At the beginning of the 21st century, more than half the world’s population live in cities. Issues about governance, intensification of social relationships, the impact of globalisation, and the way green spaces are utilised become ever more pressing concerns. The tracks on this album explore some of the challenges faced across the world as citizens and administrators adapt to ever increasing pressures on city spaces and resources. The material forms part of the course DD304, Understanding Cities.
Join an explorer, creator, and post-modern yoga teacher Janna Slow to look at consistent patterns between speeding up and slowing down on personal and global levels. With her guests, Janna examines different forms of stress in our society, talks about body-mind practices, and finds solutions toward more sustainable life. More info on Podcast art by @gradolievna.
Dialoogia on kord kuus kuulajate kõrvu jõudev taskuhääling, kus saatejuhid Maria Murumaa-Mengel ja Maia Klaassen räägivad inimestega, kes uurivad inimesi - sotsiaalteadlastega. Mida nad teada on saanud? Mida nende teadmistega pihta hakata?
Dialoogia is a podcast that comes around once a month to talk to social scientists about their research topics. Hosts Maria Murumaa-Mengel and Maia Klaassen will guide you through complex topics in a fun and accessible way, asking questions like why are we like this? How can we fix what is broken? What the hell do you actually study? -
Saade veest. Teadlaste ja kultuurinimestega. Saatejuht Rico Veskiväli. Oleme Spotify's, Apple Podcasts'is ja YouTube'is.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Will humans ever live on the Moon? Are robots better explorers than people?
Species that are confined to a single planet are ultimately doomed so independent of scientific interest there are more pressing reasons for humanity to explore other celestial bodies as it could be integral for our survival.
Learning how to exploit and utilise and harvest the natural resources on other planets and moons could hold the key to our continued existence but until then also provide an opportunity for commercial enterprise.
This collection looks at the methods and hardware used to explore moons in particular the JUICE mission to Jupiter but also considers how we as a species might benefit from what we find on other planetary bodies. -
The goal of the Psych Health and Safety USA podcast is to increase awareness of the importance of psychological health and safety, grow the community of psych health and safety advocates, and help reduce exposure to psychosocial hazards in workplaces in the United States. Each episode will feature not only guests with expertise in health and safety, psychology, academia, policymaking, and thought leadership but others with lived experience involving exposure to psychosocial hazards in a variety of work settings and environments.
Host: Dr. I. David Daniels -
Welcome to Acoustic Academic: Sonic Stories from Social Sciences, the podcast - actually, academic ASMR is more fitting for a genre description - that brings you the soothing sounds of intellectual exploration. Join Maria Murumaa-Mengel (PhD in media and communication), as we delve into social scientific research. After all: empirical studies are systematically presented stories in the end, so let me tell you stories about online shaming, influencers, digital activism, and so much more. Acoustic Academic is here to make academic literature accessible and enjoyable.
HemeTalks: Conversations in Hematology Education is the latest podcast channel by the American Society of Hematology (ASH)! Explore educational content crafted by subject-matter experts from ASH, tailored to fulfill your professional education requirements. Whether you are a clinician or researcher, HemeTalks provides innovative education designed for every career stage and subspecialty.
What is your identity?
Is it defined by the name you're given, the passport you paid for, the colour of your skin or the language you speak? Maybe none of the above, maybe all.
If you seek a space where discourses surrounding borders, orientalism, conflicts and stigmas are questioned, discussed and explored- sit, listen and join the four voices of identity international featuring a range of guests, in this journey through conversation.
Follow us
@identityint -
*EST: Taskuhäälingu KultuuriReflektor missiooniks on peegeldada olulisi ja päevakohaseid teemasid ning leida üles varju jäänud diskussioonid kultuurivaldkonnas. Arutame valdkonna jaoks olulisi küsimusi, loome diskussioone, reflekteerime ja otsime ebakõlasid. Seda just praktikute abiga, et leida uusi lahendusi probleemidele, millega tööalaselt igapäevaselt silmitsi seisame. Taskuhääling on mõeldud nii praktiseerivatele kultuurikorraldajatele, kui ka niisama kultuurist huvituvatele inimestele.
Nimi KultuuriReflektor on põnev sõnamäng. Ühelt poolt on see midagi, mille eesmärk on olulisele valgust heita, välja tuua midagi, mis muidu jääb varju. Reflection ehk peegeldus näitab ka meie valdkonna ja tööstuse praegust olukorda. Kõige olulisemana - KultuuriReflektor on koht, kus meie jaoks olulistel teemadel reflekteerida ja peegeldada.
KultuuriReflektor on kakskeelne podcast, mille eestvedajaks on Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia kultuurikorralduse magistriprogramm. Podcasti algusmuusika autor on Zane Dombrovska. Kui Sul on lisaküsimusi, ettepanekuid ja teemasid, võta ühendust: [email protected].
*ENG: Cultural Reflector is a bilingual initiative run by the Cultural Management MA programme of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. The jingle is composed by Zane Dombrovska. For more information, or if you want to suggest a topic for discussion, please contact [email protected].
More information: -