
  • So here's the deal. The universe - God - doesn't have conditions upon us for what is required to manifest and to receive what we want to co-create for our lives.

    We hear Amanda say this all the live long day, every day…

    ==> There are no ultimate things we must do to receive. There are no boxes to check or levels of achievement we must pass in order to be eligible to receive.

    We are ‘eligible’ to receive because we are worthy.

    We are worthy because we just are. It’s our birthright… we are born worthy. There is no holy grail of worthiness.

    That may sound cliche or just too simple but it’s important that you understand and deeply integrate this truth within your core… regardless of what you might hear from the many people on the interwebs claiming to have the ‘secrets’ to manifestation.

    But there are also things that we can do to help us to know - to reinforce our belief - that we can receive.

    The four principles Amanda shares today are:

    1) Know you're worthy.

    2) Bring meaning behind the thing you desire.

    3) Believe it's possible.

    4) Gratitude

    She gives us an in-depth explanation of each principle so you can build your own strong foundation for manifestation.

    People say such crazy nonsense when it comes to how to spiritually co-create our lives. In today’s episode Amanda Frances breaks down the *truth* of manifestation. What is required? What isn’t? In a world that will give you so much conflicting information, we need a reliable foundation. The five steps will simplify and clarify everything. These withstand the test of all time and all circumstances.

    Also, it’s time to jump on the MMM waitlist. Something unexpected may be coming:

  • Today's episode is a seven minute clip of a module recently added to Money Mentality Makeover.

    I have been creating content for MMM for over seven, adding to the course regularly -- making this program unlike any other.

    From the foundation of healing your relationship with money to quantum attraction and wealth building principles... this program grows with people.

    As I have learned, grown and elevated my own experience and relationship with my finances, I have added to this program.

    It is full of information, insights, wisdom, and incredible energy.

    As always, alumni get all updates + new content for life. (Enroll once, and get all updates automatically.)

    So, while I was filming this new module, which is on wealth building practices, from the perspective of a self-made multi-millionaire, someone asked...

    “What does a million dollars feel like?”

    I love this question. So so so much.

    Because it speaks to this: If you can know what something feels like, if you can see and imagine it for yourself, if you can live and act as though it is possible for you, and move toward it more and more...

    You can create it.

    It also speaks to this, numbers are just numbers.

    And that amount of money is something we have collectively decided is... a lot and is hard to generate. Or nearly impossible. Or something that just doesn't happen for someone like... us.

    In today's episode I riff on this: It's a lot of money. And it's also nothing.

    And it's time we normalize woman like us making and having it.

    Let's go...

    You are worthy of the life you desire.

    You are worthy of the money you desire.

    You are worthy. Act accordingly.

    Let me know what you think in the comments below.

    Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/5pfpu2C_biQ

    To massive abundance, endless opportunity, more money than you know what to do with.

    And to creating the life you desire and deserve.

    I love you!

  • Listen: God is bigger. He is bigger than any religious building. He is bigger than man’s interpretation of him. He is bigger than the person on the stage telling you to think of god in a certain — often fear based — way. I don’t have a problem with the church — I have a problem the leaders of church’s speaking to us in such a way that we don’t get to know God for ourselves.

    Our own, growing, evolving relationship with God — a relationship of *our own* understanding — must begin to outweigh the dogma and f*ed up doctrine that many churches have tried to fill our heads with.

    The church is not God. God is not a man on a stage. God is… God.

  • There is nothing wrong with a New Year’s resolution, but in my life they have become unnecessary.

    In truth, every moment of every day is a good moment to begin again and decide who you want to be + where you want to go + what is and isn’t working for you + what you would like to change.

    We must remember that ANYTHING is possible and EVERYTHING is available and design our lives all year long.

    Things can always be re shaped, re organized, recreated and improved as you decide so.

    Your job: Believe.

  • Cara and Amanda pull back the curtain on the publishing industry and dismantle the biggest lies that stand in the way of so many people writing their dream books. Hear about their journeys of being authors and what it was like to self publish.

    Self Published is now enrolling!

Details + payment options + join us: http://amandafrances.com/self-published

  • Hello

    A month or two ago, I was teaching inside of my Turning Sh*t into Gold program.

