Today’s guest is Gillian Griffith. Gillian is the founder of GG Copywriting. She specializes in helping female business owners and creative entrepreneurs develop their distinctive brand voice. better tell their story. Equal parts analytical and creative, Gillian loves research and writing conversion-focused copy. With a background in both journalism and marketing, Gillian’s passion for writing helps her to tell compelling stories, change minds, and move people to action!
Welcome Gillian to WTF! Women Talk Finance.
Welcome back as our WTF! Women Talk Finance hosts, Candace and Jackie, present shocking financial crimes. Our hosts, who love true crime so much they have been inspired to delve into true financial crime.
In today’s episode, Candace takes us back to the summer of 1980’s and to Lake Tahoe, specifically to Harvey’s Resort Hotel in South Lake Tahoe, NV. Several men masqueraded as photocopier deliverers and were able to plant an elaborately booby-trapped bomb containing 1,000 pounds (450 kg) of dynamite within the front offices of Harvey’s Resort Hotel. Candace walks us through this wacky escapade of our inept true-crime criminals.
Then Jackie brings us a historical crime from the 1700’s, not only that we have a female fraudster (nicknamed “Golden Booze”) at the heart of our story. Beware! Confidence scams have been around for a long time, and they are STILL happening! While we take a lighthearted look at crimes from the past, we understand crimes like these are serious. For a good example, take a look at this keynote address from Ayleen Charlotte titled; “Breaking Down the Shame and Taboo of Fraud.” Ayleen was the subject of the 2022 Netflix documentary, “The Tinder Swindler,” watched by people across 200 countries around the world.
Thanks for listening to WTF Women Talk Finance-Financial Crimes Part 2! -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Welcome back as our WTF! Women Talk Finance hosts, Candace and Jackie, present TRUE ( and kind of shocking) financial crimes.
Our hosts love true crime so much they have been inspired to delve into true financial crime.
In today’s episode, Jackie brings us the story of Mark Dreier, the architect of a $400 million Ponzi scheme that was blown off the front pages by Bernie Madoff himself. Dreier’s arrest was referred to as “the most bizarre arrest in the history of white-collar crime.”
60 Minutes link to the Mark Dreier story:
Candace chose a Canadian true crime as she presents the Quebec Maple Syrup Heist. Yes, it’s as weird as it sounds.
True Crime Canada link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uhXzyPXQGo
The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/01/maple-syrup-heist-theif-ordered-repay-stolen-goods-canada
Shockingly in this episode, there’s even a reference to J.T.T. (Jonathan Taylor Thomas to you non-90s kids), (mostly due to Candace’s smokin’ hot shirt) #JTTNotAFinancialCriminal
True Financial Crimes Part 2 coming soon!
Thanks for listening!
Meet Ciara Byrne the Founder & Co-CEO of Green Our Planet
Ciara is a documentary filmmaker and social impact entrepreneur.
In 2013 Ciara and Kim MacQuarrie founded Green Our Planet and together with their team they helped create one of the largest and most comprehensive school garden and hydroponics programs in the United States.
Currently, Green Our Planet is operating in 10 states and impacting over 140,000 students.
In 2019 Ciara was selected from 5,000 applications along with 19 other nonprofit leaders to be a 2019 Obama Fellow. The Obama Foundation is supporting Ciara and the team at Green Our Planet to scale their program across the United States and beyond.
In 2001, Ciara set up and ran a film production company, Lion Television, with offices in LA and New York. During that time, she managed over 60 employees and produced hundreds of films a year for PBS, The Discovery Channel, National Geographic, PBS, BBC, Fox, and E!
Ciara uses her background in television to include educational films as a core part of the Green Our Planet offerings to schools.
Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram and check out the WTF! blog!We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@rowems.com, and don't forget to Follow Us, so you don't miss a thing!
Welcome back to the start of season 2 of WTF! Women Talk Finance! We’ve taken the show on the road, today’s episode was recorded in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Our guest is Athar Haseebullah. Athar is the Executive Director of the ACLU of Nevada. He is a local Las Vegas attorney as well as a community organizer.
Athar is the first person of color to lead the ACLU of Nevada since its founding in 1966. He most recently served as general counsel and director of strategic initiatives for Opportunity 180, a Nevada non-profit focused on improving education quality in Nevada.
