Fritid – Litauen – Rekommenderade podcasts

  • Comedy panel game about weird questions with wonderful answers. Each week, Tom Scott is joined by three guests to ask each other questions with a sideways twist. There's no points or prizes - just reputation and bragging rights on the line. For business enquiries, contestants applications and question submissions, visit

  • Guldregn er DR's nye privatøkonomiske podcast, der forener popkultur og privatøkonomi.
    Vært Sofie Østergaard ser økonomi overalt(!) - når hun streamer, når hun lytter til musik og når hun er på Tiktok. Med afsæt i tidens store fænomener og tendenser guider hun dig hver uge fra røde løbere til sorte tal på bundlinjen og giver dig konkrete råd til at optimere din privatøkonomi.
    Guldregn er til dig, der hverken har sort bælte i budgetlægning eller dagligt tjekker kursen på Novo-aktier. Guldregn har kærlighed til både Rihanna og rentefradrag - og vi har en ambition om, at du skal føle dig mere empowered i dine pengevalg.

  • Падкаст выдаецтва Лацінка ў якім Лёша з Мішам раз у тыдзень распавядаюць пра літаратурныя навіны, кнігі, пераклады і папулярную культуру.

  • Welcome to Plug And Play, the go-to destination for all things news, tech, and events. Join Charles Roberts-Perkins aka CRPHD as they embark on an exciting journey to create a separate creative space where intriguing discussions and insightful explorations take center stage. Support this podcast:

  • Bill, form the RPG After Years podcast, is going it alone to play many of the lost JRPGs never released in the English language. And some other grandiosities that takes his fancy.

  • World of Warcraft is a groundbreaking MMORPG that has defined the genre since its launch in 2004. Developed by Blizzard Entertainment, it brought players into the expansive world of Azeroth, where they could forge their own adventures and explore a richly detailed universe. The game’s roots lie in the Warcraft RTS series, which introduced the lore and characters that became central to WoW. Over nearly two decades, WoW has evolved through multiple expansions, each adding new zones, races, classes, and gameplay systems.Early expansions like The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King established WoW as a cultural phenomenon, with Wrath reaching a peak of 12 million subscribers. Later expansions, such as Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria, brought bold innovations, from world-changing events to deeper storytelling. However, challenges arose with expansions like Warlords of Draenor, where content gaps led to player dissatisfaction. Blizzard rebounded with Legion, which revitalized the game through new systems like Artifact Weapons and Mythic+ dungeons.Recent expansions, including Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands, and Dragonflight, have continued to refine gameplay while exploring Azeroth’s evolving narrative. The game’s cultural impact extends beyond gaming, influencing popular culture and fostering vibrant player communities. As WoW approaches its twentieth anniversary, it remains a testament to the power of immersive storytelling, social connection, and innovative game design.

  • Welcome to Gaming App Reviews, your go-to podcast for discovering the latest and greatest in mobile gaming! From epic adventures to casual time-killers, we dive deep into gameplay, graphics, user experience, and more. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or just looking for fun apps to pass the time, we’ve got you covered. Tune in for honest reviews, hidden gems, and tips to level up your gaming experience. Let’s explore the world of gaming apps together!

  • Истории создания известных песен с комментариями автора передачи о музыкантах [ПО СТУДИЯМ] - Дмитрия Гуменного (DJ DimixeR).

  • 'Gamers vs Depression' is hosted by Toby, Tommy and the team. Each week, we dig into the psychology of gaming and its consequences on mental health. Special guests include professional gamers, influential streamers, and both medical and academic experts.

  • «Ты водишь!»
    Развлекательно-познавательный подкаст в форме игры.
    В первом сезоне большинство участников играет вслепую, полагаясь только на свой кругозор, эрудицию и хорошую память. Они объединены в команду. Есть ещё один участник, который играет в одиночку. Его сила заключается в том, что он знает заявленную тему заранее, а значит у него была возможность подготовиться.

    Второй сезон изменил правила! Теперь каждый сам за себя. Три раунда и одно наказание. На чьей стороне удача? Решит игра! Теперь и в видеоформате.

    Присоединяйся и проверь свой уровень знаний!

  • Это подкаст о неоднозначных жизненных вопросах, которые касаются каждого человека. Как мы реализуем себя, как взаимодействуем с другими людьми, что чувствуем в разных ситуациях, чем наполняем мозг и как проживаем свои эмоции.

    Каждый выпуск ведущие вместе с гостем обсуждают одну животрепещущую тему – и делятся своим личным опытом. Как не поругаться с друзьями в путешествии? Создать свой первый собственный проект? Научиться говорить людям «нет»? Наладить отношения с собственным телом? Найти новые хобби? И вообще – стать более вовлечённым в собственную жизнь? Наверняка ты хотя бы раз в жизни раздумывал(-а) обо всем этом. Да и с нами так было!

    Ведущие подкаста – Юлия Миронова и Мария Пархимчик.

    Для вопросов и предложений:
    Instagram: @tozhe.bylo_podcast

  • Monthly discussions of Classic Mini, automotive, and generally interesting topics hosted by Cole from the Classic Mini DIY Youtube channel and Paul from Hickey Race Engineering Youtube channel. Support this podcast:

  • We love indiegames! If you are reading this, so do you. We tell the stories of passionate indie game developers across the world making them.

    We explore their motivations, goals, funding experiences, and valuable advice for aspiring creators.

    🔗 You can find us here:

    Have fun listening and if you do, make sure to Follow us for updates on new episodes and tell your friends (and enemies) about us.

  • The New In Chess Podcast features interviews with the world's leading chess players, authors and personalities. New In Chess is a prize-winning publisher of chess books and the New In Chess magazine. The book publishing program focuses on training manuals, opening theory, chess history and chess entertainment.

  • Kassavaitinė pusvalandžio trukmės laida, skirta aktualiam, svarbiam, įdomiam savaitės įvykiui aptarti. Tikslas – problemos ar įvykio analizė su ekspertu ar istorijos herojais. Pašnekovais gali tapti tiek politikai, tiek menininkai, tiek sportininkai. Ne tik už sprendimus atsakingi, bet ir šiaip įdomus žmonės, turintys aiškią, tvirtą nuomonę, kuri gali būti svarbi ar tiesiog įdomi visuomenei.
    Ved. Deividas Jursevičius

  • Alufi Haskal d'Sivis and Sylas d'Sivis are here to bring you the latest news and wonderful discussions from our House Sivis Broad Casting Station at the top of Sharn, City of Towers. From discussions on the Treaty of Thronehold, to the latest and greatest Cathith inventions. Tune in with your personal Echoer Device!

    A Podcast Based on Keith Baker's Eberron Setting for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, 4th, and 5th editions.
    An unofficial D&D podcast.

  • A group of folks discussing anything under the sun, but mostly current and classic pop culture.

    Starring a rotating cast of: Josh and Sara Krubner, Brent Perry, John Macy, Justin Ayotte, Brendan Kraus, Milos and Boris.

  • This hour-long car talk show is hosted by Brett Hatfield, automotive historian and Senior Auction Analyst for Sports Car Market magazine, and 35-year radio veteran Mark L. Groves.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Your host Pando interviews fellow Eve Online fleet commanders about all kind of topics in and around the game.