
  • Here is our final Women Who Birth talk of the series.

    I spoke to Chantelle Prindable - a
    holistic beauty therapist, coach and intuitive healer. She is also a mother to a beautiful boy, two fur babies and a wife.

    She shared so many recipes, nuggets and tips not only about holistic beauty, but intuition, healing and wellness.

    Chantelle an utter oracle, and has inspired me to get into the kitchen to create some homemade, natural products to sample out on my boat race (face - Cockney rhyming slang 😆)

    This conversation is another example of how everything we do, experience, consume has such a profound impact. Choose wisely and ask for help.

    Please go ahead and share this chat with someone who loves a bit of natural skin care and beauty, but is also here for deep healing, intuition, honouring themselves and blossoming from with ♥️

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx

    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Book your HD reading here or by emailing me nicola@nicolacloherty.com or via Instagram


    Chanetelle Prindable


    https://www.blossom-within.com/ - grab Chantelle's free e-book

  • I am saaaaaah excited to share this week's episode with you!

    The beautiful Zoe Naylor and I talk firstly about BIRTH TIME: the documentary created by herself, Jerusha Sutton, Jo Hunter and Sselina Scoble.

    Zoe has just finished touring NZ spreading the word about this incredible documentary, and it'll be coming to the UK and Europe very soon. I know me, and many of my friends are chomping at the bit to watch it!

    In this episode, Zoe and I talk about birthing the doco and her own experience as a woman, mother, creator, activist, and so much more!


    It's the result of three women Jo Hunter, Jerusha Sutton and Zoe Naylor, coming together through a birth, and afterwards taking a deep dive into what birth looks like for women in the developed world, asking the question, "What would it take for women to emerge from their births physically well, and emotionally safe?"

    A theme emerges through the interviews with world-renowned birth experts, such as Hannah Dahlen, Sarah Buckley, Sheena Byrom, Soo Downe, Andrew Bisits and Kirsten Small, that vast amounts of global evidence state that one to one continuity of midwifery care, i.e. women having a known midwife throughout their pregnancy, birth and postnatal period, improves the outcomes for mothers and babies.

    It explores the trauma that is inflicted on women as they go through an experience that should be amongst the most joyous of their lives. Through the insights of experts, evidence AND women's stories, looks at how we can do so much better for women, their babies and their families.

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx

    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Book your HD reading by emailing me nicola@nicolacloherty.com via Instagram or here.



    BIRTH TIME: the documentary



    Zoe Naylor


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    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • What a joy to discuss money, systems, business, energy, mindset with this wonderful woman! Ana Pereria's mission is to help you develop a strong relationship with their money. We aren’t taught this in schools and the systems set up (SET UP!) aren’t designed with our best interests at heart. I dunno about you, but I’ve had a “she’ll be alright” attitude towards my finances in the past 🙅🏼‍♀️ NO MORE! The struggle doesn’t have to be real when we get radically self-honest and create some boundaries, make some choices and get in relationship with money. We had this chat via my Instagram - so a little rough around the edges but who cares! It was such a fabulous chat, full of nuggets of wisdom and ways to make money work for you. “Money is always coming into my bank account”, is a great place to start. Get on it! Also, please go ahead and share this chat with someone who may need to shift their relationship with money. Do it with love ♥️ Lots of love, Nicola

    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Book your HD reading by emailing me nicola@nicolacloherty.com via Instagram or here.



    Ana Pereira


    Ana's FREE Money Action Plan - https://www.subscribepage.com/moneyactionplan

    Ana's e-book https://ana-pereira.com/shop/money-mindset-matters-e-book/

    The Hidden Secrets of Money - Mike Maloney

  • I’m saaaah honoured and excited to share the 9th Women Who Birth with the beautiful and incredible creator or Style Me Sunday - Natalie Lee!

    She is a pure and raw example of a woman who creates space for herself, and other women to be truly in their power. She is a big advocate of encouraging women to feel comfortable in their skin and likes to stick a middle finger up to society's standards and norms, which I just adore!!!

