21 år gamle Martina ble knivstukket flere titalls ganger av sin ekskjæreste mens hun var på jobb. To av hennes kolleger reddet trolig livet hennes. Ansvarlig redaktør Gard Steiro.
Uke 2 var ikke bare snø, vi tar en titt på sakene som ikke hadde med været å gjøre.
Et tegn fra Gud får de to norske søstrene May og Kari til å kjøpe en leilighet i den lille svenske byen Gullspång. Sjokket inntreffer når de møter eieren av leiligheten på meglerkontoret: Olaug, som selgeren heter, er nemlig prikk lik deres avdøde storesøster, som døde 30 år tidligere. Og ikke bare er hun lik i utseende, men hun er også født på samme dag som den avdøde søsteren. Det som begynner som en helt utrolig familiegjenforening tar imidlertid flere brå vendinger, og utvikler seg til en dramatisk fortelling om arv og miljø, familiehemmeligheter og vårt behov for å ha noe å tro på.
Vi diskuterer denne ville dokumentaren. Hvis du liker Krimprat med Lise og Fiona så følg oss gjerne på Facebook og instagram for enda mer Krimprat og diskusjoner rundt saker. Bli gjerne med i Facebookgruppen vår - Krimprat med Lise og Fiona. Har du tips eller ønsker til episode kan vi kontaktes på Krimprat(at)outlook.com Vi slipper 3 episoder i mnd på appen Untold og 1 episode på åpent. Last ned appen Untold for å lytte. Musikk: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) licensedSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
122. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by KRIMpodden
Ny serie fra Krimpodden! Gå inn på Podme og hør første episode av vår nye, store serie om forsvinningen i Lørenskog.
Året 2025 startet dramatisk, vi tar en debrif i studio.
Hi everyone, thanks for joining me on this first episode of 2025, aptly called Trends for 2025.
It is hard to believe that another year has gone by. So, I wanted to look at what we can look forward to for our pets in 2025 and what we may want to put on our list of things to do. 2025! Here we come!
Please remember to follow or subscribe to ensure you never miss an episode.
To help the show, please don't forget to Rate and Review each episode that you find helpful/educational.
Email me at: [email protected] with topics you think would be of interest or with any questions you may have.
For links mentioned on the show visit my website at valtalkspets.com.
Thanks for listening! -
I det här bonusavsnittet poddar jag live-on-tape framför publik med Anders Hallgren, världens första hundpsykolog med över 50 års erfarenhet. Med 37 böcker bakom sig och som en pionjär inom mjuka, positiva träningsmetoder, har Anders förändrat hur vi ser på relationen mellan hund och människa.
I sin senaste bok "Från kontroll till samarbete - Låt hunden visa vägen" fortsätter han att utmana den traditionella synen på hunduppfostran, där auktoritet och lydnad ofta står i centrum. Jag får möjligheten att ställa de där frågorna som vi alla undrar över: Hur började hans koncept med att inte bestämma över hunden? Vad säger forskningen? Och hur bemöter han kritiken om att hans metoder skapar "ouppfostrade" hundar?
Det här avsnittet spelades in framför publik på boksläppet för Anders nya bok i Hundens Hus i Åkeshov, onsdagen den 4:e september 2024. Det är ett avsnitt du inte vill missa om du är nyfiken på att förstå hundens psykologi på djupet och vill höra direkt från en av de största tänkarna inom ämnet.
💚 Varje gång du ger din hund klimatsmart, djurvänlig och näringsriktig kost från Vecanis så stöttar du podden 💚
Vecanis är den enda leverantören som erbjuder 100% växtbaserat foder, godis och tuggisar med ett lägre ekologiskt fotavtryck. Varje köp hos www.Vecanis.se stöttar inte bara din hunds hälsa utan även vår planet, djuren och Hundpodden Vår Bästa Vän.
Stötta Hundpodden VBV:s fortsatta överlevnad!
Jag är en stolt och naiv folkbildare inom hund som vägrar gömma kunskap bakom betalväggar, jag tror på "pay what you want"-filosofin och att podden måste vara gratis och tillgänglig för alla.
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Eller bli månadsgivare på:
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In this episode, Jo & Vicky are joined by Clayton Payne, a pet and animal industry expert, podcaster and serial pet industry entrepreneur who is currently the C.O.O. at the Bug Factory. It is an insect company that develops industrial breeding systems for insects that are used in animal foods and feeds.
Clayton has worked in the pet and pet food industries all of his life. He has created, grown and sold multiple businesses in the sector. So, the information he shares here is invaluable and has been adapted to be especially relevant for owners of dog training businesses.
Think outside the box. Get creative. If you keep doing things the same way you will get left behind.
Trends change. Twenty years ago, dogs mostly ate canned food, now high meat content dried foods and raw meat are in high demand.
The dog training industry is changing too. The way people live has changed, so the way dogs live and the problems they need help with have changed too.
Adapting your training to a specific breed or personality type is a good way to specialise. The fact that you deeply understand that type of dog and have adapted how you teach to suit its needs is a huge selling point.
Sell why you are so good.
Appealing to people emotionally, using logic and creating urgency enables you to sell more.
Don´t get frozen by fear. Get on with things and learn from your mistakes.
Get customer feedback, so you are clear on why your product or service sells.
Try new products or services out with people you trust to get feedback. Several ways to do this are discussed in the episode.
As a service provider you can still create urgency by limiting demand.
If there are products you love why not sell them? It´s a win-win. Many manufacturers are interested in working with dog trainers to sell their products. Often, they will offer special deals and discount codes.
“If you keep doing things in the same way, you're going to get left behind.”
