Opening Song: “Tai Chi Magic” from Tai Chi Magic 1 album by Buddha Zhen.
Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang “Spirit Wolf of Truth” explains the history of the Yang Tai Chi Chuan Short Form he teaches in his Shaolin Chi Mantis classes. He mentions his teachers, Shifu Ru Jing Shi, Shifu Marshall Ho.
He also mentions the book, Showdown in Oakland, by his Sihing Rick L. Wing at the San Francisco Jing Mo school of Grandmaster Wong Jack Man. He talks about the famous fight between Shifu Wong Jack Man and actor Bruce Lee.
Buddha Zhen says that, “Kung Fu is a way of life. It’s not street fighting. It’s not boxing. It’s not even a sport. It’s a way to live. A way to be a person. It’s a way to interact with reality. A way to be a father. A way to be a teacher. A way to be a friend. A way to be a big brother. A way to even be a little brother. It’s a way to learn and interact and be good person…”
Outro Song: “Road To The Mountaintop” from Tai Chi Magic 1 album by Buddha Zhen.
https://www.shaolinrecords.com/RecordStore-R/taichiMagic1R.htmlBuddha Zhen official website:
https://zenbuddhistpodcast.com/product-category/music/Buddha Zhen FACEBOOK page:
https://www.Facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruthProduced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records.
https://www.ShaolinRecords.comCopyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications
https://www.ShaolinCOM.comMusic used by permission of Shaolin Records and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP
https://www.ShaolinMusic.comBuddha Zhen has been teaching Shaolin Zen Buddhism since 1984.
Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu & Taoist Tai Chi Chuan was founded 1992. -
Buddha Zhen slams the current Shaolin Temple and the monks he knows that graduated from there. He says that of the three that he knows who started actual schools in Los Angeles, none of them teach Zen Buddhism.
Buddha Zhen says the American view of Shaolin Kung Fu is like children who love McDonalds for dinner. “They just don’t know better. Americans don’t know what Shaolin Kung Fu is. They see all these Shaolin fighters beating people up and fighting in tournaments… but that is not what Zen Buddhism is. And Shaolin Kung Fu is part of Zen Buddhism.”
He also says people think Bruce Lee is a Kung Fu master, but Bruce Lee never graduated the intermediate level of any Kung Fu or Wing Chun school. “He never even learned sword or spear. That’s why he used nunchucks, a Japanese farming tool. He never learned Kung Fu.”
Buddha Zhen explains that Zen is “… a universal perspective.” He uses the example of looking at a tree. If four people look at a tree from for different sides, they will each see a very different tree. Buddha Zhen explains that Zen awareness is seeing the tree from the front, the back and both sides, even standing under it and looking up at it. “Good luck seeing it from above.”
Buddha Zhen also explains how Japanese Zen Buddhism is not Zen Buddhism. “Instead of doing Kung Fu, they do nothing.”
For enlightenment Buddha Zhen recommends that people create a business plan for every goal and have a role model for every goal. He elaborates on how role models can help people attain success.
“Learn to understand what Zen REALLY is.”
Buddha Zhen talks about using the Tai Chi Beginner book to improve people’s lives since 1992.
“Be Shaolin. Zen is Shaolin. Shaolin is Zen.”
Then he laughs and says, “But you don’t know what Zen is. And you don’t know what Shaolin is…”
(You’re either both or neither).The Buddha Zhen talks a little about the Tai Chi Magic 1 album by Buddha Zhen and how it is available from Shaolin Records or the website he built for it:
www.TaiChiMagic.comThe song "Inner Will" is from the Tai Chi Magic 1 album by Buddha Zhen, available at iTunes, Amazon.com...
https://zenbuddhistpodcast.com/product-category/music/Buddha Zhen Official Website:
https://www.BuddhaZhen.comBuddha Zhen FACEBOOK page:
https://www.Facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruthProduced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records.
https://www.ShaolinRecords.comCopyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications
https://www.ShaolinCOM.comMusic used by permission of Shaolin Records and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP
https://www.ShaolinMusic.comBuddha Zhen has been teaching Shaolin Zen Buddhism since 1984.
Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu & Taoist Tai Chi Chuan was founded 1992.Buddha Zhen began studying Shaolin Kung Fu in 1980. He says, "But I didn't consider myself a "master" until 1994, 14 years later."
