
  • Explore what's beneath the surface as we unravel the story of a young millennial mom who found profound purpose and prosperity through entrepreneurship, challenging the norms of what it means to have vision.

    My guest today is Cori Fonville Foster, the CEO of IROC Marketable Solutions in Virginia (USA) and yes, we go way, way back.

    The Disease – Uveitis, A Chronic Eye Inflammation

    In this interview Cori walks us through both the mechanics and progression of her eye disease, as a teenager and then as an adult, able to advocate for herself. Like other eye disease, that can sometimes be invisible to those around, she shares how the volatility creates challenges in even the simplest of day to day activities, we all take for granted.

    5 Places to Look for Hope When Life Knocks You Down

    One simple phrase, you’re fired and the search was on for a new medical team that listened to her, that understood her. In the search for answers, to find out what others with the disease had, and were doing she shored herself up with a way to tell her family she could be relied upon. To prove that she wasn’t an invalid, that she could do some things.

    As many others have done, a simple business model, aided by her mom, and firmly placing here in the health & wellness space was a key part of her healing journey.

    As she says herself, she was looking for hope, which really is a critical step for anyone that is struggling to see past their rock-bottom.

    Doing Business Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank

    In a journey of bootstrapping her business, carving a path to financial stability and a way to contribute to her young family, she discovers that many others with small businesses need help, and traditional paths aren’t always available to them. And there is a knowledge gap when it comes to the day to day operating of their businesses.

    Addressing the gap, through her money lens, a business is created that can sistain her and help others.

    Solve Big "Small Business" Problems on a Budget

    As we catch up with Cori today, she openly shares what her team looks like today, and the reasons why she’s grown it this way. We talk part-time employees, virtual and in person assistants and the challenges (and benefits) of each.

    One thing that often is missed is alignment of work styles, and we do touch on that, since she and I are opposite, she’s the night owl and I’m the up at dawn person. A great example of there is no right way.

    Other Things from This Episode are:

    Letters and Credentials Homeschooling & The Blended Family Child of the military Team & Business Structure YouTube University

    Links to resources referred in this episode (and connect with Cori and her team)

    Website: https://www.irocmarketablebusinesssolutions.com/




    LinkedIn Connect here

    Moments by Debbie Resources (Revised Nov 2023)

    Want some help finding, and pulling out some of your family crap, that might be the guilty party? Download our FREE Things We Heard Checklist here and start improving your family and your business financial future.

    Or maybe you're thinking, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem, I'm the one holding ME back, THEN The Self-Sabotages Workbook is 100% for you, so you can identify and stop the patterns, once and for all, to create more wealth, and waaaay less worry. Get it here.

    Or do you just want to dip your baby toe in the water, see what we're all about, not quite ready to take that first step then ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

  • Join us in an intimate conversation as we explore the profound transformation of a self-proclaimed sad, mad and bad husband who turned his life around, finding happiness and fulfillment in love, family, and self-discovery.

    Charged with emotions, in this episode, Debbie and David delve into the complexities of being a man, dissecting the profound impact David's father, a prison guard, lost at just 7 years old, had on his life. David candidly shares the challenges of living up to his father's compassionate legacy and the resulting struggles with self-worth and feelings of inadequacy.

    Growing Up in Your Father’s Shadow and Life’s Unseen Paths

    In this compelling episode, from David's accidental journey into coaching and ministry to the significance of taking responsibility in the face of life's uncertainties, the conversation evolves into a reflection on the value of diverse life experiences. Join them as they discuss the unexpected paths that lead to personal growth, and explore the intersection of ministry and public speaking, uncovering the hidden lessons within life's unpredictable journey.

    The conversation further explores David's journey, examining the subtle nuances of masculinity, mentorship, and the quest for role models. Unpacking the societal stereotypes of masculinity, the discussion touches on the importance of male mentors and the ongoing search for positive influences. Debbie and David unravel the often-silenced topic of emotional abuse towards men, shedding light on the struggles faced by approximately 60 percent of men.

    The episode unfolds as a poignant exploration of personal growth, self-doubt, and the continual pursuit of healing in the face of past shadows.

    The Transformative Influence of Core Values on Personal & Professional Lives

    David engages in a candid conversation with Debbie, delving deep into the profound impact of core values on one's personal and professional journey. The central theme revolves around the transformative power that comes from identifying, embracing, and prioritizing core values.

    David vulnerably shares his three core values: Family, Faith, and Growth, reflecting on the ongoing journey of embodying these principles. He emphasizes that while these values serve as guiding lights, the path to fully embodying them is a continuous process. Despite the imperfections in living up to these values, he sheds light on the pivotal role they play in shaping a purpose-driven life.

    The discussion explores the daily alignment of actions with these values, highlighting the importance of structuring one's life around deeply held beliefs. Whether it's navigating challenges, making choices, or pursuing growth, the episode serves as a valuable guide for listeners seeking authenticity and fulfillment in their own lives.

    Ultimately, the conversation underscores the significance of self-discovery, the continuous evolution of values, and the tangible impact of integrating them into the fabric of daily living.

    David and Debbie provide a roadmap for individuals striving to create a life that resonates with their core values, offering profound insights and practical wisdom for the journey ahead.

    Navigating the Intersection of Money and Ministry: Balancing Revenue Generation with Pastoral Ethics

    In this segment, David addresses the delicate balance between generating revenue in a life coaching business and the perception of financial pursuits within pastoral life. He shares his personal journey in overcoming negative attitudes towards wealth and highlights the importance of respecting others' perspectives.

    David emphasizes the need to build a solid wall between his coaching business and church affiliations, being cautious not to exploit his position for personal gain. The discussion delves into the complexities of money within religious contexts and the challenges of navigating these intersections.

    Ways to connect with David

    Facebook David Price | Facebook

    Website www.takbackyl.com

    Email [email protected]

    Links to resources referred in this episode

    Link to Lewis Howes Book The Mask of Masculinity Get it here

    Resources (Revised Nov 2023)

    Want some help finding, and pulling out some of your family crap, that might be the guilty party? Download our FREE Things We Heard Checklist here and start improving your family and your business financial future.

    Or maybe you're thinking, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem, I'm the one holding ME back, THEN The Self-Sabotages Workbook is 100% for you, so you can identify and stop the patterns, once and for all, to create more wealth, and waaaay less worry. Get it here.

    Or do you just want to dip your baby toe in the water, see what we're all about, not quite ready to take that first step then ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

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  • Expose the undercover emotions driving your money decisions, and reclaim the reins of your money story.

    Welcome to another episode of "Your Money Your Business," where we delve into the intricate connection between emotions, finances and wealth. In this episode, we're unraveling the triggers surrounding money, finances, and the striking parallels with diets and weight loss. Our host, Debbie, sets the stage with a personal story many can relate to.

