
  • Finally, a NO B.S. PODCAST on how to read tarot like a professional taught by *real* professionals, with main host Dusty White. Dusty is the #1 bestseller author of The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot—EVER!!, Advanced Tarot Secrets, and The Easiest Way to Learn Astrology—EVER!!

    Dusty has been teaching tarot professionally, to both beginners and working professionals alike, since 1990. This series of free audio lessons covers decades of information, condensed and distilled into 30-60 minute sessions. We cover everything from card meanings to spreads, step-by-step how to MAKE MONEY reading your cards, manifesting with your cards, how to get jobs readings cards, how to get into psychic faires and how to host your own tarot parties and events.

    This series of lessons is from a TRUE MASTER, and is not a part of the New Age fluff machine that panders to New Age sensibilities. If you don't like reading cards reversed, or you only want to cast three-card spreads GTFO (get the F! out) right now. This is real-world education for grownups, not poseurs and amateurs who want to make easy money pretending to be spiritual or get dates and social karma brownies for being "metaphyicalpolitically correct." F—that! We are here to help YOU become BETTER than everyone else. We are the best at this, and we have the proof and testimonials to prove it. Come join our family if you are a REAL tarot enthusiast. No membership card required. (Should we make membership cards?)

    This free podcast is created to support the students of Dusty White's The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot—EVER!! and Advanced Tarot Secrets tarot workbooks—but it is free for anyone who wants to learn more about the tarot. Please join us at www.easytarotlessons.com and take our free course!

  • Come join us for free tarot lessons taught by real professionals who get paid to do this every day. Every week we have real-life private lessons you can sit in on. Additionally, we mix up these lessons with detailed help on solving problems with the tarot that MOST readers face, fun games and exercises, quizzes, and advice on hot to read like a pro. Nothing is held back here. Whatever we can squeeze in to half an hour is covered, and if you want more, you will just have to sign up for our free lessons at EasyTarotLessons.com. We and even occasional interviews with tarot experts (when they show up :-)

    This podcast is led by Dusty White, the author of the perennial #1 bestselling tarot book on Amazon The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot—EVER!! and Advanced Tarot Secrets, a world-class tarot teacher, reader, and researcher. Listen, take notes, and sign up for our free lessons. Stop guessing the future and start writing it.

    This free podcast is created to support the students of Dusty White's "The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot—EVER!!" tarot workbook, but it is free for anyone who wants to learn more about the tarot. Please join us!