The Bible warns us that we will face tough times, but it also promises that we will have power to say, "Peace be still!" when storms come. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at the life of Elijah to show us how we can walk in this divine authority that God promises. As the days grow darker, it will become increasingly important that we have powerful words directly from the Lord, rather than living off the echoes of words he has spoken to others.
In this message preached January 18, 2009, David Wilkerson explores Habakkuk and how the church can respond when God chooses to chasten a nation. We need a proper Holy Ghost view, not our own zeal. The church must begin to plead to God to obtain mercy and grace. God judges sin in mercy and in his loving kindness will send forth his Spirit to renew the face of the earth. In these times of calamity, God is at work and the church of Jesus Christ shall prevail!
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Do you have a friend who seems to always get unprecedented "upgrades"—on flights, at events, in lines? Do they seem to have more of God's favor and blessing? Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at people in the Bible who received unprecedented blessings from God. They all said "yes" and "amen" to the promises of God and were not afraid to boldly ask him for the desires of their heart.
In this sermon preached April 26, 2009 at Times Square Church, Pastor David Wilkerson draws from Romans 8 and other passages to show the importance of faith. Being fully persuaded allows us to trust God even when there is no evidence of our prayers being answered, because we know and believe the Lord and his Word. It is time for the Church to rise up and pray in the power of the Holy Spirit.
When things don't go how you expect, it is easy to become cynical. Hope and faith can quickly turn to doubt and negativity. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at the biblical story of Elijah and the widow, a woman who had every reason to be cynical, yet she chose to believe God. Through her faith she sees his amazing blessing. Moses and the people of Israel, too, could have given in to cynicism, but through their faith they see miraculous deliverance.
Pastor Joshua West explains the core of the beginning of the Sermon of the Mount, as found in Matthew 5:1-12. The Beatitudes begin with the words, "Blessed are..." These words describe the attributes of those who will inherit God's kingdom through Jesus, the fulfillment of the Old Testament law.
Drawing practical insights from Psalm 45, Gary Wilkerson explains the power of a kingdom family. This is a family serving God's purposes, seeking him, praising him, and pursuing truth, humility, and meekness. As our Father, the Lord delights in us, his children. Similarly, we can guide our families so they will thrive in righteousness.
In this sermon preached December 4, 1994, David Wilkerson teaches on the nearness of God. No matter how challenging our trials or how many attacks we face from the enemy, "You are near, O Lord, and your commandments are truth" (Psalm 119:151, NKJV). No one is beyond temptation or trials, but when we draw near to God, he will draw near to us (James 4:8) and deliver us.
Gary Wilkerson provides three practical ways we can respond to life's challenges. Spiritual warfare and the attacks that come with it are part of the Christian life, but if we trust God, realize that we are in a war, and know that "all things work together for good" (Romans 8:28, ESV), we can renew our mind and worship God through the pain.
Preaching from Matthew 4, Pastor Joshua West shares biblical insights on the call to repentance. Jesus preached, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17, ESV). Likewise, we need to preach the true gospel. A gospel that is watered down, that minimizes repentance, will not cure anyone. Jesus made himself available to those in need, did not show partiality, was sensitive to the needs of others, and more. But he never compromised his message of repentance or that he is "the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6).
Preaching on Psalm 44, Gary Wilkerson offers practical biblical insights on the healing power of lament. Through our trials and suffering, the steadfast love of the Lord will lead us to healing and restoration. Blocked goals and needs may lead us to anger, grief, mourning or other struggles, but God hears, heals, and restores. There is a place for lament, individually and collectively. Through our trials, "we are more than conquerors through him who loved us" (Romans 8:37, ESV).
In this sermon delivered on December 23, 2001, David Wilkerson preaches on hypocrisy surrounding the baby Jesus. Many people and religions celebrate Jesus in the manger, but fail to worship Christ as Lord or realize what his coming into the world represents. We can rejoice in the Christmas miracle of the virgin birth, but we must also understand the power of Jesus, his deity, the gospel he offers, and the power of salvation through him alone.
Continuing his Psalms series, Gary Wilkerson shares insights from Psalm 43. When we are in the midst of battles, overwhelmed by difficult circumstances, downcast and discouraged, how can we find joy? The solution is to go to the Lord, allowing his light and truth to lead us, not our negative emotions or circumstances. We must put our hope in God, trusting him no matter what.
God is calling us to believe in an end-time outpouring of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit cannot move in a church where there are people who hold grudges because they can't forgive. We are not only called to forgive, we are called to cover the sins of others by not broadcasting the hurt that was done to us. God says the latter glory will be greater than the former Glory. In this message delivered August 3, 2008, David Wilkerson preaches a powerful message from 1 and 2 Peter.
Are you struggling to believe and have faith that God will provide for you in the storm? Or perhaps feeling forgotten or bypassed by the purposes of God? In this powerful sermon, Gary Wilkerson shares how to come through difficult times while believing God for great things.
When Christ was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, how did Jesus respond? Pastor Joshua West explores this important passage from Matthew 4. As we face the world, the flesh, and the devil, we must turn to God and his Word, trusting in his sufficiency. To overcome the desires of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life, we must turn only to God for the solution to temptation. Humble submission to the Lord equips us to resist the devil.
Drawing from the parable of the sower in Matthew 13, and other passages, Gary Wilkerson calls us to seek God's portion for us. Our portion from the Lord can increase as we step out in faith, not allowing the world to diminish our portion. God wants to bless us with his portion that is more than we can imagine.
In this unique and surprising sermon, David Wilkerson explores biblical examples of God dealing with the enemies of his people. Getting even with our enemies does not mean that we curse them or wish them harm. Instead, we are to show mercy and kindness, allowing the Lord to deal with those who persecute us. "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls" (Psalm 109:28, NKJV). We are to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).
In this message, Gary Wilkerson encourages us to know God in the high and holy places, but also to know him as our Father. God gives us the opportunity to escape "religion" and enter into the love of Jesus. Religion causes us to focus on self and everything we do wrong. A true relationship with our Father will cause us to understand that even though we may fail, God will be faithful to us.
When you are struggling through trials, how can you respond? David Wilkerson draws from several biblical passages, including the Psalms, to show us the power of gratitude and thanksgiving. God works through our trials to strengthen us and our faith. When we turn to the Lord with thanksgiving and rely on him, God will deliver us: "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise! Be thankful to him, and bless his name! (Psalm 100:4, NKJV).
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