
  • What if the foundation of American greatness lies in the unwavering faith and values of its Founding Fathers? Learn how the key principles championed by figures like Benjamin Rush, who launched the Sunday school movement, can guide us in restoring national unity today. In this episode, we explore Rush's advocacy for incorporating the Bible into public education and contrast it with the profound societal changes that followed the 1963 Supreme Court decision to remove Bible readings from schools.

    Join us as we highlight the deeply rooted Christian beliefs of signers of the Declaration of Independence, such as Richard Stockton, Roger Sherman, and Francis Hopkinson, and how their faith influenced their monumental contributions. From Stockton's harrowing ordeal and faith-filled legacy to Sherman's biblical devotion and Hopkinson's musical contributions to American church music, their stories offer powerful insights into the role of faith in political leadership. We also examine the vision of leaders like Gouverneur Morris and George Washington for a nation guided by religion and morality, and reflect on John Adams' call to commemorate Independence Day with acts of devotion to God. Tune in to understand the power of religious liberty in America, including recent legislative and judicial shifts that have reintroduced religious teachings in public schools.

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  • What if the principles that founded America were deeply rooted in faith and divine intervention? Join us as we uncover the spiritual and historical foundations of American Independence. Prepare to be amazed as we recount the profound moments of the first Continental Congress in 1774, starting their monumental session with a remarkable two-hour prayer and Bible study. Through the intimate letters of John Adams to his wife Abigail, discover how spiritual experiences shaped early American governance and contributed to the nation's unique stability and endurance.

    In our journey through American history, witness the miraculous feats that propelled the Continental Army and Navy to victory, from Colonel Smith's daring exploits to the British surrender in 1781. Feel the palpable sense of divine intervention documented by John Adams and George Washington. We also highlight the historic printing of the first English Bibles in America. We further delve into the biblical influences on America’s founding fathers, stressing the sacred duty of voting and sharing fascinating stories of lesser-known figures like John Witherspoon and Benjamin Rush. This episode is a compelling reflection on the spiritual heritage and principles that continue to define America's essence.

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  • Are the Ten Commandments making a comeback in our schools? We promise to uncover the intriguing journey of reintroducing these biblical principles into the educational system. We sit down with Matt Krause, a former state representative and attorney with First Liberty, who provides a behind-the-scenes look at the legislative efforts and constitutional support for this initiative. Join us as we recount our experiences testifying in Texas and Louisiana, highlighting the differing outcomes, and hear Tim's firsthand account of Louisiana's legislative process, including a memorable bill signing moment.

    What if restoring the Ten Commandments to public spaces could counteract moral relativism and strengthen community values? We explore the historical significance of displaying religious symbols such as nativity scenes and public prayers, and the push to return these traditions to local government properties. Reflecting on Supreme Court decisions and historical practices, we delve into the grassroots efforts aimed at promoting moral absolutes and cultural stability. This episode underscores the importance of community-driven movements in reestablishing these foundational values.

    We highlight the profound impact of the Ten Commandments in American history and education. From a 1940s judge in Minnesota who used them to reform a juvenile delinquent to the nationwide movement sparked by Cecil B. DeMille's 1959 movie, the Ten Commandments, have played a pivotal role in shaping our nation. We discuss the legal battles and recent Supreme Court decisions that have influenced these displays, including the positive impact of school chaplains on student well-being. Celebrate with us as we share the inspiring return of the Ten Commandments to schools across the country.

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  • What role does faith play in this high-stakes world? First, we look at professional sports. This episode takes you through the inspiring journeys of athletes and coaches who navigate the tension between personal convictions and cultural pressures. We start by examining how NFL teams have responded to pride month, contrasting those who refrained with teams like the Buffalo Bills and Carolina Panthers, who actively participated. You'll also hear about Boston Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla's unconventional team-building trip to Jerusalem, a testament to the power of spiritual leadership.

    Our discussion then moves to the challenges of maintaining faith in the public sphere, particularly in regions like Massachusetts and Delaware. We highlight Coach Mazzulla’s impactful statements on social issues and his practice of prayer walks around the arena. The episode also covers a significant legal victory in Louisiana, where a federal judge blocked an EEOC rule requiring employers to cover abortions, spotlighting the judiciary's crucial role in upholding constitutional values and the importance of upcoming elections in shaping the courts.

    Lastly, we tackle the pressing issue of adolescent mental health in the age of social media. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, has proposed warning labels on social media platforms to mitigate the risks associated with excessive use. With statistics showing increased anxiety and depression among young users, we debate potential legislative measures and the balance between protecting children's welfare and upholding constitutional rights. We also discuss new Texas legislation requiring age verification for online adult content and a legal victory reaffirming protections for female athletes. Tune in for a thorough exploration of these critical topics at the intersection of faith, law, and modern society.

