Gannon Stauch went missing on January 27th, 2020. His stepmom, LeTecia Stauch, was the last person to see him alive, at around 3:15 p.m. on Jan. 27. This was right before he left for a friend’s house nearby. She said she reported him missing when he didn’t come home two hours later. Her odd behavior during interviews has caused the public to speculate she might be involved. Gannon is still missing and the search has been called off, however the investigation still continues.
People with credible information should contact the office tipline at 719-520-6666, or email tips@elpasoco.com.
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Ted Bundy has haunted the public's fascination since his crimes and identity became a household name years ago. We are finally able to hear directly from Elizabeth and Molly Kendall as to what their relationship was like with the Ted that they knew. Elizabeth thought she had met the man whom she would be with for the rest of her life. Molly thought she had a father figure who was willing to dote on her and give her all the attention a child ever wanted. Beneath that, Ted was putting on an act. The real Ted was out murdering young women. In this episode, we review and discuss the new five-part series on Amazon Prime titled “ Ted Bundy: Falling For a Killer '' How did Elizabeth fall for such a man? What was it like to turn in the man she thought she would grow old with? How did they move on from the destruction of Ted Bundy? Join us as we chat about the answers to these questions and more!
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Ted Bundy: Falling For A Killer : https://g.co/kgs/N7PCni
The Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy
Kendall, Elizabeth, and Molly Kendall. The Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy. Abrams Press, 2020. -
Saknas det avsnitt?
OPERATOR: Are you having a disturbance? Are you ill or what?
YATES: Yes, I'm ill.
OPERATOR: Do you need an ambulance?
YATES: No, I need a police officer. Yes, send an ambulance.
OPERATOR: What's the problem. Is someone burglarizing your house? I mean, what is it?
Unemotional is a word commonly used to describe the 911 phone call that Andrea Yates made after drowning her five children in the bathtub. Andrea had taken advantage of the one hour she had alone at her house before her mother in law showed up to do the unthinkable. How could a mother do such a thing? The case of Andrea Yates is much deeper and complicated than the horror on the surface. How did her husband make them live? Why did they keep having children after the doctors warned them of the potential tragedy if they did. Andrea’s case is a rare case that went on to see a new trial and a new sentence based on insanity. Join us today as we discuss the tragic case of Andrea Yates.
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Saunders, Doug. “A Mysterious Preacher and the Children's Killer.” The Globe and Mail, 16 Apr. 2018, www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/a-mysterious-preacher-and-the-childrens-killer/article1022165/.
Helling, Steve, and Steve Helling. “Andrea Yates' Life in Prison After Drowning Her 5 Children: She 'Misses Them Every Day'.” PEOPLE.com, 29 Sept. 2017, people.com/crime/andrea-yates-life-in-prison-after-drowning-her-5-children-she-misses-them-every-day/.
Bauer, Ted. “13 Years after Andrea Yates Drowned Her Children, What Exactly Is the Deal with Michael Woroniecki?” The Context Of Things, 20 June 2014, thecontextofthings.com/2014/06/20/michael-woroniecki/.
“5 Things To Know About Andrea Yates, The Mom Who Drowned Her 5 Kids In The Bathtub.” Investigation Discovery, www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/crime-history/5-things-to-know-about-andrea-yates-mom-drowned-5-kids-in-the-bathtub.
Chan, Melissa. “Andrea Yates: 15 Years After Drowning Her 5 Children.” Time, Time, 20 June 2016, time.com/4375398/andrea-yates-15-years-drown-children/.
The University Of New Mexico: Department Of Psychiatry/Lawschool. The Andrea Yates Case: Insanity On Trial Phillip J. Resnick, M.D. March 31, 2011
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCnUlQt7YN0 -
Between December 1989 and September 1990, the bodies of several men were found murdered along the highways of Florida. Eventually, the crimes would be traced back to a woman named Aileen Wuornos. Aileen claimed that she was picked up by the men when she was working as a prostitute and that she shot them in self-defense after they attempted to assault her. Aileen would go on to be convicted for numerous murders and received several death penalties.
