
  • Today I'm joined by author, therapist, spiritual director Chuck DeGroat to talk about his work and in particular the themes of his book 'When Narcissism Comes To Church'.

    Chuck shares from research and experience about narcissistic behaviour and how this has manifested itself in toxic religion, evangelicalism and fundamentalism, how it's almost become an ideal or idol in that world. We then dive into the damaging impact this can have on the church, and indeed the wider world - including the election of a narcissistic President back in 2016.

    Chuck explores ideas co how we can move on from this way of doing church, and have a faith, a church and a spirituality free of narcissism and toxic fundamentalism.

  • Guest Info/Bio:

    This week I welcome David Zach. David Zach is the lead singer and songwriter for the rock band Remedy Drive as well as an advocate in the fight against human trafficking. The band has recorded two concept albums to shine a light on slavery and to celebrate the modern day abolition. The band's community and fan base has contributed around $350,000 in donations and in-kind donations to the counter trafficking organization The Exodus Road.

    When the band is not on tour David volunteers with The Exodus Road as an undercover operative. He spends time in brothels and in the red-light districts where underage girls and boys are sold by the hour. His role while undercover is to identify instances of minors being sold, and to capture actionable evidence of their trafficking using covert gear, some of which is funded by the Remedy Drive community and fan base.

    Upon returning from deployment overseas David uses the band and his platform to advocate for the victims of human trafficking, to shine a light on slavery and to speak about his time overseas with the goal of recruiting and funding the fight which is the modern underground railroad. He has spoken at many of the major festivals during talkback sessions, main stages and seminar tents. He also speaks at colleges, conferences, high school campuses and churches. David's message centers upon a core belief of both Remedy Drive and The Exodus Road - "Justice is in the hands of the ordinary".

    To hear about raids/rescues and everything going on the front lines text “remedy” to 51555.

    Guest/Music Links:


    Twitter: @remedydrive

    Instagram: @remedydrive

    Facebook: @remedydrive


    Twitter: @theexodusroad

    Instagram: @theexodusroad

    Facebook: @theexodusroad

    Enjoy the music?

    Songs heard on this episode were: “Sunlight on Her Face” from the album, The North Star. “Commodity, Under the Starlight, and Take Cover” from the album, Commodity.

    You can find Remedy Drive’s music on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, or anywhere good music is sold!

    This episode of the Deconstructionists Podcast was edited by John Williamson and mixed and produced by Nicholas Rowe at National Audio Preservation Society: A full service recording studio and creative habitat, located in Heath, Ohio. Find them on Facebook and Twitter or visit their website for more information: www.nationalaudiopreservationsociety.weebly.com

    Stay on top of all of the latest at www.thedeconstructionists.com Go there to check out our blog, snag a t-shirt, or follow us on social media

    Join our Patreon family here: www.patreon.com/deconstructionists

    Website by Ryan Battles

    All photos by Jared Hevron

    Logos designed by Joseph Ernst & Stephen Pfluig

    T-shirt designs by Joseph Ernst, Chad Flannigan, Colin Rigsby, and Jason Turner.

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  • In these episodes I am interpreting the Gospel of John as a gospel of nonduality. In this episode we look at John 1:9-14 :

    The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not. He came to his own, and his own received him not. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt in us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.

    The first thing this passage John 1:9-14 says is that this Word, the Primordial and Eternal Christ, enlightens every human being. It says, “The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world.” Another translation says, “The true light was that which enlightens everyone who comes into the world.” In other words it is saying everyone is enlightened! What am extraordinary thing for this apostle to say! The Word has been enlightening people long before the Word became flesh in Jesus.

    This statement of John’s Gospel is extraordinary in its universalism and inclusivism. It is also extraordinary in saying that the goal of spiritual enlightenment, which is sought after by so many spiritual pilgrims and seekers, is already reality for every person in the world. We are already enlightened or saved or liberated or awake or whatever term you want to use. Yet this passage says that people did not recognize this.

    John uses three different words for recognizing the True Light: knowing, receiving and believing. Life and Light – Enlightenment and Awakening – was present, but people did not know it. They did not receive it. They did not believe it. They were living in spiritual darkness and ignorance. It is the same today.