“From a young age, I was thinking - I'm going to have to innovate. I'm going to have to do things differently.”
“Look and think – Who´s buying this? And why are they paying money for it?”
“You have to change your mentality from a mentality of, what do I like, to what makes my customer part with their money combined with what I like, because you're not selling to yourself .”
“If you have a product or service, try and niche it. ”
“People struggle with criticism because they don't see it as a chance for learning.”
Mealworm kits - https://bugfactory-mealworm.com
Website www.caninebusinessacademy.com
Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caninebusinessacademycommunity/
Meet Jo and Vicky! They bring a combined 25 years of expertise in the canine industry. Jo, with a background in corporate business, and Vicky, a dedicated advocate for rescue organisations, form an unstoppable team. Beyond the mic, their lives are a whirlwind – managing two successful businesses, pursuing a full-time university degree, and parenting two little ones under four. Each of their homes combined is a lively menagerie, housing five dogs and an abundance of chickens.
Vi ønsker alle våre lyttere et riktig godt nyttår!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Vi ser tilbake på året som har gått og året som nettopp har startet.
Vi ser tilbake på året som har gått og hvilke trender vi har sett innen kriminalitet.
Ansvarlig redaktør for Batong Media er Stein Morten Lier
Ingerid og Vegard snakker om viktigheten av å ikke overøse hunden med kommandoer og tilbakemeldinger som ikke har noen som helst effekt.
Husk at du kan stille oss spørsmål og gi tilbakemeldinger på: [email protected]
Vi har også en egen side på Facebook: Lundqvist-podden -
Vi nærmer oss slutten av 2024, et år til er snart over, men førts skal vi og våre firbente gjennom nyttårsfeiringen. Det er ikke alle som liker den feiringen like godt, men vi skal se litt på noen tips for å gjøre feiringen best mulig for våre firbente. Og det blir litt valpeprat og andre nye ting. Med det så ønsker vi alle en riktig god jul!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
What to listen for:
Today, 2/3 of the Dames of Detection - Stacy Barnett and Crystal Wing - are sitting down with special guest Diana Bunch, an Air Force veteran-turned-search and rescue trainer.
Diana shares her inspiring journey from the military to the world of disaster response, running through her various experiences in various search scenarios, from wilderness expeditions to urban disaster zones.
Our guest dives deep into the art and science of training search dogs, whether you’re a longtime expert looking to shake up your training, or a newcomer looking for the right community of handlers. Diana tells us how to build a dog's confidence through strategic exposure to distractions and varied environments. She talks reinforcement systems and finding the delicate balance between knowns, blinds, and blanks in refining your dog’s skills.
Diana also offers her take on the impact of environmental factors, such as wind and humidity, on a search-and-rescue dog's performance, and explains how handlers can pinpoint the ideal training schedule for their particular dog, and her best tips and strategies for nurturing a dog's natural instincts.
Key Topics:
Diana’s Disaster Response Experiences (06:20)Ensuring that You and Your Dog Are Fully Prepared for Wilderness and Disaster Work (12:23)Utilizing Knowns, Blinds, and Blanks (23:15)Breaking Training Plateaus (36:57)How to Get Involved in Search and Rescue Work (45:07)
Distraction Camp and Intentional Handling and Hide SettingIf you want to get involve in K9SAR work, here's a class from K9Sensus that you can takeDiana Bunch [email protected] SAR teamDiana's FB PostEpisodes with Emily Lawrence: 35, 36, 37
Resources:We want to hear from you:
Check out the K9 Detection Collaborative FB page and comment on the episode post!K9Sensus Foundation can be found on Facebook and Instagram. We have a Trainer’s Group on Facebook!Scentsabilities Nosework is also on Facebook. Here is a Facebook group you should join!Crystal Wing K9 Coach can be found here at CB K9 and here at Evolution Working Dog Club. Also, check out her Functional Obedience Class here.You can follow us for notifications of upcoming episodes, find us at k9detectioncollaborative.com -
Landskapsserien tar oss idag med till Närke.
Avsnittet börjar med en typisk rapport av det enklare slaget och fortsätter med spökraketer från olika generationer med Anders Berglund och Johan Gustavsson.
Clas Svahn berättar om ett stort mörkt föremål på sjön Vikerns is.
Avslutar gör Anders Berglund med ett mycket udda fenomen.
Tobias Lindgren önskar sig fler avsnitt av av podden som heter UFO-Sverige i julklapp.
Ni hittar oss på www.ufo.se och vill ni komma i kontakt så är [email protected] en bra start.
Mycket nöje och God Jul!!
Vi tar et tilbakeblikk på de viktigste krimsakene i uke 51
Human-animal behavior research and education has grown significantly over the past decade. One person who has stayed on top of these developments has been Zazie Todd, PhD, a psychologist, trainer, behaviorist, and writer. Through her website, Companion Animal Psychology, Zazie has written since 2012 about the ways science can help our animal companions have happier lives through digestible insights that everyone can understand. She writes a regular series for Psychology Today today too, called Fellow Creatures, exploring the social world of people and animals. She has also now written three books about the science behind our dogs' emotions.
In this episode, we hear from Zazie about her thoughts on better understanding the anxiety and fear of dogs at any given age, and why positive reinforcement is important.
For more information about the episode, guest, and featured links: dogsavethepeople.com/episodes/zazie-todd-2024
Tiltalen mot fire menn beskriver hvordan de planla og gjennomførte skrittene som førte til at lastebilsjåføren Jonas Henriksen ble skutt og drept. Øystein Milli og Tor-Erlin g Thømt Ruud går gjennom detaljene. Ansvarlig redaktør Gard Steiro
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