While the crimes she committed were shocking there were other aspects of her case that gained media attention. Her lesbian lover betrayed her and convinced Aileen to confess to the murders. Her own lawyer, as well as the police involved in the case, exploited their positions for monetary gain. A born again Christian adopted Aileen and began charging money for interviews. What happens behind the scenes of big headlines in high profile murder cases? How much money is there in the business of being a serial killer? What does someone's life look like who has been betrayed by everyone they know? Join us this week as we discuss the case of Aileen Wuornos.
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Wells, Ashley. “Revisiting Aileen Wuornos in Light of #MeToo.” Medium, Medium, 11 May 2018, medium.com/@misswellstoyou/revisiting-aileen-wuornos-in-light-of-metoo-835fac5aa51d.
“A Mother's Love : Aileen Carol Wuornos Has Claimed to Be That Rarest of Predators, a Female Serial Killer. Horse Breeder Arlene Pralle Is the Born-Again Christian Who Adopted Her after Seeing Her Photo in the Local Newspaper.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 17 Dec. 1991, www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-12-17-vw-496-story.html.
Aileen Carol Wuornos #805, www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/death/US/wuornos805.htm.
Broomfield, Nicholas, director. Aileen Wuornos: the Selling of a Serial Killer.
Broomfield, Nick, director. Aileen, Life and Death of a Serial Killer. -
On October 25, 1994, Susan Smith contacted the police with a horrifying story. Susan stated that she had been carjacked and that the assailants had taken her car with her two young sons in it.
The nation held its breath for over a week as Susan pleaded and begged on television for the safe return of her children. Her husband David stood by her side, hoping for the best outcome.
After nine days Susan admitted that there was no carjacking. Susan finally admitted that she took her car with her boys strapped in their car seats to the boat ramp of John D. Long Lake and let it roll into the waters where it sank to the bottom while her children drowned.
Who was Susan Smith? What led to her monstrous acts? What did her husband David think when the truth was revealed? Did he ever forgive her and if so...how?
Join us as we discuss the horrific case of Susan Smith.
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Montaldo, Charles. “Did a Letter Make Susan Smith Kill Her Children?” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 30 Dec. 2018, www.thoughtco.com/susan-smith-profile-of-child-killer-972686.
Montaldo, Charles. “Did a Letter Make Susan Smith Kill Her Children?” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 30 Dec. 2018, www.thoughtco.com/susan-smith-profile-of-child-killer-972686.
“Postpartum Depression Facts.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/postpartum-depression-facts/index.shtml.
Egan, Nicole Weisensee, and Nicole Weisensee Egan. “The Susan Smith Murders 15 Years Later 'It Haunts Me Every Day'.” PEOPLE.com, 5 Apr. 2010, people.com/archive/the-susan-smith-murders-15-years-later-it-haunts-me-every-day-vol-73-no-13/.
Shaquari, and Shaquari. “Article on Oprah's Interview with Susan Smith's Ex-Husband.” Women behind Bars, 8 Apr. 2012, womenbehindbars.wordpress.com/2012/02/27/article-on-oprahs-interview-with-susan-smiths-ex-husband/.
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Ezra McCandless stumbled onto a farmer's porch disheveled and confused with dried blood on her and the word BOY carved into her arm. She claimed that she was attacked. What unraveled through investigations and police interviews over the next few days was a tangled web woven between a group of friends and at the center of it all was Ezra.
Police would find her abandoned car with the deceased body of her ex-boyfriend, Alexander Woodworth, hanging out of the backseat. Ezra would allege that he assaulted her and she wrestled the knife from him and proceeded to stab him 16 times.
Ezra was caught in a string of lies and charged with his death. Did she kill him to manipulate another man back into her arms? Did Alex snap and suddenly decide to attack Ezra on a lonely dirt road after their car got stuck in the mud?
Today we discuss the trial of Ezra Mccandless.
