
  • Ozan Akyol ve Erman Çağlar'ın karşılıklı konuşarak başardıkları podcast serisidir. Diğer podcast serimiz ise İşte Bu Bizim Hikayemiz'dir. Bu biterse onu da dinleyebilirsiniz.

  • A weekly podcast giving you ideas for answering any and all IELTS questions! Each week covers a new topic and a free handout is available for every episode on www.jacks-english.com !

  • Sold on Stories is an intermediate level ESL podcast focussed on acquiring communicative competence through idioms.

    We add concrete connotation to idiomatic expressions through exciting, original & engaging stories.

    Our stories assist students to acquire the ability to interact appropriately with others by knowing what to say, to whom, when, where, and how.

    Idioms form a large part of natural communication and therefore knowledge of idiomatic expressions leads to increased conversational fluency.

    Each episode focusses on a new/different idiom, which is then explained at the hand of a story for context.

  • Join me for a weekly talk-through of IELTS topics to help you learn about the issues, vocabulary, tips and strategies you need to prepare.

    Find all my tips on my website ieltsetc.com and join the Members Academy for all the downloads, step-by-step online courses, and support to get you a Band 7+ in the #ielts test.

  • This show publishes 'Repeat After Me' IELTS Speaking lessons. All speaking scripts are written by active examiners, and all questions are taken from real exams. For full lessons, visit: http://www.ieltsspeakingblog.com

    Contact Ryan at [email protected]

  • Do you want to get a band 7 on the IELTS exam? IELTS exam preparation doesn’t have to be hard or boring! It can be fun! Aubrey and Jessica from All Ears English are back with a new way to help you achieve the IELTS score you need for the General or the Academic exam! We’ll give you IELTS strategies, practice, tips, tricks, and secrets using real English examples. We’ll show you how to take control of the Speaking Section by reducing anxiety, panic, and fear. You’ll learn what to do when your mind goes blank, how to organize your thoughts and how to use intonation, English pronunciation and native English vocabulary such as phrasal verbs and idioms to impress the Examiner. You’ll find out which grammar points you should use in the Speaking Test and which ones you should avoid to get a band 7. You’ll also get guidance on how to prepare for Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2 with help on the opinion essay, graphs and charts, and the argument or discursive essay. You’ll get tips on how to succeed with IELTS listening comprehension strategies and how to get the highest possible score on the reading test. You’ll find out how to use practice tests to get the maximum score increase to go from a 5 or 6 to a 7 or higher. We’ll show you the common mistakes that most students make on test day, what to expect on the day of the exam, and how the exam is structured. You’ll get the best possible resource recommendations from Jessica Beck who has taught IELTS for more than 14 years.

  • Every week, Maria and Rory get together to discuss the latest IELTS Speaking topics, providing model answers and vocabulary to help you improve your general spoken English and achieve a higher band in your IELTS exam.

    Our website: https://successwithielts.com
    Transcripts: https://successwithielts.com/podcast#transcripts
    Premium episodes: https://linktr.ee/sfspremium