Welcome to The Champion Mindset Podcast hosted by Stacy "Bama" Burr, who in 2019 put it all on the line to become the #1 ranked powerlifter in the world (#BITW). This is the #1 spot to find the motivation to grind out that one last rep, and the courage to take bigger and bigger steps towards being a better version of you. This is The Champion Mindset Podcast.
Your business can’t function without you, which means taking care of your mental health is a crucial part of showing up. Join certified corporate wellness speaker Mike Veny and writer Leanna Lee each month as they share their lived experiences and offer practical solutions for healthy business growth. If you’re dealing with burnout and your business is controlling your life instead of supporting your goals, listen in as we explore working to live well. If you want to learn how to grow your business without burning out, hit follow and get ready to change your business life.
Conversații cu antreprenori, inovatori și pionieri cu povești remarcabile despre gândirea și experiența umană din spatele performanței, victoriile, căderile, strategiile, practicile, fricile și emoția din business.
Parte a interviurilor sunt înregistrate live, în sala Teatrului Apollo 111. -
Portugal é um país que se destaca por várias coisas fundamentais, nomeadamente o clima, a comida e as pessoas extraordinárias cheias de talento e habilidade de empreender.
Com o Bitalk queremos dar-vos a conhecer o ecossistema empreendedor através de conversas muito especiais com cada um dos nossos convidados e os nossos hosts (o Tocha e o José Serra), em que existe uma partilha mútua de experiências, sucessos, insucessos, histórias e perspetivas que podem ser importantes para quem esteja a pensar avançar com ideias que tem na gaveta! -
Welcome to The Self Love Fix Podcast. I’m your host, Beatrice -an embodiment coach, teacher, and mentor, and founder of The Self Love Over Codependency Program.
Are you ready to finally step into your worthiness and magnetism? Are you tired of your limiting beliefs and self-doubt affecting every aspect of your life? You deserve to live an abundant life, you deserve to desire and achieve all of your dreams, and most importantly, you deserve to embody unshakable self-confidence.
Believe it or not, I didn’t always embody self-trust. Most of my life, I lived at the mercy of what other people thought of me. It was only during a very low point I experienced during grad school where I asked myself, “Where does your need for perfectionism come from?”
This was a game-changing moment for me. For the first time in my life, I asked myself about the origins of my behavior instead of blaming myself for them.
From then on, I promised to live out my passion and mission for embodying my true essence and to teach others to do the same.
That’s exactly why I created this podcast. This podcast is all about helping you shift from shame, people-pleasing, codependency, low self-esteem, and self-doubt and into alignment, expansion, and unapologetic self-trust through spirituality and healing the inner-child.
For more information about the podcast, or other ways you can work with me, visit:
I would love to connect with you more on social media! You can find me at:
IG: @theselflovefix
Website: -
Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with Adult ADHD takes a street-smart approach to managing adult ADHD. This is THE podcast for busy professional adults, including business owners, entrepreneurs, CEO's, marketing and creative professionals and even PHD's with demanding workloads.
The podcast is an excellent resource for any adult, especially individuals looking for strategies and tactics to create better circumstances in their professional lives.
If you're a small business owner with ADHD and other life responsibilities, this is the perfect podcast to help you navigate the ups and downs of business and life with ADHD.
Every week host David Greenwood, author of the book by the same name, has experts in the field of adult ADHD as well as other entrepreneurs with ADHD. Every episode is packed with solutions and methodical approaches to having a better life with ADHD.
The podcast covers productivity, navigating workloads, how to manage yourself in a chaotic work environment, and burnout. And MUCH more!
Entrepreneurs and business owners with ADHD share their insights and approaches with Dave regularly on the podcast. How did they do it and what do they need to have in place to be successful? Those answers can be found in the podcast.
There are also many episodes with just Dave, who shares his thoughts as a busy entrepreneur with ADHD. Dave Greenwood has been both an entrepreneur for decades and an executive at one of the most recognized brands in the world, doing it all with ADHD.
This is not a Q&A or a stuffy podcast. Every time you hit the download button, you'll feel like you're having a cup of coffee or a pint of your favorite beer with Dave and/for his guests. -
O The VS Podcast é um programa semanal onde podes esperar uma incrível mistura de entrevistas com líderes de desenvolvimento pessoal e especialistas internacionais em saúde holística e bem-estar. Deixa um comentário e avalia o podcast, porque juntas vamos inspirar cada vez mais pessoas.
