What does it take to succeed as a founder and entrepreneur in 2023? This week Morgan sits down with renowned South-Asian American beauty entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of Live Tinted, and long time friend, Deepica Mutyala. Deepica has built her brand on a mission to champion multicultural beauty. Her viral YouTube video in 2015, showcasing a beauty hack using red lipstick to cover dark under eye circles, catapulted her to the forefront of the industry with over 10 million views. Recognized by prestigious publications like TIME Magazine as a Next Generation Leader in 2022, Deepica and her team continue to revolutionize beauty by expanding Live Tinted's skincare and cosmetic portfolios to meet diverse community needs. Topics Covered:
The importance of self-confidence and self-love in personal and professional growth as women while navigating the male-dominated work of tech and venture capital. The challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, especially during significant life events, and the benefits of setting boundaries and outsourcing tasks. Morgan shares her journey to tapping into her feminine outside of work in order to find love and a softer life outside the boardroom. The delicate balance between sharing personal life events with the public and maintaining privacy, and how to both Morgan and Deepica navigate as public figures and founders. Insights into overcoming self-doubt as a female founder, embracing one's strengths, and the power of learning to say "No" to focus on what truly matters.If you enjoy this episode, please consider rating and reviewing the show! This helps us support more people -- just like you -- in moving toward the personal and professional life they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let us know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. We're adding more episodes every week and, if you're not following, there's a good chance you'll miss out. Follow now!
Deepica Mutyala InstagramDeepica Mutyala YouTubeLiveTinted WebsiteLiveTinted Instagram
Subscribe to the podcast: Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/thejourneybymdb
Additional Resources: https://worksmartprogram.ac-page.com/thejourneypodcast
Podcast Produced by AosseyCreative
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Die Morgen- und Abendroutine sind die größten Gamechanger in meinem Leben und haben mein Leben auf allen Ebenen x3 verbessert! Check meine Step by Step Anleitung aus und werde die beste Version von dir selbst: Entfalte dein volles Potenzial mit einem geilen Start in den Tag und einem aufgeräumten Mind vor dem Schlafen!
Schreib mir an [email protected], hinterlass eine kurze Bewertung auf iTunes und abonniere die Show!
Sicher dir jetzt kostenlos das ultimative DNX Erfolgskit für Online Unternehmer mit meinen 7 Erfolgsgeheimnissen für deine persönliche und finanzielle Freiheit 💥 [www.dnxnews.de] Komm jetzt in die kostenlose DNX LIFE HACKZ Facebook Community mit tausenden von gleichgesinnten Lifehackern💥 [www.dnxcommunity.de] Sei bei der nächsten DNX Konferenz in Berlin dabei (20€ Gutscheincode "DNX-PODCAST") 💥 [www.dnx-berlin.de]1.000 Dank, Dein Marcus
Shownotes 1. Aufwachen mit dem Sonnenaufgang 2. Dein Bett machen 3. Öl ziehen mit Kokosöl 4. Stretching mit der 7 Minute App + Sungazing 5. Meditieren > Geführte Meditation mit der Headspace App und Calm App 6. Dankbarkeitsjournal ausfüllen von Matthew Mockridge (20% mit dem Code "LIFE HACKZ") oder App von fiveminutejournal.com 7. Mit dem MIT (Most important Task) in den Tag starten > Kein Social Media oder Email bis hierhin! App zum Tracken und Einchecken deiner Morgenroutine Pomodoro Technik & Be Focused App -
Unser Feedback zur Invest 2023 in Stuttgart - unser kürzester Podcast everWir waren gemeinsam bei der Invest 2023, der grössten Finanzmesse Deutschlands in Stuttgart.
In dieser Folge sprechen wir über unsere Eindrücke von der Investmesse, unser Thema #FrauenAnDieBörse und die passenen T-Shirts, den Female Finance Day, Christian W. Röhl, kritische Fragen bei den Vorträgen und den Anteil der Frauen auf den verschiedenen Bühnen
. Ausserdem besprechen wir die Finanzbubble und Bloggerkollegen, gemeinsame Werte, den Goldgraf und den Gender Pay Gap, Finance_4Future und nachhaltige Investments, das FinTwitKeller-Treffen und Janas alternative Investments wie medizinisches Cannabis.
In dieser Folge reden wir über Lieblings- Investments, Sparplan oder Einmalanlage .
Welches war unser erstes Investment?
Was haben wir gelernt und was würden wir anders machen ?
