An ongoing discussion with activists, advocates, political operatives, candidates and others about the state of democracy in the U.S., the threats to its future and how we can fight back to preserve our nation.
The David Pakman Show is one of the most-watched independent progressive programs in the country. Hosted by David Pakman, the show offers a fresh perspective on the stories shaping our world through thoughtful commentary and compelling interviews with our nation’s leaders.
With new episodes dropping every weekday, David delivers sharp, insightful, and fact-based analysis on politics, current events, and social issues. Whether you're looking for deep dives into major political events, in-depth conversations with experts and newsmakers, or sharp-witted breakdowns of the latest headlines, The David Pakman Show has you covered -
Number #1 Radio Progressive Morning Show / Monday - Friday 9AM-12PM ET
Tony Michaels provides in-your-face commentary of current events and political news. No rules and no boundaries! | Tony is considered 'The Rush Limbaugh of the Left' | Monday - Friday from 12 - 2pm EST LIVE on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch | thetonymichaels.com
Krystal Ball, cohost of Breaking Points podcast, and Kyle Kulinski, host of Secular Talk, dive into politics, philosophy and random BS with people they like.
Hosted by Bob Cesca, contributor to the Stephanie Miller Show and writer for The Banter newsletter, the Bob Cesca Show features funny liberal political talk from podcasters knee-deep in the trenches of the American political debate. Download our free podcast wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to support our Patreon: bobcescashow.com.
The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.
Join noted author & pundit Molly Jong-Fast for irreverent humor that cuts right to the heart of our politics today as she discusses the top political headlines with some of today’s best minds. Known for being one of the few interviewers in politics to cut through the talking points, Molly reveals the personalities and issues tearing the country apart. She asks the questions no one else does, and gets the answers even her guests didn’t expect to give – and exactly what you want to know. Tune in every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for the funniest yet serious look at what’s ailing America.