    In this episode we explore the meaning of these concepts and discover what it really means to be born again and to receive Jesus. It is speaking of union with the Divine.

  • Dr. Dyer talks with a caller from Sherman Oaks about how to express the amount of abundance that is in the world. Listen to hundreds of hours of Wayne Dyer's audiobooks, meditations, and lectures in the Empower You Unlimited Audio App. To start your FREE trial today, visit hayhouse.com/empower.

  • In this episode I explore the idea that is advanced by many nondual teachers that the brain does not produce consciousness. They say that consciousness exists separate from the brain. One person compared the brain to a radio receiver that picks up the radio waves of Cosmic Consciousness. They use out-of-body experiences, Near Death Experiences, and past life memories as evidence that consciousness exists independent of body. Many think that when the body dies there is no significant change in consciousness. We continue to exist as we always have, only without a human body.

    I disagree. Consciousness is caused by the brain. That is the consensus of medical science, and I have no spiritual reason to challenge it. The human brain along with the central nervous system produces consciousness. Out-of-body experiences, Near Death Experiences, and past life memories are simply the brain at work producing experiences. They say nothing about the independence of consciousness from the body.

    The real questions that should be asked is what is the nature and origin of this consciousness that is produced by the human brain - and which is produced in other living creatures as well? Consciousness seems to be a characteristic of matter. As small as you can get into the microscopic world, you would find evidence of consciousness. Probably also at the atomic and subatomic level. I do not pretend of understand quantum physics, but it seems to me that the randomness and unpredictability at that level is an expression of consciousness. Physicists have found that observation of quantum phenomena can change the result. That seems to imply consciousness even at that level, which may be where all consciousness originates from.

    Rudimentary consciousness in the earliest one cell organisms did not appear by magic. It was somehow already present in the matter from which they emerged. To me that indicates that matter is consciousness. I would go so far as to say that the universe is conscious or that it is consciousness.

    Consciousness is the essence of existence. That consciousness is what we fundamentally are. We are consciousness expressing itself through a human organism. It is the nature of Reality to be conscious, and the universe evolves forms of life to produce that consciousness. That is what our human bodies are. They are consciousness producing organisms, which evolved self-consciousness-producing organs called brains.

    It is likely that consciousness is expressed in a nearly infinite number of ways in this universe beyond life on earth. Together it is one infinite consciousness. That infinite consciousness is our essential nature. As the Upanishads say, “That thou Art.” We are one with and identical to that Consciousness. This consciousness is Unitive Awareness, or nondual awareness, or Cosmic Consciousness.

  • Episode 32 looks at chapter 46, which continues the theme of discontent from the last two weeks, this time placing it in the context of militarism and the nations of the world.

    I start the episode by telling the story of how I first came to be disillusioned with politics and the hope for any real "change" in terms of the military policies of my country. The rest of the content is divided into two main parts:

    1. War horses or plow horses? Lao Tzu's metaphor for militarism and greed in a broken world.

    2. Discontentment and greed as foundations of brokenness

    3. What does it mean to "change the world"? Is that even a possibility? It's important to think carefully when we use language like this, because in one sense, the answer is a yes - and in the other, it is an emphatic no.

    See more at www.coreyfarr.com

    Support the show (http://www.patreon.com/crttc)

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  • In recording these episodes I try to communicate Unitive Awareness. It is not easy. Not only does language seem inadequate to the task of communicating this indescribable reality, but even the process of communication has pitfalls. I have been noticing recently how important it is to pay attention to who is doing the speaking and who is doing the listening. Which “I” is speaking and which “you” is being addressed.

    As I have said, there are two selves, what Thomas Merton has called True Self and the false self. There is the little human self – the individual personality. Then there is the selfless Self, Universal Being, the One that includes all others, including the little self. Human language is the domain of the little self and is by nature dualistic, and hence the difficulty. Yet language is the only means that the Universal Self has to communicate, if this Self wants to use words. The Universal Self is in fact communicating wordlessly all the time through everything in the universe. It does not need words, but to communicate to humans through humans it has to humble itself to use words.