    (Sidenote: TSIG is something of a best-kept secret inside of my work. It's magical and not as well known as it... will be.)

    As I was teaching, someone asked me:

    How do I know if it's time to end my relationship? I've been asking for signs. And I'm not sure what to do.

    I gave them my best advice.

    The thing is this: We are powerful creators. Inside of relationships, outside of relationship and in the various scenarios and containers of our lives, we are capable of turning shit into gold.

    But sometimes, we don't want to.

    Sometimes, we feel we shouldn't. Sometimes, we know that that would not be what is best, right or most healthy for us.

    Sometimes, we need to leave.

    In today's video and podcast episode, I share, how I decided it was time to end a seven-year relationship I was in, what the clues were for me, and how I ultimately knew what to do.

  • A few months ago, I was hosting a training for a small number of women entrepreneurs.

    In this intimate group, I had shared that I had made a $1 million dollar investment.

    The group, clearly, wanted to know more.

    The thing about money is this:

    It’s limitless. There is no cap. More is always available.

    Money is always floating around and circulating the planet being exchanged between people continually and we are capable of attracting, allowing and generating more and more into our lives.

    I shared with this group a bit about the investment, what led up to it, what it brought up for me...

    And the value of being at our edge and being a little bit uncomfortable with the thing we are doing next.

    When my team first presented this little segment of the full training I did that day, I was a little nervous.

    "Are we sure we should talk about numbers that big?" I thought.

    I was reminded of the one million other times I was afraid to share my goals, my wins, my vision, my successes, and moves...

    And that this brand was literally built on doing the impossible and then sharing all my secrets. (Except, they aren't secrets, because I tell you everything I do and how I do it. lol)

    Numbers are... relative. Especially when you are expanding. Numbers what once felt really big, eventually feel kind of small... when you are on a path of continual financial growth.

    And while some people might be uncomfortable while watching this video, more people will be inspired and empowered. And... facilitating the later is my... job.

    And while I'm sharing crazy things. I have to tell you that Amanda Frances Inc has received $960k in the past 30 days... putting us wildly close at the million dollar month.

    Once upon a time, a million dollar year felt impossible. Hell, I shouldn't have made one million my life time. But with faith we move mountains. And with perseverance and determination we keep going. And with trust in ourselves and our purpose, who can stop us.

    So, now that I've activated, sparked and lit up some things... here is this week's vlog.

    Please let me know what you think in the comments below the video.

    I love to hear from you! ♥️

  • It’s your job to recognize what you truly want and to let yourself truly want it while holding space for it to manifest.

    Your desires are given to you by the divine and they are attempting to guide you as you create a beautiful life.

    There is already a way for you get what you want.

    You deserve an incredible life because you do.

    It’s time to embrace and go after your desires with everything you’ve got.



    (This caption is all caps because it’s copy and pasted from my IG story. My font was an automatic all caps style font. I’m not yelling at you. lol.)











  • I live my life as an exception to many rules.

    I should not have been a multimillionaire.

    This life shouldn't be possible, but I created the impossible and that's what I want for people.

    That's why I do this.

    Putting myself in front of a large online audience.

    It’s not always easy.

    Sometimes it makes people mad.

    But even with all the nonsense, I have to go back to… it matters!

    It matters that I do this for each person that I affect positively.

    It matters to people who have a breakthrough reading my book or enrolling in one of my courses.

    It matters to them.

  • If you haven't been around here long, you may not know that I have a very religious background. I grew up in the middle of the Bible Belt.

    As a child, I was very curious about God.

    I had myself in church twice a week from the time I was in 5th grade on. My parents dropped me off until the time I could drive. Once I could drive, I was shuttling the other teenagers to church with me.

    I have two bible school degrees -- from a ministry training college and from Oral Roberts University.

    I say all this to say: I know religious dogma.

    I know doctrine. I know all the legalism. I know the rules. I could recite for you every single thing a good Christian girl should and should not do and back them up with (taken out of context) bible verses.

    And I know something more powerful than all of that: God.

    God's heart. My heart.

    I know energy. I understand how the energy by which you do a thing affects the outcome of a thing. I understand intention. I know frequency.

