In this episode we take a deep dive into assessing and managing acute behavioural disturbances that intoxicated patients frequently present with. We cover safety and security, medico-legal issues, capacity and consent, how to run a code grey/black, physical restraint, the extreme risk associated with prone restraint and medical assessment of these patients. If you enjoyed this episode, check out the Tox Course at etmonline.com
In this episode we talk to Dr Martin Dutch, Emergency Physician and one of the most experienced doctors in Australia in the emerging field of "mass gathering medicine" (or as we like to call it "festival medicine"!). Martin gives us an in-depth view of how medical care at music festivals has evolved over the last two decades, then we take a deep dive into the management of one of the scariest medical conditions Emergency care providers can be faced with: the young, severely hyperthermic, critically unwell serotonergic/sympathomimetic toxicity patient. This is a sphincter-tightening situation for even the most experienced clinicians, and Martin walks us through his approach on how to successfully manage and then safely transport these patients from festival to hospital. This is a must-listen episode for anyone who may treat substance affected patients, and could literally help you one-day save a life that hangs in the balance.
Martin and his team have published a case series of these patients, it's a fascinating read: Characteristics, presentation and outcomes of music festival patrons with stimulant drug-induced serotonin toxicity.
A more sobering read on music festival related deaths in Australia was also published recently: Drug-related deaths at Australian music festivals.
If you enjoyed the podcast check out the Tox Course at ETM Online
Also check out our new free toxicology blog at toxcourse.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
Welcome to the first episode of the new Tox Course Podcast. In this episode Clinical Toxicologist Dr Ingrid Berling and Emergency Physician Dr Nick Dafters discuss the Poisons Information Centre and Clinical Toxicology services in Australia.
If you enjoyed the podcast check out the Tox Course at ETM Online
Also check out our new free toxicology blog at toxcourse.com
TAPNA – Toxicology And Poisons Network Australasia
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