
  • Sadly Dr Desmond Ford passed away before I was able to upload this interview. You will hear me talking in the intro as if he is still with us.

    We release these three interviews as a tribute to the humble, gracious and caring life he lived.

    The interview was carried out in Des & Gil's home in late 2018.

    To some, Des was a controversial and even divisive character, to others he was a loving father, friend, teacher, Bible student and deep thinker who contributed enormously in aiding Adventists to better understand Righteousness by Faith.

    In this three part series you will hear Des, still sharp as a tack, sharing his love of the Gospel. His views on the Investigative Judgement. His respect for Adventism and Ellen G White as well as many clear and concise insights, thoughts and memories on the history and controversy that surrounded him during the '70s and beyond.

    In true SDA Q&A style, we invite the listener to make up their own mind.