Have you ever found yourself stuck in a conflict that seems impossible to resolve? What if there was a way to break these cycles of intense conflict? Amanda Ripley joins Today’s Conversation to explore why some conflicts spiral out of control — and how we can shift the outcome.
As our country grapples with such high levels of conflict, NAE President Walter Kim and Amanda Ripley, author of “High Conflict” and co-founder of Good Conflict, dive into how conflicts escalate, the psychology behind heated disagreements, and practical steps to transform high conflict into good conflict.
You’ll also hear them discuss:
The factors that fuel high conflict in relationships and society;Actionable steps to take in high-conflict moments, such as on an airplane or polling station;Biblical examples of navigating high-conflict situations; andHow to enter into productive conflict through vulnerability and humility.Find the Show Notes Here: https://www.nae.org/aripleypodcast/
It’s one thing to negotiate differences when you share a common moral framework. But how do you move forward with people who hold a completely different vision of the good life? John Inazu joins Today’s Conversation to discuss building bridges in a democracy, the role of the people of God in a pluralistic society, and the importance of empathy and forgiveness.
In this episode, NAE President Walter Kim and John Inazu, a constitutional lawyer and professor of law and religion at Washington University, offer insights into building meaningful connections with others in pursuit of the common good, including:
How to model engagement rooted in hope;The translation work needed to find common ground;How the theological understanding of forgiveness shapes our interactions; andWhy it requires faith to both engage and to disengage.Show notes: https://www.nae.org/jinazupodcast
Saknas det avsnitt?
Much has been said about our increasingly polarized society. It seems we are becoming more entrenched in particular ideologies and less capable of understanding others. But are we as polarized as we think we are?Tim Dixon, co-founder of More in Common, joins Today’s Conversation to discuss what we do have in common, and how we can find more in common with others.
In this conversation, NAE President Walter Kim and Tim Dixon discuss findings from More in Common's report, "Promising Revelations: Undoing the False Impressions of America's Faithful." The research sheds light on common misperceptions about communities of faith in America, including evangelicals.
You'll also hear them discuss:
*Where these misperceptions come from and what's at stake if they continue to be believed;
*What can be done to build bridges and find unity;
*How small moments of connection can shift perspectives; and
*Why this work is especially worthwhile for followers of Jesus.
Show notes: NAE.org/dixonpodcast
#difficultconversations #polarization #moreincommon #peacemakers
Our context — whether political, cultural or social — often determines the lens by which we read Scripture, for better or for worse. Engaging with the global church expands our context and encourages us to ask fresh questions of the gospel and of Scripture. Riad Kassis joins Today’s Conversation from Beirut, Lebanon, bringing deep convictions of fidelity to Scripture and its application to lived experience.
Riad Kassis, international director of Langham Partnership, shares how living in the Middle East has shaped his faith and reflects on his experience at the most recent Lausanne Gathering in Seoul, South Korea.
You’ll also hear NAE President Walter Kim and Riad discuss:
Why theological resources for and by Majority World pastors is vital for the Church;What biblical truths about persecution can reshape our minds and hearts;Why justice is a matter of great importance to Christians in conflict areas; andHow we can stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.Show Notes : https://www.nae.org/kassispodcast/
What is the future of artificial intelligence, and how should Christians interact with it? Listen in to hear Andy Crouch, author and partner for theology and culture at Praxis, discuss AI’s potential to be a profound and fruitful extension of human image-bearing, as well as its potential to be destructive to human flourishing.
In Today’s Conversation podcast, host NAE President Walter Kim and Andy discuss:
Different theories predicting how AI — including AGI and ASI — will develop in society;Why we need a better theological framework — particularly around demonology — for the future of AI;How AI could be redemptive for our physical health, relationships and more; andWhy the practice of Sabbath will mark people who flourish in this technological shift.Go To Show Notes:
In a world where news is constantly streamed, the sheer amount of information can leave many of us feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to filter what is true. Bonnie Kristian, journalist and author of “The Knowledge Crisis” joins NAE President Walter Kim to discuss how this issue is leaking into churches and becoming a discipleship issue. Listen in to hear them discuss a way forward.
In this episode of Today’s Conversation, journalist Bonnie Kristian and NAE President Walter Kim explore practical ways to engage with the surplus of information coming our way, and how to stay on guard in our discipleship to Jesus in the digital age.