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  • Will the 2024 presidential debate be a clash of personalities or a battle of policies? As we gear up for this high-stakes showdown, we dissect the personas and potential strategies of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. With CNN's moderators possibly leaning left and the chance of Trump being provoked, the dynamics promise to be intense. Key issues like the economy, immigration, and cultural hot topics such as Israel, religious liberty, and abortion are crucial for Trump to address to energize his conservative base and reach out to undecided voters.

    Our discussion highlights the critical issues Trump should focus on during his campaign to clearly distinguish the moral and policy differences between the Republican and Democratic parties. The Democratic Party's departure from pro-life stances, their struggles with gender identity issues, and their handling of international relations, especially with Israel, are scrutinized. We underscore Trump's strong track record on pro-family, pro-Israel, and pro-life policies, advocating that he should continue to stress these points. Aligning with biblical truths, like the sanctity of life, can deeply resonate with evangelical voters, making this election more about policy than personality.

    Finally, we explore the intersection of faith and politics, stressing the importance of aligning national policies with biblical principles. Reflecting on legislative actions in Louisiana, such as the Ten Commandments bill and Governor Landry's bold support, we emphasize the need for God-conscious governance. We compare the impacts of policies under Trump and Biden to understand the tangible outcomes of their leadership. This chapter calls for candidates to differentiate themselves through their values, highlighting the potential consequences of removing social conservative elements from the Republican platform. Let’s get ready to critically evaluate our leaders using foundational biblical principles.

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  • Can a civilization truly thrive without a shared moral foundation? Join us as we explore this fascinating question with the thought-provoking insights of Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who brings an unparalleled perspective on the intersection of faith, culture, and civilization. Recorded at the ProFamily Legislators Conference, this episode connects the dots between pivotal historical events, like the Fort Hood shooting in 2009 and the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, to the complex issues of our contemporary world. Rabbi Lapin challenges the standard evolutionary biology narrative by asserting that language is a divine gift from Genesis and examines how biblical principles have been instrumental in shaping advanced societies, highlighting unique aspects of Judeo-Christian civilization, from hygiene practices to governance.

    Rabbi Lapin does not shy away from controversy as he tackles the inherent conflicts between different cultural and religious moral frameworks, with a critical focus on Islam's historical spread through conquest. By drawing parallels between ideological clashes of the 20th century, such as those involving Nazism and Communism, he underscores the difficulty of achieving peaceful coexistence without a common moral foundation. Through compelling examples and historical analysis, Rabbi Lapin discusses how divergent moral matrices foster conflict and examines real-world borders like the serene United States-Canada line versus the fraught India-Pakistan divide. Don't miss this compelling and thought-provoking discussion that promises to challenge your viewpoints and inspire deep reflection.

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  • Prepare to be inspired and enlightened as we navigate the intersection of faith and culture. In this episode, we'll take you through a journey that promises to deepen your understanding of contemporary issues by examining them through biblical, historical, and constitutional lenses. Be inspired by Pastor Rob McCoy's compelling presentation at the Pro-Family Legislators Conference, where he passionately advocates for the integration of biblical teachings into cultural engagement.

    We also delve into American history and Christian heritage. This episode underscores the importance of the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment in safeguarding religious freedom and moral law. Founding Father Benjamin Rush's emphasis on integrating biblical principles into public education is revisited, highlighting the dire consequences of neglecting these morals. Through historical insights and contemporary relevance, we stress the need for civic and biblical literacy to preserve our freedoms and cultivate a more informed, empowered citizenry. Join us for a thoughtful conversation that blends the past and present to illuminate the path forward.

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  • Ready to explore the powerful synergy between faith, culture, and pro-family values? Join us as we recap the inspiring ProFamily Legislators Conference hosted by WallBuilders, where Pastor Rob McCoy, celebrated for his pivotal role during the COVID-19 lockdowns, shares his insights. Discover the profound sense of solidarity and renewed motivation experienced by state representatives and senators who champion pro-family values, often feeling isolated in their stance. Pastor McCoy’s compelling talk is a testament to the importance of such gatherings, offering valuable support systems for pro-family public officials nationwide.

