I recorded this a couple of years back. I've made it a tradition to repost every September 11th in memorial to all those people who lost their lives that day. Never take your present moment for granted.
Andrea Carter Brown is the editor of The Washington Prize from The Word Works. She’s the author of several books of poetry, including The Disheveled Bed, Brook & Rainbow, and Domestic Karma. She’s won contests and her work has been recognized by The River Oak Review, Thin Air, and the Poetry Society of America, among others. Her latest book is called September 12. She’s a former resident of downtown Manhattan. On the morning of 9/11, she fled her apartment a block away from the World Trade Center amidst the destruction, not knowing if or when she would ever return.
Follow and Support Andrea Carter Brown:
Word Works Books
Andrea Carter Brown Website
Don’t forget to sign up on storykingbooks.com to get your free copy of my latest eBook resource Launch Your Podcast Like A Pro.
Also, I just released Massimo’s Mirror and Other Stories. Its my first collection of short stories. The book uses fantasy, science fiction, and fairy tales to create a world where a magical array of protagonists conquer their fears, battle forces of evil, and step up to meet their potential. Suitable for the secular and religious alike, these stories are full of symbolism and quirky characters, including aliens, robots, angels, demons, superheroes, gods, animals, giants, monsters and dragons. At just the right length to hold the attention of children and adults alike, all 50 stories are crafted to entertain and make us see behind the veil of reality, and perhaps teach something along the way. The eBook and paperback editions are available on Amazon. You can purchase an autographed copy on my website. The Story King Podcast PodbeanAppleSpotifyPandoraAudibleGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcherFollow The Story King Podcast:InstagramTwitter Facebook Support The Story King Podcast:Patreon -
Today's episode is with film and television historian and pop culture journalist Scott Ryan.
Scott Ryan is a multifaceted author, publisher, and television historian, as well as a pop culture and entertainment industry expert. With a portfolio that spans oral histories, behind-the-scenes stories and critical exploration of film and television, his latest book, The Last Decade of Cinema, explores movies from the nineties, offering an analysis of their impact on pop culture both at the time of their release and their lasting significance today.
We discuss everything from Moonlighting, Thirtysomething, Friends, Seinfeld, Pulp Fiction, Fargo, and the effects of streaming and the attention economy on the arts.
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By most accounts, today's guest is considered to be America's Writing Coach, Roy Peter Clark!
For more than three decades, Clark has taught writing at the Poynter Institute, a school for journalists in St. Petersburg, Florida, considered among the most prominent such teaching institutions in the world. He graduated from Providence College with a degree in English and earned his PhD from Stony Brook University.
We discuss the current and future employability of writers, as well as many of his seminal works, like Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer. We talk about some of my favorite strategies from that book: cut big, then small, fear not the long sentence, vary paragraph length, and order words for emphasis. We also discuss his forthcoming book about writing college essays.
Writers don't want to miss this one!
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Today's guest is both a lawyer and a true crime writer. Meet Doug Kari, the man who exposed The Berman Murders — the story of Barry Berman, heir to the Kahlua fortune, and his wife Louise — who went missing in 1986 in Saline Valley, a popular Mojave Desert draw for nudists and eccentrics.
Doug brings a lend of scholarly research and good old-fashioned storytelling to his writing. He believes in immersive investigation, which has led him to lay inside the grave of a murder victim to envision the carnage that befell them moments before death. He’s scoured remote corners of Death Valley and uncovered key clues that authorities ignored in a missing persons case. And he’s stood alongside Mexican migrant refugee children to understand the peril they face in squalid encampments.
Enjoy this discussion about true crime journalism and its seemingly endless public interest and popularity.
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Today's guest is now a Story King regular. Eva Sandor joins us for the third time to discuss her recent success with her The Heart of Stone Adventures series. We discuss various marketing methods, how to structure books and book series, small-scale fantasy, and all the non-writing tasks writers need to get good at.
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Here is a link to the FB marketing class Eva mentioned: https://www.matthewjholmes.com/
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Today's guest is Dr. Paul Corona, a holistic psychiatrist and author of The Corona Protocol.
