December Series: Emotional Wellness
Episode 65: “What Didn’t Work Out For You, Really Worked Out For You!”
Hey sis,
You know that thing that you just knew was going to take you out? Not getting that job, the relationship not working out, that unexpected bill, that settlement you were expecting….
Even though it didn’t go according to your plan it worked out for you!
No long drawn-out paragraphs today. This is a short episode meant to encourage and motivate someone who may be going through disappointments and feelings of rejection.
It’s already worked out sis!
Happy Monday Y’all!
If you have some topics, you would like me to cover or some questions you would like me to answer please e-mail them to me at info@thewellnesshomegirl.com.
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Promo Music by Wataboi via Pixabay
December Series: Emotional Wellness
Episode 64: “Discipline During Your Down Season”
Hey sis,
DISCIPLINE…….It’s low key a bad word…..but its so necessary too!
We all want certain things in life but there is no way to get there without discipline.
It's easy to be disciplined when things are going good in your life. But when you have financial troubles, you hate your job, you're arguing with your spouse, you feel alone, you're anxious….. it's hard to stay disciplined!
almost every motivational video on tik T.O.K and Facebook and Instagram will have you thinking that it's your season...... But in reality, you may have a down season. A season where you are not feeling you like yourself; you're not feeling church, you don't feel like being around people, your taking hit after hit, things don't seem to be going right, you keep taking financial, emotional and relational hits, and you're just not feeling it PERIOD!
These, however, are the times where we really need to practice discipline. You won't always feel motivated you won't always be happy but if you have discipline, you can always make progress.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Take some time to listen to today's episode about discipline in your down season. In this episode I talk to you about my current personal experience in being disciplined and also about different things you can do to help you stay disciplined during your down season and also why it's so important to stay disciplined.
Happy Monday Y’all!
If you have some topics, you would like me to cover or some questions you would like me to answer please e-mail them to me at info@thewellnesshomegirl.com.
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Episode 63: “We are no longer matching energy.”
Hey sis,
We want to level up right? So why do we let other people bring us down to their level when we get upset?
It's all a part of emotional Wellness, this month series topic.
We are no longer matching energies sis! Let those people that are miserable, stuck, selfish, rude, not loving life, energy sucking people be who they are without us entertaining it.
Funny thing is after recording this episode I read a scripture to go right along with this. It comes from 1 Peter 2: 22-23:
“He did not commit sin and no deceit was found in his mouth, when he was insulted he did not insult in return, when he suffered he did not threaten but entrusted himself to the one who judges justly.”
Jesus gave us the example already. so no more matching energies. When you match other people's energies you actually are bringing yourself down to their level of pettiness, and ignorance. Free yourself from the strongholds that other people can have on your emotions by leaving them where they are and elevating to where you truly desire to be.
Everybody is not aiming for emotional Wellness! But we are!
Happy Monday Y’all!
If you have some topics, you would like me to cover or some questions you would like me to answer please e-mail them to me at info@thewellnesshomegirl.com.
Get free wellness downloads and info on my website:
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Promo Music by Wataboi via Pixabay
Hey sis,
Here is the second episode I promised you today!
Boundaries 101
The idea for this episode came from a few books that I have recently read.
The first book is the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. there is a chapter in this book that really opened my eyes to the areas where I lack boundaries.
The second book I read was Set Boundaries Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab. This book was also amazing and has the workbook that can go along with it. This book really showed me how to set boundaries properly and how to deal with various issues that come up when setting boundaries.
Many of us don't have the relationship issues that we believe we have, we actually have boundary issues. in this podcast episode I address some of the issues that many of us face regarding boundaries, and go over some key points from the book as well.
I highly highly highly recommend both of these books and today's podcast episode if you feel as if you are struggling with boundaries and or relationship issues.
Happy Monday Y’all!
If you have some topics, you would like me to cover or some questions you would like me to answer please e-mail them to me at info@thewellnesshomegirl.com.
Get free wellness downloads and info on my website:
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Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Promo Music by Wataboi via Pixabay
Hey sis,
Don’t hate me y’all! I know if totally forgot to upload the episode last week. I was rushing to get to the airport and forgot my laptop.
You’ll get two episodes today.
The first episode today is entitled “Simplify Life!”
