
  • Welcome to the season three finale of the show that talks about stuff on purpose! And this is a very special episode, dear listener.

    Very, very, very special.

    The episode you're about to hear began as an attempt to record a pair of New Music Showcase episodes... but that's not what it became. We started out trying to have a discussion about Darvid Thor's In The Space You Carry and Nox Novacula's Feed The Fire, but the recording was an unmitigated failure. Not due to the music we chose, but due to our own very human failings.

    In an attempt to salvage the recording, something new emerged. Some new and horrifying thing that defies easy classification. It's almost an hour long, and it will test your patience as well as your sanity. Hey, it's the end of the season. What else did you expect?

    You can decide the fate of these two albums, dear listener. Just CLICK THIS LINK to visit the official TRAPPO blog and vote in the poll! What poll? The New Music Showcase poll! Do you think these albums belong in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? That's up to you, kids. So vote. While you're there, leave a comment if you'd like. Tell us how terrible this episode truly is. Or you could send us an email. CLICK HERE to do that.

    If you'd like to listen to Darvid Thor's In The Space You Carry, then CLICK HERE to visit his Bandcamp. If you'd like to listen to Nox Novacula's Feed The Fire, then CLICK HERE to visit their Bandcamp. They would surely appreciate your patronage.

    We've started a Substack, which is apparently a popular thing, so we're happy to jump on this bandwagon. It's called The TRAPPO Town Gazette, and new editions drop each Wednesday. CLICK HERE to visit and subscribe. It's free, and worth it!

    We're also on Threads, so if you'd like to follow us there, just CLICK HERE and we'll have a good time. We'll have a time, at least. I suppose promising anything approaching "good" would be irresponsible.

    Thanks for whatever. Season four starts next week.

  • Due to popular demand, TRAPPO Arthouse has returned! This time, we're taking a closer look at 1986's surreal Sleepwalk, directed by Sara Driver. If you're interested in checking the movie out for yourself, you can currently stream Sleepwalk on the Criterion Channel.

    Join the conversation! Leave a comment on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE), send us an email if that's more your thing (CLICK HERE), or follow us on Threads (CLICK HERE) if you're a big social media person. We've also just launched our very own weekly newsletter, The TRAPPO Town Gazette (CLICK HERE), and it's free to subscribe! New issues drop in your inbox every Wednesday!

    Thanks for listening!

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  • This week, we're checking out Solace & Burden, the recent double album from Chicago prog-metal outfit REZN! If you haven't had the pleasure of listening to this fantastic band before, then do yourself a favor and visit their Bandcamp page right here!

    Join the conversation! Leave a comment on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE), send us an email if you've got a bit more on your mind (CLICK HERE), or follow us on Threads (CLICK HERE) if you just can't get enough TRAPPO in your life! We've also recently launched our own weekly newsletter, The TRAPPO Town Gazette, and you can subscribe (CLICK HERE) for free! New issues drop in your inbox every Wednesday!

    Thanks for listening!

  • The show that talks about you on purpose is back! We're opening up TRAPPO's Mail Bag and addressing more delightful listener feedback! This time around, the TRAPS go on a day trip to Transylvania, a new ⁠Bedřich Smetana⁠ podcast is pitched, ⁠Late Night With The Devil⁠ review fallout is discussed, closet monsters are battled, and also a lot of other stuff happens, and it's pretty exciting.

    Join the conversation! Leave a comment on the official TRAPPO blog (⁠CLICK HERE⁠), send us an email if that's what you're into (⁠CLICK HERE⁠), or follow us Threads (⁠CLICK HERE⁠) and we can be best friends! We've also just launched our own newsletter, ⁠The TRAPPO Town Gazette⁠, on Substack, with new editions dropping every Wednesday! ⁠CLICK HERE⁠ to subscribe for free and never miss an issue!

    Thanks for listening!