Prior to his tenure with Opportunity 180, Athar served as the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada’s senior government affairs and legal administrator. He also spent several years as a litigator for both Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada and the City of New York.
Athar is a graduate of Howard University (DC) and Howard University School of Law. He is a practicing Muslim whose parents immigrated to the United States from Pakistan.
This episode focuses on:
Overview of the ACLU for those unfamiliar with the organization Current state of women’s rights, equity justice, & gender equalityThings our listeners need to be paying attention to in the 2024 election cycle.How can listeners get involved in the ACLUPlease rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram and check out the WTF! blog!
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@rowems.com, and don't forget to Follow Us, so you don't miss a thing!
*TRIGGER WARNING* We discuss delicate issues on this podcast related to trauma, mental health, and suicide.
The idea of “value” in our culture is one that we attach to the money we make, the weight we are, the age we are, and the job we hold. So often, our over-identification with the decimal points of a paycheck or the armor we don sets us up for failure in the remaining spaces of our lives.
When one of those pieces that we attach to our worth slips, a downward spiral can occur. All too often, we see this in the media with stories like that of the Bed, Bath, and Beyond CFO, who took his own life amidst financial crisis in the company. In the warrior servant space (fire, police, military, medical, etc), it may be the very uniform they wear. “Without that, who am I?”
Dr. Steven Nicholas - our very own Dr. Phil - talks with our fearless female founders about this and more, on episode 34 (a bonus episode!) of the WTF! Women Talk Finance podcast.
From the silver lining of one’s deepest, darkest moments, to the disservice of bios and elevator pitches, Dr. Steve dives into what it all boils down to - a sense of belonging outside of our professional work. His snippets of brilliance range from Cheetos to micro-dates, and a deep purpose in managing the world around us.
Join us, as we get real … and then weigh in on what color couch our resident therapist needs for future episodes. This episode, our first with a male guest, should really be billed as a session…for the entire cast.
[3:54] Why talking about mental health is so crucial.
[5:43] The concept of wealth and worth
[8:43] The concept of warrior servants - who are these people outside of the armor they wear?
[13:10] The Charlie Brown Theory
[17:05] When did we decide that we have to have our shit figured out all the time?
[22:06] When facing darkness and pain, the darker the better.
[23:43] The concept of time in depression, anxiety, and the present moment.
[25:04] What does it mean to be congruent as people, and what’s the benefit to it?
[27:34] “You suck at dying and failing.”
[29:50] Amplifying your abilities for resistance by getting back to your basics.
[33:02] Many of us are in our ideal setting when we’re able to be small.
[33:56] If we’re going to experience financial ruin, does our life have to be over? You make that decision.
[34:47] Your self-talk, self-identity, and self-awareness are key to coming through the pain of truthfulness and emerging on the other side a better version of self.
[40:29] Let’s dial back into the key ingredients of who we are.
[43:09] You can’t be the most genuine version of yourself all the time. But you can HONOR your genuine nature.
[46:16] The power of curiosity in the darkness.
[49:41] Failure does not need to be the end.
Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram and check out the WTF! blog!
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!
Hashtags: #mentalhealth #suicide #depression #anxiety #finance #value #selfworth #warriorservice #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
Tags: @wtf_podcastCandace @wtf_podcastJackie
Hi WTF! Listeners!
Thank you so much for your support as we wrap up season one of WTF! Women Talk Finance podcast.
This was such a season of growth for us. We feel so blessed that we were able to speak to so many, intelligent, talented, generous, and just amazing women in season one. We brought you information on how to buy a house for the first time, how to ask for a raise, and inspiring stories from women from across the country.
We hope you enjoyed listening as much as we enjoyed creating these podcasts for you.
We're going to have a few special episodes that we will be dropping in the next 3 to 6 weeks. Both episodes feature the first men we've had on the podcast. We may have to change our title because it's not just Women Talking Finance anymore!
From all of us at WTF! Women Talk Finance and Rowe Capital Group, we wish you a delightful Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season.
As we look forward to season two, send us any ideas or any questions you might have to: media@rowecapitalgroup.com
Candace & Jackie -
As we near the end of Season 1 of WTF!, we have a discussion around the many benefits millennials gained from coming of age in The Great Recession. From the well-informed buying prowess millennials show in the home-buying process to the resiliency in challenging moments, there are more silver linings than expected from The Great Recession.
