
  • From a very young age, Pamela Rand, 81, described herself as a comic, a clown, a funny kid who liked to make people laugh. She continues today to sing, dance, speak in multiple accents and create skits on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTock. Laughing at herself is her prime mode of comedy.

    In her early 20’s, Pamela went to Clown School in Paris where she journeyed within to discover her inner clown. Having lost both her mother and brother, this “school of movement, mind and theater” helped her regain her innocence- her silly side-and she learned that 20 minutes of daily laughter enriches your life and is good for your brain. Today she focuses on physical comedy, formerly known as slapstick.

    ”Humor is vital to our sanity and longevity.”

    Pamela is the “Self-proclaimed president of the mature mothers’ society”. Her daughter was born when she was 42, and not wanting her to be an only child, she birthed twins at 51. She believes in positive addictions - meditation, eating healthy foods, chi gong, weight training, Pilates, and, of course, humor.

    Pamela Rand is a role model for an aging population and an inspiration for youth.


    Website: PamelaRand.net

    Website: Adventures in Feeling Young

    You Tube: Adventures in Feeling Young

    TikTok: Adventures in Feeling Young

    Instagram: Adventures in Feeling Young

  • For 50 years, Marcia Naomi Berger, 79, has experienced a journey from madness to love and meaning. Her first manic episode was at 29, when she was already a well-respected licensed clinical social worker - an experienced psychotherapist well-trained in cognitive-behavioral, family systems, process, and psychodynamic approaches. She draws from many treatment approaches to fit the needs of her clients.

    Naomi’s life changed abruptly when she experienced the first of two difficult hospitalizations.

    While her early upbringing was difficult and influenced her decision to become a therapist and concentrate on relationships, nothing prepared Naomi for a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. From that moment on she was determined to write a book about this difficult, shame-inducing condition. Everytime she took pen in hand, she found she could only get so far and would put it away. It was only in May of this year that she accomplished her goal and The Bipolar Therapist was published.

    Prior to that, Naomi published two books on relationships.

    Naomi lives her life by three convictions:

    Don’t bow down to stigma - you are a multi-faceted person who has a lot to give to this worldWhatever your situation is, don’t let other people define you.Live a whole meaningful life. Find happiness every day


    Email: [email protected]

    Books: The BiPolar Therapist

    Marriage Minded: An A to Z Dating Guide for Lasting Love,

    Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You've Always Wanted

    LinkedIn Profile

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  • Anne Burke, age 80, retired Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court, began her career as a physical education teacher, earned her undergraduate degree as an adult student at the School for New Learning/DePaul University, completed a law degree while raising four children, and created the Special Olympics. Her law practice centered on helping vulnerable children and citizens. Anne served on the Illinois Supreme Court for 16 years, the last three years as chief justice, during the covid pandemic. Upon retirement, Anne returned to DePaul University as a non-degree seeking student taking courses in history, philosophy, ethics, and creative writing. She has received numerous awards and 13 honorary degrees, including from her alma mater.

    "The core of me is children; I am devoted to helping special populations."

    Connect with Anne

    Email: [email protected]

  • Ruth Schimel, 84, has original ways to make the most of life’s possibilities. An author of over 70 published articles and seven books, she was previously a diplomat/foreign service officer at the Department of State. She has also taught at four universities. With her mother, Ruth created the Schimel Lode to promote collaboration and innovation in the DC area.

    In her 40’s, Ruth designed an inside-out approach to career and life management that transcended narrow labeling of her clients. Preferring to honor their complexity using adventure and good judgment, she continues to provide the tools and experiences to help clients access and keep developing their true selves independently. As a child, Ruth and her family were isolated by a flood for four days. She learned first-hand the power of uncontrolled water. That experience makes her involvement with efforts to mitigate climate change reality based. Finding ways to transcend isolation during the pandemic, Ruth and her long-time friend and colleague, Shari, developed a process for using art to generate engaging conversation, deeper relationships and visual intelligence. Their mashups of juxtaposed paintings with poetry became recordings to share online to benefit others’ explorations and insights.