    We talk about:

    - creation
    - her two human babies, and Style Me Sunday, her third
    - ADHD & transitioning through life with it
    - her creative process
    - moving through the shadows and dark side that creeps up when creating and sharing one’s voice
    - how we can change our ways to stop apologising, creating disclaimers, and say what we want and mean (including no!)

    And so much bloody more!!!

    Please share this convo with someone who will enjoy and, perhaps, needs to join our pact and ditch the disclaimers and ask for what they need!

    Lots of love,


    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.


    Natalie Lee


  • Oooh, a juicy AF convo about the actual birthing humans, womb connection and wisdom, connecting with your powerhouse energy and living in partnership with your female biology!

    Jen is a woman after my own heart. We went a little deep toward the end, sharing our passion for connecting more women to their womb, their cycle, their ability to create. IT WAS PURE MAGIC!

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx

    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.
    https://nicolacloherty.com/ https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

    Jennie Clegg



  • Gaaaaah! What an absolutely fabulous chat with Dr Mariza Snyder!

    I have read her work and books, listened to soooo many of her podcast episodes, but I had never heard her personal story or about her creative and manifestation process.

    I talk to Dr Mariza about birthing books, business and baby, and how things have shifted and pivoted for her since Kingston landed earthside!

    It was so special to receive this chat with open arms and heart! There are so many golden nuggets for you to try on - go ahead and listen.

    As for me, I'm gonna do some deep work with Mr Inspired Action himself: Blue Tansy essential oil. #InBlueWeTrust

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx

    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.
    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/ and https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

    Dr Mariza Snyder
    Essentially You Podcast https://www.drmariza.com/podcast/



  • What a joy and an honour to birth this conversation with this birthing duo!

    Steph and Maartje share about
    ~ how they partnered together to work through fears, worries and choices
    ~ how they created labour 'settings' and 'stations' to support Steph and her partner Sammy
    ~ Maartje's role and the work she does as a Doula
    ~ how Freddie was born into the world
    ~ how pregnancy and motherhood have transformed the way Steph lives and works


    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!



    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/ and https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

    Maartje Bruning

    Mother Me doula services www.motherme.nl maartje@motherme.nl de Doula Academie www.doulaacademie.nl maartje@doulaacademie.nl FB www.facebook.com/MotherMeNL FB www.facebook.com/doulaacademie.nl IG www.instagram.com/amsterdamdoula IG www.instagram.com/doulaacademie Steph Panther


  • This conversation is ALL OF THE FEELS.

    A beautiful chat with Tara Bliss about creation, trust, impact, community, and so much more! She has experienced many birthings - including a baby boy - and she shares so generously how she creates in the world!

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did; I am gonna re-listen and receive her wisdom some more.

    Rebel sister, thank you so much for being a woman who births, a facilitator of Rebels of Light (that changed me no end!) and a an incredible light in this world.

    Lots of love,


    Connect with Tara



    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I give a f**k about them reconnecting inward, remembering who they are and reclaiming their power.

    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/ and https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

  • This bundle of love and energy, Illana creator and birther of DanceBox and I had a bloody beautifully brilliant chat which is ready for your ear!

    Illana created and birthed DanceBox, an all-inclusive dance class designed for everybody. It's therapy for the mind and body. Teaching humans of all walks of life to let go, release the daily life struggles and remember who they are!!

    She went to online in 2020 (go figure!) with DanceBox Powerhouse, and brought dance to hundreds of homes every single week!

    I have been a PowerHouse member for almost a year, and I love it so very much. Not just for the dance - but the connection and community. For me, and many others, it shifts so much in us and is its own type of therapy!

    Energy has no space and time - you can feel and experience and relish in energy virtually, from anywhere. For me, Illana highlights this for us every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    If you want to catch up on Illana's backstory, go back to Season Two of #SelfishWithNicolaCloherty podcast last year and have a listen to our chat then.