"You can get a black belt in any Karate system in one or two years, but it takes at least 12 years to graduate Shaolin Kung Fu. This is the most difficult martial art in the world."
Saknas det avsnitt?
Buddha Zhen slams the current Shaolin Temple and the monks he knows that graduated from there. He says that of the three that he knows how started actual schools in Los Angeles, none of them teach Zen Buddhism.
Buddha Zhen says the American view of Shaolin Kung Fu is like children who love McDonalds for dinner. “They just don’t know better. Americans don’t know what Shaolin Kung Fu is. They see all these Shaolin fighters beating people up and fighting in tournaments… but that is not what Zen Buddhism is. And Shaolin Kung Fu is part of Zen Buddhism.”
He also says people think Bruce Lee is a Kung Fu master, but Bruce Lee never graduated the intermediate level of any Kung Fu or Wing Chun school. “He never even learned sword or spear. That’s why he used nunchucks, a Japanese farming tool. He never learned Kung Fu.”
Buddha Zhen explains that Zen is “… a universal perspective.” He uses the example of looking at a tree. If four people look at a tree from for different sides, they will each see a very different tree. Buddha Zhen explains that Zen awareness is seeing the tree from the front, the back and both sides, even standing under it and looking up at it. “Good luck seeing it from above.”
Buddha Zhen also explains how Japanese Zen Buddhism is not Zen Buddhism. “Instead of doing Kung Fu, they do nothing.”
For enlightenment Buddha Zhen recommends that people create a business plan for every goal and have a role model for every goal. He elaborates on how role models can help people attain success.
Buddha Zhen’s BOOK AD for the Tai Chi Beginner book is:
“Learn to understand what Zen REALLY is.”Buddha Zhen talks about using the Tai Chi Beginner book to improve people’s lives since 1992.
His Shaolin Chi Mantis SCHOOL AD is:
“Be Shaolin. Zen is Shaolin. Shaolin is Zen.”Then he laughs and says, “But you don’t know what Zen is. And you don’t know what Shaolin is…”
(You’re either both or neither).The Buddha Zhen talks a little about the Tai Chi Magic 1 album by Buddha Zhen and how it is available from Shaolin Records or the website he built for it:
www.TaiChiMagic.comThe song "Inner Will" is from the Tai Chi Magic 1 album by Buddha Zhen, available at iTunes, Amazon.com...
https://zenbuddhistpodcast.com/product-category/music/Buddha Zhen Official Website:
https://www.BuddhaZhen.comBuddha Zhen FACEBOOK page:
https://www.Facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruthProduced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records.
https://www.ShaolinRecords.comCopyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications
https://www.ShaolinCOM.comMusic used by permission of Shaolin Records and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP
https://www.ShaolinMusic.comBuddha Zhen has been teaching Shaolin Zen Buddhism since 1984.
Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu & Taoist Tai Chi Chuan was founded 1992.
Buddha Zhen began studying Shaolin Kung Fu in 1980. He says, "But I didn't consider myself a "master" until 1994, 14 years later."
"You can get a black belt in any Karate system in one or two years, but it takes at least 12 years to graduate Shaolin Kung Fu. This is the most difficult martial art in the world." -
Buddha Zhen has been teaching Shaolin Zen Buddhism since 1984. This became a business in 1992 when he was hired by the Governor of Utah to teach in a maximum security prison. During this time he wrote the book, Tai Chi Beginner, which he uses as the first semester book in all three of his Kung Fu schools:
Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu & Taoist Tai Chi Chuan Buddha Kung Fu Tai Chi Youth nonprofitTai Chi Beginner is a 16-chapter book used to teach the 16-sections of the Yang Tai Chi Chuan Short Form of Shaolin Chi Mantis. Buddha Zhen tried teaching a couple years in a YMCA without using this book and realized that students learned several times faster and better when he was given permission to make it a book to be read in every YMCA class. Without students reading this Tai Chi Beginner book students did not progress in either Shaolin Kung Fu or Tai Chi Chuan even half as much. The class readings of this book made noticeable improvements in the youth classes also, just as the students in his prison programs improved more than any other prison rehabilitation program.
Buddha Zhen was teaching as an unpaid volunteer for months in that first maximum security prison. After the students began improving faster than any other inmates in their class grades and aptitude tests, the staff of the prison petitioned the governor to start paying Buddha Zhen. Over the next seven years we were given updates on those inmate students who never returned except a couple which = 20% recidivism instead of 80% returning inmates who did not take the Tai Chi Chuan Beginner Program course of Shaolin Chi Mantis.