    "Becoming courageous is a process accessible to most people to step into the life they want."

    Her PhD research on courage, international experience, work with a range of clients and continuing curiosity are catalysts for her own growth and her work assisting others. Ruth knows that becoming courageous involves “the willingness to realize your true capacities by going through discomfort, fear, anxiety or suffering and taking wholehearted, responsible action.” It is a process accessible to most people.


    Website: https://www.ruthschimel.com/

    Website: https://artingconversations.com/

    Website: https://www.theschimellode.net/

    Books: https://www.ruthschimel.com/books/

  • Susan Baur, 84, has been a writer, historian and psychologist for 50 years. As a child, nothing grabbed her passion like listening to her father’s stories which seemed to describe other worlds that exist inside our own. Pursuing these other worlds ever since, the force of nature keeps pulling at her very being and led her first into an obsession with turtles and then to start removing garbage from ponds in Cape Cod, MA.

    This is hard work. The water is often cold, visibility poor but nevertheless she dives in and sees . . . garbage - garbage like tires, futons, bicycle wheels and tons of beer cans. Trash. She couldn’t do this work alone so invited others to help. Women 64-84 joined in. It led Susan to be named Climate Resilience Hero by the Red Cross.

    If you align yourself with the force that governs, you know how to age.

    Susan believes in this work. Although she has written books on the history of science and psychology, and books about turtles for children, it is her sense of wonder and how it changes a person that unites her varied interests. She is happiest exploring Wonderlands and encouraging others to join her. Although she is widely seen as creating the next generation of conservationists, she is more focused on fostering enchantment wherever it is found. Susan is, herself, the embodiment of wonder.


    Website: OLAUG-MA.COM

    Books: The Turtle Sisters series and A Guide to the Best Ponds on Cape Cod AND the Best Ways of Preserving Them may be found on her personal website: theturtlesisters.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Aging Reimagined Symposium Celebrating Who We Are as We Age

    Sat Oct 19, 2024 [8:00] AM – [6:00] PM

    Plymouth Place, 60526


  • Karen Ross, 76, is a champion who keeps reinventing herself. Self-confident, curious and proactive, Karen never stops finding new ways to stay involved, support herself and others, and meet interesting people.

    She thought she would be a musician and entered college intending to major in music. However, Broadway show music is what interested her and classical music was what the college preferred she study. It didn’t take long for Karen to move on and several years and careers later found herself hosting a radio show. When that show ended she moved to South Carolina.

    "Curiosity leads me to keep engaging in new topics, career choices, and environments."

    A change in formats sent her back to Chicago where she decided to hire a coach to help her find what was next. The coach noticed that she was always desirous to be of service and, so, suggested she become a coach.

    Soon after starting her practice, Karen discovered hypnosis, believing it could help her patients find deep relaxation and access to their subconscious minds, while eradicating chronic pain, sleep issues and major loss. She continues to this day working with clients who benefit from hypnosis and personal coaching.

    Karen pays close attention to her health, doing a daily practice called Aging Backwards. She walks all over the city and listens for her inner ageist to consciously reject the notion that she is old.


    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://karenrossnow.com/

    Meet with her at: https://karenrossnow.com/schedule/

    Watch my 60-second video:




  • Elderwerks’ dynamic CEO and Founder, Jennifer Prell, understands older adults. She believes elders deserve respect and loving care. She gets worked up when talking about how difficult it often is for older people, no matter their income level, to find proper housing as they age. Adult children reach out because a parent is declining. That parent does not always recognize there is a problem and that makes it extremely difficult to help them make the transition to safer housing. Jennifer and her team are trained to ask the questions that will guide them in determining the correct paths to take.

    Jennifer started a 2nd business called Safe Moves for Seniors so that she could work with income-restricted older people. Through this business they write grants and raise funds to aid older adults in downsizing and moving with dignity.