Bei Fragen und Anregungen findet ihr die
Jenny bei Instagram unter @Dividenden.Lady
Und mich unter @Frauglitterboss
In der heutigen Episode gibt´s zuerst einen kleinen Nachtrag zum letzten Trailrun. Und natürlich geht es um mein Buch, das am kommenden Montag, 3. April, erscheint. Und was es mit dem Ramadan hier auf sich hat. Ein kunterbuntes Allerlei aus dem Leben.
Lust auf einen persönlichen Kaffee Ende April in Garmisch oder in Hamburg? Dann schreibe mir eine Nachricht, die Nummer findet ihr wie immer in den Show Notes.
Viel Spaß beim Anhören.
Buchbestellung:https://www.hugendubel.de/de/taschenbuch/anna_hughes-trailrunning_fuer_frauen-44673335-produkt-details.html oder bei eurem Lieblingsbuchhändler
Sporternährung für jeden Geschmack gibt es hier:: https://www.sporthunger.de/
Rabattcode für eure Bestellung: laufenundleben
Brauchst du Support und persönliches (online) Coaching, mehr Struktur in deinen Abläufen und im Training: http://annachughes.com/
Feedback, Themenvorschläge per WhatsApp an: 0160 - 95 40 52 49
Run happy. Be happy.
Eure Anna
Folge direkt herunterladen -
In dieser Folge reden wir über Vor - und Nachteile der Selbstständigkeit , unsere erste Berührung mit Geld und Minijobs . Über Bargeld , Kontenmodelle und das ein Gleichgewicht aus sparen und gönnen wichtig ist .
Heute ein Live UPDATE von uns aus Koh Phangan
Unsere Instagram Kanäle:
Instagram Sonic Blue: https://www.instagram.com/marcusmeurer95/?hl=de Instagram Yara Joy: https://www.instagram.com/feliciahargarten/?hl=deShownotes zur Folge:
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Sicher dir jetzt kostenlos das ultimative DNX Erfolgskit für Online Unternehmer mit meinen 7 Erfolgsgeheimnissen für deine persönliche und finanzielle Freiheit 💥 [www.dnxnews.de] Komm jetzt in die kostenlose DNX LIFE HACKZ Facebook Community mit tausenden von gleichgesinnten Lifehackern💥 [www.dnxcommunity.de] Sei bei der nächsten DNX Konferenz in Berlin dabei (20€ Gutscheincode "DNX-PODCAST") 💥 [www.dnx-berlin.de] SHOWNOTES YubiKey 4 Ledger Nano S - Bitcoin Ethereum Hardware Wallet Webcam Abdeckung Trash Hero AcalaQuell One Wasserfilter Mark Zuckerberg hat Mikrofon und Kamera abgeklebtne-on/ How to secure Gmail 2FA > Mobile phones are vulnerable Google 2 Step Verification 💰 Kaufe jetzt Bitcoins auf bitcoin.de -
2016 war schon heftig, 2017 wird noch heftiger! Schnall dich an, ich nehme dich mit auf meine 2017er Tour.
DNX Promocode "LIFEHACKZ"Gib mir bitte eine kurze Bewertung auf iTunes und abonniere die Show! Schreib mir dein Feedback auch gerne an [email protected].
Werde auch Teil der kostenlosen DNX LIFE HACKZ Community mit tausenden von gleichgesinnten Lifehackern.
1.000 Dank, Dein MarcusDNX BERLIN
LIFE HACKZ Folge "2016 ✰ Wie krass war das denn bitte?
Podcast Helden Konferenz 2017
Beachhub Koh Phangan
KohHub Ko Lanta
Hubud Bali
Dojo Bali -
Was für ein Ride!
Brasilien -> Thailand -> Bali -> Berlin -> Paris -> Tarifa -> Lemnos -> Lissabon -> Berlin -> Brasilien
DNX Konferenz Bangkok ☆ DNX CAMP Thailand ☆ DNX Konferenz Berlin ☆ DNX CAMP Lemnos ☆ DNX CAMP Dahab ☆ DNX CAMP BrazilIch nehme dich mit in meine kranke Welt als Digitaler Nomade. Die Welt ist mein zu Hause und ich bin immer dort wo es in dem Moment am Besten für mich ist!
Learning: Du schaffst viel viel mehr in einem Jahr als du dir vornimmst!Gib mir bitte eine kurze Bewertung auf iTunes und abonniere die Show! Schreib mir dein Feedback auch gerne an [email protected].
Werde auch Teil der kostenlosen DNX LIFE HACKZ Community mit tausenden von gleichgesinnten Lifehackern.
1.000 Dank, Dein MarcusDNX GLOBAL - Follow us around
Enjoy the highlights from the DNX ★ Digital Nomad Conference main event in Bangkok.