  • What exactly is this? Is it an episode of TRAPPO? Is it some kind of madcap experiment? Perhaps a commentary on the inherent banality of evil? Grace Jones is cool. Hulk Hogan is a terrible human being. Are we capable of caring for more than one person? What does Arnold Schwarzenegger's beard smell like? Have we summoned the ghost of Pauline Kael? I think we need to call everybody's favorite bio-exorcist. Frag grenades for days.

    The madness & the mania just blew our 24-inch guns out!

    Please visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and leave us a comment. Tell us what you think of this... thing. Do you like this thing? Do you hate this thing? Would you like more things like this thing? Send us an email (CLICK HERE) and we'll tell you a secret that will shatter your reality. Follow us on Threads (CLICK HERE) and we'll have a great time sharing GIFs and misery until the sun explodes.

    Is this the end of TRAPPO? Stay tuned.

  • We're trying something different this week on TRAPPO, dear listener. The idea was for each of your intrepid hosts to choose a random album that featured the word "devil", either in the album's name or in the name of the band itself, and then we'd discuss the two albums at length. The final result... well, it's not great. And that's being charitable. Basically don't listen to this episode. It's not worth your time. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the artists whose work we discuss in this episode, both Italy's The Devils and Hungary's The Devil's Trade, for such a low-energy effort. You deserve better.

    Join the conversation, I guess? You can visit our official blog (CLICK HERE) and leave us a comment telling us how much this episode sucks and how much we suck and how we should just quit because we're the worst podcast ever made. Or you can send us those vitriolic thoughts in an email (CLICK HERE) and that would also be cool. Or follow us on Threads (CLICK HERE) and you can tell us how much we suck on social media, too. That's it. That's all we've got for now. This episode was an absolute failure, and we will try very hard to do better next time.

    Thanks for listening?

  • TRAPPO's Old Music Showcase has returned at long last with a brand-new deep dive on some vintage music goodness! This time around, we're taking a closer look at the psychedelic rock movement from the 1960s by discussing a pair of also-rans that never quite found mainstream success in their time: 1967's self-titled debut album from Nirvana (the original UK Nirvana) and 1968's "Peak Impressions" from Boston, MA's The Freeborne. It's a wild ride, dear listener!

    Join the conversation! Tell us what you think of old school psychedelic rock, share some of your favorite examples of the genre, or just tell us whatever else is on your mind. Direct those thoughts to our official blog (CLICK HERE) in the form of a lovely comment. Or you can send those thoughts to us via a sexy email (CLICK HERE), and we'll probably be your friend for life. TRAPPO is also on social media, so follow us on Threads (CLICK HERE) and we'll have a blast shit-posting until the cows come home, whenever that may be.

    Thanks for listening!

  • We're back with another dose of fresh new music for your big, dumb ears! This time around, we're presenting you with Great Haunting, the sophomore album from Kiwi Goth rockers Earth Tongue! Is it worth your precious and valuable time? Tune in to find out, dear listener!

    But the answer is "yes".

    Join the conversation! Tell us what you think of Earth Tongue's cool music! Maybe recommend some cool new music to us! That would be cool. Just visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and leave us some comments! You could also share your thoughts in a badass email (CLICK HERE) if you're feeling a bit more verbose, which is always appreciated. TRAPPO's also killing it on Threads (CLICK HERE), so follow us there and we can have some fun together while our society circles the drain!

    Thanks for listening!

  • Thus the long-prophesied Danzig Chronicles begin.

    That's right, kids. We're talking about DANZIG, 1988's debut album from Glenn Danzig's band Danzig. Is it any good? Has it stood the test of time? You'll need to listen to our scintillating analysis of the album to find out! So do that!

    Join the conversation! Tell us what you think about Glenn Danzig and his music. Or anything else, really. Just talk to us. We're ever so lonely. Visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and leave some comments. Recommend some cool new music or movies or a neat book. Tell us how much we suck. Share some delicious family recipes. Whatever's on your mind. You could also send us an email (CLICK HERE) if you're feeling particularly frisky, so that would be cool.