You’ll also hear Walter and Bonnie discuss:
The issue of “expertise” in the post-pandemic era; Why having a depth of knowledge on a few topics vs. broad knowledge on all current issues may be more helpful; The growing mindset of “conspiracism” and how to speak to it, or sometimes how to refrain from speaking to it; and Other practical tips for staying grounded in truth.Click here for show notes: NAE.org/kristianpodcast
The country is divided across class, racial, gender and political lines, and churches are not immune to this. Sometimes they even exemplify this division. How can pastors preach to a divided audience, and how can congregants remain active participants despite challenging differences?
Dr. Matthew Kim, of Truett Seminary and co-author of “Preaching to a Divided Nation,” offers a way forward in this episode of Today's Conversation.
In the midst of deep political and cultural polarization, there remains an underutilized space: the middle. Shirley Mullen argues that this “middle” is not “bland averaging, moral cowardice or lazy indifference.” Instead the courageous middle is a daring way to live and work together for a more hopeful future.
Shirley Mullen, president emerita of Houghton University, joins NAE President Walter Kim for Today’s Conversation podcast, and casts a vision for how each of us can claim the courageous middle in this election season and beyond.
You’ll also hear Shirley and Walter discuss:
How active listening and bridge-building is central to the middle space;Why being in the middle is labor intensive, but offers real possibilities for lasting change;How institutions and individuals have navigated this space and seen fruit of their labors; andWhere those who feel disillusioned by polarization can find encouragement.For a complete list of show notes: NAE.org/mullenpodcast/
The foundation of thriving communities is strong families. That idea resonates with many of us, but the data also demonstrates it. Join Dr. Brad Wilcox and NAE President Walter Kim as they confront common yet false narratives about marriage in society today.
This conversation covers why marriage not only benefits those who have committed to forging strong marriages but also society as a whole. You’ll also hear Brad and Walter discuss:
The anti-family messaging that afflicts our culture today;Why segments of society that forgo marriage face higher risk of deaths of despair;Research-based encouragement for young people, in particular, to get married; andFactors that go into forging a healthy and long-lasting marriage.Show notes can be found here: NAE.org/wilcoxpodcast/
Join us for a special episode of Today’s Conversation podcast with Bryan Stevenson and Bishop Derek Grier. Hosted by NAE President Walter Kim, the leaders discuss the promise of greatness that’s available to a society unburdened by hate, violence and discrimination.
They talk about why we must reckon with the past in order to experience racial healing and reconciliation, and why the aspiration for a society that’s rooted in love, peace and joy is essential to the work of racial justice.
You’ll also hear about a recent trip, hosted by National Unity Weekend and the National Association of Evangelicals, with 100 Christian leaders to the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama. Bryan shares his vision for the museum as a place of truth-telling where narratives are recovered and where people can grapple with dreadful elements of America’s history and at the same time be inspired by the perseverance of those who suffered.
They also discuss:
How fear and power are barriers to racial reconciliation;Why there can be no reconciliation without reckoning;How the conviction in our hearts motivates change; andHow we can be liberated through repentance and experience redemption.Go to NAE.org/stevenson-grier-podcast for show notes.
What does it look like when the Church follows God into unknown territory? Hear Noemi Chavez, a pastor and the co-founder of Brave Global, share what happened when her church committed to serving and empowering at-risk girls, particularly in foster care and on probation.
Hosted by NAE President Walter Kim, this conversation discusses leading and inspiring social change (despite feelings of inadequacy) and developing the next generation of leaders.
You'll also hear Noemi share:
-Why bravery is essential for healing and for meaningful witness;
-How a faithful Christian presence opens doors for gospel transformation;
-What it looks like to release control and empower young leaders; and
-Why we must have a heart posture focused more on walking with Jesus than on outcomes.
Get show notes here: NAE.org/chavezpodcast/
What role do emotions have in our discipleship to Jesus? Dr. Anita Phillips, trauma therapist, minister and life coach, uses Jesus’ parable of the sower in Matthew 13 to show how emotions are the soil in the ground which allows the word of God, or the seed, to take root in our lives and transform us.
This conversation, hosted by NAE President Walter Kim, discusses the importance of emotional health and how our emotions are not something we should fear, but instead something we should embrace.