Join our fearless female leaders as they commiserate the struggles and celebrate the wins.
You’ll hear:
Statistics on how millennials purchase
What millennials learned and created out of the strife of The Great Recession
What codes millennials grew up with and how they needed to reset and reframe expectations for life
Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights].
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!
#GreatRecession #recession #millennials #milennials #homebuying
@wtf_podcastCandace @wtf_podcastJackie -
Today we’re joined by strategic consultant and founder of Vancourage, Vanessa Vancour. As a DEI speaker and self-proclaimed status-quo skeptic, Vanessa works in the bilingual, strategic storytelling space for brands, organizations, and people who are deeply committed to amplifying diverse voices and doing things differently. At the heart of her business is the desire to think critically about how we tell stories and use those stories to connect with others.
The story we tell about ourselves through words or actions can shape how others see us. When we opt out of telling our own story, others will write it for us based on their knowledge of us – however limited.
Within the business scope, telling the story of your product or service can mean the difference between genuinely connecting with the right audience or slogging through issues from unruly clientele to misrepresented products. Learning to tell your story strategically is difficult and time-consuming…and well worth the effort.
why understanding our core values is crucial to telling our stories how Vanessa managed to find her own story what value lies in owning all parts of your story who you attract by telling your story authentically when Vanessa believes businesses need to look into their stories (hint: its earlier than you’d think)
Dig in with us as we hear from Vanessa about the importance of telling our stories:Here's a breakdown of the episode:
[2:18] Why telling your own story is so important. [7:08] Imposter Syndrome rears its ugly head. [8:26] The differences each of us brings to the table are the reasons people interact (or do business) with us. [11:29] Vanessa shares her view on how corporations and brands tell stories, and the mistakes she sees them make. [14:46] Stories have the ability to build – or rupture – trust. [21:33] Businesses need to have feedback loops in place. You can’t be successful without critical feedback.Vanessa's Bio:
Vanessa Vancour is the strategist and founder of Vancourage, a bilingual storytelling and strategic consulting firm for brands, organizations, and people who are deeply committed to amplifying diverse voices and doing things differently. Vanessa is a born storyteller, bilingual editorial consultant, and Latinx marketer who’s committed her 16+-year career to bringing diverse narratives—and meaningful conversations— to every newsroom, classroom, and ad-agency boardroom she's been a part of.
Follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights]. Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!Hashtags: #consulting #DEI #TedTalks #bilingual #storytelling #diversity #criticalthinking #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
Tags: @TEDx_official @vancourage_ @wtf_podcastCandace @wtf_podcastJackie @BreneBrown @daniellelaporteLinks: Vanessa’s TedX talk, Brené Brown – Living Into Our Values worksheet , Brené Brown – Dare To Lead, The Desire M
We’re back with episode 30 with the astonishing Isabelle Rodriguez-Wilson. Last week, Isabelle shared her journey from southern California farm girl to becoming the first woman to serve as Executive Director of The Office of Scheduling and Advance for the Clinton administration at the White House.
From her seemingly unshakeable confidence to her honesty about her insecurities, Isabelle takes us along a journey of her life filled with teachable moments and hilarious memories.
If ever you wanted to sit by a fire and be told bedtime stories by your mentor and hero, this is your time and Isabelle is your woman.
how Isabelle moved through government, lobbying, non-profit, secretarial, law, and more within her career what Isabelle believes we need to do when dealing with imposter syndrome what values and passions Isabelle is rooted in
Join us for another series of fascinating tales from the life of Isabelle. You’ll hear:Here's a look at the episode:
[4:23] So often, others see our abilities and possibilities clearer than we do. The same holds for Isabelle. [6:07] Rather than a boiled frog that cooks to its demise, Isabelle describes her skill set as something that came on over time, like a lobster being cooked. [10:37] With more lessons in management learned during her time in the White House, Isabelle breaks them down for us here. [17:15] Here’s your breakdown on how to deal with Imposter Syndrome – Isabelle Style. [20:25] The Million Mom March was produced, and brought to us, by none other than Isabelle. [24:24] When General Colin Powell calls, you answer. [30:41] “It’s MY car. I bought it.” [32:35] Isabelle shares her true passions.Please rate and review the show! Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights].
