Today we have trainer with E2M Fitness Mandy Engstrom. WOMEN LISTEN IN!
To see Mandy Instagram: @kiki_doyalove_me
Reach out to E2m at : Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/E2Mfitness
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e2mfitness/
Contact me via email doctorwells@hopewells.life or website https://hopewells.life/
Today we talk about health from a female perspective with guest Rene Sturgis. Join me with this fun conversation.
Today we look at faith, mental health and medicine and what's really going on. We spoke with Dr. Alesha Logan of Logos Health to receive a holistic approach to it all. Listen in!
#yafavoritecounselor #letstalkaboutit
https://www.logoshealth.org/ IG https://www.instagram.com/logos.health
Today we speak on the topic of forgiveness and the reasons why we don't forgive. There are many things that are connected to forgiveness that we need to be mindful of.
Email - doctorwells@hopewells.life
Phone - 839-235-0059
Today's episode centers upon being together with someone who doesn't believe like their spouse. Let's talk through some scenarios about what unequally yoked really means.
f so you may need some counseling. Reach out and give me a call 839-235-0059 or email at doctorwells@hopewells.life
In this episode we talk about when you are not loved as a spouse and what that looks like.
If this episode connects with you or you know of someone in this situation, and they may need another resource. Have them reach out to us.
Phone- 839-235-0059
Email- doctorwells@hopewells.life
This is the first episode of a series of what I like to call AMES- Adverse Marital ExperienceS
Do you and your spouse have boundaries? Are there any grey areas?
You may have heard some things that your relationship needs some help with. If so you may need some counseling. Reach out to someone, if with HW call 839-235-0059 or email at doctorwells@hopewells.life
Check me out on the website. https://hopewells.life/
How does witnessing divorce in my home growing up, effect me today? Let's talk about it.
Today we start a conversation for everyone as we talk about trauma and how it effects us all.
Welcome back with my special Troy Boozer. Today we talk about suicide and deliverance. Tune in, Leave your feedback.
If you need help please call 988 .
You may have heard some things that your relationship needs some help with. If so you may need some counseling. Reach out to someone, if with HW call 839-235-0059 or email at doctorwells@hopewells.life
In this episode we speak with Latoya Morrison. We talk about her journey of ministry thus far. and some details that she has endured and overcome. She has written a book "My Out Loud" that details about going through a separation and divorce. check us out at http://hopewells.life/ @hopewellscounseling on YouTubeLatoya's platforms of influence:BlessedTimeAround- YouTubelatoyaoutloud.com- where you can purchase her bookblessedtimearound@gmail.com
Today we continue our women in ministry series with our special guest, my spiritual mother Emily Walters. She and her husband pastor Judah Church in Charlotte, NC. Today's conversation was on her role in ministry as a woman and what has shaped her thus far in ministry.
In our first episode of our "women in ministry" series, we are talking about ministering outside of America and what that looks like with Maggie Totherow. She is preparing for life outside of America in ministry, while overcoming stereotypes, stigmas, prejudices and religious mindsets that women often face in life, not just ministry.
Today we talk about the retired lifestyle and how to prepare for it, and live in it with a healthy mindset. Our special guest is Stanley Wells. He retired after 43 years as a police officer.
In today's episode we talk with Cameron Know of WACH about the mental health and it's accessibility to the community. We also talk about cultural issues in regards to mental health on different communities.email Dr. Wells - doctorwells@hopewells.life
Today we discussed the power of prayer in marriages and praying in part. Many answers come to us by prayer, because that is how we communicate with God and He with us. LetUSpray!
In today's episode we go inside the mental health life of a pastor. What do they face individually, as a leader/pastor, married life, and much more. We are joined with Pastor Glenn Walters of Judah Church in Charlotte, NC.visit Judah Church online at judahchurch.orgContact Dr. Wells by email: doctorwells@hopewells.life, https://hopewells.life
In today's episode we discuss being single with the HOPE of getting married. Many singles, and singled again, people discuss life being single with the expectations of finding the one God has for them, but not ever sure of what that significant other looks like. Men, not boys, discuss this stage in their life sometimes not knowing that they are already looking for only a wife, not a girlfriend with the potential of being a wife. The majority of ladies have a list (sometimes written) of what that characteristics of their man is to look like, have, career, and even salary.Today we talk about the simplicity of being single and how and when to move into marriage.Contact Dr. Wells by email: doctorwells@hopewells.life, https://hopewells.life
In this first episode Dr. Joshua Wells talks about the very basics of mental health. No matter if you are seeing a counselor or therapist or not, there are just some basics we need to know about ourselves in order to have a great day.