Ces 6 derniers mois de confinement n’ont été simples ni pour moi ni pour aucun d’entre nous.
Malgré une période qui au début me paraissait très difficile et dure à vivre, aujourd’hui les choses ont changés.
Je vis le confinement d’une tout autre manière. Je relativise, je ne déprime pas, j’en profite pour me préparer au moi à ce qui pourrait être notre quotidien durant les 12 prochains mois.
Dans cet épisode je te partage mon vécu et les deux leçons que j’ai apprises durant ces 6 derniers moi de confinement.
Mes formations : https://tonynvs.podia.com
Site : http://tonyneves.fr
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tonynvs/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7awF_caktNZQ2W9kHKWQA?disable_polymer=trueHébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Aujourd'hui je reçois Christopher Wangen, entrepreneur, investisseur et formateur sur Internet.
Dans ce podcast, Chris nous partage son parcours.
Comment il est passé de salarié en gestion de patrimoine à entrepreneur sur Internet et investisseur possédant plusieurs dizaines de biens alors qu'il venait d'un milieu modeste.
À quel point son amour pour le voyage et la liberté a changé sa vie, jusqu'à le pousser à quitter son job et faire le tour du monde.
L'importance en tant qu'entrepreneur d'avoir des actifs et de diversifier ses sources de revenus.
Et comment le simple fait de modifier l'approche qu'il avait de sa thématique a joué un rôle clé dans son succès.
Son compte Instagram : @christopherwangen_officiel
Son site : https://wangen-formations.fr
Sa chaine YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3R9aOd_133EXb8lAqDdjRw
Mes formations : https://tonynvs.podia.com
Site : http://tonyneves.fr
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tonynvs/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7awF_caktNZQ2W9kHKWQA?disable_polymer=trueHébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
When people hear that Brian David Johnson is a futurist, they typically want him to offer up some predictions for what the world will look like 10, 20, 50 years from now. But Brian will explain to them that being a futurist is less about predicting the future than envisioning possibilities for it, choosing the one you want to build, and figuring out how to get there from the present.
Brian works through this process of futurecasting for Fortune 500 companies and the military, and in his book, The Future You, he shows individuals how they can apply it to their personal lives. He shares what that looks like with us today on the show, beginning with the importance of envisioning the future not as something set that you're helplessly hurtling towards, but as something you can actively change and shape. We then talk about how to do your own futurecasting by figuring out what you want the life of the future you to look like, and identifying the tools and people that can get you there. Brian then explains how to get going towards your desired future and why that future is local. We end our conversation with what all this has to do with a quote from General Dwight D. Eisenhower: "Plans are useless, but planning is everything."
After the show is over, check out the show notes at aom.is/futureyou -
During the past 10 years or so there’s been a lot of chatter about the health benefits of intermittent fasting — that is, going without food for a short window of time on a regular basis. Some of the touted benefits of intermittent fasting include shredding body fat while maintaining muscle, improving blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, increasing longevity, and improving focus. But how many of those purported benefits are real and how many of them are just hype?
Well, my guest today is a nutrition scientist who has spent the past several years researching and experimenting with intermittent fasting to find out the answers to those questions. His name is John Berardi and he’s the co-owner of Precision Nutrition, an online nutrition coaching company. John has written a free ebook that highlights all the latest research on intermittent fasting as well as his personal experiments with several different IF protocols. Today on the show John cuts through the hype of intermittent fasting and gives us a nuanced look at the benefits and downsides of this diet method. If you’ve been thinking about trying intermittent fasting, you don’t want to miss this show. John breaks down exactly who should use IF and who shouldn’t, and what kinds of results to expect when you fast. -
In the inaugural episode of the Art of Manliness podcast we talk to Marcus Brotherton, author of We Who Are Alive and Remain: Untold Stories From the Band of Brothers. Marcus shares his insights about the men who fought in the 101st Airborne Division during World War II and what lessons men today can take from the Band of Brothers.
【COTEN CREWに参加しませんか?】
株式会社COTENが、コテンラジオや世界史データベースなど、人文知を社会に活かすための活動をできているのは、COTEN CREWの皆さんのおかげです。ぜひ下記リンクから、月額サポートへのご参加をお願いします。
Twitter : @CotenInc
HP : https://coten.co.jp/
【COTEN CREWに参加しませんか?】
株式会社COTENが、コテンラジオや世界史データベースなど、人文知を社会に活かすための活動をできているのは、COTEN CREWの皆さんのおかげです。ぜひ下記リンクから、月額サポートへのご参加をお願いします。
Twitter : @CotenInc
HP : https://coten.co.jp/
【COTEN CREWに参加しませんか?】
株式会社COTENが、コテンラジオや世界史データベースなど、人文知を社会に活かすための活動をできているのは、COTEN CREWの皆さんのおかげです。ぜひ下記リンクから、月額サポートへのご参加をお願いします。
Twitter : @CotenInc
HP : https://coten.co.jp/
In dieser Podcastfolge werde ich von Matthew Mockridge (@matthewmockridgeofficial) interviewed. Du erfährst, wer ich bin, was meine größten Rückschläge und Erfolge sind, was auf meinem Grabstein stehen wird und was mich jeden Tag voller Energie aufstehen lässt. Denke immer daran DU WEISST NIE, WO DEIN LIMIT IST.
Tu mir einen großen Gefallen, abonniere diesen Podcast, bewerte ihn mit 5 Sternen und schreibe eine Rezension. Danke!
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Christian Bischoff war mit 16 Jahren jüngster Basketball-Bundesligaspieler aller Zeiten und mit 25 Jahren einer der jüngsten Bundesliga-Cheftrainer. Heute ist er einer der erfolgreichsten Motivationstrainer.
Mehr Motivation und Erfolgstipps von Christian auf weiteren Plattformen:
▶Folge Christian auf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bischoffch
▶Folge Christian auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bischoffch
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