Often times (myself included) we make things more difficult than they have to be. Life becomes hard because we add too many things onto our own plates. We think we’re super woman, we can handle it all when in reality YOU’RE WEARING YOURSELF OUT.
I KNOW YALL FEEL ME ON THIS! I’ve heard things like this from so many women before “If I don’t do it, it won’t get done.” Or “If I don’t do it, it won’t get done right.”
Listen to todays episode. It’s for you sis!
Happy Monday Y’all!
If you have some topics, you would like me to cover or some questions you would like me to answer please e-mail them to me at info@thewellnesshomegirl.com.
Get free wellness downloads and info on my website:
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Promo Music by Wataboi via Pixabay
Hey sis,
Today's episode is entitled “Real Friends.”
It is IMPERITAVE that we have real friends as adults. Must be quality over quantity though. However, it is also just as important that we allow those friends to play ONLY the certain roles that they are qualified for as well.
What do I mean by that? Simply put… Everybody is not qualified to give you advice on everything, and we shouldn’t be talking to everyone about anything.
Let me give you an example: You have a friend who is irresponsible with their money and you have a financial investment you’re considering making…….Probably shouldn’t be talking to them about it.
People play different roles in our lives and we can mess up good friendships/relationships when we expect things from people that aren’t qualified to fulfill our needs.
So tune in today and get some insight on putting your friends in their place (so to speak), and get some insight on my friends that I ABSOLUTELY ADORE!!!
Happy Monday Y’all!
If you have some topics, you would like me to cover or some questions you would like me to answer please e-mail them to me at info@thewellnesshomegirl.com.
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Promo Music by Wataboi via Pixabay
Hey sis,
Before you even say it……YES I BEEN MIA on the podcast scene. BUT IM BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKK with a brand new episode and series for y’all.
Today's episode is entitled “Identity Crisis.” We all go through transitions and seasons in our lives where we have to change who we are, how we think, how we fee, how we act, and how we see the world. I've gone through some transitions and I'm going through some transitions right now. In this episode I share my experiences with you give you an update on my life, and give you some insight on some things you can do to get through your transition seasons.
I hope you enjoy this episode, because I feel like these are things that many women can relate to in today's society.
If you have some topics, you would like me to cover or some questions you would like me to answer please e-mail them to me at info@thewellnesshomegirl.com.
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Promo Music by Wataboi via Pixabay
Hey Sis,
“Emotions make you cry sometimes!” (Of Course I do not own any rights to this song, but you know….I STILL HAVE TO SAY IT!)
How are you emotionally? Do you handle stress and stressful situations well? Are you a problem solver or a problem creator?
Having control of our emotions is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Things will come up that make you sad, mad, pissed off, angry, anxious…….But one of the worst things we can do is act out of emotion. Acting out of emotion can put you in some places and situations you do not want to be in (hospital, jail, just to name a few!)
We have to learn how to check in with our emotions and find healthy ways to deal with stressful situations and keep our emotions in check.
In this episode you will find some helpful tips and tricks and insight on dealing with emotions and stress.
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Hey Sis,
Episode 58: Your femininity is your power with special guest The Networking Housewife” Sparkle Bailey!
Special guest Sparkle Bailey is a Coach who teaches professional women how to network using their femininity.
In this episode we discuss living in your femininity and how it benefits you to do so. There is a proper way to network as a woman and she’s your girl if you want to learn how to do so.
Sparkle gives us some of her knowledge as a feminine conscious coach in this interview. As a bonus she even goes over her 5 senses of networking framework.
Check it out sis!
Happy Monday! Be Blessed, Be Beautiful, Be Well!
Love y’all!
Connect with Sparkle:
IG: Instagram.com/thenetworkinghousewife
Email: theonlynetworkinghousewife@gmail.com
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Hey Sis,
Today’s episode is all about CONFIDENCE.
Confidence- the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something: firm trust
Often we lack self-confidence because we don't trust ourselves.
Why don't we trust ourselves?
Well because we let ourselves off the hook and all types of excuses to get in the way a bus truly reaching our potential and becoming the people that we want to be.
Listen to today's episode to see how we can turn around our self-doubt into self-confidence and move forward even with all the crazy things that life throws at us to accomplish everything we desire to accomplish period
So, let’s grow sis!!!!