    Navigating the Triggers: When Friends and Family Trigger Us

    Debbie's son brings his new girlfriend home for a family dinner. All seems well until the many boxes of restaurant meals are spread out all over the dinner table. Suddenly, Debbie finds herself grappling with an unexpected surge of annoyance and unease. It's not just the fact that her son's girlfriend splurged on extravagant meals and unnecessary decor—it's the fear that her son might be swept into a lifestyle that prioritizes immediate gratification over long-term financial security.

    Navigating through these emotions is no easy feat. Debbie admits to feeling a mix of concern, anxiety, and a touch of frustration, wondering why her son's girlfriend isn't channeling those resources into building a stronger financial legacy for their future. It's a moment of vulnerability that exposes Debbie's own triggers related to money—perhaps rooted in her desire to see her children thrive and make wise financial choices.

    Identify Your Triggers

    Identifying these triggers becomes a crucial first step in our journey. By recognizing the specific situations that elicit strong emotional responses, we can start to name and understand these triggers better.

    Debbie acknowledges that her reaction is not solely about her son's girlfriend's spending habits; it taps into deeper fears and beliefs about financial responsibility and legacy building.

    Human Biases – Why Do What We Do

    Understanding the many human biases that influence our decisions is the next key element. Debbie reflects on how her own biases may be shaping her perspective, acknowledging the importance of challenging these preconceived notions.

    This moment of self-awareness opens the door to neutralizing triggers and changing outcomes.

    Daily Intentions and A Strategy to Stop Someone from Irritating You

    In the spirit of empowerment, Debbie shares strategies for navigating these trigger-laden situations. She emphasizes the importance of reframing worry and anxiety as opportunities for growth and learning.

    Rather than succumbing to negative emotions, she encourages listeners to adopt a proactive stance—recognizing triggers, questioning biases, and crafting an intentional strategy, consciously choosing a more positive response, and thus outcome.

    Why This Matters

    For our audience of older Millennials, Gen X, and younger Boomers, many of you are seasoned professionals or business owners with family incomes of $150K or more, this episode is a roadmap to healthier financial conversations.

    It's a reminder that triggers are not roadblocks but invitations to explore our relationship with money more deeply, fostering a mindset shift from worry to empowerment. So, the next time you're faced with a financial or relationship trigger, remember—you're in control of your response, and the journey to financial well-being is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Links to resources referred in this episode

    Link for Mathew Hussey interview with Ramit Sethi on YouTube

    Resources (Revised Nov 2023)

    Want some help finding, and pulling out some of your family crap, that might be the guilty party? Download our FREE Things We Heard Checklist here and start improving your family and your business financial future.

    Or maybe you're thinking, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem, I'm the one holding ME back, THEN The Self-Sabotages Workbook is 100% for you, so you can identify and stop the patterns, once and for all, to create more wealth, and waaaay less worry. Get it here.

    Or do you just want to dip your baby toe in the water, see what we're all about, not quite ready to take that first step then ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

  • Welcome back to Your Money Your Business with Debbie Colbourn, where we’re talking all things money, and small business. Bringing the things that are working, and the things that aren’t, into the spotlight, and even showcasing some unusual aspects, all that empower you to build a life of richness, starting with the very best financial foundations.

    This week, inspired by our recent LinkedIn article, we're exploring the critical role of accountability in achieving financial independence and freedom, and your goals.

    What is Financial Accountability? Look into what gives the 20% a unique advantage

    Understanding Accountability: Financial accountability is not just a buzzword; it's a commitment to deliver on what you've promised regarding your finances, your income, spending, savings and investments. It involves the what, how, and when of your financial commitments, making it more than a surface-level concept.

    Challenges with Money Management: Despite good intentions, the road to financial stability is often paved with challenges. Money constantly faces demands – essentials, wants, emergency cushions, and future planning, making accountability crucial.

    Financial Literacy: Beyond Budgeting and Impulse Spending

    Taking the Driver's Seat: Reflect on who has been in control of your financial decisions recently – banks, subscriptions, or even the grocery store? Self-accountability means being in control of credit cards, bank accounts, and financial decisions. Everything, without it driving you bananas, or overwhelming you, or causing you to give up.

    Emotional Aspect of Money: Money is emotional, and budgets often fail due to the influence of emotions on our spending habits. A solution lies in creating an automated system tailored to your lifestyle and values.

    External vs. Self-Accountability: We distinguish between external and self-accountability, emphasizing that financial success is primarily about being accountable to yourself.

    How Can I Be More Accountable with Money? Build a Bulletproof System for Self-Accountability

    Overcoming Emotional Swings: Money's emotional nature makes consistent financial success challenging, yet for those successful individuals who consistently are growing their income and shoring up their financial foundations, adapting their systems, sometimes with external support, and learning and developing money skills while is the secret.

    The Path to Financial Success: Joining accountability groups or having a partner can help, but it starts with understanding past choices, aligning dreams with financial targets, and creating a personalized system.

    A Decision: Is it Debt or Is it Saving? Begin by understanding your financial flow over the past three months to identify the top three money outflow categories. Determine whether your focus should be on reducing debt or increasing savings.

    The Task for the Week:

    For debt focus: Set up an automatic monthly payment for your highest-interest debt or smallest debt amount.

    For savings focus: Invest in a one-year GIC outside your daily bank for diversity and independence.


    Mastering financial accountability is the master key to a life of richness. Take charge of your money, understand the basics, and create a robust financial foundation.

    Join us each week as we delve deeper into actionable steps for financial success.

    Don't forget to check out the LinkedIn article here for an indepth read, with more insights. Thank you for tuning in to Your Money Your Business and remember, your financial journey begins with accountability.

    Resources (Revised Nov 2023)

    Want some help finding, and pulling out some of your family crap, that might be the guilty party? Download our FREE Things We Heard Checklist here and start improving your family and your business financial future.

    Or maybe you're thinking, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem, I'm the one holding ME back, THEN The Self-Sabotages Workbook is 100% for you, so you can identify and stop the patterns, once and for all, to create more wealth, and waaaay less worry. Get it here.

    Or do you just want to dip your baby toe in the water, see what we're all about, not quite ready to take that first step then ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

    Some links we offer may be affiliate or referral links that provide us with a commission or some form of financial compensation. This DOES NOT affect the cost to you in any way.

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  • Learn the art of scaling your business while staying true to your values, tapping into your superpowers, and creating the life you desire.

    Welcome to another empowering episode of Your Money, Your Business with your host, Debbie Colbourn. Today, we're diving deep into the heart of female entrepreneurship, aligning your core values, and finding authentic success.

    Get ready for an eye-opening conversation with our special guest, Alison Wheeler, a high-performance business coach who's helping business owners break through the six-figure barrier and scale their businesses to seven figures.

    Aligning Your business with your core values

    How understanding and aligning your personal values with your business can lead to true fulfillment and success beyond your wildest dreams, OR to a complete meltdown as our guest experienced.

