
  • 4:43 - Webflow has some updates...4:48 - WebP image support is here in Webflow (I made a video to guide you)5:22 - Sunsetting support for IE7:09 - Made in Webflow is here9:30 - Bubble released their new responsive editor10:23 - And they rolled out deferred drawing to everyone10:56 - Outseta released support for Bubble too! 👀11:23 - Zapier rebranded and has a new look....15:56 - There are layoffs happening across tech and no-code, lets look out for one another 19:17 - 8020 released a new Enterprise site and Matt’s thread on it was đŸ”„22:49 - Lacey + Frances were on the Webflow Party23:39 - Squarespace rebuilt their platform and have big new features27:57 - Connor Finlayson went on Wes Bos’s podcast to talk no-code28:50 - Raymmar left Finsweet and we didn’t see that coming....30:00 - State of Flow looks like it’s gonna be fun...who’s going? 32:22 - Glide released some updates in product around templates33:59 - No Code API was acquired, had a bit of a rough week 34:39 - Softr now lets you create mobile apps AND web apps...wild!35:56 - Tally Forms now lets you customize your forms fonts36:22 - Loved this piece from Flowout teaching the community how they can build their own copy and paste component library 39:35 - Stacker HQ has an AMA coming up you should check out!40:09 - Flowbase released a new icon pack available in Figma and Webflow41:31 - Siter.io (from Designmodo which we’ve covered before) relaunched recently42:20 - Daftpage looks like a super interesting no-code website maker43:42 - Makeswift marries no-code and Next.js and looks like a pretty awesome tool if you have a React/Next.js site

  • 0:22: Episode begins6:51 - It’s been a while and Webflow has released a lot of things11:24 - Updating CMS items via CSV, Client Billing sunsetting, live phone support for Enterprise, superscript and subscript, flex gap, new role for Enterprise (limited designer), publish improvements for CMS heavy sites, repetitive id’s in the audit panel, single item unpublish with the CMS, play & pause background videos23:04 - Zapier updated some UI and it upset some folks in the community, Connor says goodbye to it!31:11 - This week’s no-code events thread31:23 - Airtable has some updates for Interface (buttons, calendars, and duplication), and testing automations31:45 - Airtable also announced an integration with Miro32:10 - Bubble added the ability to have multiple params on an event32:30 - They also announced deferred drawing logic which is...wow!33:20 - And lastly, Bubble has updated their dropdown component! 34:03 - Coda released some tasty new marketing/brand content35:37 - Coda also released a lot of tasty new features including some UI/UX improvements36:27 - My absolute favorite is the ability to trigger automations via webhook, but the find faulty formula feature is next level too! 37:00 - Softr has continued to deliver improvements and updates and they teased something HUGE coming soon as well as their Twitter community.37:52 - Aspect looks pretty incredible....build React components visually38:45 - Tom Bekkers and the crew released a new update!39:27 - Framer sites launched!! 42:58 - https://getapimaker.com/ looks absolutely incredible....44:37 - The Webflow Party

  • 0:22 - Episode begins6:42 - Visual Dev FM Youtube Channel11:55 - ROUND-UP BEGINS12:17 - Webflow announces Series C funding & 10MM Community grant at a $4B valuation15:05 - Don’t forget to catch up with Colleen’s latest No-Code event tweet thread15:39 - Weglot, with a big investment announcement!16:45 - Finsweet hosted a Global Open House!18:10 - Cash Your Flow looks really cool, an awesome tool to guide your pricing20:39 - CopyFlow launched this past week....21:30 - Snowhouse Studio is hiring a Webflow developer!22:03 - Lots of chatter in the community lately about NoCode North23:46 - Bravo Studio goes multi-lingual24:20 - This new Ecosystem page from Airtable is amazing!25:48 - Airtable also released a new feature to let you hide pre-filled forms26:14 - Bubble changed pricing, upset their community, then put it on pause...27:30 - NoCodeAPI now has support for Hubspot27:52 - NoCodeAPI also announced import-data.io28:28 - The Notion pack for Coda launched on Product Hunt29:09 - CloverCities looks amazing!!30:21 - Glide for Airtable launched30:56 - Noloco launches on Product Hunt too!