    We're also on social media... kind of. We're on Threads. Sometimes. We're on Threads some of the time. So join us on Threads (CLICK HERE) and follow us and bask in our shit-posting glory until we inevitably get tired of pretending to be nice people and decide to shun social media entirely, deleting our Threads account and moving on with our miserable lives.

    Thanks for listening, and God bless Glenn Danzig.

  • TRAPPO's Mail Bag is back! It's the show that talks about you on purpose, and this is the fabulous thirty-second instalment!

    This time, we're assaulted with a series of bizarre anonymous comments that may or may not have been written by a brain-damaged wizard, there's a little "Deadly Dan" fallout, some eclectic music recommendations are made, TRAPPO sucks, we don't discuss the music of Taylor Swift, extreme examples of abstinence are debated, the ghost of Babe Ruth haunts us all once again, we ramble about assorted chocolates, and a whole bunch of other stuff is also mentioned. You should listen to it.

    Join the conversation! Tell us what you think about all the latest new music releases or whatever! Have you seen any good movies? Maybe you should tell us all about those, as well! We like recipes! Share some with us! Please?! Go to the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and leave a thousand comments! There's really no limit, so you could actually leave a thousand comments if you were so inclined. You could also send us an email if that's more your style. Bimmy, you could send us an email. Perhaps you should send us an email sometime. We've been waiting all this time, after all. CLICK HERE to do that. You don't have to be Bimmy to send us an email, but it helps.

    We're also on social media. Barely. So if you'd like to jump on this sinking ship, feel free to follow us on Threads (CLICK) and Instagram (CLICK) and we'll all sing song and tell spooky stories around the campfire while the world around us slowly dies! It'll be fun!

    Thanks for listening!

  • In an effort to raise the level of discourse among our dwindling listener base, TRAPPO recently subscribed to The Criterion Channel and are now periodically reviewing some of the amazing films showcased on said channel. We've begun this harrowing journey by discussing 1962's gonzo political drama(?) The World's Greatest Sinner, the brainchild of legendary unhinged character actor Timothy Carey.

    You can currently stream The World's Greatest Sinner on The Criterion Channel, and you should definitely do that at your earliest convenience.

    Join the conversation! Just head on over to the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and tell us what you think of The World's Greatest Sinner, the life and work of Timothy Carey, or whatever else is on your mind. Is there something amazing on The Criterion Channel that you'd like to see us discuss? Tell us about it on the blog (CLICK), or just send it in an email (CLICK HERE) and we'll be your friends for life! We're also on Threads (CLICK) and Instagram (CLICK), so join us on the social media train before TRAPPO blows up and becomes the biggest podcast on the internet! You'll be able to tell your friends that you followed TRAPPO before it was cool.

    Thanks for listening!

  • 66.6 KTRP & The Gruesome Twosome are broadcasting live from Night 2 of the 22nd Annual Phantom Valley Music Festival, the metro area's largest outdoor event of the year! You're not going to want to miss the headlining performance from indie rockers Sharks and Minnows, so tune in, dear listeners, and enjoy the show!

    If you'd like to share your feedback, feel free to visit our official blog (CLICK HERE) and leave us a comment! What did you think of the broadcast? Who would you like to see take the stage at next year's show? Sound off on our blog (CLICK) or with a much appreciated email (CLICK)! We're waiting to hear from you! The Gruesome Twosome are also haunting social media, so follow them on Threads (CLICK) and Instagram (CLICK) for more madcap fun!

    Thanks for listening!

    featured music:

    "Johnny B" - Beat Mekanik

    (Free Music Archive CC BY 4.0)

    "Girl with the Cat Eyes" - Lemon Knife

    (Free Music Archive CC BY 4.0)

    "You Are My Sunshine" - Holizna

    (Free Music Archive CCO-Public Domain)

    "1945" - Punk Rock Opera

    (Free Music Archive CC BY 4.0)

    "Acetate" - Punk Rock Orchestra

    (Free Music Archive CC By 4.0)

    "Overnight Trips (Live)"


    "It's Christmas, and you hate Christmas"

    by Sharks and Minnows

    (used with permission)

    Check out Sharks and Minnows on Bandcamp!