    As bloody always, it was an utter P L E A S U R E to talk to you, Illana.

    Thank you so much for being a beautiful representation of birthing more than just humans!

    Illana and DanceBox



    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Learn more: https://nicolacloherty.com/
    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

  • This started as an Instagram Live then we got cut off three times, so we decided to record it!

    Lucy and I chat about her rebirth, birthing self-love club, being a leader of the divine feminine, how to step into your own truth, and so much more!


    The irony of Lucy being so incredibly tiny in size is the sheer scale of the message that she is delivering to the World.

    With an undeniably contagious energy and a phenomenal intuitive nature, Lucy Davis is a woman on a mission.

    A mission to inspire you to step out of your head and into your heart space to remember exactly why you are here and what your mission is this lifetime.

    She has an incredible gift whereby she has become a master question asker that leads you to recognise your own talents, dreams and the legacy you wish to leave on the World.

    She believes everybody is walking around with a gift buried deep in their heart space. The path she guides you through will very quickly have you dropping from your head into your heart space and unlocking your true, unlimited potential.



    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    Learn more: https://nicolacloherty.com/
    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

  • We are back with this week's #WomenWhoBirth convo, with 2/3 of the glorious women who make up @newwayofwork

    Carmen, we missed you but as said, I LOVE that you honoured yourself, your bleed and your energy! And that Ash and Hannah so graciously and lovingly held space for you!

    Buckle up, people!

    A lush convo about flying solo to a threesome in business, inception through to birthing New Way of Work, the creative process, what it means to heal and how the word healing can have somewhat negative connotations - we go there!

    Grab a cuppa and nestle in with us via Instagram @womenwhobirth OR via SELFISH. with Nicola Cloherty Podcast - link to your fave poddy channel in bio

    Thank you, @ashleyvfrost @hannahjanesmith_ and @carmenelective, for your work in the world and driving change in the way we approach work and leadership, with healing and reprogramming at the forefront!

    Lots of love,

    Nicola xxx

    More about New Way of Work and the trio of birthers

    https://www.newwayofwork.io/ - starts 11th May
    https://www.instagram.com/newwayofwork/ - Follow on ze Gram!

    https://www.instagram.com/ashleyvfrost/ - Ashley
    https://www.instagram.com/carmenelective/ - Carmen
    https://www.instagram.com/hannahjanesmith_/ - Hannah

    Your host - Nicola Cloherty

    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I give a f**k about them reconnecting inward, remembering who they are and reclaiming their power.

    Learn more: https://nicolacloherty.com/
    The SELFISH Project: https://nicolacloherty.com/the-selfish-project/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty

  • Listen to @womenwhobirth opening episode with the magical @ariannapienaar

    We talk birthing, creativity, nourishing, nurturing, business, shadow work, practises and so much more!

    I am so grateful for Ari, the opportunity to chew the birthing fat, all you hunnies that joined live and everyone who will listen to the replay.

    ABOUT ARI 👇🏼

    Ari is a Soul Mentor & Energy Healer supporting you back hOMe, back to yourSelf.

    Devoted to teaching Holistic Healing Practises to those who want to be the healer in their homes. Creating space for you to step into deeper learnings with Self. Arianna's practises & tools are mostly for Clarity & Grace, Empowerment & Love.

    If you have any questions, hit us up.



    I am Nicola Cloherty, and in a nutshell, amongst other things, I give a f**k about women birthing things - and not just humans. I coach women to reconnect inward, remember who they are and reclaim their power.

    The SELFISH. Project - https://nicolacloherty.com/

  • I had so much fun chatting to Britt cos she is just such a magical human, she has the incredible gift of a lyrical tongue and shares so wonderfully how we can become aligned and stand in our power.

    We eff, we blind, we laugh and we riff on the following:

    How Britt got to where she is today Attachment to self Human Design - the remembrance and the becoming Conditioning and deconditioning Becoming you and being worthy Action and integration The power of perspective Embodying who you are Alignment motivation - oooooof!


