
  • It is here. The big one. Season 3 is finally over and Abbey and Bri are shocked they've actually made it this far through the series.
    Special guest Kelsi scrubs in this week and has knowledge Abbey and Bri could not even attempt to fake. She is a PA in a southern California emergency room (THE PIT) and damn good at her job, obvi.
    THIS EPISODE IS ICONIC. It feels pretty boring through the first half but once it picks up momentum boy oh boy, it does not disappoint. We find out who Chief does and does not name to take his place. We see Meredith struggling to find peace in her relationship with Derek. Ava moves away (thank God). Izzie is stilllll pinning for George. Callie wants a baby. Addison is leaving. And then.....
    Burke leaves Cristina at the alter. After practicing his vows in the OR to every drooling woman, he waits for a panicked Cristina to make it down the aisle. She has lost her eyebrows and she has lost her vows and cannot seem to meet Burke where he is at. Burke realizes he does not actually love Cristina, he loves the woman he thinks she will become. And just like that he is gone.
    Cristina and Meredith stand together in a still fully furnished apartment and know that she is finally free. Is this good or bad? There are extreme hysterics, Ingrid Michaelson is playing and Meredith cuts Cristina free from the restraints of her wedding dress, holding her close. Where will Cristina go from here? Are Mer and Der over, so over? Is Callie going to have George's baby? Will Bailey recover from the loss of Chief Resident?
    All that and more on Season 4 of The On Call Room!
    Thank you to all of you listeners and patrons who have supported the podcast thus far. If you want to be a sustaining member and cohost head on over to:
    As always remember to subscribe and leave a review on iTunes. Seriously.

  • Ladies and gentlemen of The On Call Room, boy do we have some episodes for you! It is a two part episode discussing three episodes. Confused? So are we, but there is a lot packed into this epic story line of Ferry Boat murder, so your hosts dedicated two whole episodes to this plot.
    On part one this week we discuss Meredith’s storyline. Doesn’t everyone remember Britney Spears music video, “Every time” where she is drowning in a bathtub? Shortly after this was released Britney shaved her head and ran around smashing cars with an umbrella. Similarly, Meredith was floating under water a little too long in the tub, and at the end of the episode she shaves her head and smashes a car with an umbrella. Not really, but she ACTUALLY does drown. I am not sure which is worse.
    Derek of course jumps in the water swims her to shore (we don’t get to actually see him swim her to shore, because logistically that would have been super difficult) and perform CPR on her. He gets shoved in a hall with Mark and cries, and then angrily strokes Ellis’s hair and blames her for Meredith’s breakdown.
    Meanwhile, Meredith dies. No really, she dies and is in hospital purgatory with bomb squad and Denny trying to figure out why she “didn’t swim”. She’s running around trying to save Bonnie from bleeding out and crying about never seeing Derek again. Ellis shows up, gives her big hugs and tells her “she is anything but ordinary”. They encourage her to run towards the light, where Cristina is waiting for her. She awakes and has no brain damage. It is a miracle.
    Stay tuned for next week’s episode where Abbey and Bri dissect every other story line in this three part ferry boat massacre.
    Use code OnCallRoomxADAY for 20% off your first order! DO IT!

  • This week we have a man's perspecitve! That's right listeners, if you want to know what a guy thinks of Grey's Anatomy look no further than to this episode. JD gives his insight into not only this weeks episode, but everything Grey's has to offer, you won't want to miss it.
    It has finally arrived, the moment the interns have worked for, exam day. In true Grey's fashion there are multiple distractions taking place throughout the episode, so it's pretty obvious someone is about to fuck it all up.
    Cristina is being harassed by Burke because tomorrow is wedding day. As Abbey points out why in the world would they choose to have their wedding the day after an exam, and why can't Burke just leave Cristina alone? Doesn't he understand this is the biggest day of her life thus far!
    Meredith is getting ready to go to Susan's funeral, when Thatcher arrives and pretty much emotionally slaps her in the face again. He tells her he doesn't want her at the funeral, which leads to Meredith blank starring throughout her whole test. Luckily, Chief gives her a second shot.
    George is moving to Mercy West, which has Izzie all up in her head. The love triangle continues.
    Karev is still loving on Ava.
    Beyond that, Callie crushes four surgeries putting herself in the running for Chief Resident. Adele shows up to the hospital and passes out in the bathroom, and they find the fourth climber from the mountain story line-- which at this point seems irrelevant.
    Use code OnCallRoomxADAY for 20% off your first order! DO IT!
    Donate TODAY and receive bonus episodes AND the opportunity to cohost with Abbey and Bri!
    Also leave a review -- you're already on the page to do it!

  • Welcome back to the three part story about main characters drowning and hospital purgatory. This week on the podcast Abbey and Bri explore all of the other storylines that took place over the Ferry Boat Massacre. Come follow along won’t you?
    Izzie is back in the surgical game after drilling ‘Aaron’ Burr holes in a man’s head. She is a #rockstar except for when she gives her let us stay positive speech. She sees the good in everything, and she believes Meredith is going to make it, she also believes George’s marriage was a sham. Can anyone say timing? NOT NOW IZZIE REEL IT IN!
    Cristina is buying dollar store junk, coping with Meredith dying. As the viewer we realize Cristina is unable to be there for people, until she knows everything is going to be ok.
    Derek is breaking down, rightfully so. His lover is dying. He rushes to Meredith’s mother’s room and strokes her hair awkwardly. Then Ellis dies. Although it may seem as though intense head stroking was the cause of death, it clearly is her current heart condition that does her in. Important note: Derek did not kill Ellis, although he may have wanted to.
    Karev is already crossing boundaries with smooshed face lady. More to come with that…
    We round out the three part episode with extreme GGB’s. Unkle Bob’s “Swans” plays in the background as Denny and Izzie brush up to one another. Each of them in another dimension, so close they can almost touch, but yet so far away. And then come the tears, and they don’t stop even after the credits roll.
    Can you even imagine with the rating for these episodes are going to be?? Hit play and find out!

  • Abbey is broken this episode. She recently did a walkabout in New York City to fulfill her dream of seeing the original cast of Dear Evan Hanson on Broadway, and now all she can think about is the musical. Don’t be shocked when most of this episode is consumed by the theater, including Abbey and Bri writing a biographical play based on memes. You heard it here first, just wait for it to hit Broadway.
    Bri’s sister welcomes twins, and she couldn’t be more happy for the family. She also hears her neighbors fornicating whilst in the bathroom, ultimately interrupting her “me” time.
    This is part 2 of the bomb episode and it’s just as epic as part 1. The girls respond to Meredith’s monologue about what they would do if they knew they were going to die. They question why Bailey’s son goes by Tucker, even though that’s not his name, and rate this just as high as the last.
    These two bomb episodes are classic Grey's and do not disappoint Abbey and Bri, leaving a 10 scalpel rating for the two combined. It’s the highest yet, so you know it’s good!

  • You’re leading ladies are back in action, after a short leave of absence. We apologize for the delay but Bri was having a birthday and Abbey’s mind has been consumed by Broadway.
    In this episode we find out what happened to Rodman, who Bri’s boyfriend is or isn’t, and what actress would play each of them in a performance about their lives.
    Bri gives her highest rating of scalpels to date on this episode, as Abbey follows suit. Let’s face it, this is the most epic episode we’ve seen in Grey’s, because bombs, and feelings that we might die today.
    Bailey needs a new vagina, Chief is stressed about a quiet board, Derrick and Preston can’t use each other’s names, and BOMBS. Again, this episode is epic so sit back and listen to Abbey and Bri give a play by play. There’s no other way!

  • The episode is finally here. Season 2 finale. Who thought they would make it? No one. Neither did they. But here it is, and it's a goody.
    This episode has something for everyone! We have dirty mistress sex in an exam room. We have dead fiances. We have Prom! We have walking out and quitting your job (who doesn't want to do that -- envious of Izzie). Did we mention dirty mistress sex??
    This whole episode takes place at Prom, everyone's literal Hell. Abbey and Bri exchange their Prom stories. What they wore, who they went with, who they left with! Feel left out? Send the gals your Prom pics so they can dissect your fashion choices from years ago. Who doesn't want that!
    Obviously this episode is rated very high, because GGB's, grasping to dead patients (Denny), and did we mention DIRTY MISTRESS SEX? Lucky for you listeners, not only did Abbey and Bri rate this current episode, but they rated all three parts of the Finale, AND the whole Season 2.
    It was a great season Grey's Babies. Up next Season 3! But before we head there, don't forget to head over to Patreon and support the podcast. Leave a review on Itunes and tell all your friends before they have too many episodes to binge listen to, and then it becomes more of an inconvenience than enjoyment. Thanks for a great first two seasons! Seriously.