Dr. Paul D Corona is a Southern California-based physician who is reshaping the future of psychiatry and family medicine. With over 30 years of medical experience, Dr. Corona is not your typical physician. Starting his career in family medicine, he seamlessly transitioned into psychiatry, ultimately pioneering an approach he calls "Mind and Body Healing."
He’s authored three books in his “My Mind & Body Healing” series. And in his latest book The Corona Protocol, he unlocks revolutionary insights into the treatment of mental health, challenging conventional methods that have been stagnant for decades.
Follow and Support Dr. Paul Corona:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Corona-Protocol-Dr-Paul-M-D/dp/B0CVLMQTDZ/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drpaulcoronamd/
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/paul.corona.50
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/drpaulcoronamd
X: https://twitter.com/drpaulcorona
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-corona-b090669a/
Website: www.drpaulcoronamd.com
Podcast: https://drpaulcoronamd.com/dr-paul-corona-podcast/
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Recently I was on Instagram using Meta AI, which is better than ChatGPT 3.5 in my opinion. I tried to Google what the top ten questions about marriage were, but could not find what I was looking for. So I asked Meta AI and it gave me ten common questions about marriage that singles and engaged couples might have before tying the knot.
Enjoy my wife and I discussing candidly about our marriage and the institution in general. We talk about communication, conflict resolution, sex, finances, religious differences, age differences, and some stuff Jordan Peterson says. No, we're not his groupies. But we did attend his We Who Wrestle With God book tour in Nashville recently, so he's been in our conversations.
We also talk about our good friend, Melissa Llarena. Here's a link to her awesome podcast Unimaginable Wellness.
We end our discussion with a couple of articles about marriage from Harvard and Fortune.
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Today's guest is independent filmmaker Jayson Johnson. Founder of Strike Five Films, Johnson has produced and released nine short films, which have been entered into 84 festivals, both locally and abroad, six of which he won.
In this episode, we discuss everything from creative funding and side hustles to directing and screenwriting. We also talk about his past and forthcoming projects, as well as his thoughts on theatrical releases vs streaming.
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Today's episode is with New York City author Henya Drescher. We discuss crafting psychological thrillers, research, publishing, and the ins and outs of writing and promoting in general.
We also talk about her book Stolen Truth as well as the books she's currently working on.
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Today's episode is all about audio fiction with UK-based producer/director/actor/writer (not always in that order) Jack Bowman.
Jack is an experienced, multi-award-winning Audio Fiction Writer, Director and Producer with sixteen years of experience across the disciplines of Audio Fiction and Scripted Podcast Production. He also has extensive experience in theatre direction and venue management.
Enjoy this conversation about the art and business of audio drama, the use and threat of AI, acting, directing, casting, and much more.
Follow and Support Jack Bowman:
www.jackbowman.netwww.audiomarvels.comhttp://www.londonaftermidnight.co.uk/https://londonaftermidnightaudio.bandcamp.com/merchX: @realjackbowmanInsta: jackbowman1979If you enjoy The Story King Podcast, please subscribe to the show on whatever platform you listen on. You can follow us on social media. The Instagram and Threads handles are storying.podcast. Don't forget to check out my Patreon page. $3 is all it takes to get access to exclusive content.
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Today we have a fun conversation about teaching your kids life skills through games. These are skills they can take with them into adulthood, whether in business, marriage, or elsewhere.
Jonathan Nation discusses short-term negotiation, the value of not quitting the game, and supporting independent game developers.
Ivy Studios
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Today's episode is an audio version of an article I wrote for Writer's Digest a couple of months ago. I discuss the usage of ChatGPT and AI Voice-modeling for writers and other creatives. We talk about uses, abuses, and a variety of purposes every writer can employ with this technology. (And some purposes we should avoid altogether.)
Here are the articles I reference:
College Professor
SEO and Google Bots
Tay: Microsoft's AI Chatbot
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Today's episode is all about diet and exercise. Enjoy this very informative discussion with personal trainer and licensed nutritionist Caesar Calderon. We talk about everything from vegetarianism to eating meat, calisthenics to weight-training, body types, age-related issues, injured body parts, and even how the government likes to keep the people as weak as possible.