    Hear the personal story and insights from our guest about the importance of staying true to your core values, even in the face of external pressures and a 7+ figure revenue stream.

    unshakable Self-Confidence built with authenticity & vision

    Exploring the power of authenticity and how it can elevate your business to new heights, and fuel your self-confidence regardless of where you are right now. We’ll discover more about the self-confidence gap between women and men in the business world including ways to use both, and things to steer clear of.

    Why having a clear vision for your business and life is essential for long-term success.

    how to find the best business coach, and why it matters

    Business coaches are everywhere it seems yet picking the wrong one, or one that isn’t specialized (and experienced) in the area you need the help, can disable your progress, or even send it backwards.

    Like any sport, specialized coaches work in tandem and harmony with other coaches, often just for a season, or on a specific problem area or focus area for improvement. Like scaling from 6 figures to 7.

    A specialized coach brings a toolbox and understands your specific needs and aspirations. In this episode Alison shares the parallel between using specialized coaches in competitive sports and in business.

    Other Things from This Episode are:

    Why women struggle setting AND achieving meaningful goals, The impact of core values on decision-making and business growth, Embracing the feminine energy and self-expression to create authentic success, Self-confidence, self-esteem and asking for what you really want in life

    If you found today's episode inspiring, please share it with two people you think could get value from it. We're here to support you on your journey to success, no matter where you come from or what challenges you face. Subscribe to our podcast for more stories like this, and remember, you have the power to transform your life and business.

    Thanks for tuning in to Your Money Your Business.

    Living from the Inside Out: How to Become a Modern-Day Wonder Woman Get the Book

    Get the book here

    Find out more or Connect with Alison




    Resources (Revised Oct 2023)

    Want some help finding, and pulling out some of your family crap, that might be the guilty party? Download our FREE Things We Heard Checklist here and start improving your family and your business financial future.

    Or maybe you're thinking, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem, I'm the one holding ME back, THEN The Self-Sabotages Workbook is 100% for you, so you can identify and stop the patterns, once and for all, to create more wealth, and waaaay less worry. Get it here.

    Or do you just want to dip your baby toe in the water, see what we're all about, not quite ready to take that first step then ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

  • Unpacking the stories that fuel our resistance to having more money, and learn how to have open discussions that build trust and financial well-being in both our personal and professional lives.

    In this episode, we're delving into the fear of money - a topic that might not have you jumping for joy, but it's something most of us can relate to on some level. You're not alone in feeling that twinge of anxiety when money comes up in conversation. According to a recent survey, a significant percentage of both Gen Z and Millennial demographics report money as a major source of stress.

    Money anxiety, worry, panic, and overwhelm can creep into our lives, affecting our financial future.

    Where Does I’m Scared of Money Come From

    The fear of money often stems from our past experiences and the stories we've absorbed. Most of us were raised in an environment where talking about money was taboo. Phrases like "money doesn't grow on trees" and "we can't afford it" were constantly heard at home. These statements left a mark on our subconscious, creating a belief that there would never be enough, regardless of our income.

    Understanding and addressing the fear of money isn't straightforward. It's a journey that often starts with trepidation. It's this uncertainty that holds many back from exploring their financial potential.

    Financial Traumas are Not Just Experienced by Wall Street Investors

    Fear of money often arises from big and little financial traumas in our lives. These traumas can range from being scammed, business failures, layoffs, theft, or even bitter divorce battles. These events, big or small, shape our relationship with money. They create emotional scars and blueprints against which we subconsciously compare a thought and can lead to a perpetual state of anxiety about our financial decisions.

    Making More Money, Start Investing, Save More Money Each Month, and Spend Less

    Fear of money isn't just a vague notion. It manifests in four crucial areas of your financial life: Earnings, Savings, Spending, and Investing. Sometimes, it affects all four, but more often, it concentrates in two or three areas. This fear is what holds you back from charging what you're worth or accepting an amazing financial opportunity.

    This type of fear goes beyond individual finances; it seeps into our businesses and influences our decisions.

    Remember, nearly every argument in a relationship about money isn't truly about the money itself; it's about trust. Imagine a world where we could openly discuss our financial struggles, work through challenges together, and build trust rather than letting money become a silent source of tension.

    Financial Struggle and Financial Problems are Real, but not Insurmountable

    Take a moment to look around; your colleagues, friends, and family may seem like they've got it all together financially. However, the reality is often different. The fear of money doesn't discriminate; it affects people from all walks of life. Even those who appear to have it all may be dealing with financial stress, hidden behind their façade of success.

    Financial trauma is as real as any other form of trauma, and it affects millions of people. The fear of money is rooted in these traumas, big and small, that have shaped our lives. It's crucial to acknowledge that these experiences have a lasting impact.


    Today, we've explored the fear of money and how it shows up in our lives. We hope this episode has shed light on the deep-rooted fears and anxieties that may be holding you back financially. The first step to overcoming this fear is to recognize it and acknowledge its presence in your life.

    By understanding and addressing your money mindset, you can pave the way for a brighter financial future.

    Resources (Revised Sept 2023)

    Want some help finding, and pulling out some of your family crap, that might be the guilty party? Download our FREE Things We Heard Checklist here and start improving your family and your business financial future.

    Or maybe you're thinking, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem, I'm the one holding ME back, THEN The Self-Sabotages Workbook is 100% for you, so you can identify and stop the patterns, once and for all, to create more wealth, and waaaay less worry. Get it here.

    Or do you just want to dip your baby toe in the water, see what we're all about, not quite ready to take that first step then ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

  • A filmmakers heartfelt journey of LGBTQ advocacy, family, and purpose-driven business.

    Welcome to the Your Money Your Business podcast where we dive deep into the heart and soul of business, exploring powerful stories of female entrepreneurs who have transcended their past life experiences and redefined success and happiness in their lives, and finding purpose along the way.

    Today we have a very special guest, Lisa N Alexander, a renowned filmmaker and inspiration to all business owners, women and men. Raised in South Los Angeles and now a native Texan, in this episode we're peeling back the layers and uncovering the journey to success amidst life's challenges, guided by the wisdom and life experiences of two very different grandmothers and the backdrop of the teachings of the black church in America.

    Embracing Family Values and Wisdom to Discover a New Path and Purpose

    Our guest today, Lisa Alexander, knows what it's like to transition from a one to one in person business, to a product based business and now into the artistic world of filmmaking, embracing storytelling as the vehicle helping silenced voices to be heard.

    Growing up in the rough inner-cities of South Los Angeles, her path was uniquely shaped by the profound wisdom, core values and life experiences of her grandmothers, and the culture of the black church.

    We'll explore the journey of change, self-discovery and lessons that entrepreneurs may face when they take that bold step into a business drive by passion, and by purpose, and discuss the impact of the cultural and familial values that surround them.