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com,
Isabelle's bio:
Isabelle is a California native who has enjoyed a fascinating career. From 1993 to 1995, Isabelle served as Senior Advisor to President Bill Clinton directing details associated with domestic and international events, activities, travel, and protocol for both the President and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was the first woman to hold the Executive Director role in The Office of Scheduling and Advance in the White House, and the first person to ever hold the role for both the president and first lady.
Isabelle produced and brought us the Million Moms March, the first gun safety rally of our generation. A phone call from General Colin Powell led her to her work on America’s Promise Alliance.
She is now retired, and lives in Northern Nevada with her husband and 12-year-old son, Julian.
Hashtags: #womensrights #impostersyndrome #Opportunity #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
[3:15] Van Ness Feldman, LLP -VNF.com [6:07] The Boiling Frog - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC534568/#:~:text=Urban%20myth%20has%20it%20that,until%20it%20boils%20to%20death. [24:24] America’s Promise Alliance - https://americaspromise.org/about-us/ [27:24] Girls Who Code - https://girlswhocode.com/ -
Joining us on episode 29 of the WTF! Women Talk Finance podcast is Isabelle Rodriguez-Wilson. This powerhouse has worked with international dignitaries, members of congress, high-level corporate and special interest groups. She served the office of the President of the United States as the Director of the Office of Scheduling and Advance for the Clinton Administration.
Here, she shares her unbelievable story of how the daughter of migrant farmworkers took her high school clerical skills, and a lot of gumption, all the way to the White House. Buckle up, baby, because Isabelle is spilling the tea.
Join us for a jaw-dropping conversation that’s sure to inspire each of us in our lives. You’ll hear:
why Isabelle believes in always applying herself what our actions say about our brand how Isabelle views the generational differences in the worldHere's a look at the episode:
[3:12] Where is Isabelle from? [5:21] When dictating letters to Henry Kissinger, proper spelling is a must. [7:43] Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, which is why every political candidate has scheduling offices. [8:36] “Find Isabelle.” [9:28] When you apply yourself, big things come. [10:34] Why we all need to understand the jobs we’re doing. [12:25] Never underestimate your “smaller” skills, or the power of people who believe in you. [13:33] The internal struggle of accomplishment is real. [14:03] Isabelle only ever wanted to “do it well.” [15:15] How your everyday actions build your brand…and your reputation. [16:52] Isabelle’s transition to a place of power came from her strength of observation. What’s your superpower? [20:56] The shift of generations isn’t anything new. [25:26] How do we communicate effectively with those outside our generation? [32:00] Taking a personal inventory for success.Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights].
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!
Isabelle's bio:
Isabelle is a California native who has enjoyed a fascinating career. From 1993 to 1995, Isabelle served as Senior Advisor to President Bill Clinton directing details associated with domestic and international events, activities, travel, and protocol for both the President and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.
#YouCan #OpportunityFinancialLiteracy #government #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
Dr. Tya Mathis-Coleman, Deputy Treasurer from the Nevada State Treasurers office joins us on episode 28 of the WTF! podcast. We’re diving into the unknowns behind saving for your kids’ college tuitions. Tya’s powerhouse office is doing more than the finance side of things, they’re making it fun.
Feeling stressed about putting your kids through college? Does that seem like a pipe dream? Are you unsure where to start? Or do you see student loan debt as an inevitable outcome? As Tya puts it, “There’s a plan for everyone.” And it’s not just for Nevada. Outside the state? We’ve got your resources as well.
Join us to hear:
what Tya and her team believe is important when it comes to education why to consider 529 and College Savings Plans even before knowing what your child wants to do where to start when saving for anything seems daunting how Nevada is giving out free money in hopes of supporting kids and educationHere's a look at the episode:
[3:37] How did Tya get into education and why is she so passionate about it? [7:02] So, what IS a 529? [8:00] Prepaid Nevada tuition…but what if your kid says “no” to Nevada? [8:54] Saving for college is all well and good, but what if I’m struggling with the day-to-day expenses and this is too overwhelming to even consider? [9:39] Need some real numbers? Candace breaks down her daughter’s prepaid tuition. [11:41] What’s that? Your kid is a bit older? Let’s talk College Kickstart. [22:50] You’re not listening in from Nevada? We’ve got you! [30:26] What if my child doesn’t do any post-secondary education?Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram and check out the blog . Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us !
