new possibilities for content creation that are efficient yet still maintain a personal touch.

    Watch the full video showcasing his amazing automation on the AI NEWS TODAY Podcast:


    And find the podcast itself here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ai-news-today/id1703042858

    Ethical Considerations and Future Outlook

    As AI continues to integrate into creative processes, Mike and Izabela touch on the importance of ethical considerations and transparency with audiences. The conversation concludes with Mike sharing his plans to explore AI tools further and his excitement for upcoming speaking engagements.


    My conversation with Mike Russell offers a glimpse into the future of podcasting, marked by AI-driven innovation and creative possibilities. For podcasters and content creators, the message is clear: embrace the tools available, but remain mindful of the human touch that connects us to our audiences.

    Connect with Mike:

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MikeRussell

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/imikerussell/

    Connect with Izabela on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with our team on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/collections/podcast-essentials

  • Welcome to the Audio Unicorn, your essential guide to mastering the world of podcasting for business. Led by Izabela Russell, an audio branding expert, we’re delving into the great audio versus video podcasting debate.

    Audio Podcasting: Pros and Cons

    The Pros

    Accessibility: Audio podcasts can be consumed anywhere, requiring minimal internet access. Lower Production Costs: A basic microphone and recording software can start an audio podcast. Flexibility: The medium works for listeners seeking entertainment while on the move. Intimacy: An audio-only format fosters a sense of community and trust.

    The Cons

    Limited Engagement: Audio podcasts struggle to keep audience attention without visual elements. High Competition: Distinguishing your show in the crowded audio market is a challenge. Accessibility for the Visually Impaired: Accommodations such as transcripts or audio descriptions may be necessary.

    Video Podcasting: Pros and Cons

    The Pros

    Enhanced Engagement: Video podcasts offer immersive visual storytelling. Greater Reach: Platforms like YouTube and social media extend your audience reach. Visual Storytelling: It’s easier to create compelling narratives and evoke emotions. Increased Monetisation Opportunities: Sponsorships, ads, and merchandising offer varied revenue streams.

    The Cons

    Higher Production Costs: More equipment, advanced lighting, and fine-tuned editing elevate video production costs. More Time-Consuming: Video podcasts demand a hefty time investment. Limited Accessibility: Those with restrictive internet access or prefer consuming content on the go may find video podcasts inaccessible. Technical Challenges: Issues like buffering or poor video quality might occur.

    Making the Right Choice

    Choosing between audio and video podcasting relies on your business goals, target audience, and capabilities.

    Additional Considerations

    Your Niche Your Audience’s Preferences Your Resources Engagement Goals Brand Consistency

    Tips for Choosing the Right Format

    Kick-Off with Audio: Start with audio podcasting if you're new to the medium. Experiment with Video: Roll out video versions of existing episodes or create a new video podcast. Repurpose Your Content: Convert audio content into videos by adding visuals. Adopt a Hybrid Approach: Blend audio and video methods to reach a broad audience. Consider Your Guests: Factor in your guests' comfort levels with each format. Receive Feedback: Regularly survey and converse with your audience to refine your strategy.

    Remember, the most crucial aspect is to consistently deliver valuable, engaging content, independent of the format you choose.

    Connect with Izabela on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with my team on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/collections/podcast-essentials

  • Welcome to the Audio Unicorn, the show dedicated to helping business owners and marketing professionals unlock the potential of podcasting for business growth. Since 2011, I've been navigating the audio branding landscape, and today, I'm here to guide you through the process of launching and growing a successful business podcast. Discover more about my journey at musicradiocreative.com.

    The Power of Podcasting for Businesses

    In today's digital age, podcasts serve as a dynamic tool for business owners looking to attract new customers, build industry authority, and engage existing audiences. However, the digital landscape is crowded. The question remains: how can your podcast stand out and thrive?

    1. Define Your Goals

    Understanding the "why" behind your podcast is the first step. Is your aim to attract new clients, establish authority, or provide value to your current audience? Clarifying your goals will dictate the content and direction of your show.

    2. Know Your Audience

    Success starts with your audience. Identify their demographics, interests, pain points, and content preferences. This insight allows you to craft content that resonates, ensuring your podcast not only reaches but also captivates your target listeners.

    3. Choose a Compelling Topic

    Your podcast should mirror your expertise while addressing your audience's needs and curiosities. Whether it's industry insights, behind-the-scenes stories, or deep dives into your products, your content must be engaging and valuable.

    4. Invest in Quality Equipment

    Audio quality can make or break your podcast. Investing in a good microphone, headphones, and editing software is crucial for producing professional and appealing content.

    5. Develop a Consistent Schedule

    Consistency fosters audience loyalty. Decide on a release schedule that's realistic for you and stick to it, ensuring your listeners know when to expect new content.

    6. Promote Your Podcast

    Utilize your existing channels, such as your website, social media, and email list, to promote your podcast. Creative artwork, engaging descriptions, and enticing snippets can significantly broaden your reach.

    7. Optimize for Discoverability

    Ensure your podcast is easy to find by submitting it to major directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and use relevant keywords to improve search visibility.

    8. Engage with Your Audience

    Encourage reviews, comments, and feedback. Engaging with your listeners builds a community around your podcast and helps tailor your content to their preferences.

