
  • In this episode of "What Catholics Believe," Thomas Naegele and Father William Jenkins discuss the process of repentance and forgiveness for the crime of abortion; Francis’ recent comments stating that non-acceptance of Vatican II is the current issue facing the Church; Francis’ new radical LGBTQ cardinals; rumors of Francis’ retirement; and the ongoing January 6th show trials.Links:https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-claims-non-acceptance-of-vatican-ii-is-the-churchs-current-problem/https://www.zerohedge.com/political/capitol-police-chief-debunks-j6-committee-conspiracy-theory?ref=biztoc.com&curator=biztoc.com&utm_source=biztoc.comThis video was livestreamed on 6/14/2022.Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!

  • In this episode of "What Catholics Believe," Thomas Naegele and Father William Jenkins discuss current topics and viewer emails.

    First, there are many on the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer List who need prayer; pray for Jude and some elderly in our community who are suffering.

    The first topic is violence against churches and pro-life institutions; abortion is the business of murder and has the spirit of murder; politicians who have made their career on “abortion rights”; indoctrinating children in perversion; the savagery of the devil in Roe v Wade; pray and be ready to defend against abortion; exorcism and the devils behind abortion; activists dominated by passions and malice; a court of politicians rather than justices; politicians who want the dissolution of our country; when criminals hold power.

    Viewer email: sister in the Novus Ordo and dating a man who was civilly married and now divorced — can they marry?

    Viewer email: How can the SSPV priests offer Mass “without jurisdiction”?

    Viewer email: Can a Catholic man be a stay-at-home dad?; God established the Catholic husband as the head of the household and family; a head of household bears the responsibility to decide what is best for the wife and the children; dangers of a mother being a “career woman”

    Viewer email: Can cremation be licit?; Catholic Church forbids; Novus Ordo allows; cremation was primarily pagan and gnostic; “Green burials”; financial motives; the importance of acknowledging the resurrection of respecting the body

    Final topic: The Dominance of Environmentalism; after COVID scare, climate fear; respecting the environment vs modern-day environmentalism; leftist schemes for control and attacks on human life; environmentalism as a religion; Vatican’s Ettore Gotti Tedeschi — environmentalism the religion of the future; human beings now seen as the enemy of the earth; manufactured population control; Gaia as the supreme value; environmentalism and its ties to abortion; the devil appearing as an angel of light; Pachamama in the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica with prayers and processions; Pachamama the “Earth Goddess” and Francis’ “Laudato Si”; Francis, the One World Religion (“Gaianism”) pointman?; the Amazon Synod — dripping with personification of nature; Francis’ promotion of animism (a pagan belief in spirits of natural objects); Francis new “work of mercy” for the environment; Francis and the desire for a different God; Freemasonry’s longstanding plot and their use of the Vatican; GEF’s Yuval Harari — now we have the power that tyrants only dreamed about; Francis against the “restorationists”; Cardinal Ottaviani to Paul VI — the New Mass rejects doctrines of Trent; New Mass will force a “crisis of conscience” and Catholics will have to make a choice; Francis — Catholics must make a choice between Trent and Vatican II; taditional Catholics must avoid the deceptions of environmentalism and relate all questions about to the environment to our Catholic Faith; abuse, wastefulness, and reckless pollution wrong; Catholic children always taught responsibility and taking care of things; mega corporations and politicians not a model of stewardship — selling poison and then products to offset the poison; Robert Hugh Benson’s novel, “Lord of the World — Antichrist’s acolyte, “Fr. Francis” calling to a mother, creator-goddess; environmentalism destined to be the One Word Religion? Francis its prophet?

    This video was livestreamed on 6/21/2022.

    Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!

  • In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele address the following topics: Sister Lucia of Fatima relates that Our Lady said the consecration of Russia would be done late — what does that mean?; the general understanding of “done late”; the consecration as a formal ceremony; Pius XII in 1942 and 1952; Francis’ consecration doubted by different groups, but supported by SSPX who rewrote the prayer; will the consecration ever take place as Our Lady requested it?; the conversion of Russia and Francis’ religious indifferentism; whether the consecration of Russia was part of the original Fatima message; the Church’s attitude toward private revelations; the SSPX’s attitude — pinning their hopes in the actions of modernists and the danger of this for those who follow their lead; Is the passion of the Church a magisterial teaching?; Our Lord’s words in Sacred Scripture; the Church Fathers; the Church’s devotional literature; the writings of Father Garrigou-Lagrange; Are the Orthodox who were murdered by the Bolsheviks martyrs?; those who are knowingly and willingly outside the Catholic Church vs. those who are ignorant; The great conversion of the Jews in the book of the Apocalypse; two classes of Catholics?; the meaning of “first the Jew, then the Gentile” in St. Paul’s epistle to the Romans; Catholics marrying non-catholics and unbaptized persons; Vigano’s call for an official investigation into the conclave that elected Francis; Francis’ knowledge of sexual crimes; the “St. Gallen Mafia”; the motives of Vatican II, the Novus Ordo “mass”, and the conclave; “Bene-vacantists” setting up a schism in the Novus Ordo; SSPX contrasted with Vigano; Ketanji Brown Jackson chosen because of demographics; the democrat party’s word against Biden’s; Jackson agnostic about natural rights; finally pray, pray, pray for our country and be devoted to the Immaculate Heart!