Digital nomad Diego Araos shares his feelings about our biggest ever DNX CAMP on Lemnos
Video DNX CAMP Koh Lanta
"Decentralizing life: Digital Nomadism & Coliving, a serious opportunity?" discussion panel at OuiShare Festival 2016 in Paris with DNX founders Felicia Hargarten and Marcus Meurer
LIFE HACKZ Folge "Detox Entgiftung auf Bali - Darmreinigung, Leberreinigung und Gallenblasenreinigung"
LIFE HACKZ Folge "Angela Hofer ★ Krasse Learnings als Hostel Besitzerin in Brasilien"
LIFE HACKZ Folge "Die besten Podcasts ✰ Never stop learning"
LIFE HACKZ Folge "Masterminds ✰ via Voice Messages"
KohHub Ko Lanta
Hubud Bali
Dojo Bali
bedndesk Mallorca -
In dieser Podcast-Folge nehme ich dich mit auf die Reise durch meine berufliche Selbstständigkeit. Ich erzähle dir, wie alles begann, plaudere mit dir über meine Erfolge, Misserfolge und Learnings und ich hoffe ich kann dir damit auch Inputs die du nutzen kannst mit auf den Weg geben.
Partner dieser Podcastfolge ist Brain-Effect:
Brain-Effect haut wieder einen 20% Rabatt auf ALLES raus (nutze dazu einfach den Code THOMAS). Hier geht es zu den Focus-Kapseln: https://www.brain-effect.com/nussmus-vitamin-d/?inf_coupon_code=THOMAS -
Donni and I sat down and put ON MASTERMIND WORKSHOP with ourselves! We unpacked the 7 pieces of the puzzle in our first 7 figure year.
We also talked about :
-The Blessing and Dangers of Scaling a business quickly.
-Why Every Business Needs Standard Operating Procedures.
-The Power of Calendar Training
-Being Resourceful to get to the Bag
-The power of your network
And so much more.
Text Donni the word ‘Puzzle’ to 404-737-2767
Text ME the word ‘Puzzle’: 404-737-4935
Check out Donni's 6 Figure EDU: http://www.sixfigureedu.com
Donni on IG https://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_/
Join The Morning Meet Up! http://www.themorningmeetup.com
David on IG http://www.instagram.com/sleepis4suckers
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#entrepreneur #smallbusiness #podcast #howto
We all have our days when things don’t quite line up the way that we intend for them to. Some days we just want to quit. We know that this is a temporary feeling. There is always a solution to unplanned and unfortunate things that don’t happen according to the plan. Sometimes, we just want to complain about it. It is important to be mindful of who you are complaining to. When we complain to the wrong person it could start a complaint session that was unintentional.
Even though this episode highlights 10 reason to quit there are also reasons to not quit. It’s just “one of those days”
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Donni on IG : https://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_/
David on IG : http://www.instagram.com/sleepis4suckers
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* Check out CoinFlip and use my code SOCIALPROOF for a great deal: https://coinflip.tech
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This is a cip from Is Poverty A Choice? (InvestFest Recap) - Episode #277 w/ David & Donni
InvestFest was an event of a lifetime and we are inspired, motivated, and equipped to get to the next level! On the journey of growth as entrepreneurs, we are faced with decisions to make that alter the lives of those around us now and in our future. How do you make promises to yourself that are certain to impact those who follow you for generations to come? What choices can you make today regarding your values, finances, family pillars, and mission that will stand the test of time? In this episode we will dive into :
- Generational Mindsets & Shattering Comfort Zones: What questions we can ask and how we can think to alter our family tree and propel us to new levels.
-The Luxury Of The Information Age: Why it is almost NO REASON anyone with a phone and internet access should be in poverty!
- Breaking The Heaviness of Poverty: What the weight of poverty feels like and why those who are trapped in it, have a slim chance of ever escaping it without MASSIVE SHIFTS in their ABILITY TO TAKE ACTION.
- Emotional Intelligence Unlocked: The truth about why our ability to tap into our emotions could be the key to unlocking a new level of success.
- How To Establish A Family Business: Why Billionaires think about passing the baton of their family enterprises and what it takes to commit to a multi-generational blueprint.
and more!
