Интересная и практичная информация о росте личности и улучшении здоровья человека.
There's a lot of confusion surrounding real food and natural wellness. Live Simply host, Kristin Marr, is here to explore how to simplify real food and all-things natural wellness. Each week, episodes will explore practical tips, from how to naturally care for your body and home, to the food served at your table. You'll hear from Kristin as she shares her journey to simplify, live intentionally, and get "back to the basics." She'll share tips and tricks she's learned along her journey. You'll also hear from guests who are living with intention, and pursuing natural wellness.
Психология для людей. Лайфхаки и работающие техники для самых разных жизненных задач. Базовый навык для любого человека - умение проживать свою жизнь с удовольствием и справляться со сложностями.
The Introvert, Dear Podcast is devoted to helping introverts live more peaceful, meaningful lives. We're here to remind you that you don't have to be an extrovert to be happy — and there's nothing wrong with being quiet and spending time alone. This biweekly show is hosted by Jenn Granneman, author of The Secret Lives of Introverts and founder of IntrovertDear.com, and Bo Miller, founder of iSpeakPeople.com and The INFJ Personality Show. Featuring prevalent introvert influencers and experts, we help introverts (and those who love them) understand themselves better and grow.
Аудио-подкаст передачи "Познер".