    Ever wondered how to make the Ten Commandments unforgettable for both children and adults? Pastor Rob McCoy introduces an innovative method using simple finger gestures to teach these timeless principles. From honoring one God to not coveting, each commandment is explained with a memorable hand motion. He delves into the significance of the law and illustrates how discipline, much like in athletics, can lead to greater freedom and excellence. Drawing from his own experiences as an athlete, McCoy emphasizes the empowering effect of applying restraints to achieve greater choices and success.

    Take a journey through California’s political and religious landscape as Pastor McCoy reflects on the state’s evolution from past conservatism to the cultural upheavals of the 1960s, and the spiritual revival led by Calvary Chapel. Despite challenges like high taxes and controversial policies, the exponential growth and numerous conversions within Calvary Chapel demonstrate the transformative power of preaching the gospel. Finally, get excited for the upcoming Constitutional Defense Course on July 4th. It promises an enriching blend of constitution and handgun defense training, with an urgent call for families and groups to join this engaging and celebratory experience. Visit patriotacademy.com to secure your spot today!

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  • What if a single moment in space could encapsulate the spirit of an entire nation? Join us on WallBuilders as we explore the life and legacy of William Anders, the Apollo 8 astronaut whose profound Christmas Eve message from lunar orbit still resonates today. We reflect on Anders's significant contributions and draw parallels between the optimism of the 1960s and the challenges we face in today's cultural climate. This episode highlights the powerful intersection of faith and culture, urging listeners to consider the enduring impact of biblical principles on America's journey.

    In another compelling segment, we celebrate a major victory in Tennessee, where Governor Bill Lee has taken a decisive stand to protect minors. Discover the disturbing practices exposed by Project Veritas and understand why this new law is crucial for safeguarding our youth. We'll also delve into the recent trial involving Donald Trump, scrutinizing the perceived legal inconsistencies and emphasizing the need for a return to principles of justice rooted in our constitutional heritage. From legislative wins to historical precedents like the Bladensburg Cross decision, this episode is a call to action for those committed to upholding America's foundational values.

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  • Ever wondered how America can return to its foundational principles of equal justice, due process, and freedom of religion and speech? This episode promises to unpack Thomas Jefferson's views on constitutional restraints and why they're more vital than ever. For those feeling overwhelmed about cultural engagement, we'll break it down to manageable steps, emphasizing how focusing on your personal passions in community can make a significant impact.

    We journey through the intricacies of government revenue and economic policy, drawing from historical perspectives to understand the founding fathers' vision of limited federal power. By examining early American taxation methods, like tariffs and the infamous window tax of John Adams, we reveal the critical importance of adhering to constitutional limits. Learn how these historical insights can inform today's economic policies and debates, including contemporary issues like border security funding and the perception of American imperialism.

    Finally, we take a deep dive into the pivotal roles America's first several presidents played in shaping the nation, and the ongoing relevance of constitutional education. Through testimonials and actionable steps, we inspire you to empower your community by becoming a constitution coach and championing biblical values. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a movement towards restoration and positive change.

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  • Today we bring a compelling discussion on how a biblical, historical, and constitutional perspective is essential in shaping our communities, particularly through family values and local engagement. We're joined by Congressman Josh Brecheen, who shares his powerful insights on the current U.S. administration's policy towards Israel, emphasizing the critical need for unwavering support. Brecheen's perspective sheds light on the polarizing political stances within Congress and the dangerous rise of anti-Semitism, making for an eye-opening conversation.

    Through historical parallels and a biblical worldview, we explore the complexities surrounding political support for Israel and the contrasting secular progressive viewpoints on issues like the sanctity of life and gender. Congressman Brecheen condemns the pro-Hamas narrative and discusses the security challenges Israel faces, backed by real-life accounts from Israeli reservists. Together, we stress the importance of steadfast faith and a biblical approach in navigating these complex societal issues, providing listeners with thought-provoking insights and a call to action.

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  • What if spiritual revival could transform the political landscape? On this episode of WallBuilders, we delve into how the integration of faith, culture, and politics can bring about national renewal. Inspired by biblical figures such as Nehemiah and Ezra, we discuss how history can come to life to inform current events, and why it is crucial to blend spiritual activities with political activism. You'll also hear about upcoming events like the Million Woman Movement and the influential role of leaders like Lou Engel in fostering a prayer-driven political revival.

    Picture a massive service of prayer and fasting on October 12th, aimed at saving our nation, with women rising up to reform against the powers of darkness—sound intriguing? Lou Engel shares his transformative experience and his divine call to mobilize a righteous women's movement akin to the biblical Esther. We explore the "Don't Mess With Our Kids" initiative, urging mothers to protect their children from government overreach, and invite you to join this transformative cause by visiting amillionwomen.org .