    What Holds Women Back in Business, and in Careers

    Are you feeling stuck, unable to break through those invisible barriers holding you back? Lisa will share her experiences and insights on how to recognize and overcome these limits. She understands that you have the potential and a unique ability like no-one else, yet there's something blocking your path.

    Let's explore how to identify and dismantle these barriers, drawing strength (and lessons) from the resilience she absorbed from her grandmothers and those around her.

    Understanding How Traumas & Life Experiences Fool Us into Poor Decision-Making

    Many of us carry the weight of past traumas, big and small. Join us as we delve deep into the journey of healing and self-discovery. Lisa will share her personal story of healing and how this played a pivotal role in her business journey and unlocked her potential.

    We'll discuss how acknowledging and addressing past traumas can free you to reach your full potential.

    The Power of Story Telling and My Father, The Queen Feature Film

    Lisa is a renowned filmmaker who understands the power of storytelling. We explore how storytelling can be a tool to both heal and to inspire others. We'll touch on how she discovered her passion for storytelling, and why she's so passionate about helping the Not for Profit organizations. She'll share her experiences in using her art to give a voice to those who can't speak for themselves.

    Our conversation takes a turn to discuss the LGBTQ challenges and her personal challenges growing up with a closeted father who was emotionally unavailable both for her, and himself.

    This discussion is the backbone behind the creation of the screenplay and her upcoming feature film, My Father The Queen. This is a sensitive and honest discussion that provides valuable insights into the LGBTQ community and the importance of empathy and understanding.

    Other Things from This Episode are:

    Drama and the power of therapy Daddy issues (and how it's genderless) Business mistakes that stop women before they even get started Self confidence, self esteem and self worth

    Thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey with Lisa N Alexander. Her story is a testament to the power of healing, resilience, and self-discovery in the world of business, guided by the invaluable lessons of her grandmothers and life and cultural experiences.

    Remember, none of us is alone, and we'll all experience our own struggles. There is a path to success, happiness, and joy waiting for you.

    If you found today's episode inspiring, please share it with two people you think could get value from it. We're here to support you on your journey to success, no matter where you come from or what challenges you face. Subscribe to our podcast for more stories like this, and remember, you have the power to transform your life and business. Thanks for tuning in to Your Money Your Business.

    Find out more or Connect with Lisa at [email protected]

    www.myfatherthequeen.com Absolutely make sure you check out the blog here - it's pure gold








    If you would like to help Lisa and her team help others get their voices out in the world, there is a Sponsorship page where you can contribute.

    Resources (Revised Oct 2023)

    Want some help finding, and pulling out some of your family crap, that might be the guilty party? Download our FREE Things We Heard Checklist here and start improving your family and your business financial future.

    Or maybe you're thinking, maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem, I'm the one holding ME back, THEN The Self-Sabotages Workbook is 100% for you, so you can identify and stop the patterns, once and for all, to create more wealth, and waaaay less worry. Get it here.

    Or do you just want to dip your baby toe in the water, see what we're all about, not quite ready to take that first step then ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

  • Dive into the hidden ways that your mind sabotages your success, and learn to silence the worries that keep you from the next level.

    Welcome to another transformative episode of [Your Podcast Name]! Today, we're diving deep into a topic that's all too familiar for many of us: self-sabotage and the Upper Limits.

    We'll explore how these hidden barriers can hold you back in your business and personal life, and how to break free from their grip.

    New Level, New Devil? Think Again!

    Have you ever heard the phrase "New Level, New Devil"? Well, we're here to tell you that it's not a new devil at all; it's the same old one dressed in different clothes. We often sabotage our own success out of fear, and Upper-Limiting is the sneaky tool we use to stay in our comfort zone.

    Fear of Success and the Milestones of Stagnation

    If you have a fear of success, you're not alone. Many business owners find themselves hitting milestones and then inexplicably tanking their progress. It's like driving full speed ahead and then slamming on the brakes.

    Why? Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of what success might mean for your identity. We've all been there.

    Breaking the Boredom & Frustration of Self-Sabotage

    For those of us who love to create and build, it's easy to get stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. At first, it might seem fine, even exciting, but soon enough, it becomes monotonous and frustrating. It's time for a wake-up call!

    Recognizing Your Unique Ability - Your Genius Zone

    Your unique ability and your ability to stay in it for longer periods depend on your knack for identifying and overcoming Upper Limits. There's no fixed number of Upper Limits you'll face; they'll keep cropping up. The key is becoming adept at spotting and dismantling them.

    The Hose of Positive Momentum and The Upper Limit Problem

    Imagine your flow of positive energy as a garden hose. When Upper Limiting occurs, it's like a kink in the hose, and suddenly, the flow stops. It's time to identify those kinks and set your energy free.

    Other Things from This Episode

    Upper-Limiting vs Self-Sabotage, the Distinctions The 5 Main Ways We Upper-Limit The Illusion of a Financial Upper Limit The Power of Worry and How to Interrupt It Breaking Free and Staying at the Next Level

    Breaking through Upper Limits is a journey of self-awareness. As you become more conscious of these patterns, you can gradually replace them with positive habits and stay on the path to success.

    Remember, the journey to your unique ability and a rich life is an ongoing process. It's about fine-tuning your business model and personal life so that all aspects of you thrive.

    Stay tuned for more insights and strategies on future episodes!


    Thank you for joining us on this enlightening episode. Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review if you found this content valuable. Together, we'll break free from those Upper Limits and self-sabotage and lead more fulfilling lives.

    Press play to listen to the full episode

    Resources (Revised Sept 2023)

    Join our FREE 20 Day Boost Your Money EQ challenge and see a immediate decrease in your financial stress and worry in all areas of life, and an increase in your finances Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to be first in line when we next open The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

    Not quite ready for either of those, I get it ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

  • Welcome to Episode 123, where we embark on a heartfelt journey into the realms of shame, guilt, and personal transformation.

    We'll explore why it's often so challenging to open up and seek help when it comes to changing the trajectory of your life, especially in relation to money and abundance.

    Our mission is to empower you to take control of your financial narrative, recognize your patterns, and ultimately move yourself forward toward a life of richness and fulfillment.

    The Mental Struggles of Generational Financial Trauma

    "Because how do you tell or describe any of this to any one of your peers or your siblings when all you feel is shame and disgust and confusion and you don't even know how you ended up there?" - Victim 1, Jeffrey Epstein

    These words, though spoken in a different context, echo the emotional turmoil so many individuals face when dealing with financial traumas.

    "I keep asking myself when did it happen? When did I turn right, instead of left? What choice was it that decided? What exactly did it, the thing - the one thing. The one step. The one flap of the butterfly's wings that brought me to this moment? How did I get here? Because I can't seem to retrace my steps. I'm scared." - Olivia Pope, Scandal

    In this quote from Olivia Pope, we find a brilliant description of the mental struggle we all encounter when untangling the complexities of our unique stories and striving not to repeat past mistakes.