When this trial took place so many people began drawing comparisons between Ezra and Jodi Arias
Today we want to talk about the Ezra Trial but also the similarities between these women and their crimes.
Both Ezra McCandless and Jodi Arias’ Trial may be seen at:
Trapped With Ms. Arias: Part 1 of 3 From Getting the File to Being Ready for Trial
By: L. Kirk Nurmi
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Jodi Arias was convicted of stabbing her ex Boyfriend Travis Alexander 29 times before shooting him and slitting his throat. What followed was a trial that took the world by storm. Jodi loved the attention of the press and gave multiple interviews. Her lack of empathy toward her victim shocked people. Jodi was represented by Laurence "Kirk" Nurmi. He was the former lead defense attorney for Jodi Arias. Kirk wrote a tell-all book that would end his career in law for breaking the attorney-client privilege. People often vilify defense attorneys for representing the worst of the worst. What do those defense attorneys really think of their clients? How did Kirk view Jodi Arias? In this podcast, we analyze Jodi’s behavior and review the book that gave an intimate behind the scenes view of how Jodi Arias really is.
Trapped With Ms. Arias: Part 1 of 3 From Getting the File to Being Ready for Trial
By: L. Kirk Nurmi
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Chris Watts killed his pregnant wife and two daughters in Colorado. He disposed of their bodies at his work site. The two girls were placed in an oil tank and his wife was placed in a shallow grave. After doing several blundering TV interviews, it had become apparent to the public and authorities that he was lying. After intense questioning from authorities, Chris finally confessed to the murders. He is currently serving life in prison without parole.
Lena Derhally published “My Daddy Is A Hero: How Chris Watts Went From Family Man To Family Killer. In her book, Derhally writes both a story based on the tragic events as well as a research-based look at Christopher Watts and the case through the lens of various psychological dynamics.
In this podcast, we review the book and offer our opinions on the findings and the case.
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Amazon Book Link (Not an affiliate link): https://www.amazon.com/My-Daddy-Hero-Family-Killer-ebook/dp/B0827CJWJW/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
Lena Derhally Imago Therapy Website:
Lena Derhally Website:
Bob Gordon and Lena Derhally Podcast:
https://soundcloud.com/user-831368502 -
Chris Watts killed his pregnant wife and two daughters in Colorado. He disposed of their bodies at his work site. The two girls were placed in an oil tank and his wife was placed in a shallow grave. After doing several blundering TV interviews, it had become apparent to the public and authorities that he was lying. After intense questioning from authorities, Chris finally confessed to the murders. He is currently serving life in prison without parole.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQGX_32dyow -
After wrecking his car in south Georgia, Michael Jones Jr told officers to arrest him because there was a dead body in his car. The dead body was his wife Casei. He then leads the police to the dead bodies of her four children. The police later discovered that he had the bodies in his car for over two weeks. He has been charged with second-degree murder for his wife and four counts of first-degree murder for the children. He is currently awaiting trial.
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Tribou, Richard. “Marion County Murder Investigation Shows Children Stayed with Family between Time of Mother’s and Their Deaths: Report.” Orlando Sentinel, 21 Oct. 2019, https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/crime/os-ne-casei-jones-marion-county-murder-investigation-details-20191021-ehjn3x3p6vdkzgcm6yglxfdify-story.html.
Tribou, Richard. “Marion County Murder Investigation Shows Children Stayed with Family between Time of Mother’s and Their Deaths: Report.” Orlando Sentinel, 21 Oct. 2019, https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/crime/os-ne-casei-jones-marion-county-murder-investigation-details-20191021-ehjn3x3p6vdkzgcm6yglxfdify-story.html.
Interviews With Sarah Jones:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKeXaumKyk0 -
Christian Longo fled to Mexico after killing his wife and three children in Oregon. While in Mexico, he impersonated Michael Finkel a former New York Times reporter. Finkel ended up establishing a relationship with Longo and believed him to be innocent until he took the stand. Finkel wrote a book about the relationship which was developed into a movie.
He is currently on death row in Oregon.