    9. Repurpose Content

    Maximize your podcast's reach by transcribing episodes into blog posts, social media updates, or other content formats, enhancing accessibility and engagement.

    10. Collaborate and Cross-Promote

    Expand your audience by partnering with influencers, industry experts, or complementary businesses. Guest appearances and cross-promotions can introduce your podcast to new listeners.

    Final Thoughts

    Launching and growing a successful business podcast requires a clear strategy, quality content, and consistent engagement. By following these steps, you're not just creating a podcast; you're building a powerful extension of your brand that resonates with listeners and fosters business growth.

    Remember, podcasting is a journey. Embrace the process, and watch your business voice amplify in ways you never imagined.

    Connect with Izabela on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with my team on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/collections/podcast-essentials

  • In this episode, host Izabela Russell, an audio branding expert, dives deep into the world of private company podcasts.

    This episode is your comprehensive guide to setting up and running a successful internal podcast, from understanding the concept to the nitty-gritty of implementation.

    Here's a quick rundown of what you'll learn:

    What are private company podcasts and why are they beneficial? Different formats and structures to consider for your podcast. Inspiring ideas to get your content strategy going. Examples of major companies using internal podcasts. A step-by-step process for creating your own podcast, including: Choosing your recording setup Recording and editing your episodes Selecting a hosting platform Distributing and promoting your podcast

    Whether you're a seasoned podcaster or just curious about the potential of audio communication, this episode equips you with the knowledge and resources to launch a compelling internal podcast for your organization.

    So tune in, and get ready to unlock the power of private company podcasts!

    Connect with Izabela on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with my team on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/collections/podcast-essentials

  • In this episode of Audio Unicorn, Izabela Russell dives deep into the realm of business podcasting, offering invaluable insights into leveraging podcasts as a powerful component of your marketing strategy. From understanding the exponential growth of podcast listeners globally to crafting compelling content strategies tailored to your target audience, Izabela unravels the intricate tapestry of podcasting for business success.

    Introduction: Izabela Russell, an esteemed audio branding expert, introduces listeners to the world of business podcasting through "Audio Unicorn." With her extensive experience dating back to 2011, Izabela sets the stage for a captivating exploration of podcasting's role in modern marketing.

    03:26 The Power of Podcasting

    Izabela delves into staggering statistics surrounding podcast listenership, emphasizing the immense opportunity it presents for businesses. She elucidates how podcasts seamlessly integrate into listeners' daily routines, making them a potent medium for engaging with your target audience.

    05:15 Defining Target Audience and Crafting Content

    Izabela underscores the importance of aligning your podcast's target audience with your business's ideal customer profile. She delves into diverse content strategies, ranging from interviews to educational content, tailored to captivate and resonate with your audience.

    08:32 Building Brand Credibility and Engagement

    Izabela shares strategies for reinforcing brand values and authenticity in podcast content, fostering meaningful engagement with listeners. She advocates for audience participation and feedback as key components of building a thriving podcasting community.

    11:52 Consistency and Performance Measurement

    Consistency emerges as a central theme, with Izabela highlighting its pivotal role in building trust and loyalty with your audience. She provides insights into measuring podcast performance and refining content strategy based on audience feedback and engagement metrics.

    16:45 Leveraging Podcasting for Brand Building

    Izabela explores how podcasts can enhance brand visibility, credibility, and authority within specific niches. She delves into the nuances of audio branding elements, such as podcast intros and consistent messaging, in reinforcing brand identity.

    26:13 Conclusion and Future Episode Preview

    Izabela concludes by inviting listeners to connect with her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/ and share feedback on the episode. She offers a tantalizing glimpse into the next episode, promising practical tips for launching and growing a podcast for business.

    Data source: https://explodingtopics.com/blog/podcast-listeners

    Connect with Izabela here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izabelarussell/

    Work with us on your podcast: https://musicradiocreative.com/collections/podcast-essentials

  • What is a podcast trailer, why should you have one and how does it work? How do you make one? I answer all questions about podcast trailers in this episode.

  • Welcome back to Audio Unicorn. Brand new season and brand new content exclusive to the podcast. In this episode, we give a little preview of what's to come!

  • It's been a month since my return from Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. I have finally put together my top 3 takeaways and ideas that will help you promote your own project too. Plus in this episode I invite you to my garden and share plans on the future of Audio Unicorn.

    If you would like to follow me please do so via Twitter @izabelarussell

    Your reviews mean A WORLD to me. So please don't be shy and share your feedback.

    Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl32XnBVT-w&t

  • Back from holidays, reflecting on what I have done to date and asking YOU a question of what may work in the future. I have been now podcasting and recording YouTube videos for the past month - I feel like I am now getting comfortable in front of the camera and am ready to step out of the comfort zone. Please feedback via Twitter @izabelarussell

    Plus a surprise discovery at the very end if you watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/64kLVoiohVg ... don't miss it! #audiounicorn #podcasting

  • Simple steps you can take as a podcast guest to ensure a good quality recording. Here are some of simple to implement tips to ensure your podcast interview goes smoothly.

  • Is it possible to podcast on an iPhone? How does it actually work in practice and most importantly is audio quality good enough? This is your short podcasting from iPhone guide!

  • Sometimes it is just important to go beyond your own feelings, step up and help where you know you can make a difference. Be kind and grateful in business - in my opinion that's the best way to set example to future generations of business owners. #AudioUnicorn