  • 12:05 - No-Code flow released this awesome tool to support Ukraine12:42 - Daniel Brassnyo put together https://www.aid4ukr.com/13:24 - Webflow released Generation No-Code! Let’s go Webflow TV!!14:18 - Women in No-Code relaunch — Lacey’s Twitter18:03 - Favorite and follow Colleen’s no-code events thread18:31 - Snowhouse Studio is looking for a Webflow Developer19:40 - Airtable released some new interface features20:19 - Integromat is now Make!27:35 - Zapier announces National No-Code Day!28:56 - Readymag looks interesting 👀33:13 - Coda announces Coda 3.0!!34:09 - And Tally announced their Coda pack! 36:40 - Also, I released a thing — The Notion users guide to Coda!40:02 - Is anyone out there using Ample Cloud? 40:43 - Notion announced a lot of new things like the API being out of beta41:31 - And Notion certifications!41:49 - Audienceful looks like a great tool to partner with your Webflow site43:01 - Colleen Brady shared https://nocodealliance.org/ with us43:58 - Pory released a cool site that documents how they use Airtable to manage their community

  • 1:00 - Matt and Ben check-in3:53 - Webflow launched Workspaces (See blog post)7:00 - Whiteboard.is are looking to hire a Webflow Developer!8:56 - 8020 is hiring a Low-Code Developer!11:57 - Edgar Allan officially released Knockout!!12:47 - Visual Dev is going to host a Webflow Framework smack down and you're all invited14:15 - Last Round Up we mentioned No Code Map App which looks awesome, but has anyone tried Nown?14:43 - If you're looking for pre-built Webflow components you need to check out Mozaik (think Relume or Flowbase)15:24 - Stacket (mentioned in the Webflow forums) 17:43 - You know who we haven't heard much from this year? Memberstack and Parabola.18:50 - Noodl is a new no-code tool to help you build MVP's and web apps. (Editor Tour)19:42 - Bubble launched their #BuildwithBubble influencer campaign.20:25 - If you're into no-code and productivity then Bardeen is a tool you're going to LOVE.21:50 - Tally has hit $10K MRR!!!23:31 - Also, Tally announced they're a part of Coda's maker fund and they're building a Coda pack!!23:54 - Figment is another Figma to Website tool you can check out!25:05 - Candu lets you build components for your app with no-code!26:08 - Voicl lets you add voice to your website.29:05 - Circa is a new no-code app boasting some big logos that looks pretty interesting.31:35 - Postman released a Graphic Novel to cover the basics of APIs and it's pretty awesome.32:55 - Flow Ninja launched their own pre-launch checklist34:09 - Simon Bloom wrote us and said: Love your podcast and listen religiously. Would really like a roundup on the best no code apps for producing phone apps. Are any of them ready for serious native app creation? I have been a Webflow nerd for 5 years.39:47 - Flutterflow Showcase41:20 - RR Abrot’s Twitter Thread

  • 1:07 - What is Squarekicker?2:28 - How Nick and Hannah got into tech 5:45 - How Nick and Hannah began building for Squarespace13:52 - Squarekicker’s early marketing efforts 18:00 - What’s the difference between Squarespace and tools like Webflow?24:45 - What they learned from building Squarekicker27:30 - Nick has listened to Visual Dev FM28:27 - Who are the people building with Squarekicker?31:03 - What Squarespace said and how people have reacted34:50 - If Hannah and Nick could build anything, it would be...more Squarekicker!38:24 - Find Hannah and Nick on LinkedIn