    Finally, we discuss the profound impact of large-scale gatherings in DC. We emphasize the vital role women play in times of crisis, drawing parallels to historical movements and modern-day Mama Bears advocating at school board meetings. This episode underscores the powerful combination of prayer and action in bringing about meaningful change, and we encourage you to join the Million Woman March, uniting praying mothers in Washington DC this October. Visit amillionwomen.org to get involved.

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  • What happens when global regulations threaten national sovereignty? Discover why the European Union's regulatory reach could be the biggest threat to global business as we know it. We break down the ongoing efforts to counteract the World Health Organization's overreach and explore the tension between secular progressives and those who hold a biblical worldview. Uncover how these conflicting perspectives are reshaping the landscape of global governance and national sovereignty.

    Why are drag queens and transgender individuals becoming prominent voices at Democratic conventions? This isn't about political correctness; it's about the broader implications for public education and societal values. We'll discuss the continued secular shift within the Democratic Party and its potential impact on national and state control. Our discussion will be enriched by insights from Justin Haskins of the Heartland Institute, providing a critical examination of these progressive trends and their cultural ramifications.

    We also tackle the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and its wide-ranging ESG policies. Learn how these regulations are affecting major corporations like Ford, McDonald's, Apple, and Meta and the potential economic disruptions they may cause. Reflecting on the leadership of early American presidents, we stress the importance of moral courage and active civic engagement to preserve national integrity in the face of globalist pressures. This episode promises an enlightening look at the intersection of faith, governance, and global business.

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  • Ever wondered what it truly means to protect your liberty? Join us for an in-depth exploration at Patriot Academy, where intellectual and physical training converge to arm you with the knowledge and skills to defend your constitutional rights. We dive deep into the LIFT principles—limited government, individual liberty, free enterprise, and timeless truths—providing a robust framework for evaluating policy and restoring our constitutional republic. Through riveting personal stories, we make a powerful case for the younger generation to abandon apathy and embrace their role in safeguarding freedom.

    Inspired by Ronald Reagan's timeless assertion that freedom must be actively protected and passed on, Austin Griesinger shares his journey from ignorance to vigilance, becoming a "sheepdog" for liberty. Rick Green calls us all to action, urging us to stand as modern-day Paul Reveres, spreading the truth and inspiring others to follow suit. We traverse through history, examining events like Paul Revere's ride and the Battles of Lexington and Concord, to draw meaningful connections with our present-day struggles for liberty. And yes, we also have some fun reminiscing about family involvement in historical reenactments, emphasizing the joy and importance of passing the torch to the next generation.

    To cap off our series, we delve into the essential right of self-defense, rooted deeply in the laws of nature and nature's God, as emphasized by historical figures like Zephaniah Swift and John Adams. Our comparative analysis of the American and French Revolutions underscores the necessity of grounding liberty in moral and natural laws to maintain true freedom. We conclude with an invitation to revisit our archives if you missed any part of this enlightening series and encourage you to join us at the Patriot Academy campus for an enriching experience in constitutional defense and leadership training. Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the intellectual ammunition you need to defend your rights!

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  • Unlock the secrets to true personal freedom by mastering the intersection of constitutional rights and self-defense. This episode promises to equip you with both the intellectual insights and physical skills necessary to defend your liberty and your family. Drawing inspiration from historical heavyweights like Joseph Story, we delve into the timeless importance of the natural right to self-defense, giving you the tools to be proactively prepared in today’s world.

    Imagine James Wilson, one of the original Supreme Court justices, giving you a masterclass on the Castle Doctrine and the Second Amendment. This episode critiques modern judicial missteps and explores how far we've drifted from the framers' original intent. Discover why intellectual understanding and physical readiness are not just complementary but essential for safeguarding the Constitution and restoring the balance of governance in America.

    Ever wondered how young leaders can be trained to tackle real-world issues while upholding constitutional principles? Welcome to the world of Patriot Academy, where we highlight their transformative approach to leadership training. Learn how they instill the values of limited government, individual liberty, and free enterprise. We also draw intriguing parallels with Front Sight’s rigorous handgun training, emphasizing that comprehensive education in both thought and action is essential for future defenders of liberty. Join us to be inspired and prepared to make a tangible difference in preserving freedom for generations to come.