Tya bio:
Dr. Tya R. Mathis-Coleman is a passionate community servant who is committed to public education. Mathis-Coleman is a native of Las Vegas, NV and is a proud product of the Clark County School District and the Nevada System of Higher Education. She received her Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Political Science from the University of Nevada, Reno, a Master of Public Administration degree, and a Doctor of Public Policy degree both from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Mathis-Coleman currently; serves as the Deputy Treasurer overseeing the College Savings Division for the State Treasurer’s Office. She is responsible for helping Nevadan’s plan, save and pay for post-secondary education, she feels privileged to work for an organization with the same values as her own. Mathis-Coleman believes in the tremendous impact that a person can have on the lives of young people. She strives to make a difference in the lives of others daily.
#startEarly #Invest #education #529 #tuition #college #FinancialLiteracy #government #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-tya-mathis-coleman-34a674a9 TWITTER: @TYAMATHIS FACEBOOK: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/TYA.MATHIS
INSTAGRAM: @CLASSYCHICCHICK81 @wtf_podcastCandace @wtf_podcastJackie -
We’re back for more dialogue with Nellie Davis, member of the Walker River Paiute Tribe, Traditional Herbalist and Bodyworker, Ancestral Healer, and owner and operator of Outsiders Hair Studio. Nellie is tapping into the energy of the world in all forms, and discussing the necessity of deep healing work. She talks about connection to the land, medicine in its truest form, and the need to acknowledge our shadow along with our light.
The discussion with our fearless female founders includes what investment looks like in all ways, how we can bring our best selves to the table, and why the work is never done – whether that’s making money or healing ourselves.
Join us to hear:
why Nellie believes we are all in need of healing what to look for in your own lineage to find connection to the earth what Nellie means when she references “medicine” and how to use it how Nellie builds and uses her spiritual capital in the world why the intention behind an item or idea is what defines it the power we all have when we acknowledge all versions of our selves what you can do to tap into the idea of healing yourselfHere's a look at the episode:
[2:23] The term “healing” is often connected to Native culture, but it’s broader than that. [4:42] What is healing? [6:12] Candace shares how she connects to the healing within her lineage. [8:40] Energy, Spirit, God…call it what you will. It’s a universal energy. [10:20] What Plant Medicine is and what it is not. [12:59] Let’s get to know the personalities of plants. [15:30] Let’s talk “Spiritual Capital.” [16:10] Money as a form of energy is not “good” or “bad.” It’s our intention that defines it. [17:30] What’s the equation to showing up as our true self? [21:05] Let’s invite all versions of ourselves to the table. [27:29] Interested in tapping into healing work a bit more? Start here. [31:42] When you heal yourself, you may be healing many others as well.Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog.
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!
Nellie bio:
Nellie is a member of the Walker River Paiute Tribe, and a mother. Her work as a Traditional Herbalist and Bodyworker allows her to practice ancestral and generational healing. She is the owner and operator of Outsiders Hair Studio -- a place where people can feel comfortable no matter their background. She is a Ted X speaker about building community value and grassroots urban planning, and she joins us today on the WTF! Women Talk Finance podcast.
#feminineEnergy #Energy #Power #Native #Healing #AncestralHealing #indigenous #medicine #plantmedicine #breathe #shadowWork #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
Tags:@sawabemuhano @wtf_podcastCandace @wtf_podcastJackie
Nellie Davis is a Small Business Owner at Outsiders Hair Salon and Studio in Reno, NV
She started her business as a place where people could feel comfortable no matter their background.Nellie is a member of the Walker River Paiute Tribe
She is a Ted X speaker about building community value and grassroots urban planning
She is amazing and fierce and today she is on WTF! Women Talk Finance!
Today we’re going to talk about “Stepping into Your Own Power” :
Feminine Power Indigenous Power Entrepreneurial Power For women, your power is already there, it is up to you to accept it Energy needs to be reciprocated – collaboration in partnerships Energetic Exchange & MedicineNellie talks about how to eliminate things from your life that do not amplify, resonate, or allow you to explore the parts of life that will help you find and understand your strength.
Welcome Nellie Davis! -
With a recession looming, millennials – especially the elders – may find themselves reliving the trauma of minimal-to-no-jobs after graduation, moving back in with parents, and putting those law degrees to use…as baristas. Even with the stress and anxiety that may be present, we can’t forget that we’ve been down this road before, giving us the benefit of hindsight. What does that mean?