If you find yourself in Shirley, NY, and want to join one of Caesar's awesome gladiator bootcamps, or perhaps try out a class, Caesar can be reached for a consultation at 631-896-3016.
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In today's episode, I discuss the emotional, psychological and spiritual implications of adoption with ordained deacon Colin Fagan.
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In today's episode I discuss uprooting your life with Ryan Bohstedt. Ryan is a husband, father, ordained minister and a longtime friend. We talk about the practical, spiritual, and emotional implications of uprooting your family from the familiar and planting them in the unfamiliar and everything that comes along with that process.
If you like The Story King Podcast, please subscribe to the show on whatever platform you listen on. You can follow us on social media. The Instagram and Threads handles are storying.podcast. Don't forget to check out my Patreon page. $3 is all it takes to get access to exclusive content.
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Today is part 3 and our final installment of a 3-part series about some of Goduar Siafu's real-life stories. I hope you're inspired and encouraged. I know I am.
Goduar sells medicinal herbs and has a shop in Port Jefferson, New York. Be sure to check out his links below. My wife and I have bought plenty of herbs from him. They work wonders!
I hope you enjoyed this series about Goduar Siafu sharing some difficult moments that helped shape him into the person he is today.
Follow and Support Goduar Siafu:
Healing Nature
Don't forget to check out my Patreon page. $3 is all it takes to get access to exclusive content. And depending on when you're reading this, you may or may not be able to sign up on storykingbooks.com to get your free copy of my latest eBook resource Launch Your Podcast Like A Pro. If the site is down, please email me at [email protected].
Also, I just released Massimo’s Mirror and Other Stories. It's my first collection of short stories. The book uses fantasy, science fiction, and fairy tales to create a world where a magical array of protagonists conquer their fears, battle forces of evil, and step up to meet their potential. Suitable for the secular and religious alike, these stories are full of symbolism and quirky characters, including aliens, robots, angels, demons, superheroes, gods, animals, giants, monsters and dragons. At just the right length to hold the attention of children and adults alike, all 50 stories are crafted to entertain and make us see behind the veil of reality, and perhaps teach something along the way. The eBook, paperback and hardcover editions are available on Amazon. You can purchase an autographed copy on my website. Again, if the site is down, just email me at [email protected]. The Story King Podcast PodbeanAppleSpotifyPandoraAudibleGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcherFollow The Story King Podcast:InstagramTwitter Facebook Support The Story King Podcast:Patreon -
Very excited to have back on the show Goduar Siafu. Last time, we were talking about The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Today is part 2 of a 3-part series about some of Goduar's real-life stories.
Goduar sells medicinal herbs and has a shop in Port Jefferson, New York. Be sure to check out his links below. My wife and I have bought plenty of herbs from him. They work wonders!
I hope you enjoy this episode and feel inspired by Goduar's life, as he shares some difficult moments that helped shape him into the person he is today.
Follow and Support Goduar Siafu:
Healing Nature
Don't forget to check out my Patreon page. $3 is all it takes to get access to exclusive content. And depending on when you're reading this, you may or may not be able to sign up on storykingbooks.com to get your free copy of my latest eBook resource Launch Your Podcast Like A Pro. If the site is down, please email me at [email protected].
Also, I just released Massimo’s Mirror and Other Stories. It's my first collection of short stories. The book uses fantasy, science fiction, and fairy tales to create a world where a magical array of protagonists conquer their fears, battle forces of evil, and step up to meet their potential. Suitable for the secular and religious alike, these stories are full of symbolism and quirky characters, including aliens, robots, angels, demons, superheroes, gods, animals, giants, monsters and dragons. At just the right length to hold the attention of children and adults alike, all 50 stories are crafted to entertain and make us see behind the veil of reality, and perhaps teach something along the way. The eBook, paperback and hardcover editions are available on Amazon. You can purchase an autographed copy on my website. Again, if the site is down, just email me at [email protected]. The Story King Podcast PodbeanAppleSpotifyPandoraAudibleGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcherFollow The Story King Podcast:InstagramTwitter Facebook Support The Story King Podcast:Patreon -
Very excited to have back on the show Goduar Siafu. Last time, we were talking about The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Today is part 1 of a 3-part series about some of Goduar's real-life stories.