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Guy, F. (2019, May 15) Family Annihilation: The Crimes and Psychology of Familicide. Crime Traveller. Retrieved from https://www.crimetraveller.org/2019/05/family-annihilation-crimes-psychology-familicide/
Collins, Katie. “Study: Family Killers Are Usually Men and Fit One of Four Distinct Profiles.” WIRED, WIRED UK, 4 Oct. 2017, https://www.wired.co.uk/article/family-killers.
“Christian Longo.” Crime Museum, Crime Museum, 1 Jan. 2017, https://www.crimemuseum.org/crime-library/famous-murders/christian-longo/.
Blanco, Juan Ignacio. “Christian Longo: Murderpedia, the Encyclopedia of Murderers.” Christian Longo | Murderpedia, the Encyclopedia of Murderers, Muderpedia, https://murderpedia.org/male.L/l/longo-christian.htm.
Finkel, Michael. True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa. HarperPerennial, 2015. -
Family Annihilator Christopher Coleman had it all. He was head of security for Joyce Meyers Ministries making a six-figure income. He was married to a woman by the name of Sheri and they had two sons Garett, 11, and Gavin, 9.
When Christopher began receiving threatening emails from an unknown sender, those who surrounded him grew concerned. Christopher was on the treadmill at the gym early one morning when he became worried because he was unable to reach his wife. He asked a neighbor to go over and check on them. The neighbor, a detective, discovered the remains of Christopher's family along with spray-painted threats on the walls. It would appear that whoever sent the emails had wiped out the Coleman family.
During interrogations, it became painfully obvious that the true enemy of the family was within the family. What makes men like Coleman snap? Why do they feel they can get away with the ultimate sin?
Series information can be found at:
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Awen Rees Podcast and YouTube information:
Guy, F. (2019, May 15) Family Annihilation: The Crimes and Psychology of Familicide. Crime Traveller. Retrieved from https://www.crimetraveller.org/2019/05/family-annihilation-crimes-psychology-familicide/
Collins, Katie. “Study: Family Killers Are Usually Men and Fit One of Four Distinct Profiles.” WIRED, WIRED UK, 4 Oct. 2017, https://www.wired.co.uk/article/family-killers.
Cooperman, Jeannette. “A Family Erased: The Chris Coleman Story.” St. Louis Magazine, 22 July 2011, https://www.stlmag.com/A-Family-Erased-The-Chris-Coleman-Story/.
Garcia, Ana. “Head of Security for Religious Figure Convicted of Murdering Wife, Two Sons.” Crimewatch, 26 Apr. 2018, https://truecrimedaily.com/2018/04/26/head-of-security-for-religious-figure-convicted-of-murdering-wife-two-sons/.
Chris Coleman Interogation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1KClYP36ZY&t=1s -
This episode will give a brief overview of the different types of family annihilators and a brief recap of each family annihilator in this series. In this series, we will deep dive into the cases of Chris Watts, Michael Jones Jr, Christopher Coleman, & Christian Michael Longo.
Series information can be found at:
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Awen Rees Podcast and YouTube information:
Guy, F. (2019, May 15) Family Annihilation: The Crimes and Psychology of Familicide. Crime Traveller. Retrieved from https://www.crimetraveller.org/2019/05/family-annihilation-crimes-psychology-familicide/
Collins, Katie. “Study: Family Killers Are Usually Men and Fit One of Four Distinct Profiles.” WIRED, WIRED UK, 4 Oct. 2017, https://www.wired.co.uk/article/family-killers.
Cooperman, Jeannette. “A Family Erased: The Chris Coleman Story.” St. Louis Magazine, 22 July 2011, https://www.stlmag.com/A-Family-Erased-The-Chris-Coleman-Story/.
“Christian Longo.” Crime Museum, Crime Museum, 1 Jan. 2017, https://www.crimemuseum.org/crime-library/famous-murders/christian-longo/.
Blanco, Juan Ignacio. “Christian Longo: Murderpedia, the Encyclopedia of Murderers.” Christian Longo | Murderpedia, the Encyclopedia of Murderers, Muderpedia, https://murderpedia.org/male.L/l/longo-christian.htm.
