Episode 308:
A long awaited episode (at least, for members of the Facebook group), this is the visit we did with Melinda while she was recuperating from her recent motorcycle accident. We get the whole story and the gory details. You can check out pics of the before and after (some gnarly xrays, especially) here:
Wheelnerds stickers for sale! Check them out here! Classifieds:1985 Kawasaki VoyagerSTOLEN. FOR REAL.2009YZ450F2017MX129Police HDTRIMAGNUM (actual AD)Show Links:
Kids Motorcycle Pants link from Ebay (sent by listener Art)Kids Motorcycle Jackets link from Ebay (also Art)Permanent Links:Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamersWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 307:
Why you don't go riding with Chuck. Ever. EVER.
Wheelnerds stickers for sale! Check them out here! Classifieds:Just pick up the loan, bro, MT-07GL1100NikenZeroCBRPermanent Links:Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamersWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Episode 306:
Stories, classifieds, and laughing at our own dumb jokes because this is how we do. Send us your ideas for a new Wheelnerds keytag! Yeah, I copied this copy.
Wheelnerds stickers for sale! Check them out here! Classifieds:Looking for my bike full of drugsNo Title, Hotwired == NOT STOLEN1990 FJ1200HD LiveWireANOTHER HD LiveWire?Looking for ANOTHER bike full of drugsFreeze-dried Skittles:
Permanent Links:Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamersWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 305:
Stories, classifieds, and laughing at our own dumb jokes because this is how we do. Send us your ideas for a new Wheelnerds keytag!
Wheelnerds stickers and ONE LAST keytag for sale! Check them out here! Classifieds:GromCBR250FZ-09MotorcycleChopperTWO HarleysANOTHER MotorcycleShow Links:LiveWire (Legally distinct from HD)2021 Sportster SPermanent Links:Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamersWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 304:
So, this is listener Jim Hampshire and this dude rode a Harley-Davidsion Pan Am recently in then 2021 Iron Butt Rally. That's 11,000 miles in 11 days across America, man. BUT ON A HARLEY PAN AM! He comes on to tell us the whys and the hows and the severe brain injuries he suffered earlier on in life that led to him making such bad decisions now!
You can can check out his YouTube where he blogs a bit about it:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEJmQ5b3V8lV_8Z6-KZaOQ
His ADVRider writeups:
https://advrider.com/f/threads/pan-america-after-iron-butt-rally-report-how-it-did.1510698/#post-42648053https://advrider.com/f/threads/panam-toh-ss1000-extreme-georgia.1504456/https://advrider.com/f/threads/hd-pan-america-ss1000-break-in-run.1501488/That looks comfy for... not 11 days.
I see an upside wombat.
Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale!
Check them out here! Classifieds:https://classifieds.ksl.com/listing/63192683 Skullcrusher (or if link is dead: SKULLCRUSHER)CafezukiNice Thruxton, but that nice?Please don't buy, I don't mean it.IT YELLOWI WANT GROMNOT YELLOWShow Links:
Go check out Trevor's Dirt Ninja!https://photos.app.goo.gl/p8CN5eqUtPhKQ6H57https://advrider.com/f/threads/yet-another-budget-ninja-mutant-build.1364714/Mike's Email About Keytag and Stamp
Listeners, what secret message was Chuck trying to send with this stamp?
"Come back, Mike. Your family misses you. Leave the poop alone." Permanent Links:Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamersWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 303:
Our guest this week is Axe DeKruif. Engineer, chopper maker, rider, driver, dude who rode his BMW S1000RR from San Diego, CA to Jacksonville, FL in a record-setting 33 hours and 10 minutes. He's talking to us about the movie he's made to document the experience and we immediately shove that noise overboard and grill him about the FLIR camera he's hooked up to the bike as well the other mods he made to the bike for the trip. I have a suspicion the trip and the movie all exist just so that he can make the world listen to his singing voice.
You can check him and get more info about purchasing/renting the movie out at Ychrome.com.
See the trailer for the movie on YouTube.
Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale!
Check them out here! Classifieds:Clearly. Not. A. Trap?Restored ClassicOh, look, a NighthawkCLEANWhat?:Buell Motorcycle Company posted this as a teaser to their Facebook page. Real planned product or something they found on EBR's fileserver after they bought them? Or is it announcing a add-on headlight system for the Pan American that allows for rider-controlled emojis? Permanent Links:Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamersWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 302:
Stories, classifieds, and laughing at our own dumb jokes because this is how we do.
Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! Classifieds:Jesus Christ, WTF?Fiero's Revenge: The TrikeningGoldwing? Partsbin? Only his barber knows for sure.Duster Wesley's Fav New BikeWon't (will) ExplodeI was dumb enough to buy these, are you? Permanent Links:Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamersWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 301:
Back in the Toddcave with 92% less ADVENTURE (wind). We return to trolling the classifieds with a vengeance. Todd remains in love with his new Italian bike.
Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! Classifieds:Fiero TrikeJohn's BlastJohn's NEW Buell???: A Ulysses, John. It's a Ulysses. Look.A 96-year old Harley!A *100*-year old Harley!BMW R100RSSoon Not-to-be-HD Livewire!Better than New?The Moto Pro we'll be bringing a review on in a future episode.: Permanent Links:Bath Bomb Diva's handmade bath bombs and shower steamersWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 300:
We recorded this show during the return leg of Operation "Pick Up Todd's Guzzi." Todd got himself a shiny new Guzzi and we trucked it down to Las Vegas to pick it up from the showroom floor. Pulling into a campsite on the way back for the night, we decided to bust out the digital recorder and record some wind noises to use for our special Halloween "HauntedNerds" episode. We ran into a dude. Todd's bike spit parts. Chuck's car proved quite comfy during a daytime burn across the Nevada desert following Todd.
Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here!And now, some PICTURES:
We demand style!
He's doing his happy dance
The Moto Guzzi V85 TT and a dirtbag
What the hell with those shoes?
At least he's not riding in them...
A hoodoo. Todd's wearing those sandals off-frame. Guaran-fucking-tee.
Permanent Links:Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 234:
Returning guest Alisa Clickenger and Todd have to remind Chuck that Alisa is, in fact, a returning guest because Chuck is dumb. Alisa is the author of Boost Your Confidence Through Motorcycling and the founder of Women's Motorcycle Tours. She comes on to talk about the recent Women's Motorcycle Conference Online, an adaption to the quarantines and social-distancing by moving what would have been an in-person conference completely online via zoom sessions and such. She also talks about the Suffragists Centennial Motorcycle Ride 2020 that's she's been working on but now unsure because of the Year Known As 2020. And don't forget she was one of the driving forces behind Revvtalks which we recently participated in as well. She's a great guest and a lot of fun to talk with.
Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! Permanent Links:Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 233:
Austin Rothbard of peer-to-peer motorcycle rental outfit, Twisted Road, comes back to catch up with us and let us know how things are going with TR and the improvements they've made as a company. Chuck shares how he did not immediately crash the bike he rented while out in Long Beach. Definitely check out the blog section of the website for cool guides and articles written by the company and community members and not just journal entries about Austin's impressive and quite comprehensive collection of tea cozies. (there's a secret link on the blog page to that, but you'll have to email them for how to access it!)
Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! Permanent Links:Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 232:
For this episode, Wheelnerd Auxillaries Jen and Melinda go spying for Chuck and Todd to attend an Zoom presentation by Pat called "Riding Sand." Seeing as the ladies were not necessarily already off-road riders, we thought it'd be a great opportinity for learning and spying! Come along with us and learn how mean people get when they think no one is listening! Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! Classifieds:Cafe Racer Scrambler Episode Links:Pat Jacques' ADVWoman WebsiteThird Annual Women-Only Backcountry Discovery TourPermanent Links:Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 231:
So, here we go with the second Quarantine Show, (the first one is still trying to sort itself out). Our guest is Jon Taylor of Ricor Shocks (https://www.ricorshocks.com/). He comes on to talk about the work and art of dialing in suspension for motorcycles as well as some of his adventures being a GPS and the one time he almost got Vin Diesel to sweat on him! Go check out the offerings at Ricor and tell Jon to sponsor us. Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! Classifieds:Oooo.. Shiny Vstrom, ToddHonda ValkyereHonda STBuell UlyssesGoldwing sidecar Links:Ricor ShocksWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 229:
This episode brought to you by Helite, makers of the awesome Turtle 2 Airbag vest. They have a whole selection of vests, leather jackets, and ADV style jackets equipped with their no-nonsense airbag technology. We don't ride without it. Use code WHEELNERDS for a 10% discount when ordering! Here we go! The long-lost mythical Wheelnerds Christmas Livecast! It's mostly us drinking some artisan adult beverage created by Friend of the Show, Roe. Speaking of, here's the episode of the Secret Door Podcast with Alcoholmancer Roe talking booze and stuff: Episode 31 Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! Links:Helite MotoWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 228:
This episode brought to you by Helite, makers of the awesome Turtle 2 Airbag vest. They have a whole selection of vests, leather jackets, and ADV style jackets equipped with their no-nonsense airbag technology. We don't ride without it. Use code WHEELNERDS for a 10% discount when ordering! Yeah, we're still here, ya filthy animals! We actually recorded this show with an interview with David Wax of Fuell way back in... December of last year? And then, ya know, the holidays, and work, and stuff. But, hey, here it is! David joins us to talk about Fuell and, specifically, about the bicycle product, the Flluid. We manage to try and pry some Fllow stuff outta him, too... I think. I don't remember. 2019 seems so long ago. So so long ago. When life was simpler and Ma would churn butter by hand out on the porch while Pa shot dingos in the back 40. Anyway, Todd drools all over this technology and Chuck makes fart noises, so yeah, another amazing adventure of the Wheelnerds! Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! Links:Helite MotoProgressive International Motorcycle ShowsWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 227:
