The Association Podcasts
The Mecha and Tulama Self-Help Association (Oromo: Waldaa Wal-gargaarsa Maccaa fi Tuulamaa) was an Oromo political and freedom social movement in Ethiopia. The movement was primarily based in Bale, but was active in other regions as well (including Finfinne).[1] The organization was accused of committing acts of terror by the Ethiopian government, in hopes of suppressing the Oromo National Movement that was developing at the time. The Association was established by Oromo nationalists like Mamo Mezemer, Haila Mariam Gemeda and Alemu Kitessa.[2]
Gumaataa dhalootaa, guduunfaa irbuu, damboobsaa dhalootaa!
Seenaan of ilaalleedha. yookn bishaan gabateerraa tahuu dha seenaa ofii dagannaan![0]=AZVqs5x6GsPEwS5hZFxZ-2ae7ngC8ZLDyd98bsHGXD6A6Sr0Hi9P1C6ftomEB3uohhAoxA7YgGUs_4yHLphF-02y3kLmsgwCqlkrgy5PaqqFQ6lYG2l90rUUouFMX7s-AGFFTiItiiykSLayBG2yeF5CaIgGF-0bfaaQOls2Ff-MCn2fLt8pLDPEn-x8l0SObHk&__tn__=-UC%2CP-y-R the show