Goduar sells medicinal herbs and has a shop in Port Jefferson, New York. Be sure to check out his links below. My wife and I have bought plenty of herbs from him. They work wonders!
I hope you enjoy this episode and feel inspired by Goduar's life, as he shares some difficult moments that helped shape him into the person he is today.
Follow and Support Goduar Siafu:
Healing Nature
Don't forget to check out my Patreon page. $3 is all it takes to get access to exclusive content. And depending on when you're reading this, you may or may not be able to sign up on storykingbooks.com to get your free copy of my latest eBook resource Launch Your Podcast Like A Pro. If the site is down, please email me at [email protected].
Also, I just released Massimo’s Mirror and Other Stories. It's my first collection of short stories. The book uses fantasy, science fiction, and fairy tales to create a world where a magical array of protagonists conquer their fears, battle forces of evil, and step up to meet their potential. Suitable for the secular and religious alike, these stories are full of symbolism and quirky characters, including aliens, robots, angels, demons, superheroes, gods, animals, giants, monsters and dragons. At just the right length to hold the attention of children and adults alike, all 50 stories are crafted to entertain and make us see behind the veil of reality, and perhaps teach something along the way. The eBook, paperback and hardcover editions are available on Amazon. You can purchase an autographed copy on my website. Again, if the site is down, just email me at [email protected]. The Story King Podcast PodbeanAppleSpotifyPandoraAudibleGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcherFollow The Story King Podcast:InstagramTwitter Facebook Support The Story King Podcast:Patreon -
Today's conversation is with Daniel Adams.
Daniel is a life coach who inspires leaders to Profitable Living by embodying the C.R.E.A.T.O.R. framework.
He’s helped hundreds of small business owners create millions of dollars, and enjoy their kids while they receive it.
Follow, Support, and Talk to Daniel:
Don’t forget to sign up on storykingbooks.com to get your free copy of my latest eBook resource Launch Your Podcast Like A Pro.
Also, I just released Massimo’s Mirror and Other Stories. Its my first collection of short stories. The book uses fantasy, science fiction, and fairy tales to create a world where a magical array of protagonists conquer their fears, battle forces of evil, and step up to meet their potential. Suitable for the secular and religious alike, these stories are full of symbolism and quirky characters, including aliens, robots, angels, demons, superheroes, gods, animals, giants, monsters and dragons. At just the right length to hold the attention of children and adults alike, all 50 stories are crafted to entertain and make us see behind the veil of reality, and perhaps teach something along the way. The eBook, paperback and hardcover editions are available on Amazon. You can purchase an autographed copy on my website. The Story King Podcast PodbeanAppleSpotifyPandoraAudibleGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcherFollow The Story King Podcast:InstagramTwitter Facebook Support The Story King Podcast:Patreon -
Today's conversation is with author Eva Sandor.
Back in Season 5 (I’ve since done away with seasons, by the way), I had Eva Sandor on, talking about her new book at the time, Fool’s Proof. She’s since released two more installments in the series. Find out what Eva's been up to in this episode.
Follow and Support Eva Sandor:
Book Funnel
Tik Tok
Don’t forget to sign up on storykingbooks.com to get your free copy of my latest eBook resource Launch Your Podcast Like A Pro.
Also, I just released Massimo’s Mirror and Other Stories. Its my first collection of short stories. The book uses fantasy, science fiction, and fairy tales to create a world where a magical array of protagonists conquer their fears, battle forces of evil, and step up to meet their potential. Suitable for the secular and religious alike, these stories are full of symbolism and quirky characters, including aliens, robots, angels, demons, superheroes, gods, animals, giants, monsters and dragons. At just the right length to hold the attention of children and adults alike, all 50 stories are crafted to entertain and make us see behind the veil of reality, and perhaps teach something along the way. The eBook, paperback and hard cover editions are available on Amazon. You can purchase an autographed copy on my website. The Story King Podcast PodbeanAppleSpotifyPandoraAudibleGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcherFollow The Story King Podcast:InstagramTwitter Facebook Support The Story King Podcast:Patreon - Visa fler