Can one of Europes greatest alliances withstand one of its greatest conquerors? Can the decidence and self-interests of kings and ministers, being a lasting and meaningful peace? Find out on this fourth and final episode of Vanity Fair in Vienna.
On a personal note, it is very clear the show is growing and we know who to thank for that, it's you the listener. However, we still need your help, please subscribe, rate, and review! Your feedback is instrumental in our growth. You can follow us on twitter @tamitchll and on IG at turningpointshistory. -
How do the most ordinary of men become willing, efficient and vicious killers?
More importantly, what do they have in common with you?
This is by far the darkest episode I have done to date, but it is also the most important. This journey is going to be a heavy one, but what is on the other side is worth it. So, I want to thank you in advance for your perseverance.
Warning, if you're on the younger side, you may want to listen to this one with a parent.
This episode is based on a tremendous book by historian Christopher Browing called Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. Jocko Willink has a podcast covering this book that is worth checking out.
On a more commercial note, Turning Points is now sponsored by Audible, which excites me to no end because I freaking love Audible. I spend more money on Audible than I do on any other vice. If you sign up here, Audible will give you a book for free. After this one, I would recommend Circe by Madeline Miller or A Gentlemen in Moscow by Amor Towles. Both are historical fiction and both are fantastic. Audible is the leading provider of spoken entertainment and has something for everyone so check it out here: http://www.audibletrial.com/Turningpoints -
Saknas det avsnitt?
How do committed allies go from being united in a common cause to the brink of warfare in 90 days? Find out on this third installment of the Vanity Fair in Vienna.
Remember to subscribe, rate, and review.
Enjoy! -
Take a peek into the soul of one of the 20th centuries most influential and controversial statesman. Henry Kissinger wrote A World Restored in 1954 as his okm thesis at Harvard. His goal...to answer the question of how to cr ok, heate peace in a world hell bend on self-destruction but examining a similar pursuit for lasting peace almost 150 years before.
Remember you can always stay in touch with us through Instagram or sending us an email at turningpointshistorypodcast@gmail.com
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P.S. If you want to buy a copy for your self, you find A World Restored h5b8ni 8 NBC bere. -
Emperor Alexander I of Russian was considered the most romantic and melodramatic ruler in an age known for its melodrama and romance. He was a man raised and educated in the ideals of the Enlightenment and then expected to become the absolute ruler of the most autocratic county in the world. He was loved by the people and hailed as a savior, yet he would have traded his horse for a crown.
In this bonus episode, I deep dive into the man that was Alexander Romanov. I wanted to show how his mind works and illustrate how and why he will act the way he does at the Congress of Vienna. This is a companion to the Vanity Fair in Vienna series. If you haven't listened to the first and second episodes, feel to listen to those first. Above all enjoy!!!
Remember to subscribe! if like what you hear, please rate and review!
All the Best,
Thomas -
What does a card game with the fate of Europe look like? This is episode exams how Napoleon was outmaneuvered by the Austria Foreign Minister, Count Metternich. The question is, can Metternich avoid the same fate.
What if I told you the modern world was born in dinning room, ballroom and of course the bedrooms or one of the greatest city in Europe. This is a love story, one of histories greatest love stories, but a love story unlike any you have ever heard.
John and his Barrons meet in a field outside of London to hammer out a peace treaty. Join us as we complete the origin story one of Histories most famous documents.
With a cruel mastery of his kingdom, King John of England sets his sights to France and the prospect of reclaiming his ancestral homeland. But when he fails he will have to answer of the last 10 years of oppression he forced on his subjects. His crown and his family legacy hang in the balance.
There are two stories of the Magna Carta. The 1st is the modern story, which is over 800 years in the making. The 2nd takes place just outside of London in a field in 1215. This is that story. Its one of violence, intrigue, sex, and ambition. It's is a story of Kingdoms won and Kingdoms lost. The place is England, the king is John and the crown hangs in the balance.
This episode is an addendum to episode 7. So be sure to listen to episode 7 before you dive into this one.
During episode 7, I didn't go into a whole lot of detail in regards to Marx's economic beliefs. I covered them in only the most basic form. While they are interesting, they are an episode unto themselves. So, that is what I have provided for you here.
I also got a new microphone and was hot to trot to try it out! I was floored by its performance and hope you will enjoy it too!!!
If you like this episode or any of our others, please feel free to comment.
Please follow us on your social media of choice Instagram or Facebook.
This episode is about the life and work of Dr. Karl Marx. At one point he was a living god to half the worlds population and the boogie man to the other half.
Join me as we explore the Greek tragedy that is the legacy of one of the worlds greatest economic and political commentators.
Big Thank You to Dr. Wes Cicel. Without his contributions, this podcast would not have been possible. Please support his work with your listenership!!!!
Karl Marx, A life by Francis Wheen is a great book. It was a pleasure to read in preparation for making this podcast. You can find it on Amazon here.
Shout-Outs the following people for there support!
Kevin Dykes, Nick George, Jen Zacher, Andy Stevens, Nung Rigor, Alicia Mackie, Erin Contino, Dee Mullen and Dave Connolly.
Note from the Author: After some great fan feedback, make sure you listen to the Thomas Hobbs episode first. While this was created as a stand-alone program, it makes several references to the Hobbs episode. Enjoy ;)- Thomas.
John Locke is known as the father of modern Liberalism. Find out why. This episode goes hand in hand with the episode on Thomas Hobbs.
How did the world become modern? Thomas Hobbs is a titan of Political theory. Join me as we explore how he helped shape the world we live in today.
How did little bits of paper with 1, 0, percent signs, and decimal points change the change the world?
Based on Niall Ferguson financial history, The Ascent of Money, this is the story of bonds and a man how used them to conquer the world. This is part 2 of 2
How did little bits of paper with 1, 0, percent signs, and decimal points change the change the world?
Based on Niall Ferguson financial history, The Ascent of Money, this is the story of bonds and a man how used them to conquer the world. This is part 1 of 2.
This episode is heavily based on Erik Larson's wonderful book In the Garden of Beasts. Martha Dodd is the daughter of the US ambassador to Hitler's Germany. This episode explores her transformation as she experiences the Third Reich first hand. This is part 2 of 2
This episode is heavily based on Erik Larson's wonderful book In the Garden of Beasts. Martha Dodd is the daughter of the US ambassador to Hitler's Germany. This episode explores her transformation as she experiences the Third Reich first hand.