    Feeling Shame about Your Finances

    Shame is a powerful emotion that can be closely tied to our financial well-being. When someone asks you about your financial situation, do you feel a sense of pride and worthiness, or do you sense a tinge of shame and inadequacy? Many of us have experienced the latter, questioning our self-worth and decision-making when it comes to money.

    Shame is not logical, easy to understand, or easy to escape, even for experts like Brené Brown. It can persist at a different level from your self-confidence, making it a complex emotion to address.

    Money Guilt: What is it and How to Get Rid of It

    Guilt, on the other hand, is the result of something we did or didn't do, said or didn't say, which violated our values. It's that inner voice whispering that we should have done better, and it can escalate if left unaddressed.

    Both embarrassment and humiliation are more superficial and temporary emotions, easier to overcome and not usually associated with lasting self-worth issues.

    Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes with Their Money

    Recognizing patterns in our lives is like holding the golden ticket to transforming our financial situations. Just as with tracking your spending in your online bank app, patterns offer valuable insights into our behaviors and habits.

    For example, when I analyzed my spending on fast food, it became clear that I was not only overspending but also harming my health. I had hidden shame about my body that stemmed from childhood beliefs, and it was influencing my choices.

    Exploring the Path of Least Resistance

    I decided to take the Path of Least Resistance and experimented with meal delivery services. This simple change helped me regain control of my portion sizes and led to significant improvements in my health and financial well-being.

    Your journey may involve experimenting with different aspects of your life, whether it's your eating habits, spending patterns, or other behaviors. The key is to be open to change and willing to explore new paths.


    You can take control of your financial narrative by identifying and challenging the invisible scripts that have shaped your beliefs about money. Awareness is the first step toward making lasting changes in your life.

    So, are you ready to uncover your patterns? Are you inspired to take a closer look at your financial categories and make positive changes?

    Join us on this transformative journey as we empower you to become a Value-Earner, unlocking your true potential, and moving toward a life of richness and abundance.

    Press play to listen to the full episode

    Resources (Revised Sept 2023)

    Join our FREE 20 Day Boost Your Money EQ challenge and see a immediate decrease in your financial stress and worry in all areas of life, and an increase in your finances Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to be first in line when we next open The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

    Not quite ready for either of those, I get it ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

  • Welcome to Episode 122 of The Your Money Your Business Podcast. Today, we embark on a profound journey, exploring the intricate relationship between your life and finances, shedding light on those overwhelming thoughts that arise when we come face to face with our numbers.

    As you listen along, envision yourself breaking free from the stranglehold of financial worry and sleepless nights, and stepping into a hopeful, prosperous future, driven by your newfound ability to make choices that align with your life's vision, both personally and in business, and not from the fear of not having enough money.

    I'm Always Worried about Money, and I Make Good Money

    We understand that many of our listeners, accomplished professionals and small business owners, have impressive qualifications and backgrounds, yet they still grapple with financial challenges in making even the simplest of decisions when it comes to money.

    Join us as we delve into the hidden emotions tied to money, the generational myths, phrases, and disempowering habits that can hold you back, often invisibly, from breaking through unknown barriers.

    How Can I Start Saving Money

    When life feels suffocating, and you find yourself adrift without direction, it's crucial to grab onto the oars and get your bearings. We emphasize that numbers, though they may seem mundane, are the mile markers you need to create the life you desire.

    They don't judge; they're just numbers. Awareness is the first step.

    I Made a Bad Financial Mistake

    Often, in the midst of business building, we carry financial traumas and inner conflicts from the past, impacting our subconscious. These fears and doubts can be traced back to experiences that have shaped our beliefs about money.

    We'll explore how these experiences affect our decisions and offer insights into dismantling these barriers with The Triple R Pathminder™ Framework, which includes setting Reminders, Reinforcers, and Rehearsals.

    Retail Therapy and Guilt after a Target Run

    Money discussions are often taboo due to history, culture, and family influences, leading us to soothe ourselves with retail therapy or stress when our debit card hits the checkout. Even personal and business relationships can be fraught with financial tensions.

    We delve into the emotions intertwined with money, as it affects our lives at work, with our children, and in relationships. The goal is to recognize these emotional cues and embark on a path toward a healthier relationship with wealth.

    It Feels like I'm on the Wrong Path

    What do you truly want in life?

    What are your core values and aspirations? Often, we struggle to define our purpose and align it with our financial goals. We introduce The Triple R Pathminder™ Framework to surround you with Reminders, create Reinforcers, and allow you to Rehearse your future success.

    Unmasking the Hidden Costs of Financial Stress and Debt

    Habits play a crucial role in our success, and they fall into three categories: those for growth, those that pull you backward, and those that keep you stuck. We discuss how routines formed by these habits can either accelerate or hinder progress.

    Environment also plays a significant role, as we share real-life examples of how our surroundings can impact our financial and emotional well-being.


    As we windup this episode, remember the journey from financial struggle to freedom takes time, effort and a new skill set. Shifting your focus, embracing thinking shifts, and intentional changes can lead to personal growth, emotional fulfillment, and financial prosperity.

    Our mission is to eradicate the Scarcity Mindset for future generations, and your positive changes contribute to this goal. Join us in this mission by sharing your thoughts, stories, and questions in the reviews and connecting with us on LinkedIn or Instagram.

    Press PLAY to listen to the full espisode

    Resources Available from Moments by Debbie

    Join our FREE 20 Day Boost Your Money EQ challenge and see a immediate decrease in your financial stress and worry in all areas of life, and an increase in your finances Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to be first in line when we next open The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

    Not quite ready for either of those, I get it ...

    Let me help you set every day up the right way, so that you keep moving towards your goals, regardless of what's going on in the world around you. Click to Get our FREE 90 Day Daily Intention Setter, sent right to your Inbox every day, starting today

  • Join us in this unique episode of Your Money Your Business as we delve into the fascinating world where business, spirituality, and personal alignment intersect.

    In today's fast-paced and competitive landscape, many entrepreneurs and professionals are seeking ways to infuse their work with a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and harmony.

    Our guest, Miguel Franco, a renowned expert in bio-energetics, business and spirituality, sheds light on the transformative power of aligning these seemingly disparate realms. Prepare to embark on a journey that explores how embracing spirituality can enhance your business practices, cultivate personal alignment, and unlock trapped potential.

    Understanding the Essence of Alignment

    Miguel walks us through the concept of alignment and its significance in both personal and professional realms. And in firing up your passion.

    Explore how alignment can lead to increased clarity, focus and overall well-being. And be inspired by examples of individuals who have successfully aligned their business endeavours with the principles of spirituality and intuition.

    Unleashing the Power of Spirituality in Business

    Examine the role of spirituality in the corporate world, entrepreneurial ventures and sports. Discover how getting in touch with you, getting into a high flow state with specific exercises can enhance results.