    It makes me think of that passage in Philippians where the apostle Paul says that in Jesus the Divine Christ emptied himself and humbled himself, taking the form of a servant. For communication of Unitive Awareness to take place through words, it must be the Divine Christ, the Universal Self speaking and not the individual human self. Not only that, but the Universal Self needs to speak TO the Universal Self in those who are listening.

    Communication involves a speaker and a listener. It has to be the right speaker and the right listener. Self speaks to Self. Spirit speaks to Spirit. Christ in me speaks to Christ in you. God in me speaks to God in you. God is speaking to God’s Self. You and I as individual egos are in the background while Deep calls to Deep, as the psalm says, encouraging Being to be aware as a human being.

  • You are not who you think you are. You are not WHAT you think you are. French Christian philosopher and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin famously said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Even that does not quite communicate it. It makes it sounds like there are a lot of little spiritual beings having human experiences.

    There is only one Being, what Christian philosopher Paul Tillich called Being Itself or the Ground of Being. Another word for this is Spirit, and that is what we are. I would phrase it this way: We are not humans having a spiritual experience. We are Spirit having human experiences. This Spirit is that within which all experiences occur. All is One. We are One expressed in what appears to be many. We are Being appearing as human beings.

    Reality is One. I call that One Reality God. The problem with using the word “God” is that people mean very different things when they say that word. I am not using it as a traditional theist would use it. For that reason perhaps I should not use the word at all. But this is my religious vocabulary. If I can’t call Ultimate Reality God, then what use is the word God?

    The trick is trying to communicate this Reality, which seems to be nearly impossible to do. That is why the Tao Te Ching says, “He who speaks does not know, and he who knows does not speak.” And yet I speak. It is what I do. I am a preacher, and as the Scripture says, “How will they hear unless someone tells them?” So I speak. This episode is my attempt to express the inexpressible.

  • And we're back! Episode 29 looks at the first few lines of chapter 42, which is a confusing paragraph about the creation of the universe and the yin-yang harmony. However, if we read carefully and creatively, I think we can find some powerful lessons in here.

    In this episode, I start by considering just one of those practical lessons: the idea of finding balance or harmony between work and rest. The rest of the episode is divided into four parts:

    The Tao creates one; the one creates two - on unity in the world and the dangers of dualistic thinkingThe two creates three - the "third thing" as a reality of natureThe third thing in practice - how this idea can practically affect our (1) emotional health, (2) faith/spiritual health, (3) intellectual health, and (4) ability to cultivate healthy, loving relationships

    See more at www.coreyfarr.com

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  • This week I interviewed Christian TTC translator Marshall Davis, author of the The Tao of Christ. I can't recommend Davis's translation strongly enough, and I was so excited to have him on the show!

    In the interview, we discuss his journey of discovering the TTC, his process and philosophy of translation, and a whole lot about living non-dualistic and inclusive Christianity. No matter where you stand, I'm sure that his views will challenge you to think critically.

    Marshall's work:

    Translation: The Tao of Christ
    Blog Spiritual Reflections: marshalldavis.us
    YouTube channel: christiannonduality.net
    Podcast: TheTaoOfChrist.com

    Support the Show.

  • Seth Leaf Pruzansky was born into this world questioning and interpreting the big questions in life.

    He is the author of the book “The Fight to Enlight: Initiation through the heart is the only way to win”, a successful entrepreneur, performing musician, and co-founder of Living Nutz Organic Foods, Tourmaline Springs.

    Stay up to date and join the mailing list for amazing content in health, wellness, spirituality & personal development! http://www.mattbelair.com

    Seth's Website: https://imawakenowwhat.com/

    ✅Join our community and get cutting edge tips and tools for human optimization, health, wellness, and personal development 👉http://www.mattbelair.com

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  • Episode 30 looks at chapters 42 and 43, which give us some very practical insight into Lao Tzu's very unconventional theory of leadership. The truly noble leader adopts an attitude of extreme humility and willingness to lead by example more than words. The leader exhibits the characteristics of wu wei in a world full of frantic grasping for more and more power. I bring in a huge amount of Scripture to show just how similar Lao Tzu and Jesus's visions of leadership really are.
    I open with a critique of rhetoric going on in American politics right now and how deeply it troubles me as someone working with children in a world where this type of behavior has been normalized. The rest of the content is divided into two main parts:
    1. Chapter 42b - The leader who is willing to identify as "orphaned, widowed, and poor"
    2. Chapter 43 - Wu wei in leadership
    See more at www.coreyfarr.com

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  • David Icke is, self-described as the most controversial speaker in the world, he has spent 30 years uncovering the truth behind world affairs.