    Their knowledge seems never-ending in all the ways to find proper housing for their clients as they age.

    Connect with Jennifer:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.Elderwerks.org

    Website: www.safemovesforseniors.org

  • The hardest part of getting older is the realization that some dreams are never going to be realized. Some situations are not going to change. Jackie Greenbaum, however realistic she remains, has lived her life as though dreams are meant to be followed. Discouraged from a career in law at a young age, Jackie pursued teaching, only to find it unsatisfying for the world in which she wanted to live. Soon after leaving the field of education, Jackie immersed herself in becoming a legal secretary, then a paralegal and combined those two to work in business development and human resources. A dynamic, successful rainmaker was her mentor and her career proved both satisfying and rewarding.

    "There are close friends to be had in every setting when meaning and purpose drive your life."

    After retiring, Jackie and her husband moved to an over 55 community. Using all the skills she practiced while working, Jackie soon became deeply involved on the WOW board and developed strong friendships within the community.

    Jackie takes advantage of every minute because…….you just never know.


    Aging Reimagined Symposium Celebrating Who We Are as We Age

    Sat Oct 19, 2024 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Plymouth Place, 60526


  • If we are looking for what we enjoy doing, then, logically, we’re going to be good at it. Joyful thoughts spiral upward. We are on this planet to love and be loved, to be truly authentic.

    Gail Sussman Miller, Inspired Choice.com, believes how we think, and communicate, is a key issue for leaders of organizations. She helps them manage difficult conversations, to listen not only to respond, but to understand. You can be kind and honest. She helps people see how they need to change to achieve their desired outcomes. An expert coach, focusing on communication, Gail has been serving clients since 2001. By integrating her beliefs into her coaching, she invites her clients to see through different lenses.

    "It’s about the spirit and energy you bring to the conversation, rather than specific words."

    As you listen hear her thoughts on:

    Wild Fit - a program based on anthropological nutrition and behavioral psychology for optimum health. Gail has integrated this knowledge and food choices as a lifestyle and finds it works for her on both a physical and spiritual level.Archetypes, based on the work of Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette and Carolyn Myss include our protective human ego (Victim, Saboteur, Wounded child, Prostitute - all fear-driven behaviors) and our Spirit, Higher Self, love driven behaviors. (Lover, Sovereign, Warrior, Magician - ways in which we deepen the truth of who we are.A Course in Miracles – helps us shift from a thought system based on fear to one based on loveHeadspace App - powerful meditation and mind training to keep joy present in our livesTears - your body’s response to hearing what is true for you.

    Gail celebrates life through spirituality, gratitude and rituals.

  • Wendy Green, founder and host of Hey, Boomer,! knows about personal transformation first-hand and coaches women to “live the meaningful, purposeful life they want to live.” Wendy left the world of corporate training to focus on women’s experiences of growing older—as a coach, podcaster, show host, and blogger. Podcast guests, along with members of Boomer Banter, talk about a range of topics such as family dynamics, gray divorce, changing relationships, feeling old, and the vital value of female friendships.

    I still feel inside the younger parts of me. - Wendy Green

    Connect with Wendy

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://heyboomer.biz

  • Sally Jean Fox’s 2023 book, Meeting the Muse After Midlife: A Journey to Meaning, Creativity, and Joy, tells her story of finding joy in being creative after 50, as she explored gardening, clowning, improv theatre, storytelling, and singing. Always keen on writing, Sally took up painting at age 69 and exhibited 30 paintings three years later. Although Sally now sees herself as an artist, she emphasizes that creativity is not just about producing art; rather, the “most creative thing we can do is design our lives, every day, to be engaging, expansive, and full of learning. As the head of Engaging Presence, Sally also coaches professionals to design their lives around what matters most to them and to share their stories.