You’ll also hear Dr. Anita discuss:
How embracing our emotions is integral to our spiritual growth;Recent discoveries in neurobiology that echo what we know in Scripture;How Christians can lead in spaces of emotional well-being; andThe impact her book, “The Garden Within” has had in both faith-based and secular spheres.View show notes here: NAE.org/phillipspodcast
In John 10, Jesus explains that he has come to offer abundant life. Roland Warren, president and CEO of Care Net, joins Today's Conversation podcast to share how Jesus' vision for abundance impacts and transforms pro-life ministry. He also argues that Christian discipleship is at the center of this issue.
Hosted by NAE President Walter Kim, this conversation provides insight into what pro-life ministry looks like in a post-Roe context, how the sanctity of marriage and family upholds God's vision for those inside and outside the womb, and what we can do to support family structures.
You'll also hear:
+What critiques of the pro-life movement need to be addressed;
+How the story of Jesus' birth reflects God's design for family;
+What initiatives support strong family structures; and
+How holistic discipleship empowers people to think differently about abortion.
View show notes here: NAE.org/rolandpodcast
What is Christian nationalism? And, how is it different than patriotism? Join Walter Kim and Dr. Paul Miller as they discuss the roots of Christian nationalism in America and what it looks like for evangelicals to be politically engaged in a Christ-honoring way.
In Today’s Conversation podcast, NAE President Walter Kim and Dr. Paul Miller, Georgetown University professor and former veteran and White House staffer, discuss how evangelicals can be principled when it comes to politics by working for the common good of all people.
You’ll also hear Paul and Walter discuss:
The virtue of patriotism and how it’s tied to gratitude;The difference between Christian principles and Christian power;The elements of a healthy Christian political witness; andA word of hope and concern for the 2024 election.View show notes here: NAE.org/millerpodcast/
In Today’s Conversation hosted by NAE President Walter Kim, Ed Stetzer and Walter discuss:
How moments of cultural upheaval have also been times of spiritual revival;
Why the workplace is key to God’s global mission today;
What posture Christians in the West should have when engaging Christians around the world; and
How American evangelicals can connect with the 2024 Lausanne gathering in Seoul. -
In Today’s Conversation hosted by NAE President Walter Kim, Lanre describes how the life and ministry of Christ offers a foundation for humanitarian work and helps sustain energy and vision in the most difficult places.
Walter and Lanre also discuss:
What considerations aid organizations make when going into conflict zones;How humanitarian groups practically collaborate in moments of crisis;What particular challenges arise when providing aid in places with political strife; andHow Christians can be praying for people affected by crises around the world. -
In Today’s Conversation hosted by NAE President Walter Kim, Ryan Burge, assistant professor of political science at Eastern Illinois University, shares his research on the rise and fall of institutions in America. Together they also explore what leaders can do to usher in institutional renewal, particularly through faithful Christian presence and serving the least of these.
Walter & Ryan also discuss:
When institutional mistrust and cynicism began to take root;How humility, transparency and communication combat cynical attitudes;What guidance the Bible offers in this moment; andHow churches and other institutions can labor toward renewal. -
In this episode of Today’s Conversation, D.A. Horton, theologian, professor, pastor, author and hip hop artist, discusses the topics of culture making and ethnic conciliation — the idea that Jesus’ finished work has not only reconciled us to God but also from all ethnicities into one family.
Host Walter Kim, NAE President, and Damon also discuss:
Balancing individual rights and a collectivist perspective as the Church;Embodying ethnic conciliation through rhythms of evangelicalism and discipleship;How to affirm truths found in culture without compromising the message of Christ; andHow local churches take, reflect and examine their own culture. -
How do people change? And, why is change so elusive? These were the questions that compelled Ted Harro to consider the work of Renovaré, a Christian nonprofit that helps people become more like Jesus.
After a 30 year career in business consulting, Ted now leads Renovaré as its president. In Today’s Conversation, he talks with Walter Kim, NAE president, about spiritual formation and how to be people who are truly transformed by God. They discuss what it means to develop the mindset of Christ.
Ted also shares:
How to cultivate an authentic approach to spiritual disciplines without falling into legalism;Why creating more space for “depth” in churches is an antidote to society’s frenetic pace;What role community plays in spiritual disciplines and formation; andWhat lessons he’s learning through life and leadership. -
Deconstruction is not simply a buzzword, but a reality that many Christians — especially young people and people of color — experience. Some deconstruct due to the dissonance they see between faith and how faith is lived out. For others, it is misunderstandings of theology or poor public witness.
In Today’s Conversation, Lisa Fields, founder of Jude 3 Project, shares how her own faith was challenged and how she is committed to helping Christians — particularly in the Black community — know what they believe and why. - Visa fler