This episode brought to you by Helite, makers of the awesome Turtle 2 Airbag vest. They have a whole selection of vests, leather jackets, and ADV style jackets equipped with their no-nonsense airbag technology. We don't ride without it. Use code WHEELNERDS for a 10% discount when ordering! Finally getting these shows out for you to listen to! Happy New Year to you. Here we're talking with Douglas Fox of Grom Way Round! Fox is riding a Honda Grom from Alaska to Argentina because he filled out the order form for his new motorcycle wrong and left a zero off the "desired displacement" number. Check out his story with us and then go check out his presence on the interwebs:Grom Way Round websiteInstagramTwitterFacebook Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! CLASSIFIEDS:Spider TrikeFiRst edITioN ScramblerLinks:
Helite MotoProgressive International Motorcycle ShowsWheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 226:
This episode brought to you by Helite, makers of the awesome Turtle 2 Airbag vest. They have a whole selection of vests, leather jackets, and ADV style jackets equipped with their no-nonsense airbag technology. We don't ride without it. Use code WHEELNERDS for a 10% discount when ordering! This week on the show, we're talking with Kent Silk, the new owner of Texas Sidecars. Kent comes on to talk with us about his plans for the classic business and the offerings he has right now. Listen to Todd nerd out all over him. Also, be sure to go check out https://www.texassidecars.com/ if you're thinking of tackling your own sidecar rig. Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! CLASSIFIEDS:Another Moto Guzzi Norge For ToddIt's a GromWoahA Uly for Todd!Links:
Helite MotoProgressive International Motorcycle Showshttps://womenssportbikerally.com/west-rally-2019/Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 225:
This episode brought to you by Helite, makers of the awesome Turtle 2 Airbag vest. They have a whole selection of vests, leather jackets, and ADV style jackets equipped with their no-nonsense airbag technology. We don't ride without it. Use code WHEELNERDS for a 10% discount when ordering! Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! CLASSIFIEDS:Thruxton sidecar1958 Cushman EagleWhat the hell WHY?DOUBLE WHY?Links:
Ghost Biker YouTubeHelite MotoProgressive International Motorcycle Showshttps://womenssportbikerally.com/west-rally-2019/Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 223:
This episode brought to you by Helite, makers of the awesome Turtle 2 Airbag vest. They have a whole selection of vests, leather jackets, and ADV style jackets equipped with their no-nonsense airbag technology. We don't ride without it. Use code WHEELNERDS for a 10% discount when ordering! We just shoot the shit this week with a Live stream going to our Facebook group page so that we can respond to listeners watching. Todd didn't save the classifieds so no links for that. THANKS, OBAMA. Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here!Links:
Helite MotoProgressive International Motorcycle Showshttps://womenssportbikerally.com/west-rally-2019/Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
Episode 223:
This episode brought to you by Helite, makers of the awesome Turtle 2 Airbag vest. They have a whole selection of vests, leather jackets, and ADV style jackets equipped with their no-nonsense airbag technology. We don't ride without it. Use code WHEELNERDS for a 10% discount when ordering! And now for something completely different. Our guest this week is Miranda Young of Ghost Biker Explorations. She's a Harley-riding, paranormal investigator and on this week's show, we learn that Chuck is a giant nerd for ghost stuff. Miranda has her show on YouTube, where you can see her whole first season of episodes. She rides and investigates into the history and lore of small towns, abandoned landmarks, and historical sites while performing paranormal investigations to see if she can collect evidence of ghost activity. It's a pretty neat hook, and if nothing else, is a pretty cool way to learn some history of small town America. She's gearing up to release Season 2 of her show on October 1. Even if you're not into ghosts, like Todd, her show is interesting enough on the history side to draw you in. You can also find her on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/GhostBikerExplorations/ Wheelnerds stickers and keytags for sale! Check them out here! CLASSIFIEDS:https://greenville.craigslist.org/pts/d/due-west-slingshot-motorcycle-bike-trike/6961413223.htmlhttps://lexington.craigslist.org/mcy/d/manchester-custom-trike-with-v6-auto/6947692455.htmlLinks:
Ghost Biker YouTubeHelite MotoProgressive International Motorcycle Showshttps://womenssportbikerally.com/west-rally-2019/Wheelnerd's Handy Inspection ChecklistJoe Popp (musician) (He recorded the Dicks Dicks Dicks theme used in the beginning).RedPillJunkie (artist)Want to hear yourself on our show? Ridden a bike (like your own) and got an opinion? Got a cool piece of gear or farkle? Got a story? Know some jokes? Record an MP3 (or whatever) and email it to us at wheelnerds@gmail.com. We’ll throw it on the air and talk about it, too. That’s right, you can be the first on your block to be openly mocked by the Wheelnerds.
Or call our voicemail: (801) 305-4677
Or, leave us a voicemail via Skype! Our skype ID is wheelnerds.
Just go ahead, call, and leave us your story there! (We still read your emails, too, and will answer them on the show). If you got something really cool, shoot us a line and maybe we’ll talk to you live, too.
- Visa fler