    I know that there are people out there right now, giving ten percent to a church who do not understand the energy of abundance, do not know their worth, don't believe in the particular place they are giving their money... And the tithing thing probably isn't working that well for them.

    I know other people who truly believe that the reason they are so financially blessed is because of their giving. They might not know that their belief in the thing is more powerful than the thing, but they are happy with the dynamic at play. And it's working for them.

    And, I know from a lot of experience, a lot of years of tithing, and many years now of donating, giving and supporting things I believe in...

    That there is a powerful dynamic available -- where generosity and giving are very supportive to you and your desires -- and where guilt, obligation and overcompensating are no longer in the mix...

    When you understand the energy at play plus the power of the intention and belief by which you give + receive + donate + tithe... it can be a very powerful, rewarding and incredible thing.

    In this episode, I break it down! Let me know what you think below. Unless it's negative and annoying, then keep it to yourself. Xo.

  • Feel the energy and intention and power of these words as you listen:

    I am worthy.

    I am good enough.

    Money loves me.

    I am meant to be supported.

    I am meant to be taken and care of.

    I am allowed to have a good life.

    I welcome now an experience where things become easier for me.

    Money is consistent, supportive, and reliable in my life.

    My debt is eliminated

    My bank accounts are overflowing with money I felt great about receiving

    I allow money in.

    I invite easier, natural, more fluid, intentional and purposeful relationship with money.

    The life of the wealthy woman is available to me.

    It's who I am how, it's how I be, and it's what I choose to receive.

    It's meant for me. I step into it more and more.

    I am okay. I am on my way. I am destined for full and complete greatness.

    Ready to move into the experience of feeling supported by money? Ready to heal past money wounds? Ready to forgive past money mistakes? Ready to step further into all your are meant to be when it comes to earning, attracting, generating, receiving, investing, saving, and having more money ? Ready to redefine, rearrange, and recommit to how money works in your life?

    Ready to feel fucking good when it comes to your financial life?

    Money Mentality Makeover is open for enrollment.

    MMM is special. It's sacred. It's unique. It was built over six year to create a full, complete, robust program designed to support you in creating the experiences with money that you desire. You can have a loving, healthy, and supportive relationship with money.

    And the time is now.

    Success stories + payment options + all the details: http://amandafrances.com/money

    There are over 100 testimonials available on the enrollment page help you decide if this course is right for you. Check them out.

    See you inside! I can’t wait to see what you do with this content.

    I love you. ♥️

  • Amanda and her boyfriend riff on all things love.

    How they met, how they fell in love and how they were able to find each other again after things ended and grow stronger together.

    They talked about how to take the pressure off a new relationship and the importance of getting to know each other first without an agenda or expectations.

    And his name finally gets reveled at the end of the episode!! Gasp!!

  • It has been an honor and joy to get this book out into the world, to you.

    This book was not easy for me to write. I labored, struggled, contemplated and felt the souls of the millions of women who needed the words pulling on me.

    In moments it flowed. In moments I labored. In moments it felt like my soul was being wrung out.

    I still get overwhelmed when I see it in your homes, bags and cars. On your coffee tables, on your kindles, in your kitchens, and in your hands as you take a bath.

    Thank you for your love and support. Thank you for having my back. Thank you for being gracious, genuine, and loving humans who make up a very beautiful corner of the internet.

    The interwebs can be a wild place, but the vibes are right over here.

    I love you. I appreciate you. I’m so excited to watch this book have a life if it’s own.

    My prayer: May it be so much bigger than me, my company, or this life. May it grow in momentum, impact, reputation, power, love and transformational energy.

    May it support you in being wildly, unabashedly, relentlessly, powerfully and intentionally Rich as Fuck. May it support you in creating freedom, fulfilling desire, and living in abundance.

    May we all have more money than we know what to do with. And may we use that money so, so well — creating the world we desire, deserve and want to see.

    May we reach deeper, love bigger, go further, and unleash our big loving beautiful hearts, gifts and work on to the world like nothing that’s ever been seen.