  • It's July! The heat is on out there, dear listeners, and we're beating the heat with a cool new album from Inland Empire psych rockers Brainstory! It's called "Sounds Good!" and it's a lot of fun! If you'd like to check it out for yourself, just CLICK HERE and indulge!

    Do you think "Sounds Good!" is good enough for the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Then you'd better head on over to the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and vote in our latest poll! This chill music's fate is in your hands!

    While you're over on the official TRAPPO blog, why don't you leave some comments? Let's get a conversation going, kids! Tell us what you think of Brainstory, tell us what's on your swingin' summer playlist, or just share some of your beloved family recipes! You could also send us an email! CLICK HERE to do that, if you feel so inclined. We would love to hear from you.

    TRAPPO's also on social media! That's cool, right? Check us out on Threads (CLICK) and Instagram (CLICK), and hop on our laid-back social media train before it inevitably jumps the tracks and careens into a dry ravine! You're not gonna want to miss that explosion, friends.

    Thanks for listening!

  • This week on TRAPPO, we're discussing director Joe Lynch's horny homage to the films of late horror legend Stuart Gordon, 2023's Suitable Flesh, starring Heather Graham and Barbara Crampton. You can currently stream Suitable Flesh on Shudder and AMC+, if you're interested.

    Join the conversation! Tell us what you think about Suitable Flesh and the movies of Stuart Gordon, or whatever else is on your mind. Just visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and leave a comment, or feel free to send us a long-winded email (CLICK HERE) if you're feeling a bit more verbose. We've also got the social media market covered, so join TRAPPO on Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) if you're ready to join the cool kids club!

    Thanks for listening!

  • The show that talks about you on purpose is back! This time around, we're discussing the security of Geek Squad protection, the music of Lonnie Holley is debated, the ghost of Babe Ruth haunts the podcast, grandpa Jeter is out of touch with the mainstream, the dream of making "a good episode" of TRAPPO, goofy foreign horror movies, the fires of HELL are close at hand, the boys are feeling excluded since the ghouls have moved on to bigger and better things, the possibility of a TRAPPO newsletter is raised and immediately dismissed, and a whole bunch of other weird and off-putting stuff also occurs.

    Join the conversation! Tell us what you think about the show, how you think our pop culture is going to evolve in the future, the pain of rejection, the agony of Christmas in July, or whatever else, Just leave a comment on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE), or send us a long-winded email (CLICK HERE), and we can figure out this crazy thing called life together. We're also on social media, so check us out on Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) and we'll have a blast!

    Thanks for listening!

  • On this week's New Music Showcase, we're taking a closer look at Into The Realm, the debut album from Brooklyn, New York's dynamic fantasy doom outfit Castle Rat! Is this music worth your valuable time? You'll have to listen to find out!

    But yes, Into The Realm is very much worth your time.

    Join the conversation! Visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) to leave a comment and tell us what you think of Castle Rat's music. You could also send us a lovely email (CLICK HERE) if your thoughts on Into The Realm simply cannot be contained by the confines of a mere blog comment. We've also got that social media thing handled, so visit us on Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK) if you want to be one of the cool kids.

    Thanks for listening!

  • At long last, the show that talks about stuff on purpose is discussing the life and work of the man, the myth, and the legend that is our dear uncle Glenn Danzig. It's been a long time coming, and now that time has finally arrived! So for all of you dear listeners who have been asking us to "talk about Danzig" since we started this podcast, you're welcome.

    Join the conversation! Tell us what you think about Glenn Danzig and his music. Just visit the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE) and sound off in a comment or two! And if you're feeling a bit more verbose, you could always share your surely complex thoughts on Danzig in a well-composed email (CLICK HERE), which we would very much appreciate. We're also all over social media, so if you want to follow TRAPPO, and who wouldn't, you can do so at your leisure over on Instagram (CLICK) and Threads (CLICK), and we'll be glad to have you aboard!