    This video was livestreamed on 4/5/2022.
Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!

  • In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele address the following topics: Are canonizations infallible?; would-be traditionalists say “no”; the pre-Vatican II opinion; St. Philomena de-canonized?; view of the theologians: certitude of faith in canonizations; canonization process vs. declaration; the Church’s magisterial authority — how to save our soul and examples of heroic virtue; the Novus Ordo popes’ canonization of rogues; trashing the Magisterium to salvage Francis; redefining the papacy and redefining sanctity; playing by the modernists’ rules. Was Sister Lucia of Fatima replaced by an imposter?; the evidence for a false Sister Lucia; modernists’ penchant for deception; a pliable “Sister Lucy”; Padre Pio and Mass facing the people; John Paul II didn’t have time for “Sr. Lucy”; Pope Pius XI responsible for Vatican II and the spread of communism?; Sister Lucia’s message to Pius XI; the Leonine prayers for the conversion of Russia; Pius XI in Warsaw 1920; Pius XI and the Cristeros; Pius XI and the infiltration of the modernists into the hierarchy; the consecration of Russia morally impossible?. Where is the Magisterium of the Church?; Church authority and Catholic tradition; the work of the Holy Ghost; Francis “discovering new truths”; Francis called “the successor of Christ”; characteristics of a true pope; the time of the antichrist. Can a baby in the womb be validly baptized?; contemporary procedures to baptize in utero for children at risk; holy water on the stomach?; contact with the skin of the baptized required for validity; remote vs. proximate matter; the fate of unbaptized infants; intention and supplied baptismal grace; the teaching of Trent and St. Pius V on baptism; Limbo of Infants and natural happiness; can souls in Heaven visit souls in Limbo?; the rich man and Lazarus. The Russia-Ukraine war; provocation by Western nations and perpetuation by Washington; blaming Putin for inflation; connection to the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”; Putin and Zelensky puppets?; connection to Covid policies and responses; deceit of the MSM; food shortages; famine in the Old Testament and God’s purposes; warnings of famine today; material and spiritual preparation; Fear of the Lord and the Kingship of Christ; universal enrollment and digital identification; Yuval Harari of the WEF and the digitization of human beings (homo digitalis); the devils’ hatred of human nature; extinguishing the non-digitized; lockdowns in Shanghai — starvation, suicide, slaughter of pets, seizing children, Covid camps; the CCP vaccines; Malthus and population control. And finally: pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe for Mexico and Cuba; be faithful to God and make reparations to draw down His mercy; consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart.

    This video was livestreamed on 4/12/2022.
Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!

  • In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele address many viewer questions such as the following: How God could have created insects and reptiles, which seem repulsive; are insects and reptiles demonic?; is liking insects or reptiles indicative of bad character?; the nonmaterial nature of devils and demons; how all creatures reflect God’s perfections; how the Fall affected our relationship with other creatures; how beauty is an aspect of being and ugliness a departure from or perversion of being; the art of Paul VI and the Novus Ordo glorifies the twisted and perverted; Do we have an obligation to visit family members who have abused us?; the obligation of charity and kindness; Is Ketanji Brown Jackson’s ignorance of what a woman is because she is not a biologist similar to traditional Catholics’ ignorance of whether Francis is the pope because they are not canon lawyers?; that Francis is not pope a theological conclusion based on Catholic tradition; dogmatic sedevacantism; What is the pope and what is the papacy?; the pope’s relationship to tradition; how do we know whether a man is really the pope?; does heresy cause a loss of the papal office?; the difference between failing to preserve the faith and officially teaching error; Sergius I, Pope Honorius I, and the heresy of monothelitism in the 7th century; Francis’ understanding of the papacy — could he even have accepted the true office of pope?; Can the Vatican II popes be false popes before God, but true popes before men?; the “Great Western Schism” — were there really schismatics and antipopes during that crisis?; could it be possible for all Catholics to be deceived?; God resolved the crisis; just as when our Blessed Lord died on the cross, all seemed loss — there is no such thing as “all being lost” for God!

    In a second segment of this program, Father discusses Francis’ “consecration” of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart, carried out this past Friday, March 25: Was it really a consecration? — there was no reference to Our Lady of Fatima and no call to conversion.

    This video was livestreamed on 3/22/2022.
Please visit our website at www.wcbohio.com for our daily livestream of Holy Mass and other traditional Catholic content. May God bless you all!