Jackie and Candace give each of us the pep talk we’ve been craving and remind us that any crisis is temporary. Episode 25 of the WTF! Women Talk Finance podcast is another friend-to-friend discussion where we can ask – and say – the uncomfortable things like is our budget in alignment with our spending?
Grab a seat (or maybe pop in an earbud) and hear:
what fears Jackie and Candace recall from 2008how The Great Recession has impacted and shaped our mentalitywhat silver linings came from our generation in response to the challenges that existedwhat tools and resources we have at our disposal for uncertain timeshow Candace and her spouse set themselves up for successwhen you should begin preparing for a potential recessionthe basics of budgetingwhy Candace and Jackie encourage everyone to look at investing during down timesCandace’s focus on what she calls her “survive” and “thrive” numbersHere's a look at the episode:
[2:18] Recession? Let’s not panic. We repeat, DO NOT PANIC![3:48] Millennials, we aren’t new here. We’ve been training for this.[4:16] We’ve created many things and many ways of handling tough times. Here are a few.[5:58] As per usual, you need to know your resources.[8:56] Candace shares her family’s strategy for financial stability.[9:55] If that’s not you, here are other options. [11:50] This is probably the most important thing any of us can ever learn about money.[12:40] New to the budgeting world. #DontPanic[15:58] What’s priority #1 when it comes to money?[17:09] Candace again shares a tactic her family lives by, and anytime we’re talking A&E True Crime, we’re all ears.[18:55] The good news on recessions. [19:38] Bottom line for recessions and investing…this is the time.Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram, and check out the blog.
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!
Kate Shannon is back with us for the third time (does she get a special badge or something?) to discuss her tiny home, how she got there, and how her career and personal life intersect beautifully to let her help others realize their dreams.
From the pressure to accomplish and thrive in a certain way, to the symbolism a tiny home can have in the financial space, Kate and our fearless female founders get into it all. Bucking tradition, Kate is challenging the societal norms of what the financial industry looks like, and what home life looks like.
Join us to hear:
how being invited to “create a clearing” ended up changing everything for Kate why Kate felt that cleaning her (very full) storage closet was worse than being naked in front of others how the universe showed up for her by way of a builder what wasn’t working for Kate’s purging process, and how Marie Kondo came to the rescue how Kate reminded herself that she can change anything that’s not working…except a face tattoo all about the farm monkeys why Kate leverages professionals how great Kate’s life is with her daughter in The TinyHere's a look at the episode:
[2:11] Here’s the prequel to the tiny home saga. [3:31] Why working with a professional can help your ego. [4:23] What’s the process of downsizing? [4:47] Kate’s big AHA! moment. [5:11] What we ingest can change our world. [5:56] When your family just gets you. [6:55] What matters when deciding on a new home, no matter the size? [7:27] OK…tiny home time. That means you have too much stuff. [9:46] “But what if I hate it?” [11:11] Intention is key. [11:42] Ray Sclafani of ClientWise teaches the Keep-Stop-Start method and it’s useful! [13:10] When you do what you need, you can help others do the same. [14:46] If you have a space haunting you, what can you do? [15:10] Purge what does not serve you.Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights].
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!
Kate's bio:
Kate has over fifteen years of experience in the financial services industry. She earned a B.A. in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature from the University of Minnesota, where she graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. Kate also holds a M.A. in Philanthropic Studies from Indiana University, where she was a Jane Addams-Andrew Carnegie fellow. Kate has served on many local nonprofit boards, is a community volunteer, advises local collegiate groups, and prides herself on being a mindful donor. She lives in Minnetonka with her young family and loves music and travel.
Hashtags: #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast #keepstartstop #tinyhouse #organize
Tags: @bigstonetinyhome @midWestTinyLiving @andreascher @julieloomis.coach @tiny.housenation @mariekondo @bigstone_minigolf @wtf_podcastCandace @wtf_podcastJackie
The local face of Reno news for more than two decades, Wendy Damonte joins us to discuss the massive shift she made in her career and how she gave herself permission to see herself – and identify herself – in a new way.
From how our identities can hold us back – and likely have so much more to offer – to the importance of stepping out of the comfortable and into the pain of growth, Wendy gives us all she’s got and then some.