The song "Inner Will" is from the Tai Chi Magic 1 album by Buddha Zhen, available at iTunes, Amazon.com...
https://zenbuddhistpodcast.com/product-category/music/Buddha Zhen Official Website:
https://www.BuddhaZhen.comBuddha Zhen FACEBOOK page:
https://www.Facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruthProduced by Richard Del Connor for Shaolin Records.
https://www.ShaolinRecords.comCopyright 1984-2021 Shaolin Communications
https://www.ShaolinCOM.comMusic used by permission of Shaolin Records and licensed by Shaolin Music. ASCAP
https://www.ShaolinMusic.com -
I've got a list of all the topics and books I want to discuss with you.
Let's start with the TAI CHI BEGINNER book by Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang "Spirit Wolf of Truth." (That's me!)
I've used this book in EVERY program I've taught since 1992. This edition I'm reading was published in 1994. I'm always impressed by what I wrote then before I was mentored in Taoism for several years and spent a year attending weekly Taoist services at a Taoist Temple.
I'm also impressed by the Zen Buddhism / Chan Buddhism of this book. I've read many Buddhist books, Zen books, and talked to several Chan masters since then. I also have seen the results of teaching EVERY student this book. Their school grades improve and parents have told me it was miraculous how much students improved in just one 4-month semester. For life or long-lasting results I've found that students needed to learn with me for at least one year to be transformed into compassionate members of society where everyone could see their mental and spiritual growth.
So let's start at the beginning of this book. I especially enjoy having the students read aloud these pages. I recommend you read these pages out loud to yourself to fully benefit from this wisdom. By reading out loud you engage more of your mind and learn at a deeper level.
I will be releasing an audiobook of TAI CHI BEGINNER by Buddha Zhen soon, probably in 2022.
You can obtain this book at www.BuddhaKungFu.com/books
Buddha Zhen is resurrecting some podcasts he was recording in his car a year ago.
Now Buddha Zhen is indoors videotaping his Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu classes of Shaolin Chi Mantis.
He's got 200 classes on video with another 100 to complete his BEGINNER PROGRAM of Shaolin Chi Mantis. Buddha Zhen explains he never allowed anyone over the age of 50 in his Shaolin Kung Fu classes. Now BZ is 67 years old and appreciating the difficulties of backwards somersaults in his current lessons to be sold at www.ShaolinInteractive.com
Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON:
www.ShaolinInteractive.comBuddha Zhen Facebook Page: "Spirit Wolf of Truth"
The Tao of Taoism was written in the late 80s and completed in the early 90s after deciding to re-create it in a new form. The original draft of the book was in rolled up scrolls. This book, Tao of Taoism, became a steppingstone to create the other books of Shaolin Chi Mantis for the Tai Chi Chuan and Shaolin Kung Fu programs. Buddha Zhen reads from the Tai Chi Beginner book. These books combine Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism into inspiring mental concepts as his students master the physical aspects of Chinese martial arts.
Buddha Zhen tells several stories about the birth of the original Shaolin Chan Buddhism in China; then about becoming the founder of Shaolin Zen in 1994 in Salt Lake City, Utah. BZ reads a letter of recommendation from the Decker Lake Maximum Security Prison in Salt Lake City where he taught a couple years. Buddha Zhen says he shot Section 19, Lesson 3 of the Shaolin Chi Mantis WHITE SASH belt rank level of the Shaolin Chi Mantis BEGINNER PROGRAM. Buddha Zhen concludes by promoting his TAI CH MAGIC 1 album by Buddha Zhen at www.ShaolinRecords.com or www.TaiChiMagic.com
Buddha Zhen talks about how Buddhism is a group of people called a Sangha. Accordingly: Buddha Zhen and all the listeners on the Internet comprise an INTERNET SANGHA. Each of the Zen podcasts contains readings from the Tai Chi Beginner book which in this episode starts at the beginning of the book written by Buddha Zhen. Buddha Zhen then gives an update on the creation and building of the Shaolin Chi Mantis online school at www.shaolininteractive.com The podcast ends with a song from his Tai Chi Magic album titled Tai Chi Magic at www.TaiChiMagic.com