  • 11:06 - Webflow released an update to the style manager12:34 - Colleen’s Twitter thread on upcoming no-code events14:19 - Glide announced they’re sharing revenue with experts (apply to be an expert)14:44 - Bravo Studio is offering mobile development as-a-service (Enterprise)15:22 - Autocode now has multi-player to make it easier to collab on your code15:50 - Builder.io is an open source version of Shopify with a drag and drop editor18:07 - Learn no-code in Webflow from supercreative.design (sponsored by 8020)21:47 - John Scrugham built a thing — Future of work applications (made in Softr)22:54 - Coda added the ability to link to any line in a doc and I’m here for it!23:11 - Draftbit now has Google Fonts and inline text editing23:30 - Draftbit is also looking for beta testers for deeplinking (email [email protected])23:57 - Is anyone using No Code Map App? Shoutout to Jono for putting me onto it!25:11 - If you’re learning Webflow, you need to check out Jo Mor’s course27:59 - Lacey’s TikTok with Frances29:10 - Dynaboard lets you build full stack web apps with no-code30:10 - AppMaster is a tool that lets you build backend/front-end/mobile app on one platform30:44 - Clay looks like a gamechanger when it comes to leveling up your leads and sheets!35:35 - RR Abrot

  • 0:51 - Matt’s not with us because he’s speaking at Webflow Sales Kickoff in LA this week!7:12 - The Figma to Webflow course is live now!7:49 - Edgar Allan sent out early invites to their Figma to Webflow framework — Knockout8:21 - Wordpress made a big announcement! (See the roadmap for 6.0 here) 10:24 - There’s a new tool out called Logo to Use - think of it as Unsplash for logos11:22 - The.com launched their low-code builder13:52 - There were mixed reviews on Twitter...17:33 - Softr won Product Hunt’s Product of the Year award!!18:12 - Flutterflow won the no-code Golden Kitty19:24 - Also Flutterflow released some new column properties for their editor19:36 - Speaking of changes, Bubble also released some updates to their responsive engine20:38 - Tom Bekkers tweeted that Flowbase is working on things that will change how everyone uses Weblfow đŸ€Ż23:35 - makers.so launched a tool to take a Figma file and turn it into a website (their Lighthouse scores weren’t terrible)24:56 - This seems to be a big thing and it looks like Ycode will also be adding this functionality soon26:04 - You may have heard of Bannerbear, or used Placid App, but learned about Supportivekoala?30:02 - John shared Okta’s Business at Work report with us and it’s super interesting31:10 - Q&A: Jake Meyer asks, if we were to start building websites and apps today what would we choose?

  • 5:00 - The Figma to Webflow course is on its way!! 5:35 - Edgar Allan is releasing a Figma to Webflow template/framework5:45 - Chesly’s Tweet Thread about Knockout6:05 - Nelson and Vlad streamed the first quarterly update for this year10:10 - Airtable has launched two new features, first is Bulk Field Actions10:55 - The second is an quality of life improvement for expanded records11:17 - Coda now gives you the ability to globally set your first day of the week12:03 - Code Meets No-Code launched a course on Stripe Payment Links13:06 - You’ve seen the #madeinwebflow hashtag, now we have “Made with Softr”14:15 - Do you want to get paid to “build in public”? Bubble has an opportunity for you16:58 - Some fun new tools to us....let’s start with MiddleLink18:41 - From the same maker (Joel Whitaker) is also components.io20:48 - Is anyone using Unito? Shouts to John for adding this in Slack!23:08 - Proflow sends Webflow jobs and projects to your inbox every Monday24:30 - Has anyone seen Siter (siter.io) from DesignModo?25:45 - SquareKicker looks pretty legit - a must if you’re building with SquareSpace27:17 - The Zero-Code club is looking for a new co-hort

  • 1:59 - Intro and talking about the new year!4:17 - Webflow announces page level presence in collaboration5:56 - Webflow announces image limits/validation in the CMS (Dylan Garcia)7:01 - Webflow announced improved accessibility with the keyboard focus state7:47 - Webflow announced new CMS enhancements to improve performance in the Designer9:35 - 8020 is hiring! (Careers Page)10:51 - Carri is hiring as well, looking for some Webflow expertise!11:20 - Airtable announced a Series F funding round of $735 million at an $11B valuation14:00 - Tray.io16:17 - Airtable also released a new feature today — conditional logic for automations!17:12 - Coda’s new editor came out of beta and is now available to everyone!18:02 - Framer launched a new sites beta (warning — spaghetti code ahead)19:20 - Marcel Deelen’s Tweet20:31 - Celonis launched a process automation bootcamp in their academy21:10 - Softr announced a $13.5M Series A round!! 21:44 - Draftbit launches a BIG new feature and some new integrations!22:37 - Aron and Connor launched codemeetsnocode.com25:35 - Glide released some new templates for Glide pages25:50 - Finsweet released Attributes26:30 - A new Airtable competitor in Tulr? 27:05 - DesignSync.js helps you convert your Webflow project to React28:50 - Ben’s React course recommendation29:52 - Certificates by Graphy looks pretty cool30:47 - Appmaker has launched a Shopify tool31:50 - Ycode now has the ability to share and clone projects

