In this episode we are exploring the Eight Guiding Principles for Women's Circles.
First we answer the question: why is it even worth it to have guiding principles?
And then we explore each of the 8 guiding principles we currently go by.
Since the principles are an alive social contract which keeps on growing and expanding, we think that the best is to check the most updated version on our website.
We hope that it has inspired you to create/update/ understand guiding principles from the circle you are a part of.
You've decided to run your very first Circle. You have the place, the theme, and the list of women that you'd like to invite.
Now what?
Running your first gathering can be a bit stressful and confusing, that's why in the 3rd episode of Women Circle Institute Podcast, we are sharing our step-by-step walk through on how to approach your first time as a Circle's facilitator.
Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email us here
If you are interested in learning more about Women Circles and Women Circle Institute visit our website here
Saknas det avsnitt?
In the second episode of the Women Circle Institute Podcast, we continue answering the top ten questions about Women's Circles. We discuss the following:
Do you need a theme/topic/agenda for your Circle?Who do you invite to a Circle?What is the “magic number” of participants in a Circle?What activities/elements/segments can you use in your Circle?What are Women Circle principles and which ones do we consider the most important?Tune in and enjoy!
If you are interested in learning more about Women Circles and Women Circle Institute visit our website here
If you have a question for us, send it to womencircleinstitute@gmail.com or visit our podcast page here
Women have been gathering in circles for centuries, even in the most suppressive communities, to find physical and emotional shelter, lift each other and share the powerful feminine energy.
In this podcast, we are going to rediscover what happens when women come together bringing in their authentic, creative and nurturing selves. In other words, this podcast is dedicated to magical spaces also known as women's circles.
In our first episode, we answer 5 (five) out of 10 (ten) most common questions about Women's Circles:
What is a Women's Circle? What kind of Women’s Circles are out there and what kind of Circles do we facilitate? Online or in-person? Benefits of different circle setups At Home, in nature or in a neutral (rental) place? Benefits of different circle setups Do you need to be certified to lead a circle?--------
If you are interested in learning more about Women Circles and Women Circle Institute visit our website here