If you're in a relationship where one person manages the finances and the other avoids them entirely, this episode is for you.
Anna and Hunter have been together for over 10 years, and for most of that time, Anna (the accountant) managed their finances, which was perfectly fine for Hunter, who didn't want anything to do with handling finances. Hunter turning a blind eye to their finances and Anna's lack of accountability when navigating challenges with mental health and addiction led to deceit and, ultimately, tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt until it got to the point where their incomes were insufficient to cover their regular expenses and minimum credit card payments. Listen to Anna's and Hunter's experiences to hear how they faced reality together and became a true team in managing their finances, including increased accountability for Anna and greater awareness and involvement for Hunter.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If your debts exceed your assets and, as a result, you have a negative net worth and you're anxious to change that, this episode is for you.
After being the first in her family to graduate from college, Sharon started her career as a scientist but realized that her first job out of college wouldn't help her get ahead financially and achieve her life goals. Sharon took matters into her own hands and, after a few career moves, found her way to a position that would provide enough income to fuel her progress. Listen to Sharon's experiences to hear how she made difficult, disciplined decisions to work her way to worthless through hard work, wise spending, increased income, diligent savings, and consistent payments on her debt.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
Saknas det avsnitt?
If you've ever been laid off and felt the rollercoaster of emotions that followed, and/or you live in Massachusetts and are looking for a couch, this episode is for you.
Jason from Episode 2 is back to share his experience navigating a layoff from his marketing job in the tech industry, and describe how budgeting and YNAB have enabled him to take advantage of the layoff and severance to jump into entrepreneurship and launch his own business, Pull Up a Couch (www.pullupacouch.com). Listen to Jason's story to help you prepare for whatever lies ahead in your career, whether it be navigating a layoff, starting a business, or -- like Jason -- both!
Aaannd if you live in Massachusetts and need a couch, take Jason up on his offer for a free delivery!
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If you're a freelance or self-employed professional and have experienced the ups and downs of variable income, this episode is for you.
Jenn is a talented and accomplished freelance editor, but she recently lost a meaningful revenue stream for her business for reasons outside of her control. This brought a lot of fear and concern for her income, and a lot of it was due to Jenn having no clear understanding of how much she needs to make to meet her needs in any given month. Listen to Jenn's experiences to hear how building greater awareness around her money and what it costs to be her brought more calm than she's ever experienced with her finances, despite her income being more unstable than ever before.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If you've ever avoided looking at your finances in detail because, supposedly, ignorance is bliss, this episode is for you.
Trevor and his wife were living a "budget blind" life, with no real awareness of how much money they had or what they could afford, and it led to owing $125K to 29 different creditors, including $75K in back taxes owed to the IRS. They navigated multiple jarring layoffs, falling behind on their mortgage, taking out a 401k loan that they then couldn't pay back, and foreclosing on their home. After facing reality in 2018 and making consistent debt payments for ~4 years, they paid off their last debt and felt the joy of no longer owing anyone a dime. Listen to Trevor's experiences to hear how he and his wife dug their way out of debt and could finally go on offense again with their money.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If you feel like life throws you another curveball as soon as you've gotten things back on track after the last curveball, this episode is for you.
Casandra is all too familiar with trying to pay down debt while coping with curveball after curveball and the inevitable emotional spending that comes along with thoes challenges. Whether it was dealing with student loans, parenting young children, grieving the loss of a parent, navigating COVID, or countless other obstacles that got in her way, Casandra found a way to fight until she had paid off her debt. Listen to Casandra's experiences to hear how she navigated such difficult situations, found a way to pay off her debt despite those challenges, and learned some key lessons along the way.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If giving to others in need is important to you, and you want to methodically set money aside for doing so, this episode is for you.
Melissa from Episode 5 is back to share how she has built giving -- or, in Melissa's terms, JOY -- into her budget as a specific job for her money to do. Listen to hear how Melissa and her husband prioritize giving without compromising other financial obligations, in order to bring more joy into their lives and the lives of those they help. Hear how they used funds in their Joy category to rescue a coworker who was nearly trapped by payday loans.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If you feel trapped in using credit cards, can never really tell what you can or can't afford, and want to get a spouse onboard with making some big changes, this episode is for you.