Barcella, Laura, et al. “Chris Watts 'Will Reflect On His Sins' on 1-Year Anniversary of Guilty Plea for Murders: Source.” PEOPLE.com, People, 6 Nov. 2019, https://people.com/crime/chris-watts-his-own-hell-year-after-guilty-plea-murdering-family/.
Tribou, Richard. “Marion County Murder Investigation Shows Children Stayed with Family between Time of Mother's and Their Deaths: Report.” Orlandosentinel.com, Orlando Sentinel, 21 Oct. 2019, https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/crime/os-ne-casei-jones-marion-county-murder-investigation-details-20191021-ehjn3x3p6vdkzgcm6yglxfdify-story.html.https://heavy.com/news/2019/09/michael-wayne-jones/
Garcia, Ana. “Head of Security for Religious Figure Convicted of Murdering Wife, Two Sons.” Crimewatch, 26 Apr. 2018, https://truecrimedaily.com/2018/04/26/head-of-security-for-religious-figure-convicted-of-murdering-wife-two-sons/.
Chris Watts 911 Phone Call
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugoYkx04E2Q&t=23s -
This is a trailer of the first episode in our new family annihilators series. The first episode will give an overview of the series.
We deep dive into the cases of Chris Watts, Michael Jones Jr, Christopher Coleman, & Christian Michael Longo.
Episode 1: Introduction to the series - Available November 12, 2019
Episode 2: Christopher Coleman - Available November 19, 2019
Episode 3: Christian Longo - Available November 26, 2019
Episode 4: Michael Jones Jr - Available December 3, 2019
Episode 5: Chris Watts - Available December 10, 2019
Bonus Holiday Episode:
The Lawson Family Massacre - Available December 17, 2019
Series Website: https://www.reportinglivefrommysofa.com/familyannihilatorsseries -
In Episode two, Awen Rees and I continue analyzing and discussing Dr. Reid's findings on the James Holmes case. Today, we discuss his family, the event, the trial and some updates on what has happened to James in the last few years.
Summary from episode 1
On July 20th, 2012, James Holmes walked into the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. The Dark Knight movie, an installment of the Batman series, was playing a special midnight showing to celebrate the release. After suiting up in tactical gear and arming himself with multiple firearms, James reentered the movie theater through an emergency exit he left propped open. After releasing a canister of tear gas, James opened fired on the crowd. When he was done, 12 members of the audience would be left dead and 58 people injured, many paralyzed for life. The nation was stunned and forever changed. What made James inflict such brutality on so many innocent lives?
Dr. Reid, a Psychiatrist, would spend over twenty hours interviewing James to gain insight into his motivations. The videotaped sessions were eventually released, as well as, a book by Dr. Reid on his findings. Join Awen Rees and I as we discuss the case and Dr. Reid’s findings.
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Dr. Reid's Book:
https://amzn.to/2MLGR4m -
On July 20th, 2012, James Holmes walked into the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. The Dark Knight movie, an installment of the Batman series, was playing a special midnight showing to celebrate the release. After suiting up in tactical gear and arming himself with multiple firearms, James reentered the movie theater through an emergency exit he left propped open. After releasing a canister of tear gas, James opened fired on the crowd. When he was done, 12 members of the audience would be left dead and 58 people injured, many paralyzed for life. The nation was stunned and forever changed. What made James inflict such brutality on so many innocent lives?
Dr. Reid, a Psychiatrist, would spend over twenty hours interviewing James to gain insight into his motivations. The videotaped sessions were eventually released, as well as, a book by Dr. Reid on his findings. Join Awen Rees and I as we discuss the case and Dr. Reid’s findings.
Please join our Facebook group where we discuss these podcasts and more:
If you listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts make sure to leave us a review!
Awen Rees (Toxic Bliss):
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/awen-rees
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLPqe3Ct3m1O0mAMxIfSNuQ
Dr. Reid's Book: