We may be only a few weeks back to school but this discussion on what school refusal really is, what it may be about and how to respond to your child if they are experiencing school refusal will resonate with many of you.
Joanna talks about why joy and the experience of shared joy isn't just a nice experience but is an essential one as we grow and develop throughout our lives. She distinguishes between happiness and joy and helps us to understand why we must invest in joy and gives us suggestions of ways to find joy in the everyday stuff
Joanna is taking a short break from recording so this episode is an excerpt from her 15-Minute Parenting series of books. Today's excerpt is from her 0-7 years book and Joanna is reading to us about building our children's capacity for independence through chores and pocket money and of course, play
This week Joanna is talking about how we parents can be our children's influencer in a sea of social media influencers. This involves that all too fine a line between being interested in what interests our children versus being intrusive and being open to receive and respond to any questions and curiosity they might have