Jessica and her husband became accustomed to just using credit cards for everything, mainly because it was hard to look at their checking account balance and discern what they could or couldn't afford. Despite bringing in two incomes, they built up $16K in credit card debt and felt like there was no other option than to continue using credit cards. Listen to Jessica's story to hear how she faced reality, got her spouse onboard, built a *sustainable* budget, and took control of her finances in order to become debt free (spoiler: according to Jessica, yes, it feels even more amazing than you think it will).
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If you've ever been in a position where it feels like life throws you financial punch after financial punch, this episode is for you.
Jon and his wife found themselves with $0 in emergency savings and $17K in credit card debt when, out of nowhere and in a matter of weeks, his wife was rear-ended and the car totaled, the air conditioner needed repair, a 15-year-old water heater was seemingly on its last legs, and Jon's car broke down. Can you imagine?! Listen to Jon's story to see how he and his wife took control of their situation and, in only a few months, paid off half of their credit card debt, saved half of the money needed to replace the water heater, and built up an emergency savings of a few thousand dollars.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If you feel like everything is stacked against you financially, and your spouse or partner is more of an obstacle than a help, this episode is for you.
Nicole was married to a deceitful spouse who wreaked havoc on the family's finances, sabotaging any efforts Nicole made to dig out of $50K in credit card debt. Things even got to a point where a heartbroken Nicole had to tell her young child that they couldn't afford to go buy juice at the grocery store. Listen to Nicole’s conversation with Jeff to hear how she responded to such difficult circumstances in order to create a more hopeful, empowered life for herself and her children as a single parent.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If you feel vulnerable because you've outsourced everything related to money management to your spouse or partner, this episode is for you.
Melissa entered her first marriage with good credit and, over time, relied on her good-willed husband to manage all of the finances. As it turns out, though, ignorance is anything but bliss, as Melissa can attest. After leaving the marriage, she was devastated to find out that her credit score had tanked to the low 400s. Listen to Melissa share the steps she took to face reality and commit to never again not knowing where she stands financially.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
With the first few episodes published, Jeff is hard at work building an inventory of more stories to bring to you in future episodes.
Jeff is on the hunt for more amazing people who are interested in sharing their stories! If you’ve navigated some difficult financial challenges and come out on the other side stronger, better, and more confident, email Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com so you can work together to capture that journey and share it with others.
There are a lot of people out there who are facing some challenging situations, and when you’re in the thick of a difficult time, it’s really hard to know what to do, where to turn, and how to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sharing your story might be exactly what someone, somewhere, needs in order to take the next step towards success and the financial confidence we all crave.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If Christmas always seems to sneak up on you, you feel stress and/or guilt because you don’t know where you’re going to find the money you need for gifts and activities, and leads you to start off the new year digging out of a financial hole, this episode is for you.
Meet Jenna. After years of navigating those exact feelings, she craved nothing more than to give herself the gift of peace when spending money for Christmas, and she did so by taking control of her finances and preparing throughout the year for it. As a result, Christmas is a much better experience and an opportunity for Jenna and her husband to truly craft the holiday traditions they want for their family, guilt free. Listen to Jenna’s story and hear how she did it.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
If you dread looking at your credit card account, feel shame from carrying whatever debt you have, and question if you’ll ever be able to pay it off, this episode might be for you.
Jason shares his story of going from $40K+ in credit card debt and the feeling of dread that would come from even looking at his credit card balance, to taking control and finally paying it off – hopefully for good. Listen to Jason’s conversation with Jeff and hear how he did it.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.
Do you know how much Jeff loves budgeting and personal finance? He loves it enough to subject himself to the torture of hearing his own voice, over and over again, to produce this podcast. That’s a lot of love.
In this first episode, Jeff introduces himself; shares some background about his work as a coach in helping clients get clarity, control, and confidence in their financial lives; and describes why this podcast even exists.
If you have a story to share and are interested in being on this podcast, reach out to Jeff at wisemoneymentor@gmail.com.
For more information about Jeff and the coaching services he offers, check out his website at www.wisemoneymentor.com.