Join us to hear:
why Wendy believes in being flexible on how you perceive yourself trusting your Universe, and what they see in you why Wendy says you need to take your earned relationships with you how others’ points of view can be the answer to seeing what you’re capable of who Wendy chooses to partner with and endorse and what drives her to do it Wendy’s new side “passion” hustle, and how she stepped up for herself with the opportunityHere's a look at the episode:
[2:31] Be flexible on how you perceive yourself. [4:55] What does the process of shifting who you are look like? [6:55] Who do you consider to be in your Universe? [8:45] People in our lives have the ability to sway us when we’re challenging our identity. [10:36] What else can I do in this world? [11:33] Growth isn’t comfortable, and that’s ok. [15:00] Do you use mantras in your life? Wendy does. [18:37] Not interested in a second job? What about a “Passion Hustle?” [22:15] Wendy’s recovery cocktail secret is out. [25:15] Wendy breaks down her brand, and how she got there. [26:40] Wendy reminisces about breaking the glass ceiling with her co-anchor, Kristen Remington.Follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights].
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!
Wendy bio:
Being active has always defined Wendy Damonte. In her professional career, Wendy was the Evening Anchor and the HealthWatch reporter at KTVN-TV in Reno, NV for 21 years. Wendy’s own health brand took off with the goal of inspiring people to use exercise as medicine. After leaving KTVN in 2015, Wendy took those ideals to Renown Health as the Vice President of Advocacy and Community Partnerships. In 2021, Wendy was named the Executive Director of the Martis Camp Foundation. Wendy is a brand ambassador for Juliana Bicycles, PrAna Clothing, and 305-Life.
305 Life Website with Discount Code: https://305-life.com/discount/WENDY305
Hashtags: #comfortzone | #universe | #hydration | #believeinyourself | #mantra | #health | #exercise | #giveback | #mountainbike | #journalism | #wtfWomenTalkFinancePodcast
Tags: @wendydamonte @wtf_podcastCandace @wtf_podcastJackie
Casey Blum, licensed Alcohol and Substance Therapist, is back this week to discuss the many effects of the pandemic in terms of mental health, and reminds us that -no matter what we experienced- we are not alone. She dives into the tornado [pun intended…listen to hear why] that is our world in the kinda/sorta/pseudo-post pandemic world.
Casey gives words to “the thing” we don’t want to name, shares some AHA! insights of what we were feeling over the past couple years, discusses strategies to cope, and reminds us of what our goals need to be when dealing with stress. Luckily, we come out on the other side of the discussion with some silver linings as well.Come along with us to learn:
· how the loss of routine can create high-level anxiety
· why Casey says to reframe how we ‘make changes in life’
· what self-care looks like, what it’s NOT, and why it’s important
· why Candace “hits the deck” and practices it regularly
Here's a look at the episode:
[1:30] Name “the thing” that’s been there since the pandemic started.
[2:08] What is the name?
[2:44] The statistics on depression and anxiety are alarming.
[3:55] Solid reasons for the recent changes in anxiety and depression.
[5:10] So, how do we cope with all of this?
[5:58] One of those “easier said than done” that slaps us across the face like the tortilla
challenge. Jump to this point to hear Casey share one of the most important strategies for managing stress.
[8:12] That was a lot of heavy…is there a silver lining?
[11:11] Annnnd we’re back! Let’s get back into it and reassess the damage.
[13:01] Residual stress does exist and may change our baseline.
[14:31] Need another positive blip? Here it is…almost in the form of a mantra.
[16:55] Thinking of this in terms of finances, are there new opportunities in this new world?[17:18] Self-care is crucial – especially now. What does that look like?
[19:18] What are some things you do for self-care? Jackie and Candace both subscribe to simply laying on the floor.
[21:03] Self-Care is not a one-time thing. Keep it front of mind.Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here,
follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast],
and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights].We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want
to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com,
and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!Casey Blum is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor. She works with people who struggle with addiction, self-confidence, codependency, behavioral impulsivity, depression, anxiety, relational issues, and a variety of other concerns that get in the way of living according to one’s true potential.
Website: https://hybridcounseling.com/our-doctors/casey/
TITLE: WHAT’S THE COST OF LIQUIDITY? The Illiquidity Premium and Alternative Investments with hosts Jackie Kuiper & Candace Powell
This week, our hosts effortlessly unpack a seemingly complex topic: the “illiquidity premium” in investing. (Although, once you understand the basics, you’ll realize it’s not as complicated as it sounds.)