    We'll also exploring the benefits of incorporating mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection into business and team culture.

    Navigating Challenges on the Path of Alignment

    Identify common obstacles and roadblocks that individuals face when integrating spirituality and business. And Miguel offers practical tips and strategies that he has used personally to overcome resistance, life changing events and staying committed to alignment, and purpose.

    Embracing Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship

    Explore the rise of passion-driven businesses and the ripple impact they have on all of us. Discover strategies for maintaining a harmonious relationship between financial goals and inner development.

    In this thought-provoking episode, Miguel Franco provides invaluable insights into the integration of business, spirituality, and alignment. Discover how aligning your professional pursuits with your spiritual values can create a more fulfilling and purposeful journey.

    Whether you're an seasoned entrepreneur, a converted professional, or simply curious about the transformative power of merging business and spirituality, this conversation is sure to leave you inspired and equipped with practical tools to embark on your own path of alignment. Tune in and unlock the potential for spiritual growth and business success like never before.

    Get The Drive to Win PDF book here www.highflowceo.com

    Press play to listen to the full episode

    References referred to in this episode

    Connect with Miguel on Instagram @highflowceo

    Check out the kart racing team on Instagram @thedrivetowin


    Resources from Moments for Excellence

    JOIN our 20 Day Money Breakthrough Challenge and see a immediate improvement in your financial wellness and a decrease in your worry and anxiety in all areas of life Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to Work Together in The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

    Let me help you set every day up for success, so you keep taking the Next Step for 90 Days, with the FREE daily intention setter. A new one every day for 90 Days [DC1] Click here

  • Everyone dreams of that thing - the vacation, the retreat, that bucket list item your heart is craving.

    The thing that will make your heart sing, happiness and joy shoot out of you like lightning bolts. Push you out of your comfort zone, and test courage and bravery.

    Add to your toolbox, and build skills that you never thought you could do.

    And all of this is requires you to make a decision. Ready?

    "We can't afford it" and "It's too expensive" are Money Blocks

    And most people believe that they can't afford it - that it will just be more debt on the credit card, or they can't find the time off.

    Even high income earners. Even single people. Even families that seem to have it all.

    Not a Badass with money, or no quick cash machine on hand

    Nothing is further from the truth - we can all make it happen

    Faster and more painless than you think

    Thinking Bigger doesn't need You to Get Rich overnight

    No matter where you are, AND you what you "think" you need to do it, planning that vacation, bringing the bucket list items to fruition is easier that you think. All you need is the right path, and a great guide.

    We've got that for you, in our framework, The Experiences Pathway, which you can get simply by downloading it. The link is in the show notes.

    Press play to listen to the full episode

    Get The Experiences Pathway Framework here

    Resources (updated on 1 April 2023):

    Join my FREE 4 Week Boost Your Money IQ course and see a immediate improvement in your financial anxiety in all areas of life Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to Work Together in The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

  • One of my goals this year is to really dive deeper into some unexplored pockets of entrepreneurship, that, well maybe, just might be a bit touchy. As if the topic of money isn't already.

    And in this episode we're pulling apart some of the myths, and misconceptions that exist within family members, and even within business partners, when there's financial stress every month, or there is a big disparity in incomes and one person feels like the other isn't pulling their weight.

    If you've ever heard the phrase "I think it's time you get a real job". Either it's been said to you or by you, I know there's some little gems that might change your views.

    Making Money, Overwhelm and Getting Support

    A idea in your head can morph into an entire universe of ideas and one of them might just be the one to catch. As Alex Hormozi has said, every business owner has at least ten business ideas that get tried and flop before the one catches.

    As a husband, wife, partner, mom, dad, brother or sister - to your family this can feel like absolute insanity. Even to you there is likely a war in your head about it's validity, and your worth.

    And we, as small business owners have this need to do stuff that we see others do. Others at different stages. Which, well it mires us in the mud. Stuck

    The Partner's Persuasion Techniques, or Who is Driving?

    Perfectionism. Procrastination. Avoidance. Resistance. All are tactics we use in life when we're fearful of what someone might think of us. Of our abilities. We believe that the only way that something is good enough is for it to be 100% complete and perfect.

    That is a place that doesn't exist in entrepreneurship and your family may not understand that. 'Cause I've found in my years of talking with small business owners, that it's a big excuse.

    In your small business or side hustle, 85% is good enough. You're a tester, a tweaker, a data scientist. One change at a time. Communicating this to those who are trying to protect you (and themselves) by pointing you back to the 9 to 5, to a real job, to corporate, to the office, is foundational to a strong relationship.

    Maintaining Healthy Relationships as our Business Grows

    Your calendar or planner may have every single minute blocked off, so tightly that one would only assume you are single. But you're not. Those hours, while many inspired by those you see benefiting from the thing you're creating, there are others that are mundane, slow, heavy, boring.

    And boring is the silent killer of entrepreneur. How can you share with your partner your excitement for the hustle, when today is a slog. They're pushing you to make more money and to sit down and plan a vacation.

    Through the lessons and ideas I'm sharing in this episode I've been able to create this business to allow for seasons where my sons and grandsons might need me to step in for a few weeks, or my daughter needs a dog sitter, at the same time as building a profitable and sustainable business that works for me.

    Other Things from This Episode are:

    The Life Stages of a Business Avoiding The Copycat Syndrome Finding the Right Stage Mentor, and Side Hustles

    Press PLAY to listen to the full episode

    Resources (updated on 1 April 2023):

    Join my FREE 4 Week Boost Your Money IQ course and see a immediate improvement in your financial anxiety in all areas of life Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to Work Together in The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

  • For as long as I can remember both my son and I have been criers, which at first glance is pretty uncommon. But even as a very self-confident woman, more often than not I can feel my emotions welling up inside me. And preventing my eyes from leaking - well, let's just say Mission Almost Impossible.

    My son too - he's a bundle of softee inside the hard ass, calloused hands, master carpenter and race car driver & mechanic he is. His four feet or fury son is totally following the trend.

    Yet it takes a big business thing to throw me off my game. A weird oxymoron of emotions in one person. Maybe it's the ability to disassociate, see no human effect. Yet I'm human and when it comes to people, I cry.

    It's a weird dichotomy. As a professional accountant it was all about numbers. And as a this new evolution speaking right to people on one of the three or four most sensitive topics my heart melts, hurts, feels empathy - all the feels as they say for someone.

    Breaking Up with a Fear of Money

    Every thought that pops into your head comes from one of two places. To inspire you - the Idea Bank, or to protect you - The Fear Bank. And guess which one has more in it?

    Honestly I think they both have about the same, it's just that the slide that the fear ones come in on is highly greased, well maintained, and bigger. Way bigger.