    Connect with Sally

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: Engaging Presence—Shaping Stories That Matter


    Book: Meeting the Muse After Midlife


  • Cheri Boublis is Senior Director for Hospitality Services at Plymouth Place in LaGrange Park, Illinois, a model for active community living. Cheri collaborates with the leadership, residents, vendors, and the larger community to offer wide-ranging services for adults who choose a vibrant lifestyle. Choice is the guiding concept for most everything at Plymouth Place—design of living space, travel, dining, cultural programs, the arts, wellness, and more. Cheri says she is of the age that she could live at Plymouth Place, and she looks forward to doing so when she is ready for that transition.


    Plymouth Place is the premium sponsor and host site for Women Over 70’s first, in-person Symposium on October 19, 2024.

    Connect with Cheri

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: Plymouth Place | Senior Living in La Grange Park, IL

  • Joy has always been a part of Beverly Pimsleur's life. Her extended family in Louisville KY loved to be together, to dance, sing and have fun.

    She recognized the importance of language from a young age and started learning French in high school. She met her husband, a French professor, on a blind date in her twenties and changed her plans about living in France in order to marry him, anticipating they would someday live there together — which they


    She became fluent in 4 different languages and believes in the importance of teaching English as a 2nd language.

    Paul was the creator of the Pimsleur Language Program. When he died at 48, Beverly, alone with two young children, returned to New York and, with a colleague of her late husband, continued to develop the business. Simon & Schuster eventually purchased the company.

    Life with her 2nd husband, Peter, was quite different. They moved to Nice for 12 years, where he died of a genetic disease. Beverly turned to tango as a release for her grief and dance became an obsession. With her children married, she traveled the world, dancing until she was 82. Her passions are multi-faceted and include cooking, traveling, writing and publishing.

    "I'm afraid I’m not going to have enough time for all the things I want to do."

  • As an educational leader and mentor, Dr. Helen Benjamin tells stories about

    growing up in the segregated South, living and working in two worlds—Black

    and White, and helping younger Black professionals navigate their CEO roles

    in community colleges. In semi-retirement, Helen leads HSV Consulting, Inc,

    works with “dozens of colleges, boards, and CEOs to advance student-

    centered organizational and leadership improvement,” and continues writing

    to preserve African American history. Helen finds that at age 74 she is in

    “the best place I’ve ever been in my life—smarter, wiser, thriftier, and more


    No one can tell the story of our lived experience better than

    we can.

    Connect with Helen

    Email: [email protected]

    Books by Helen:

    ● How We Got Over-Growing Up in the Segregated South: A Collection of


    ● The Chocolate Truth: An Anthology of Perspectives from Community

    College CEOs

  • Do you want to share housing but find the transition scary? We often live in shared housing when we are single: college, roommates in camp, at conferences, during our early careers. Living with housemates as we age is no different. Annamarie Pluhar, 70, is a well-spoken advocate for shared housing and offers valuable ways of thinking to simplify the process.

    After receiving her Masters in Divinity, then working in a corporation, facilitating large groups, Annamarie started a non-profit to promote the importance of shared housing. She consults with organizations, housing professionals, the aging network and local officials who are seeking to develop shared housing in their communities. The twin crises of high housing costs and an increase in social isolation combine to render cooperative living arrangements an excellent solution.

    "Housemates are not the same as roommates."

    By providing education, advocacy, and model development she empowers individuals to choose, create and sustain shared housing. She envisions a world in which sharing housing is a commonly accepted living arrangement and individuals feel happy, safe and at peace with home-mates.One idea—a building for seniors with 4 bedroom suites for 3 people. The extra suite might be for guests or caretakers. Everyone shares the kitchen and living space.

    Last summer (2023) Annamarie lost her partner of 23 years and is currently renovating her home to make it more comfortable for sharing. She lives in southern Vermont.

    Connect with Annamarie:

    Book: Sharing Housing: A Guidebook for Finding and Keeping Good Housemates

    Website: sharinghousing.com

    Email: [email protected]

  • Mary Mitchell, age 74, sheds light on aging and ageism in her occasional column for the Chicago Sun Times, Starting Over. Mary ‘started over’ five years ago when she switched her journalistic authority on race relations in Chicago to concentrate on matters of growing older. She advocates that longevity is a blessing and aging offers an opportunity to do well at

    something else. Mary’s guiding tenets are always equity and fairness when dealing with social isms. When we are equitable and fair, Mary says, “we are doing the best we can.”