    PS: This episode was taken from my Virtual Book Launch Party — You can still get the full video, use your order number (when you buy any version of the book from any retailer) to access the Rich as F*ck Book Party replay.

    Truly, you want the money meditation inside. And more riffs on debt, wealth, releasing the ‘how’, ect.

    Get the replay: http://amandafrances.com/rich-af

  • Hi loves!

    I am thrilled beyond to share this motivating, empowering, and vibey as hell video with you today.

    Dance to it. Walk to it. Run to it. Start your day with it. Listen to it any time you need a boost.

    Say it with me:

    I am worthy. I am here on purpose. I am ready for more. I am ready for my next steps. I take the inspired guidance. It is time for the desires of my heart to take form in my physical reality.

    I was made for money. There is nothing wrong with desiring more money. I allow myself to earn, receive, generate, have and keep more and more and more money. I use it will. I spend it well. I save it well. I invest it well. I use it for good. I use it to create the world I want to see, for myself, and for those around me. I trust me.

    I know my purpose. I sense and see my path. I make my moves I take my steps My heart is open. I am being guided always.

    I loved. I am incredible. I am a child of God and a creation of the most high. I give of my gifts, callings, talents freely and I receive compensations beyond I expected or imaged freely as well.

    I step into my next level of abundance. And so it is. Amen.

    Get your copy of Rich as F*ck Here Now

    Music: WOMAN by Lady Bri


    More than anything else on my youtube or podcast, I get the most incredible feedback around my meditations — specifically my sleep meditations.

    I was thrilled when my team found this audio from my archives filled with principles on opening up to life, reprogramming your mind, choosing perceptions that bring you into your power and position you for success, leadership, love, and abundance. These are some empowering vibes to fall asleep to.

    After what happened at the Nation’s Capitol this week in the United States I questioned sharing this now.

    With the injustice and suffering in the world, is a meditation like this too trite or basic? Does it lack nuance?

    Is it too shift-your-mind vibes when we need shift-the-world actions?

    But as a friend and colleague reminded me…

    The foundation is — by definition — basic. And we all need foundational truths right now.

    We need to process, grieve, release, work, fight and then REST.

    We need to be able to take in content that brings us back to our truth and peace.

    We need to stay aware of the state of the world, and also be present for our lives.

    And change will always start in our minds, in our personal world and lives -- and expands outward.

    I hope that this brand new sleep meditation serves you in that.

    In hard, uncertain and unsettling times, it’s especially important that we find the peace within. Do your work and protect your peace.

    Some words from the meditation...

    Say it with me: I am a child of God. I am a creation of the most high.

    There is no other shoe to drop. There is no way I could f*ck it up. There is no way it could all go wrong.

    It is all being used for my good. It is all working in my favor. It is all being turned to gold.

    The better it gets, the better it gets. The better I get, the better I get. The more I shift, the more I shift.

    It is all positive moment in the direction of your dreams.

    Nothing can stop me now. Nothing can keep me down. I am completely fully and purely destined for greatness. Amen.

    Check out full 8 hour version: https://youtu.be/6rH_-p58OC0

    I love you.

  • I am so excited to bring you this free Morning Meditation for Manifesting designed to support you in transforming your day.

    Now, of course, we know that transformation + growth are both ways of life and life long journeys.

    We also know, however, that moments of feeling better, moments of intentionally creating, moments of dreaming, moments of letting it be ease, moments of envisioning and imagining, moments of action and strategic + smart effort... all add up. The moments add up.

    And next thing we know, we have a whole new life.

    As this year ends, it's time to begin again. It's time to step into your life's flow. It's time to choose who we will be and where we will go. It's time to trust ourselves more.

    This is a meditation for guidance, protection, love and abundance.

    Remember: You are deeply taken care of. You are fully protected. You are incredibly loved.

    Feel into that truth. Feel into that universal truth. Feel that in your body.

    From this place of love -- everything comes.

    Say it with me: I love myself fully. I trust myself completely. I am willing to let it be easier. I am ready to see things differently. I am here for growth, love, belonging, acceptance, love, abundance, and so much pure joy. I get to where I desire to go with grace and ease. My desires arrive naturally. I am always being guided.