  • 0:22 - Intros4:00 - Audit Panel4:19 - Background filter 6:49 - Production value was through the roof!12:30 - CST Guide15:48 - Nelson Abalos Jr., Speed Build Challenge17:39 - Collaboration20:24 - User Systems27:41 - Logic28:30 - Ben’s Twitter Thread31:40 - Webflow Keynote

  • 1:20 - Lacey joined the team at Webflow! 🎉2:38 - Webflow with some BIG No Code Conf announcements, and it’s next week!!!3:30 - Airtable launched Interfaces4:01 - Bubble launched their new responsive editor (see it in use with repeatable groups)4:42 - We’ll be doing a whole episode on this new responsive engine VERY soon!6:19 - Refokus shared their tool on how to easily add social share buttons in Webflow6:56 - Pory has a new layout builder that lets you drag and drop in detailed views7:28 - Pory also has a new sidebar layout and a new My Account page for users7:53 - Jetboost now highlights matching words on the page when using Jetboost search8:21 - Ultra looks really cool10:08 - Cascade Labs (an automation tool) raises $5.3M in their seed round10:51 - Flux Academy released their "Web designers by the numbers” survey results12:43 - A Coda engineer built Minesweeper in Coda đŸ€Ż13:17 - Some PH launches...13:33 - umso, the website builder for startups15:41 - Luna Park, The most advanced no-code tool with seamless scalability17:29 - Ayro UI, code snippets to build fast!19:23 - Interview with Aron begins

  • 1:09 - Webflow is now completely free for students worldwide!1:39 - Vlad, from Webflow, was on TechCrunch live2:14 - Tellie launched on Product Hunt3:06 - Parabola adds Editor AND viewer roles to flows3:50 - Brizy is a drag and drop no-code builder for Wordpress4:42 - Zapier announced Transfer!5:52 - The new Bubble responsive engine is supposed to be coming this week? 7:10 - Notion2Sheets launched on Product Hunt8:30 - Codeless launched on Product Hunt too!9:39 - Anyone using AI2Sql?10:55 - Microsoft is just straight up ripping off Coda and Notion13:00 - Ycode announces Zapier Integration13:55 - I went on Aron Korenblit’s AATT to talk NoCodeAPI15:09 - Edgar Allan is hosting a session on how to use Metabase this week16:09 - Colleen shared https://www.nocodecalendar.com/ - built by Hiram!16:33 - Spotbase looks interesting 👀18:47 - Interview with Kyleigh beginsUseful Links: Steph Smith, “How to Be Great? Just Be Good, Repeatedly”, Keith from Autocode, Unicorn Platform, Autocode Snippets, Marie Martens from Tally, Marie Ng, blog.makerofhabit.coFind Kyleigh on Twitter, and find her startup at heyitsharold.com