    The path rom The Idea Bank is more like a rotted, broken down set of stairs. With vines and spikes poking through it, sand, rocks and stones all over and it is very narrow. Every day it isn't used it gets less inviting.

    Fear has the ability to lube itself up, pulling on disguises that would make even the scariest horror movie character be welcomed into your home. A parent voice, maybe. Every time I hear my fear as my moms voice I use EFT (tapping) and tell it to go to the BS stories at the far back.

    That Old Bag You Keep Carrying in Your Small Business

    Each role someone takes on has two sets of rules. The first set belongs to the company they work for and agree to follow in exchange for making money. The second set belongs to them, and it goes everywhere with them, inherited and primed through life. All the experiences from the workplace, the goods, the bads and the ugly get added to the personal bag, taken on to the next workplace.

    In the event that they start a new business, choose to become and entrepreneur to escape the business that no longer wants them, or that laid them off, or to no longer have a boss to answer to, the bag is along for the ride. Bringing all the baggage with them, the self-doubts, the thoughts about their value and self-worth, and thepricing rules.

    Join my FREE 4 Week Boost Your Money IQ course and see a immediate improvement in your financial anxiety in all areas of life Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to Work Together in The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

  • Google Financial literacy and it's a hot topic all over the world, from millenials worried about college to boomers wondering if they can retire with $ 2 million in assets and investments, and everyone in between. The finance industry itself always seems to on a growth trend, yet it's easy to get hooked on the idea that there is one right way - a set of tactics and strategies for financial security.

    Just a minute, personal finance is personal just like personal development is personal, and a weight loss journey is personal. Why are we forgetting that, and reaching for the one size fits all solutions dished out by the likes of Dave Ramsey and Fire and YNAB? The David Bach's, Suze Orman's. Have we bought in so deeply to this that the more important 70%, the stuff that isn't in the spreadsheets and budgets and rigid envelopes is ignored?

    It's vital to the health of your money relationship to remember that the thoughts you think about money, or the absence of it in your life is true financial literacy. Understanding context, the meaning - obvious and invisible, and that backslides, slips, total F-ups, and all the things that appear to be you falling behind are in fact a necessary right of passage on every money journey to a healthy relationship.

    Overcoming "Keeping Up with the Jones"

    When you focus solely on making money, on being the best house on the street, having the newest cars, the private schools, the sports teams, dare I say not a dandelion in sight, something has to give. And in the search for that you don't allow for any slipups. It's to the top - or else.

    The fall from grace is great. Because if you aren't slipping and sliding, taking detours and getting a flat or two fixed on your car on the way, all that is likely going to come in a big package. At your supposed top. Divorce - job loss - accident - illness. It is almost inevitable.

    Each path is unique, like the morning routine. Or the non existent morning routine. The 70% is something that is created from a melting pot of ideas, beliefs, thoughts, quotes, wisdom from those who came before us, those near to us, and the opener to new perspectives comes mostly from people and things we reach for in those two steps back. To find our footing.

    The "People LIke Me Don't" Belief

    Our society has designed personas that we are supposed to fit into. Each generation has it's special ones. The Boomers and the lawyers, accountants and doctors. Gen Z fighting to not be like their parents and create more latch-key kids so there's always one parent home. The Millenials protected in bubble wrap and constantly surveyed by helicopter parents.

    And those roles have incomes assigned to them, and expectations. We can shake those expectations and focus on creating our own personal finance reality. We can figure out the pieces that empower our financial literacy. We can devote energy to changing the unspoken words, to the feeling inside that is guiding us - that's the 70%.

    You develop a strong infrastructure that can support the life you are dreaming of. It can withstand the temporary misjudgements, the occasional over-spend, the every once in a while credit card balance that is over 30% of your limit, the impulse of booking that short vacation weekend.

    Vistas and Beautiful Sunrises

    Financial peace is so much more than a specific $ figure in your accounts, or a number of houses in your portfolio. And it's definitely not getting up every single day and looking at a rigid spreadsheet or budget and measuring yourself against it, berating yourself with the shoulds, coulds, if onlys, and what ifs.

    Financial peace, a life free of financial stress, each day void of financial worries, is all yours in the 70%, in the new thinking, in the changing beliefs, and in the attempts to try a new way, a new process,a tweak to a new system.

    Resources (updated on 1 April 2023):

    Join my FREE 4 Week Boost Your Money IQ course and see a immediate improvement in your financial anxiety in all areas of life Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to Work Together in The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

  • Money and relationships is often the underlying current in our episodes here, and there are times like today when running straight into the fire, is the medecine needed. It is sometimes one of the toughest conversations to initiate, yet the most valuable. So often we find ourselves holding back, afraid of saying something offensive, or misreading the signs, and so we waffle. Staying on mudane surface level words.

    In 2023 the skill of conversation seems to have been lost, and feared. With people afraid to talk to others. Is it a fear of what they might hear, or is a fear of saying the wrong thing? Everyone sounds like they are walking and talking with silk gloves.

    In this episode we're addressing the skill of finding the key to unlock what is probably the most important conversation for someone who is struggling financially in their personal life.

    I'm really not Okay!!! I'm drowning and can't ask for help

    When we look around us, it's like a mirror, in our words and in our actions. And as compassionate humans as we end our conversations a little voice inside us is quietly tapping our heart to get our attention. She's not telling the truth. Something doesn't feel right. Why isn't he happier since he just got a new contract for the business?

    And as we watch them walk away, berating ourselves for not sharing the thing that has been keeping us up, tossing in bed every night, for weeks. A defense mechanism on full lock, riddled with warnings heard again and again as we grew up. Don't talk about money in public. Don't air your dirty laundry.

    BS!!! BS!!!! All Bullshit stories that those before us (and some still around us) thought were helping us.

    Mind Your Business: When to Bet on Them

    Each person has a very unique journey, with milestones, lesson learned and advances that defy all the odds. A chance encounter - a book calling their name - a detour that delivered an experience beyond what they could ever imagine. All because someone cared to ask a question.

    We are better together, even if it feels intrusive at the time. Like playing a slot machine Vegas that you never know when it is going pay off. What is going on in someone's life at the moment you start the conversation comes from observing first and not just racing to the very top level of the 10 metre diving tower and throwing in a Hail Mary dive.

    Gentleness, even clumsiness is value.

    You're Not Alone

    Like the quote we are all in this together, we are all in this together, whether we share with our trusted friends or not. In fact, progress comes from sharing, from emerging from the silos of isolation and shame. to listen to the stories of others. Some who are leaps and bounds beyond you, some who are just starting to discover some of the tentacles that have held them captive.

    Inside each of the stories is an origin story - a story that has played on repeat for years since the pre-pre-teen years. A story that had no explanation as to why it didn't simply vanish. A story that in itself was an invisible barrier to anything prior to that minute.

    Our stories connect us. We can relate to some - others are simply foreign.