    I am excited to see you create and design your best life -- while allowing this morning meditation for manifesting to support you in transforming your day in less than ten minutes.

    We keep this short at 8:08 so you can come back to this whenever you need it! I love you!

    Sponsored by The Soul Alive Bundle and The Bosslady Holiday Business Bundle both marked special holiday price for a limited time.



  • I'm sure there is a place for patience (in the manifestation process) -- I just haven't found it yet.

    ^^ things I say while teaching lol

    For today's episode, the team AF and I have pulled a couple riffs from a recent hour+ long training I taught.

    In the episode I share answers to some of your most popular Qs.

    I share on...

    >> How to move out of a waiting energy and into a watching energy when it comes to creating your desires (no patience required!)

    >> Defining + deciding how people think of you, relate to you, and know you online and in life (we often call this "branding")

    (This has something to do with how certain people seem to pull off + get away with stuff we feel we couldn't. Watch for more.)

    >> Journal prompts + inner work vibes to support you in creating an intentional and solid brand + presence

    >> Integrating social media sharing into your full life + daily experience so don't feel like you have so many f*ing things to do

    Remember, loves: Our manifestations take a period of time on the human plane (in the physical realm). It may seems slow, but it helps to remember that you can have it because you can. Because you are moving toward it, because you are aligning with it, because you are a match for it, because you are calling it in, because you are acting + living + being + believing as though it is yours. Because you've decided.

    Your world -- as you know it -- is rearranging for you to have what you've chosen. You energetic decision and declarations are that powerful.

    It's not really about patience or being okay with the slowness. Yes, notice when something is not here yet and process the fear or frustration that brings up.

    Then watch for the evidence that it's coming. Add up the evidence. Add up the proof. See the signs and indications of what is coming through.

    You wait for nothing. You watch for what is soon to be yours. You choose your focus. You allow your feelings to follow.

    You move into the confidence + certainty + knowing of what you've chosen.

    Got it? I love you.

    What do you think? Leave me a review!

  • It’s normal to feel a myriad of emotions when a client decides to stop working with us.

    Today Amanda looks at the underlying issues beneath our resentment, helps us to create aligned boundaries, release our fear of loss, and supports us in knowing our worth once again.

    Listen all the way through for an empowered affirmation at the end!

    BMMC: amandafrances.com/become-a-money-making-coach

    CCQ: amandafrances.com/become-a-course-creation-queen

    Use link on either page to gain access to both through 11/18.

  • For most of my life, I considered myself to have pretty mild anxiety. After I went through something my body and mind perceived as severe trauma, however, my anxiety could be completely overwhelming me. It would persist throughout each and every day.

    Now, let me say: While I am a trained therapist, this is a social media post. This content was created in the name of inspiration, education and entertainment. This post is not meant to be a substitute for medical care or mental health counseling. It may not be right for every person in every scenario.

    Let's go on: I have learned a lot about moving through my own panic, disassociation, and anxiety. I have learned what helps me be with it, process it, move through it, and release it with more ease... making it a small part of my life when it was once a wildly huge part of my life.

    The thing about anxiety is it can magnify and catastrophize any situation.

    The thing occurring might be minor in the scheme of life, but anxiety can make it feel so big. Anxiety can make you feel like someone or something has power over you and like there is no way out of what you feel stuck in.

    For me, it could make me feel like I was going crazy. Literally, crazy.

    In today's video, I share a bit of what has helped me (as I give advice to someone waking up with anxiety each day).

    One perception that has helped me: There is nothing wrong with me.

    Considering everything I've been through, endured and overcome... I am so f*ing normal. The anxiety is normal. The repercussions of my trauma are normal. The unhelpful beliefs and feelings my body and mind take on are... normal.

    I am okay.

    AND I am getting better as I go. I am actually doing quite f*ing well. The past is behind me. The fears are fading. I am moving through. I am healing beautifully.

    Peace is my birthright. Joy, love, and abundance are who I am, how I believe and what I receive. All is... f*cking well.

    Remember: There is nothing wrong with you. Considering what you've been through, your reactions are normal. And they get to be released, removed and worked through for your ultimate healing and recovery.

    I love you. I want to hear what you think. Leave a review and let me know!