    David has attracted a global following that cuts across the political spectrum. We live in extraordinary times with billions bewildered and seeking answers for what is happening.

    David Icke is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." He is the author of over 20 books and has lectured in over 25 countries.

    Through his writings, David has developed a worldview that combines new-age spiritualism with a denunciation of totalitarian trends.
    In 1990, David visited a psychic who he said, told him he had been placed on earth for a purpose and would begin to receive messages from the spirit world.

    This is his story, and this is passion.

    - Spiritual Awakening – the electromagnetic field
    - The Perception Deception and global conspiracy
    - COVID (Blindness of the Mind & Manipulation of fear) – what is the truth?
    - The conscious and the subconscious mind (The Bubble)
    - The game of politics
    - Imbalanced consciousness
    - The mind virus – Wetiko
    - Programming the subconscious mind
    - Behaviour manipulation
    - Psychological warfare
    - Programming the conscious mind
    - Control of information
    - The takeover of Human society
    - The symbolism of the mask
    - Artificial Intelligence (AI) – replacing the human mind

    HOST: Luisa


    INSTAGRAM- @passionharvest







  • Hello passionate listeners, Welcome to episode 26! I’m just going to say it, this conversation rocked my world! There is no doubt about it Marin Jacobi is astounding!!!

    Like all of my podcasts that I put out, there is a vibrational frequency that matches to you, if you are listening right now and with that I mean, we are all on this incredible journey of reality of life, or rather a vibrational sequence that can change the modality of the molecular structure and shift timelines and realities, as Marina call it. So when your frequency is corresponding to the vibrational frequency of this episode I am broadcasting, it will resonate with you and it’s the right time for you to listen to it and it’s the right time for you to get some valuable information from this interview and it’s the right time for your soul to listen.

    I was literally shaking afterward my conversation with Marina. Passionately inspired, in fact I kept thinking I’ve found you. I have been waiting so long to meet someone like you.

    In this episode we discuss, the quantum structure, the plasma gravitational field, particles, future technology and artificial intelligence, energetic philanthropy, manifestation, extra-terrestrials, the 5D structure and so much more.

    So buckle you seatbelts and get ready for this mind blowing journey you are about to embark on.

    Welcome to the amazing and astounding wold of Marina Jacobi.

    This is her story, and this is her passion.

    + Exchanging energetic vibration through the heart
    + Energetic Philanthropy
    + Universal Structure
    + Extra Terrestrials
    + Thought consciousness
    + Frequency Vibration
    + Artificial Intelligence
    + Future Technologies
    + The 3D structure of death
    + Detoxing your body
    + The Alchemy of Creation
    + The depletion of the molecular structure through Alcohol
    + Ascension protocol structure

    INSTAGRAM- @passionharvest







  • Episode two looks at two important chapters that lay a philosophical foundation for understanding what exactly we mean when we talk about the “Tao.”

    In this episode, I start by sharing a story of how the TTC helped me during a period of spiritual crisis. The rest of the content is divided into three parts:

    1. The Tao - Without a name, without a beginning
    2. The Tao - Without desire
    3. The paradox of the Tao - the “empty source” of all things

    See more at www.coreyfarr.com

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  • The Tao te Ching has radically transformed my spiritual life as a Jesus follower. This introductory episode lays a foundation for the entire series and by answering some important questions and defining some crucial terms.

    In this episode, I start by sharing a personal story of how I first encountered the Tao te Ching. The rest of the content is divided into three parts:

    1. How could a Christian possibly read the TTC for spiritual formation?
    2. What is the Tao te Ching, and what does it talk about?
    3. How the Tao, the Te, and the Wise Person/Sage can be read as analogous to the Way, the Word, and the Christ.

    See more at www.coreyfarr.com

    Support the Show.