    Thanks for listening!

  • TRAPPO has returned with another New Music Showcase this month, because we have listened to the people and know exactly what you want. This week, we're talking about Quilt Floor, the debut album from a band that doesn't exist called Mama Zu. This album's journey to completion is a long and bittersweet one, so let's just jump right in, shall we?

    We strongly encourage you to read Mama Zu producer Linwood Regensberg's account of finishing the album he recorded with late bandmate and friend Jessie Zazu at Talkhouse by CLICKING RIGHT HERE. It's well worth your time.

    And if you'd like to check out Quilt Floor for yourself, just CLICK HERE to visit their Bandcamp page and listen at your leisure.

    It's a New Music Showcase, so of course there's a poll. Do you think Quilt Floor belongs in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Just CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and vote. The fate of Quilt Floor is up to you, dear listener. So vote. Get on that.

    While you're hanging around on the official TRAPPO blog (CLICK HERE), why don't you scroll down just a little bit and leave a comment? Tell us what you think about Mama Zu, Those Darlins, or whatever else is on your mind. We'd love to hear whatever you have to say. And if what you have to say can't be constrained by a pitiful blog comment, just CLICK HERE to share your prodigious thoughts via email! We'll be your friends for life.

    We're also all over social media for some inexplicable reason. Just CLICK HERE to follow TRAPPO on Instagram and CLICK HERE to join us on Threads, and we can have a whole lot of fun together, shitposting and sharing memes and just generally getting into shenanigans, which is always a great decision.

    Thanks for listening!

  • The show that talks about stuff on purpose is back! This week, we're discussing 2022's ambitious found footage marvel The Outwaters, the brainchild of writer/director/actor/producer/cinematographer/sound designer/editor/special effects guru Robbie Banfitch! If you'd like to watch this enigmatic gem for yourself, it's currently streaming on Screambox and Tubi, which is free, so you now have no excuse not to watch the movie.

    Checkmate, nerds!

    Join the conversation! CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and tell us what you thought of The Outwaters, share your favorite found footage movies, or just tell us whatever else is on your mind. If you'd like to share what's on your mind in a more elaborate format, please feel free to send us an email (CLICK HERE), and we'll be your friends for life.

    We're also on social media. That's cool, right? CLICK HERE to follow TRAPPO on Instagram, and CLICK HERE to join us on Threads, and we can waste a little precious time together shitposting on the internet while the world slowly burns. Robbie Banfitch is also on Instagram, so you should probably follow him, too. CLICK HERE to do that. Which you should.

    Thanks for listening!

  • TRAPPO is back with another one of those New Music Showcase things you all seem to enjoy so much! This time around, we're taking a closer look at Belgian/Swiss new folk trio Meril Wubslin's imaginative new album Faire Ça! If you'd like to check out their album for yourself, just CLICK HERE to visit their Bandcamp and satisfy your curiousity, which we highly recommend.

    This being a New Music Showcase, there is, of course, a poll that requires your attention. CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and vote in said poll. Do you think Faire Ça belongs in the TRAPPO Essentials Can(n)on? Do you think it belongs in a landfill? Either way, we want you to vote! The poll will remain open until our next episode goes live, whenever that may be.

    Join the conversation! CLICK HERE to visit the official TRAPPO blog and leave us some comments. Tell us what you think about Meril Wubslin's music, share some suggestions for future episode topics, or just tell us what's going on in your life right now. TRAPPO is a good listener. If you'd like to share your thoughts in a more elaborate manner, feel free to send us one of those cool new email thingies the kids all seem to love. CLICK HERE to do just that.

    We're also all over that social media scene, if it's something you're into. CLICK HERE to follow us on Instagram and CLICK HERE to join us on Threads and we can waste a little time together every now and then. It might even be fun! Probably not, but stranger things have happened.

    Thanks for listening!