Segue-nos no Instagram
Website: -
The Road to $1 Million is a podcast on the network that features entrepreneurs on their way to building a 7-figure business.
They are instructed to bring their challenges, opportunities, and their ultimate vision to the show in order to get help making it happen faster.
The host, Ryan Daniel Moran, has a keen eye for sensing what the entrepreneur truly wants and identifying what the next logical step is in the process to get there. -
The Make Space for Growth Podcast is a space to talk about growth - in business, at home and with the family, or in your community.
The show is hosted by Sara Vicente Barreto, a corporate strategist, problem solver, social entrepreneur, writer and mum of 2.
Sara is passionate about growth and has created the Make Space for Growth community, bringing her authentic experience across areas of life. -
Um podcast com histórias de partos mágicos, positivos e empoderadores, pela voz de quem os viveu.
Queremos mostrar-te que é possível ter experiências boas, independentemente da realidade onde vivemos. Queremos que estas histórias inspirem famílias e ajudem a mudar a narrativa do parto sofrido e assustador que se tornaram comuns.
Se nos quiseres apoiar a continuar com este projecto podes deixar o teu contributo na nossa página do Patreon - - e se queres contar a tua história envia-nos um e-mail para [email protected] . -
The Start Today Podcast is about taking responsibility over your life and making the conscious decision to raise your standards. Chris Cavallini takes you on a journey of personal development, mental toughness and self-mastery by teaching the mindset and practical action steps required to reach the next level.
Next Economy Now highlights the leaders that are taking a regenerative, bio-regional, democratic, equitable, racially-just, and whole-systems approach to creating the new economy. Popular guests include Vincent Stanley (Patagonia), Winona LaDuke (White Earth Reservation), Frederic Laloux (Reinventing Organizations), Autumn Brown (AORTA), Kate Raworth (Doughnut Economics), and Aaron Tanaka (Center for Economic Democracy). Learn more at
Journalist Natalie Brunell sits down with familiar names in news, social media, TV and film, politics and business to learn about their backgrounds and career paths. What inspired them? What roadblocks did they overcome? And what advice and wisdom do they want to share to help YOU find success? New episodes each week.
The Plantbased, Not Perfect podcast is all about striving to be our healthiest selves, while living in the real world. With a master's degree in Technical Writing, Elizabeth explains complicated health topics in a format that is easy to digest. After her mom almost died from congestive heart failure caused by a root canal infection, Elizabeth became passionate about living a healthy lifestyle free from disease. This led her into the plantbased world and eventually inspired her to create #plantbasednotperfect - a sustainable way of living a plant-centric life that doesn't strive for perfection - just encourages making healthier choices to help achieve optimal health. Podcast topics range from health and wellness, plantbased studies and interviews, to food and finances, emotional and mental health, skincare and everything in between.
Join Siri Lindley, 2x World Champion, Author, Speaker, Animal Activist, Survivor and Thriver in the Bedhead Chronicles podcast. Siri has taken the impossible and made it possible. She finds a way to overcome every challenge. This podcast will dive into real life! It will get vulnerable. You're not alone in your fears, doubts, or worries. Siri will help you harness your power, create your magic, and create the life you dream of.
O meu nome é Nuno Palha e neste Podcast vou entrevistar Criativos, Especialistas, Empreendedores, Génios e pessoas que estão a contribuir com o seu "toque especial" para este nosso mundo. Vamos conversar e partilhar histórias, técnicas, experiências e dicas que te possam inspirar e dar-te ferramentas para tornares a tua vida ainda mais memorável.
On the Millionaire Marketing Show, Host JV Crum III interviews the World’s Top Marketers on how to attract and close more clients and market to make both a big impact and big profits. Conscious Millionaire is a Movement, Media Network, and Training Company for entrepreneurs, coaches, and marketers. The show is based upon JV’s #1 selling book, “Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference”. Inc Magazine named our Conscious Millionaire Show one of the Top 13 Business Podcasts. Our network of podcasts and syndicated radio show has over 1,800 episodes and millions of listeners in 190 countries. Learn about our Millionaire Coaching and Training at: TO BOOK JV AS A GUEST on your show, contact: [email protected].