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  • Firearm ownership is a constitutional right that empowers citizens to defend themselves and their loved ones. On today's episode of the WallBuilders Show, we tackle the significance of the Second Amendment as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. We emphasize the importance of this right, particularly for women, and discuss pragmatic approaches to living out and safeguarding this amendment through education, civic engagement, and active participation in elections. Special guest Cameron Green passionately highlights the critical need for women to be knowledgeable in self-defense and prepared to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

    We then delve into the ongoing debate about gun ownership and the individual right to bear arms. Our discussion challenges the notion that reducing the availability of firearms will decrease crime, referencing studies by Professor John Lott, which suggest that guns are more often used to prevent crimes than to commit them. Through personal anecdotes and logical arguments, we stress the necessity of responsible gun ownership as a means to deter criminal activity and ensure personal safety. Listeners will gain insight into the flawed logic behind restrictive gun control measures and the importance of maintaining the right to self-defense.

    Our final segment takes a critical look at weapon control policies, drawing comparisons between London's measures to curb knife violence and historical approaches within the United States. We reference historical proposals from New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania to highlight the founders' intent behind the Second Amendment. Emphasizing the inherent right to self-defense as a natural law, we underscore the critical role this right plays in protecting individual liberties against governmental overreach. Don't miss our announcement about the upcoming special constitutional defense course at the Patriot Academy campus, where you'll receive hands-on training in self-defense and family protection. Secure your spot now and join us for an empowering experience!

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  • How do we honor the incredible sacrifices made by those who fought for our freedoms? Join us in this heartfelt episode of The WallBuilders Show as we recount a touching moment with Ronald Reagan and World War II Army Rangers. We reflect on Captain Miller's poignant words to Private Ryan in "Saving Private Ryan." These stories serve as a powerful reminder of the profound responsibility we all share to live lives worthy of such immense selflessness.

    We talk about American exceptionalism and the importance of informed patriotism. We explore the foundational ideas laid out in the Declaration of Independence, emphasizing the need for government by consent and the pursuit of happiness through a free enterprise system. Drawing on the wisdom of historical figures like St. George Tucker and George Wythe, we highlight the timeless relevance of the Founding Fathers' vision. This episode is a profound journey into the core values that sustain our liberty and the need to continually revisit and uphold these principles.

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  • Are you ready to become a true patriot and defender of liberty? Join us for an eye-opening journey through our special five-part series, "Constitutional Defense of Your Family and Freedom." We promise to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills you need to safeguard your freedoms. We emphasize the critical role that informed, active citizenship, and the Second Amendment play in protecting our cherished liberties.

    In this powerful episode, we introduce our Constitutional Defense Course and share invaluable lessons on self-defense and preserving constitutional values. We stress the essence of individual responsibility and the importance of fostering a generation of vigilant citizens. With a blend of historical reverence and proactive defense, we aim to inspire you to become a guardian of the Constitution and a protector of your family’s freedom. Don’t miss this chance to deepen your understanding of America's founding principles and strengthen your resolve in defending our nation's liberties.

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  • Today, being Good News Friday, we look at the top articles on David and Tim’s stack of good new articles- In New York, the NRA wins a major legal battle. In California, a trans pronoun policy is struck down. The University of North Carolina voted to defund all DEI policies in the school. The Kansas Legislature passes a bill to ban Chinese land purchases near military sites and they also override the governor’s veto of conservative policies on guns and life.

    How can you defend your rights in today's polarized legal landscape? Discover the groundbreaking Supreme Court ruling that united liberal and conservative justices to protect the NRA from ideological discrimination. We also unpack a significant California case where a Christian teacher won a substantial settlement after being fired for opposing a transgender pronoun policy, highlighting the ongoing clash between religious freedom and educational mandates.

    We address the monopolization of thought in schools and champion educational competition and parental involvement. Learn about a pivotal legal victory that underscores the necessity of diverse opinions in our education system. Plus, we cover the University of North Carolina's bold move to defund DEI programs in response to pro-Hamas protests, reallocating resources to boost campus security and prioritize the well-being of their student community. These discussions reveal the evolving dynamics of faith, culture, and education in America.

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  • First up on Foundations of Freedom Thursday, we answer a listener question about the proper Biblical response to the illegal immigration issue. We tackle this question from multiple angles—biblical, historical, and constitutional. This heartfelt inquiry sets the stage for a discussion on the federal government's failure to enforce immigration laws and our Christian duty to show compassion, drawing lessons from Matthew 25. Learn how participating in elections can ensure that laws are properly enforced, and discover ways to balance compassion with legal responsibility.

    Feeling overwhelmed by today’s political climate? Our next listener question is about civics. We offer vital insights into understanding civics and the political process. We discuss many must-read resources along the way. We argue for principles over partisanship. Let’s journey together through history to restore our national values of justice, due process, and freedom of speech. Don't miss our recommendations for deeper understanding and actionable solutions.

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