
  • Geopolitical Economy Report is an independent news outlet that provides original journalism and analysis to understand the changing world.

  • Struggling with chronic pain? Listen in to learn about the amazing ways our thoughts, feelings, and experiences can impact our physical health and perpetuate symptoms. On each episode, we interview physicians, researchers, and ordinary people who have incredible stories to tell about the power of the mindbody connection. This podcast is a free resource brought to you by Curable: the program for chronic pain recovery through mindbody medicine. Learn more at curable.com

  • Wisdom to replenish and orient in a tender, tumultuous time to be alive.

    Spiritual inquiry, science, social healing, and poetry.

    Conversations to live by.

    With a 20-year archive featuring luminaries like Mary Oliver, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Desmond Tutu, each episode brings a new discovery about the immensity of our lives. Hosted by Krista Tippett,

    Learn more about the On Being Project’s work in the world at onbeing.org.

  • Escucha Radio Libertad Constituyente y descubre la política como nunca te la habían contado.Radio Libertad Constituyente fue fundada y dirigida por Antonio García-Trevijano (1927-2018) para la defensa y difusión de las ideas de la libertad política. El MCRC, movimiento que fue creado y presidido por él, dirige actualmente Radio Libertad Constituyente con el mismo objetivo.----------------------------------¡APÓYANOS!- Vía iVoox: haz clic en APOYAR (botón de color azul).- Vía Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=Y4WYL3BBYVVY4- Vía Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MCRC_es----------------------------------

  • This podcast features David D. Burns MD, author of "Feeling Good, The New Mood Therapy," describing powerful new techniques to overcome depression and anxiety and develop greater joy and self-esteem. For therapists and the general public alike!

  • Unlock a World of Insight: Your Passport to Global Development!

    Embark on a journey that transcends borders and transcends boundaries. Our podcast is your gateway to a deeper understanding of democracy, poverty eradication, and the urgent battle against climate change. In each episode, we transport you to the heart of developing and "emerging economies" in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. As we tackle the world's most pressing issues, we don't just dwell on problems; we spotlight innovative solutions and success stories that are making a difference on the ground.

    Your host, Professor Dan Banik, leads the way from the University of Oslo. Tune in to this intellectual adventure and become part of the change! 🌎🎧 @danbanik @GlobalDevPod