Pros and cons can be found in any area of life, and the investment space is no exception. Liquid investments (like high yield savings accounts, stocks, or bonds) carry certain risks and rewards, as do illiquid investments – those that are more difficult to sell for cash value relatively quickly (like real estate). Listen-in to learn more about the difference between liquid and illiquid investments and how you can leverage both investment types to help place you in a stronger financial position down the road.*
*Please note, this podcast is for entertainment and educational purposes only. We are not financial advisors, nor are we providing financial or investment advice.Come along with us to learn:
· the definition of, and difference between, liquid and illiquid investments
· the risks and rewards of illiquid investments
· why illiquid assets can help to quell the emotional volatility of investing
Here's a look at the episode:
· [1:10] What is a liquid investment vs. an illiquid investment?
· [2:12] Is my investment liquid?
· [2:57] George in It’s A Wonderful Life explained banks (and similarly, investments) perfectly, and outlined what our money is doing.
· [4:24] Why would someone choose illiquidity?
· [5:28] What are the benefits of illiquidity?
· [5:51] Understanding the illiquidity premium.
· [6:50] How market volatility and emotional volatility are connected and can be managed with illiquid assets.
· [8:48] Millennials have been through several big market changes (the Great Recession, COVID, the Great Resignation) – how might their experiences alter the way they invest?
· [10:35] Where to go with investing now.
Please rate and review the show. Subscribe here, follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights].
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance. What do you want to hear? Who should we talk to? Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com, and don't forget to Follow Us [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast] so you don't miss a thing!
From creative to legal, Wynne links two things that don’t often mesh naturally, and shares how and why they need to coexist in business.
Wynne’s starting point for all creatives of “What do you want and need from this venture?”the sometimes-rough truth to what entrepreneurship looks like IRL vs. on socialhow and why messaging to entrepreneurs shifts depending on their phase of lifethe down-and-dirty of starting a business, and warnings on not getting dupedwhat causes burnout and how Wynne suggests protecting yourself against itwhere to really spend the money
We’ve talked with Wynne before, and just can’t get enough. As a self-described “conscientious lawyer and public speaker, fueled by hard work, passion, and success, with tireless support for others.”, Wynne has seen the many pieces that play into making business work.
Wynne runs Reece Law [https://www.reece-law.com/] with her father, Jim Reece, and founded The Creative's Counsel® [https://www.reece-law.com/creativescounsel] -- a legal niche which provides services to entrepreneurs and creatives. Specializing in corporate, intellectual property, and mergers and acquisitions, The Creative's Counsel® supports businesses in an outside general counsel capacity. Their motto is, “We work, so that you can dream.”
In finding a path for entrepreneurs and creatives to understand and own their businesses, Wynne relies on her own success in marrying the two pieces.
This conversation serves up concrete to-dos in order to get a business or idea rolling, and offers a shift in perspective so, as a creative, your dreams and desires translate to those in the logistics side of things. Come along with us as we discuss:Here’s a look at the episode:
[1:11] A recent study showed that 72% of Gen Z wants to start their own company. Wynne thinks that number may be low.[5:22] Wynne has different messages for those younger dreamers versus the seasoned professionals who are reinventing themselves.[7:49] The down-and-dirty of starting a business has a number of important pieces. (*This is NOT legal advice. These are our opinions only). Take notes here – you’ll be glad you did![13:51] Burnout is a real thing and WILL happen at some point, and can be harder without the right team in place. Rather than trying to do it all and be it all, consider what the right team can do to let you thrive.[15:10] Three things Candace believes you always need to spend money on…and how it will serve you.[16:35] When the need arises for the creative to put on the analytical hat - and it will – there’s a trick to speaking the right language to the right people in order to move yourself forward in an easy way.[20:14] Creatives often walk in to a potential partnership sharing their vision and dream, while executives are looking for the best bet for their business. Those opposing views can be detrimental, but that’s where the business is happening. Figuring out how to marry the two will bring it all to fruition.Please rate and review the show!
Like, subscribe , and follow us on TikTok and Instagram [https://linktr.ee/wtfwomenspodcast], and check out the blog [https://www.rowecapitalgroup.com/newsandwtfinsights].
We love to hear from you about all things women and finance.
Drop us a note at media@RoweCapitalGroup.com - Visa fler