Samhälle och kultur – Finland – Nya podcasts

  • NPF Podden är en podcast där forskning möter verklighet. Med en unik kombination av vetenskaplig kunskap och personliga berättelser erbjuder vi insikter och konkreta verktyg för en mer inkluderande vardag. Podden riktar sig till föräldrar, pedagoger och yrkesverksamma som vill öka sin förståelse för neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar som ADHD och autism.

    Genom engagerande samtal och expert intervjuer skapar vi en plats där trovärdiga fakta möter relaterbara erfarenheter. Vårt mål är att minska stigmat kring NPF, sprida kunskap och inspirera till positiv förändring – både på individ- och samhällsnivå.

    Följ NPF Podden och bli en del av resan mot ett mer förstående och inkluderande samhälle.

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    Skapad av Fanny Malmsten & Johanna Goa.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • 《保持通話》始於一個公開的寫信計畫。我們兩個女的,以一年的時間,12 個主題,24 封信,書寫與我們切身相關的主題。現在我們將延伸彼此的情感與思緒,從文字到聲音,在生活中展開即時的對話。從日常生活到流行文化,我們無所不聊。我們將以女性的視角切開世界,用聲音分享切面的風景,我們與彼此對話,也與平台前的你對話。我們相信對話可以作為一種關懷,邀請你我與生命保持通話。📮訂閱《保持通話》電子報,兩個女子往返對話生命故事: ✍️ 參加《保持通話》生命對話練習讀書會: 📬 追蹤《保持通話》Instagram 了解最新消息、參與節目投稿:喜歡我們節目的話,你可以:1️⃣ 在 Apple Podcast 或 Spotify 留言五星好評⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2️⃣ 請協助節目讓更多人聽見,轉發並標記 @lifting_chaos 3️⃣ 推薦你的親朋好友一起收聽,與他們保持通話--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • In this podcast series, we are not serious but take the topics seriously.

    Cybersecurity influencer Noora Hammar welcomes diverse guests with changing themes, both not necessarily from the cybersecurity realm.

    Welcome aboard
    -It's Hammar Time!

  • Sgt. Tibbs, a beloved 19-year-old cat, goes missing on the streets of Manchester, New Hampshire. His owner fears the worst. But when she finds out her cat was never missing at all, the truth turns out to be worse than she feared. From the Document team at New Hampshire Public Radio, a four-part series about what we owe our pets – and what we owe our neighbors.

  • We are only as free as we’re told. But what if it wasn’t that way? In this podcast I talk about my vision of what a perfect society looks like and how we could someday get there.

  • The podcasts of Pollute Your Soul, will rot your brain and cause internal bleeding, flesh decay, and loss of hearing. ENJOY!

  • بودكاست بُعد راح يسولف عن مواضيع مختلفة تخص الاعمال، المجتمع، الثقافة والمستقبل ويه ضيوف مهمين وأصحاب قصص وتجارب مُلهمة

    مهمتنا نشر ثقافة البودكاست من خلال الإستماع والمشاهدة وهدفنا نوثق أكبر عدد من القصص داخل العراق

    نحرص على تقديم منتجات بجودة عالية جداً حتى تستمتع بالمشاهدة وحتى يكون شي عراقي نفتخر بي

    حلقة جديدة كل يوم خميس الساعة 6:00 مساءًا

  • 這裡是由台南大學原民生一起經營的節目頻道。頻道宗旨為記錄原民生校園生活、彼此文化內容,透過對話的方式認識彼此文化,認識多元族群的樣貌,偶爾也提到一點當代原住民議題,也希望藉此管道觸碰主流族群,讓大家可以用輕鬆愉快的方式一起來認識原住民族,藉此推動多元文化共榮的友善校園。如果喜歡歡迎與我們多加互動~你們的支持影響到我們的更新速度!FB:國立臺南大學原住民族學生資源中心IG:nutn.isrc--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • I am an avid writer passionate about exploring the intersections of neuroscience, psychology, religion and culture. I also speak mostly from my own lived experience as an eldest daughter in a first generation Somali-Canadian household.

  • 現役で医局に属し、フルタイムではたらく保険女医が、第二子不妊治療・不育症・また一人息子の頻繁なワンオペ育児をドタバタこなしていく中で思うことをつらつらと話すチャンネルです。


  • A weekly diary from a transgender American following the 2024 re-election of Donald Trump. We’re not going away.

  • We tell tales of the train and bus yard, the tenement yard and the prison yard. We detail close calls and chase stories. We dig into larger conversations about crossing boundaries, the other side of the tracks, borders, and forbidden space. Whether to make big life changes, to forward the artistic or professional practice, to escape peril—or just for the sheer thrill of it. With first-person storytellers including trans-disciplinary artist Lupe Maravilla, musician/producer Scott Harding ("Scotty Hard"), drug-user activist and award-winning radio documentarian Garth Mullins (from the Crackdown podcast), graffiti artist and fashion designer Claudia Gold ("Claw Money"), pioneering painter and graffiti artist Chris "Freedom" Pape, and many more.

  • Pete Buttigieg Biography Podcast: Dive deep into the life and career of Pete Buttigieg, former Mayor of South Bend and U.S. Secretary of Transportation. Explore his journey from a Rhodes Scholar to a groundbreaking presidential candidate, and discover the stories, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped his path in American politics. This podcast offers a comprehensive look at Pete Buttigieg's leadership, vision, and influence on the future of the United States. Perfect for listeners interested in political biographies, leadership, and contemporary American history.

    For more

  • Wholehearted Love is hosted by Stefanie & Caleb Rouse—relationship mentors, authors of four books, content creators, and a faith-driven husband-and-wife duo devoted to empowering you in every stage of your relationship journey, from singleness to marriage. Stefanie holds an M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Seminary with an emphasis in Theology, and Caleb earned his M.Ed. Through their mentorship programs, they’ve guided countless individuals from heartbreak to thriving marriages. They share real-life stories, practical insights, and biblical wisdom to help you wholeheartedly pursue healthy, thriving relationships. This podcast isn’t for those who want to settle or stay in shallow connections; our dynamic discussions will challenge your perspective, equip you with Christ-centered principles, and propel you toward God’s best for your life. We pray you walk away from each episode with fresh eyes to see how deeply God loves you—ultimately viewing Him, others, and yourself from Jesus’s perspective.

  • Roope Laukkonen käsittelee 10 -osaisessa Valmistaudu Muutokseen -sarjassa länsimaisen Kristillisyyden muutoksia viimeisten 150 vuoden aikana ja niiden vaikutuksia sekä seurakuntien rakenteisiin, ihmisten asenteisiin että Kristinuskon vaikutukseen yhteiskunnan keskellä. Sarjassa haastetaan katsojaa sekä näkemään suurempi kokonaiskuva ja sen mukana tuleva toivo, että omistamaan 100 vuoden näky yhteiskunnasta, jossa Jumalan Sanan periaatteet tuottavat kokonaisvaltaista siunausta koko luomakunnalle.

  • Kaaoskorjaamo on Kortesjärven Ylikylän Nuorisoseuran ja Kauhavan Nuorisovaltuuston yhteinen podcast, jossa kuuluu nuorten oma ääni.