    About Brittany Eastman

    Brittany is a human who loves talking about stuff she loves and cares about.

    She blends and alchemises energetics, Human Design, untouched expression, originality and rule breaking to align herself and others to their true and authentic mission.

    She believes (deeply) that there is no such thing as “one way” or a “proven method”. She believes in the law of differentiation - that our magic lives in our individuality, and that our role in this life is not to listen out for the way, but to tune in for OUR way.

    Britt has a bunch of beautiful ways you can work with her, she gives golden nuggets of wisdom on her Instagram and has a wicked podcast called The Free Thinker Podcast.

    “Through my work, I create concepts and theories to support you to remove every shred of everyone else from your cells, so you are left standing as you, in your full magnificence.” - I can vouch for this!


    @iambrittanyeastman or www.instagram.com/iambrittanyeastman

    About Nicola Cloherty

    Nicola Cloherty mentors and guides women to reconnect to who they truly are, by creating physical and energetic alignment that is authentically aligned to them and their uniqueness.

    She works with a woman’s innate womb wisdom, natural ebb and flow of female hormones and beautifully unique energetic blueprint via Human Design to reconnect and create balance, love and truth.

    She froths on communication, connection, and delving deep into a beautiful treasure trove of self-care, self-love and self-healing tools and practices to support herself and others.

    She offers human design readings, 1:1 mentoring programmes, and courses to help women implement who their soul intended them to be, the life they are meant to live, and how to run a business/life that’s totally inline with your soul and female biology.


    www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty @nicolacloherty


  • Do you consciously choose your choices?

    This might sound super crazy as a questions, however it bears contemplating and exploring.

    Do you consciously choose your choices or are your choices made for you?

    Have you plodded through life making choices that go against your inner voice/being/knowing?

    Would you choose to do somethings differently?

    Do you think it's too late to make different choices?

    Did you wake up today and choose nourishment of your body/mind/soul?

    Our body guides us, if we let it to make right decisions and choices that are best for us.

    And Lord knows, I struggled with this for almost 35 years. I am not perfect. I still work on hearing and feeling what is right for me Vs what is not.

    In any moment you have a choice.

    In any moment, with any person, in any situation, we can choose differently.

    It may not be received well by that other person because perhaps you aren't meeting their expectations cos you're stepping away from people pleasing and doing what they want, to doing what you want.

    In this episode of my podcast, I share some thoughts on choices and some suggestions of what you could try on.


    Work with Nicola

    3-Month 1:1 Mentoring
    I have only five (two more have been filled since recording) spots open for five women wanting to go deeper with themselves before the year is out! To reconnect, be who they truly are, align and lead a life of true love and embodiment becoming unapologetically selfish.

    It's an application process - you can apply here and we can have a 'no strings attached' call if we fit together, or I can refer you to someone else who can support you.

    Book a Human Design Reading with Nicola Cloherty https://nicolacloherty.com/human-design/
    Follow Nicola on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nicolacloherty/
    3-Month 1:1 Mentoring https://forms.gle/HoMV588qpr83ycTc7
    FREE Human Design Chart https://www.mybodygraph.com/

  • OMG! I fell in love over lock down with this firecracker of a woman Illana Gambrill from DanceBox, and I am so excited to share our podcast chat with you!

    It was magnificent and magical, with a couple of f-bombs thrown in for good measure.

    Illana has the most incredible energy and radiates love, which is needed now more than ever! I am so glad my friend Lisa intro’d me to her, and I cannot wait to meet her in the flesh. Enjoy!

    In this episode, we chat about:

    Who is Illana Her story of discovering dance From professional dancer to empowered dance classes for every woman Her loving empowerment for all women Bringing DanceBox PowerHouse online PowerHouse's beautiful online community Managing her own energy while giving so much


    How to connect with Illana Gambrill


    Join DanceBox PowerHouse https://www.dance-box.co.uk/the-powerhouse/


    Feeling Myself - After Hours
    happening on Saturday 01st August https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/feeling-myself-after-hours-tickets-112128202472?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch

    About Illana Gambrill

    Illana has been dancing since the age of 12 – starting her professional career in dance at the age of 18.

