Help raise vital funds for Movember by donating here https://uk.movember.com/mospace/15312282
This week the incredible Colin joins me to share his remarkable story of learning to walk again after he was told it may never be possible.
You can find Colin here:
If you have a story to share please get in touch! :)
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In this part, Sean talks to me about starring in Harry Fest, this September in London, the possibility of going on tour in the future, meeting Harry Style's postman and debating if Harry has seen any of his content as well as a tonne of advice for aspiring performers.
You can find Sean here:
In this weeks ep Sean joins the pod to talk all about his incredible Harry Styles Tribute show in Benidorm, the high and lows of putting it together and sadly losing his dad in the process. This is part 1.
You can find Sean here:
In this part Eoin discusses what recovery has been like, the tragic passing of his lovely girlfriend Karley, his social media success and burning desire to support others.
You can follow Eoin here:
Eoin joins the pod to talk about his story of addiction and sobriety. This is a two part episode.
TRIGGER WARNING- we do speak about suicide and drug taking*
I can’t thank Eoin enough for being so open and honest about his journey and what an amazing achievement to be six months sober! In this part we talk about Eoin’s childhood and how he got into drugs.
You can find Eoin here:
TRIGGER WARNING- talks of mental health and suicide*
In this part Amber discusses the different types of Bipolar disorder that you can have, advice for supporting those with Bipolar and how skateboarding has helped her navigate living with bipolar so much better!
A HUGE huge thank you to Amber for sharing her story and experiences to help others x -
TRIGGER WARNING: This ep does discuss suicide and self harming so please do not listen if this is something you are triggered by.
Amber joins the podcast to share her experience of living with type 2 bipolar as well as navigating seizures and dissociation and how it was a long journey to get her diagnosis.
A huge HUGE thank you to Amber for sharing her story x
Chloe joins the pod to talk about her sight loss story and growing up visually impaired. We talk all about adjusting to life with a prosthetic eye as well as a cane and being registered legally blind.
You can follow along with all the wonderful work Chloe's does here: https://www.instagram.com/chloelou_7/?hl=en-gb
This week Samantha joins the pod to share her struggles with mental health, a suicide attempt as well as being sexually assaulted. An incredibly harrowing episode but one to raise awareness. I am so proud of Samantha for having the courage to speak so openly about everything.
A group Samantha mentions that has helped her hugely: https://www.iamhollymatthews.com/allmystuff/
If you are ever struggling please check out the following services for support:
This week Israr joins the pod to talk all about her brain tumour survival story and what a story it is! This ep focuses more on Israr's recovery and her advice to those at the start of this diagnosis.
Israr is doing incredible challenges for Brain Tumor Research so please share and donate if you can!
Israr's Just Giving page- https://www.justgiving.com/page/israr-jan-parker-braintumourresearchiowultrachallenge?utm_campaign=lc_frp_share_transaction_fundraiser_page_donation_received_-_nth_donation&utm_content=693879b2-2416-4a88-85ec-56a03119f21d&utm_medium=email&utm_source=postoffice&utm_term=1705998563267
Sign the letter here- https://action.thebraintumourcharity.org/open-letter-health-minister?utm_source=website&utm_medium=banner_cta&utm_campaign=NBTS_launch_2024&utm_term=&utm_content=landing-page&_gl=1*1h132r1*_ga*MTQwMDg5MDMzNy4xNzEzMjA5NTc3*_ga_1119S81MP1*MTcxMzIwOTU3Ni4xLjEuMTcxMzIwOTYxMC4zMy4wLjE4MzMzNDkzMzc.*_gcl_au*NjAzMzQ5MDAwLjE3MTMyMDk1ODA.
Further podcast eps on Israr and links- https://konect.to/israrjan-parker
Instagram link- https://www.instagram.com/israrjp/?hl=en-gb
Poppy joins the pod to share her experience living with two chronic health conditions, FND and a neurogenic bladder. We talk all about these as well as being a parent when you suffer with chronic health. Poppy offers so much useful advice and this was so educational for me as an outsider!
Poppy's insta- https://www.instagram.com/survivingbladderlife_/?hl=en-gb
Shikha shares her bowel cancer story with me and offers a tonne of advice. A test can literally save your life! https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/tests-and-scans/FIT#:~:text=FIT%20(Faecal%20Immunochemical%20Test)%20is,necessarily%20mean%20you%20have%20cancer.
Shikha's links:
Clare joins me to talk all about her journey living with Fibro and Endo. We also talk about her experience of being a young carer for her late mum as well as expressing herself through art. This is part 1.
Claire is an incredible artist you can view all her work here:https://www.instagram.com/_.clareellen/?hl=en-gb
Ever wondered what happens in a hypnosis session? Mehak shares all and how Hypnotherapy helped cure her severe eczema. Mehak now specialises in hypnotherapy you can find all her links below!
Website- https://www.mehakhypnotherapy.co.uk/
Insta- https://www.instagram.com/hypnotherapy_with_mehak/
Follow Dani’s insta here: https://www.instagram.com/withthewilds/
Dani joins the pod to talk all about her experiences with endometriosis, starting a hormone network at work, paving the way for the next generation of women who will have endo and planning a wedding when you have a long term health condition.
She also offers a tonne of helpful advice. Thanks for sharing your story Dani!
If you have a story to share please get in touch.
- Visa fler