Happy Monday! Be Blessed, Be Beautiful, Be Well!
Love y’all!
Get free wellness downloads and info on my website:
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Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Hey Sis,
I know I have been MIA,
Y'all know I am big on self-reflection, and I had to take some time to self-reflect, process some things, and get my mind right!
In this episode I talk about my time off from the podcast, some things I've done, where I'm at and my new relationship status.
My best friend (Shamiqua) always says…… “either you grow together or you grow apart, either way you're going to grow.” And this is true for ANY RELATIONSHIP romantic or platonic.
I'm not perfect but I am always willing to grow to learn and to get better. So, I share my recent experiences with you in hopes that you are wanting and willing to do the same.
New seasons bring about new opportunities to learn, grow, experience, live, explore and so much more if you’re open to it.
So, let’s grow sis!!!!
Happy Monday! Be Blessed, Be Beautiful, Be Well!
Love y’all!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Hey Sis,
I went to a DOPE conference in Miami. Black Equity Con.
It was put on my BYOB Productions and David Shands of Social Proof Podcast.
It was AMAZING being in rooms with 6, 7, 8 AND 9 figure earners (YES SIS 9 Figure earning black women!)
I learned about myself, about business, about equity, about networking, about social media, about leveraging your time, about pricing products, about real estate…and sooooooo much more.
10/10 Highly Recommend.
Listen to todays episode to hear about the experience I had at the conference ,some important life lessons I took away from the conference, and why you need to be there with me next year.
Happy Monday! Love y’all!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Reply- Episode 9
Hey Sis,
“Everybody Dies but Not Everybody Lives!”- Drake
Are you living your dream life? If you0 (God Forbid) died tomorrow would you have any regrets? Would you have any “I wish I would haves?”
You can live your best life and live life on your terms!!!
In this episode you will learn 10 ways/tips on how to start living your best life TODAY!
Live it up sis and do it BIG!!!
Be Beautiful, Live Beautifully, and Be Well!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Episode 53:
Becoming HER Part 2
You are the designer of your life!
In this episode we’re using the 8 Pillars of Wellness to level up and become the HER we’ve always wanted to become.
In Part 1 we made the list of attributes and decided what we truly wanted. In todays episode, Becoming Her Part 2, we create goals to attain those attributes and get the things we truly desire.
So, who do you want to become?
What type of money does she make?
What type of car does she drive?
What type of house does she live in?
Where Does she work?
Pull out your pen and paper were writing the blueprint for your life!
You are the designer of your life sis!!!
Add glitz and glam and as much (or as little) glitter as you want sis!
Lets Get It!
Be Beautiful, Live Beautifully, and Be Well!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Episode 53:
Becoming HER
You are the designer of your life!
In this episode we’re using the 8 Pillars of Wellness to level up and become the HER we’ve always wanted to become.
So, who do you want to become?
What type of money does she make?
What type of car does she drive?
What type of house does she live in?
Where Does she work?
You are the designer of your life sis!!!
Add glitz and glam and as much (or as little) glitter as you want sis!
Lets Get It!
Be Beautiful, Live Beautifully, and Be Well!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Episode 52: Be You, Do You, and Go For It!
Be you, do you, and go for it!
This episode talks about a few things that have been on my mind lately regarding going for what you truly want out of life.
Everybody is not going to get why you do what you do and you’re purpose. It is not for everyone to get/ understand. However it is important to get those close to you on board with your vision and your mission so that they can love and support you through it.We can't be afraid to make mistakes. Life is our best teacher. Making mistakes can teach you some vital lessons that will take you far in life. Not doing something for the fear of not doing it properly will hold you back and hinder your growth as a person, and entrepreneur, in relationships… and in many other aspects of life.Listen to today's episode ,for tips, and motivation on doing you, being yourself, and going for it.
Love y’all!
Be Beautiful, Live Beautifully, and Be Well!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Episode 51: “Sorry I’m Busy”
Everyone’s issue that is connected to you is not your issue to take on.
One of the biggest complaints that I get from my coaching clients is that they don't have enough time or energy to pursue the goals that they truly want to. But usually, 9 times out of 10 once we start working together, they actually can't pursue their own goals and dreams because they do everything for everyone else.