  • 0:22 - Episode begins2:44 - Webflow did some fun things with the pages panel3:11 - And Refokus built a cool tool for Webflow Rich Text called Rich Text Enhancer4:06 - Notably (shouts to Colleen) is a tool for researchers4:52 - Airtable now has advanced filters5:29 - Super.so released a drag and drop builder to build landing pages in Notion7:39 - Have you seen Living Dead? It was made in Webflow8:20 - Also worth visiting My Dope Ass Apartment. (Props to Jon Cole of Edgar Allan)8:45 - Industrial Marc on Twitter built a tool in Airtable to compare live prices of your Crypto9:26 - Fresh on the heels of their new launch, Bravo Studio has a new ad.10:07 - Xano (which we’ve mentioned here before) launched on Product Hunt12:32 - HelloGuru, which has it’s own no-code builder, launched a hub to help learn no-code13:33 - Flutterflow launched version 2.0 of it’s app14:17 - Figma launched branching for teams! Check out their handy guide to branching in Figma.15:59 - Abstract.com18:00 - From Figma to website with one click19:11 - Notion raised $275 million at a $10 billion valuation20:23 - Funnel, no-code for marketing data, raises $66 million, see it at funnel.io24:50 - Anyone using heyflow?25:25 - Bubble’s new editor...isn’t coming?30:26 - Bonsai Browser looks interesting31:47 - Parabola adds an undo feature33:03 - Glide is working on an Airtable integration1:23:00 - Jake’s YouTube

  • 0:22 - Episode begins2:50 - Collaboration tool jam.dev was featured in Forbes3:35 - usepastel.com7:15 - Postman has a tool called flows in beta9:25 - Mutiny, a no-code marketing website builder to help you convert11:15 - ClickUp Poll14:52 - PixieBrix, a low-code extension builder to automate the web15:25 - GitHub + Your Webflow site and versioning with webflow-git17:39 - Forum post by Jarek18:05 - Rowy unites Google Cloud with a spreadsheet front end for your Firestore data18:53 - Big news from Bravo Studio26:00 - Has anyone here used Reform?27:35 - I love it when people build on top of no-code tools — Airtable Invoice Maker28:13 - Y Code lets you build using Tailwind CSS classes and adds more breakpoints29:40 - Want to do some freelancing for Zapier? They’re looking for a TikTok creator31:05 - Aron Korenblit has a video out going over how to use colors in Airtable31:22 - Glide has pages?!? 33:03 - Coda made some BIG announcements at their block party today!34:22 - Coda’s new editor35:29 - Canvas Column in Coda38:00 - Coda Fund39:10 - Coda SDK42:38 - Kyle’s tweet

  • 0:22 - Episode begins1:40 - Webflow did another live stream with Nelson and Webflow’s No Code Conf team2:40 - Kate Marshal (Spelling?)2:50 - Corey Moen3:46 - Corey’s most used code snippets3:56 - Jetboost has dynamic sorting now!!6:35 - Zapier introduces TikTok partnership7:10 - Coda cleaned up and redesigned their app home page7:58 - Yash Mehta sent us Makeswift and we gave it a try9:33 - Landing Lion11:48 - No Code Kids is launching (courtesy of Glenn from The Flow Agency)12:50 - John (Web Dev For You) is streaming every week now!15:40 - Airtable has updated their automations experience!16:11 - And Airtable rolled out timeline view16:26 - Speaking of Airtable, our friend Aron Korenblit released a video on CTA’s and buttons16:53 - BIG props to Notion on their Startup work!19:35 - It looks like Bravo Studio has some big things coming....22:51 - Pory built their community with....Pory23:30 - Pory also made improvements to displaying data from records23:53 - While we were on break, Flowbase launched their Component Club26:00 - Typedream also launched while we were out (Webflow + Notion?)!27:15 - No Code API launched a new version (3.0 and it’s đŸ”„)29:50 - Bondlayer added some new games and intros, as well as pre-built layouts30:16 - Matthew Munger30:50 - Huggy Studio built a no-code LinkedIn33:07 - Just launched: Askneo, txting sales bot35:58 - Dennis Hegstad, LiveRecover37:00 - Preflight is meant to help you test your app without writing code!38:45 - The Functions Store launched too, if you’re using Google Cloud39:35 - Holaplex lets you design, launch, and host your Metaplex NFT marketplace. No coding required!42:18 - Softr released a way to edit Airtable records from within your list44:03 - Height App, a project management and productivity tool, is out of beta44:54 - ClickUp has a productivity conference in November49:30 - Figma has Schema quickly approaching!!50:27 - Miro’s Distributed 2021 is coming up!!51:20 - Have you registered for No Code Conf? 52:40 - Zapier Connect is coming up!!53:30 - Coda Block Party and they’re announcing a SDK 👀