    Other Things from This Episode are:

    Cost of not addressing financial stress in those around us, Avoiding the Master - Servant dynamic, Pattern Interruptors - types and what are they, Indentifying tell-tale signs of financial anxiety and worry

    Press PLAY to listen to the full episode

    Resources (updated on 1 April 2023):

    Join my FREE 4 Week Boost Your Money IQ course and see a immediate improvement in your financial anxiety in all areas of life Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to Work Together in The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

  • What could you do differently with the money and resources that you have right now? You didn't set out on this path of an incredible, experience and joy filled life just to have to nickle and dime yourself for every single thing, did you? And the big question might actually be, do you realize that you are hurting yourself with it?

    Our lives so often feel like we have no control, especially if we're doing the same thing our parents did. We might even be getting a similar result - but the world has changed. What worked then most likely doesn't now.

    Consistently Prioritize Spending Rules without Budgeting

    Whether your family take-home pay is $ 250,000 or more, or closer to the American average of $ 70K, each person in the family needs to consciously create their own rules. To decide what categories they absolutely love, and then cost becomes a no-brainer; and to decide what categories they will be unequivocably miserly, frugal, cheap.

    Same at the family level, regardless of what your family unit looks like.

    What are the things that in your heart you absolutely hate to spend your hard earned money on. The companies that you need, the essentials, yet they feel to you like it's always a Win/Lose with you on the bottom. And what the ones that fuel you, inspire you, always leave you feeling better, and looking to the future?

    The Hidden Costs of FREE when planning a vacation

    When you find that your predominant buying style is to search for free, then the cheapest, what online sites sneakily slide in as a Sort By Option called Lowest Price or the big deals, what Amazon calls New Deals Everyday you have a negative habit.

    Most of us start off this way, built innocently through our families and friends, and the companies we frequent. And just like losing weight and changing up a long held habit, it takes time, focus, and desire.

    Are you dreaming of a life built on free and discount things? It's wickedly exhausting. And it easily builds resentment in your immediate circle.

    Value of Branding, and why James Wedmore has spelling mistakes

    Every person that you know has a brand, as does every business, whether they are an in person or online one. And that brand is built intentionally or unintentionally. Walmart was created specifically with the vision of helping people save money so that they could life better. Is that what you think of when you think Walmart? Or people of Walmart? No, it's where people go to get buy financially.

    Anyone around you have a Kate Spade purse? An Aston Martin DBX? Tickets to the 2023 Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix? All brands intentionally built on perceived high quality, and in limited supply. But accessible to everyone with a plan - for real. When you build a business solely focusing on price only, and trying to compete on price it unintentionally weakens the brand.

    Other Things from This Episode are:

    Importance of guarnatees Using a FREE offer to get in on the ground floor of something big The culture of disposability Shaping your view of a brand Competing beliefs

    Press PLAY to listen to the full episode

    Join my FREE 4 Week Boost Your Money IQ course and see a immediate improvement in your financial anxiety in all areas of life Start now

    Get on the Waitlist to Work Together in The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition

  • Every single one of us has some version of a life plan for the later years in life. Yet when those later years start can be in your 30's, 40's, 50's anywhere up to never. It's your choice.

    I totally doubt that the idea of sitting around just doing hobbies or having beach time all day is on the radar. At least not long term.

    Today's episode will challenge you to think differently about the concept of retirement and how you view your money and how that is driving the reactions and decisions - not just yours, but societies.

    Topics I touch on in today's episode include:

    what's different about retirement today versus our parents retirement how technology has helped to almost double life expectancy why trying to outlive your money is scarcity thinking discovering opportunity from a whole lot more years of life


    Get my FREE 4 Week course Radically Boost Your Money IQ (and EQ too) here

    Work with Me in The Breakthrough Navigator - Money Edition or Business & Money Edition (click either link)

  • It is impossible to argue that each of our countries are melting pots of diverse cultures, beliefs, traditions and yes, money quirks. That's the thing makes the world in 2023 so very amazing.

    One of the things I've been observing more is how culture and family upbringing affects people and their money. In couples it so often becomes a hot topic, a point of friction, the source of recurring arguments and disagreements.

    Sure, we're each unique but how can two people growing up in the same city, or state be so very different.

    What diversity and culture can teach us about money

    Depending on your age and life experiences it is so easy to think that how we think, our beliefs, practices, thoughts, jobs, businesses are the only way to act or achieve your desires. Yet as more people from the different countries immigrate, and we travel more and more to new countries, we can see the major flaw in that.

    We are in the midst of shaking off the shroud of British colonialism, and seeing whole countries reinvent themselves. Free.

    But in that, there are generational and cultural traditions that will carry on. Some will prevail, some will be discarded in favour of new ones and some will simply evolve - permutate.

    How we value something may change.

    The thing that Stand-Up Comedians are spot on about

    No-one does it better that those who are unafraid to tackle racial stereotypes, without offending a lot of people. Honestly if we can't laugh at ourselves, we've just gotten to serious, about dumb shit.

    It's important to be able to say say, Yup, I do that, and I can totally see how it looks ridiculous to someone else. I'm the first one to say there are days I say dumb things. Days where my parents and money are the brunt of my stories about money.

    Topics I touch on in today's episode include:

    how living in a non-white country as a white girl affects how my perspective privilege and the pieces that we may not see currency - what's value to one culture can be the polar opposite in another understanding the how one money practice can be viewed differently in different cultures and in different environments


    Get my FREE 4 Week course Radically Boost Your Money IQ (and EQ too) here

    Work with Me in The Breakthrough Navigator - Business & Money Edition

  • So many of us think we know what is happening in our businesses, and in our personal finances yet when we sit down and look at the numbers, it is a whole other story- one we really don't want to hear.

    We procrastinate. We make excuses. We plow bull-headed forward until the inevitable happens and we are forced to confront reality.

    There is a better, easier, and maybe even more fun way to get on to top your numbers.

    The Reality of What my Clients saw when they looked at their financials

    Overwhelm. A slate of numbers that literally made no sense to them. Words and acronyms that even seasoned accountants can't explain. And allowed them to embrace numbers. And more importantly have enough knowledge of them to make informed decisions.

    The Basics behind any good selection of Metrics and Data to Track

    There is no one size fits all in the world. Period. Not in financial advice. Not in how to build and grow a successful business. Yet there is a constant throughline, because without income and revenue, there is no business. Even if you are a Not for Profit.

    Topics I touch on in today's episode include:

    Why looking at percentage change is your best model for metrics Understanding that behind every number is a story How to select the best items to track for your business The observation of the emotions behind the changes you see How to use your bank's app as your dashboard for your personal life


    Access the Excel or Google Sheet Sample Dashboard here

    Get my FREE 4 Week course Radically Boost Your Money IQ (and EQ too) here

    Work with Me in The Breakthrough Navigator - Business & Money Edition