We as women are nurtures by nature. But sometimes we take on more than even we can handle. If we love and care about someone we automatically tend to take on their problems, issues, concerns, and sometimes even drama.
You know the cliche you can't pour from an empty cup? Well sis it is definitely true! You can't give anyone anything that you don't have. We have to stop over exerting ourselves to make other people happy in making ourselves miserable in the process.
Listen to today's episode 2 find out some simple techniques you can use when You have a tendency to take on everyone else's problems and issues.
Love y’all!
Be Beautiful, Live Beautifully, and Be Well!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Episode 50: Goal Getter
WOW…..Can y’all believe we are on episode 50 already?
Time really just flew by!!!
Is it time for you to pursue you’re your goals sis?
Are the goals you have even right for you?
Do you even know why you want to achieve the goals you have?
Not sure about any the above questions? No problem….I GOT YOU!
In this episode we dig into goal evaluation so you can determine if the goals you have are truly what you want to pursue.
In this episode I give you 3 simple questions to ask yourself regarding your goals to determine if they make sense for you to pursue.
Don’t know yet what you want to do or really have any solid goals? No problem sis….I GOT YOU TOO! Ill give you some tips as well!
If you’re a woman on a mission to design the life you desire…..THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU SIS!
Love y’all!
Be beautiful, Live Beautifully, and Be Well!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Email me with any questions you would like answered on the show and/or any topics you would like discussed and guests you would like to hear from.
Todays episode is sponsored by:
Cleaning Queens: www.mycleaningqueens.com
IG/FB: @cleaningqueensdfw
Hey Sis,
Mindset is everything! Our minds are truly powerful. Let me prove it to you. Have you ever just been nervous all of a sudden for no reason? Or had a “bad feeling” out of nowhere? That’s your brain trying to find a problem to solve because that is its main purpose. Nothing may be wrong but you just feel like there is. Y’all know the saying “your mind is playing tricks on you?” That’s because it is.
Proverbs 23:7 says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” We can’t expect life to be positive, and wonderful if we continually fill our minds with negativity. When things are repeated over and over they become habits (good or bad). The good thing about being a human though is that you always have choices. You have a choice to change the way you think and your mindset as well by creating new habits.
In this episode I will give you 8 simple things that your can implement into your life for a better mindset that have personally worked for me. Below you will also find some resources to help you on your wellness journey to a better mindset.
There may be some things that happened to you that you are finding hard to get past. Things that may have caused this negative mindset and way of thinking. I would advise you to seek out a counselor or coach to help you work through these issues.It’s time to just stop living……..IT’S TIME TO BE WELL!
Resources: 1. Atomic Habits (book) by James Clear 2. Think like a Monk ( book) by Jay Shetty 3. Mindset Mentor (podcast) by Rob Dial 4. Straight Up (podcast) by Trent Shelton 5. You’re not the Boss of me (podcast) by Beth Holden Graves 6. Social Proof Podcast by David Shands 7. On Purpose (podcast) by Jay Shetty
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
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Todays episode is sponsored by:
Cleaning Queens: www.mycleaningqueens.com
IG/FB: @cleaningqueensdfw
Promo Music by Wataboi via Pixabay
Episode 49: Built Different
IT’S WOMENS HISTORY MONTH!!!! (sort of Lol, this episode was supposed to air last week on 3/28 but technology was not having it, so here you go today! I wasn't going to let technology get the best of me!)
So this episode is dedicated to YOU sis!!!
Sis, this episode is one you do not want to miss!!!!
In today's episode I talk about how we as women are built different. I realized as a kid that I was built differently. I wanted to do things that a lot of girls did not and that was tougher than your average little girl (I was always fighting some little boy, Lol!)
As women we are built different. If we can handle something as painful and as difficult as childbirth (sometimes multiple times and with no meds) then there is nothing in this world that we cannot conquer.
Listen to today’s episode to be inspired to go out and do, be, and get everything you want and desire!
Love y’all!
Be beautiful, Live Beautifully, and Be Well!
Join me in my free Wellness Facebook Community:
Follow me on IG: Instagram.com/the_wellness_homegirl
Follow me on Tik Tok:
Todays episode is sponsored by:
Cleaning Queens: www.mycleaningqueens.com
IG/FB: @cleaningqueensdfw
Promo Music by Wataboi via Pixabay
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