    " I give people platforms to tell their own stories, share their wisdom, and increase awareness of social justice issues."

    Connect with Mary

    Email: [email protected]


  • Ann Anderson Evans, age 82, lives in Vermont. She is a writer, linguist, and former professor. Her first memoir, Daring to Date Again (2014), which tells the story of what happened after she started dating at 62, won multiple prizes. Her sequel The Sweet Pain of Being Alive: A Memoir of Love and Death (Jan. 2024), narrates her attempt to find out why, after 13 happily married years, her husband killed himself. Her questions about his gender dsyphoria and suicide remain largely unanswered. Ann tries to heed the wisdom of the Buddhist saying, “You can’t change the past, the future hasn’t happened yet, so pay close attention to today.” The questions and answers have continued to unfold.

    Through contemplation about loss, aging, and evolving, I realize every day is an adventure; we must be willing to deal with whatever comes.

    Connect with Ann

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://annandersonevans.com

  • Susan Gangsei, a classically trained tapestry artist from Minneapolis, MN, uses her talent to create images of women aging. Her recent series, The Sacred Journey of Aging, features the “beauty, strength, and wisdom of older women.” Susan treats viewers to her tapestries that represent different passages of growing older—feeling invisible, making mischief, putting the pieces back together, reimagining how to live with a health condition, and recognizing the paradoxes of life. Susan will exhibit selected pieces at the Women Over 70-Aging Reimagined Symposium, October 19,2024, in the Chicago area.

    Connect with Susan

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.susangansei.com

  • Visionary and disrupter, Jacynth Bassett, is an award-winning, highly sought after consultant and expert in the anti-ageism/ age-inclusive & positive movement. At only 31, she is widely recognized as a leading pioneer and voice, awarded ‘Anti-Ageist Activist’ of 2023, at the inaugural Advantages Of Age Awards 2023. and named one of Evening Standard’s 22 Londoners Changing the World.

    She is the Founder & CEO of the award-winning global campaign, consultancy & community Ageism Is Never In Style®, and of The Bias Cut – the first age-inclusive independent fashion online boutique.

    Her whole inspiration came from her Mum; Jacynth witnessed how she was being treated differently, largely due to her age. Jacynth became an activist and consciously began to use her platform to support other people. She was determined to make an impact.

    She studied law at Cambridge, and after graduating she conducted thorough research and started a blog to spark conversation and develop a community and following. In the last 1-2 years she is heartened to see how many people are joining the movement. Her manifesto has 5 principles, beginning with aging as you wish. It’s your choice.

    Connect with Jacynth:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: The Bias Cut

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacynthbassett

    “I’m heartened to see how many young people are taking up the battle to end ageism.” - Jacynth Bassett

    Connect with Jacynth:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: The Bias Cut

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacynthbassett

  • LIfe is a constant adventure for Michele Kurlander, 79. She lives in Chicago, yet her heart is in France. A fluent francophile, Michelle spends much of her life traveling between Chicago and Paris. There she has met dear friends who live all across the world. When she becomes interested in an artist, an author, a performer, Michele’s obsession with art and music icons takes over and she devotes that period of her life to understanding all she can about the person. Spending years reading and discussing all 7 volumes of Proust is a perfect example. Sometimes that means traveling across the world to meet them, attending their concerts, involving friends in the obsession with her. She is also obsessed with her family.

    No stranger to challenge, Michele reinvented herself to make every moment count. Through it all she has maintained her love of writing and literature. And, continues to practice law while, somehow, she making it all work. Michelle will tell you, “There is no resemblance today to who I once was.”

    "Nobody promises you anything in life, except this minute."


    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.kurlanderlaw.com/