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GT6VgjBy0zviALR8xkRe1?si=82LcP8siQXGVHb2ibg5axA&nd=1
Donni on IG : http://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_
David on IG : http://www.instagram.com/sleepis4suckers
Our Sponsors:
* Check out CoinFlip and use my code SOCIALPROOF for a great deal: https://coinflip.tech
* Check out Indeed: https://indeed.com/SOCIALPROOF
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InvestFest was an event of a lifetime and we are inspired, motivated, and equipped to get to the next level! On the journey of growth as entrepreneurs, we are faced with decisions to make that alter the lives of those around us now and in our future. How do you make promises to yourself that are certain to impact those who follow you for generations to come? What choices can you make today regarding your values, finances, family pillars, and mission that will stand the test of time? In this episode we will dive into :
Generational Mindsets & Shattering Comfort Zones: What questions we can ask and how we can think to alter our family tree and propel us to new levels. The Luxury Of The Information Age: Why it is almost NO REASON anyone with a phone and internet access should be in poverty! Breaking The Heaviness of Poverty: What the weight of poverty feels like and why those who are trapped in it, have a slim chance of ever escaping it without MASSIVE SHIFTS in their ABILITY TO TAKE ACTION. Emotional Intelligence Unlocked: The truth about why our ability to tap into our emotions could be the key to unlocking a new level of success. How To Establish A Family Business: Why Billionaires think about passing the baton of their family enterprises and what it takes to commit to a multi-generational blueprint.and more!
👉🏾 Join the Morning Meetup
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GT6VgjBy0zviALR8xkRe1?si=82LcP8siQXGVHb2ibg5axA&nd=1
Donni on IG : http://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_
David on IG : http://www.instagram.com/sleepis4suckers
Our Sponsors:
* Check out CoinFlip and use my code SOCIALPROOF for a great deal: https://coinflip.tech
* Check out Indeed: https://indeed.com/SOCIALPROOF
* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.com
* Check out NPR: https://npr.org
* Check out Netsuite: https://netsuite.com/SOCIALPROOF
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This is a clip from Becoming More : The Reward For Resilience - Episode #274 w/ David & Donni
We all face setbacks, extremely difficult seasons, and tragic loss. What do you tap into to get through the pain, walk in purpose and get to the other side of hard times? in this episode we are going to unpack 6 steps to becoming more resilient and becoming more of who you are! We’ll unpack:
Overcoming Familiar Behaviors & When To Tap Into Resiliency : The truth about why certain behaviors are tied to energy drain, loss of focus , and how we can be overcomers.
Reacting VS. Responding : Why it is important to take calculated time to think through your next steps when confronted with MAJOR resistance or setbacks in life and business.
Removing Failure As An Option : What boundaries and positive reinforcements to put in place to keep us on the right track after bouncing back from challenging time.
Prizing Personal Development & Coaching : How to tap in to the resource of people in order to get to your next level and overcome internal and external barriers to your wholeness, success, and peace.
and so much more!
Cash APP : $sleepis4suckers ( with DREDAY as the comment) 🎂
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GT6VgjBy0zviALR8xkRe1?si=82LcP8siQXGVHb2ibg5axA&nd=1
Donni on IG : http://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_
David on IG : http://www.instagram.com/sleepis4suckers
Our Sponsors:
* Check out CoinFlip and use my code SOCIALPROOF for a great deal: https://coinflip.tech
* Check out Indeed: https://indeed.com/SOCIALPROOF
* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.com
* Check out NPR: https://npr.org
* Check out Netsuite: https://netsuite.com/SOCIALPROOF
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Does success come as a result of making the right moves, at the right time, under the right set of circumstances ? What does it mean to be in alignment as you navigate your way through life both in your business and in your personal development? In this episode ( live from Black EquityCon) we dive into the major differences between being aligned with your purpose and grinding your way to the pinnacle of your definition of success. We’ll also dive into :
Obsession With Solutions : The major key to unlocking what it means to be a high performer under the most difficult conditions. Accountability to Excellence : Why an internal personal and team culture that is rooted in taking responsibility for everything that happens leads to more wins. Leveraging Life’s Tough Experiences To Learn and Teach Lessons : How to embrace misfortune, setbacks, and seasons of difficulty to learn the lessons that need to be learned. Luck Vs. Alignment : What the major differences are between being in the right place at the right time and setting your intentions to execute, provide value for others, and intentionally have results-driven conversations. Networking As An Outlier : Why one of the major differences between thriving and struggling entrepreneurs is their network and ability to strategically partner with others.And so much more!
Join David’s Morning Meetup
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GT6VgjBy0zviALR8xkRe1?si=82LcP8siQXGVHb2ibg5axA&nd=1
Donni on IG : http://www.instagram.com/donniwiggins_
David on IG : http://www.instagram.com/sleepis4suckers
Our Sponsors:
* Check out CoinFlip and use my code SOCIALPROOF for a great deal: https://coinflip.tech
* Check out Indeed: https://indeed.com/SOCIALPROOF
* Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.com
* Check out NPR: https://npr.org
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