    Illana has worked alongside many artists in music videos, TV shows and tours.

    After travelling the world with dance, Illana gained an extensive amount of experience and now shares her incredible passion of dance with the world – DanceBox

    DanceBox is an all inclusive dance class designed for everybody. It's therapy for the mind and body. Illana humans of all walks of life to let go, release the daily life struggles and remember who they are!!

    It is so important to Illana that she holds a space of acceptance, an all-inclusive, judgement-free zone where everyBODY, every day humans can come and feel safe to unleash all of themselves onto the dance floor with her.

  • I am soooo happy to share this amazing conversation with one of my favourite humans. Hana is a beautiful friend of mine, an incredible teacher of the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) and fellow menstrual taboo smashing woman. WHOOP!

    I adore her so much. She has introduced me to myself in so many ways and does so for women around the globe with such grace and wisdom. She is never going to tell you not to do something, instead, instead she guides women to improve their hormone health, avoiding or achieving pregnancy, in a natural and gentle way.

    This is SUCH a juicy episode that is all about female empowerment!

    In this episode, we chat about:

    How Hana serves and guides her community of women What is Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) Vs the Calendar Method Avoiding pregnancy naturally Achieving pregnancy naturally How to get the high effectiveness rate of FAM Why your body gives you is the most reliable and accurate information about your cycle, fertility and hormones Drug solutions Vs FAM and charting Stress and environment impact on our hormones Emotions and reality around trying to conceive and pregnancy How your cycle gives you an overview of your overall health Why the hormone and cycle love we do now impacts how we go through the menopause


    How to connect with Hana Ilg




    Get 15% off any of Hana’s and Video Courses

    Use the code: NICOLA at checkout to get your hands on it! No matter WHERE in the world you are, you can take charge of your fertility and body! https://hanawellness.co/fertility-awareness-method-courses/

    The SELFISH. Project kicks off on 16th July 2020 https://nicolacloherty.com/instagram-training/ - all about how to understand, reconnect with and live in-sync with your natural female biology, body, hormones and energy with every part of your life.

  • In mine, and many women’s experience, learning more about our natural biology and shifting how we approach work and certain tasks accordingly, is quite simple and very powerful!

    I wanted to share a bit more information about cycle phases and how we manage work tasks. This isn’t just for those who run their own business. This is for all women to consider how they work in partnership with their female body and energy!

    In this episode, I dive into

    A bit about planetary power and feelings around energetic shifts The four phases of the female cycle What work tasks are best suited to which phase of your monthly cycle Leading in a female way Smashing the ‘corporate’ taboo about how we work and manage our time/days/schedule


    How to connect with Nicola


    The SELFISH. Project kicks off on 16th July - https://nicolacloherty.com/instagram-training/



  • In this episode, we chat about:

    Vere’s path and how she got to coaching women to create soulful and profitable businesses How Tara Bliss’ ‘Rebels of Light’ impacted both of us Tips to recognise and release beliefs and fears around abundance Business and leading with your female body Ways to tune into your womb wisdom The power of coaching, mentoring and consulting


    How to connect with Vere Vermeulen





    Rebels of Light with Tara Bliss - https://tarabliss.com.au/

    The SELFISH. Project kicking off on 16th July 2020 https://nicolacloherty.com/instagram-training/

    About Vere

    With over six years of experience in 1:1 coaching, Vere has helped many women create soulful & profitable businesses that they are proud of, without the typical overwhelm, stress and self-criticism that comes along with stepping into your big vision.

    She’s helped her clients bring their ‘’ideas’’ from seeds of intentions into realities, double or triple their incomes and step into the future versions of themselves they knew lived inside them all along.

    She believes that soul workers, coaches, and creatives can get paid premium prices, and run a successful thriving business without... giving up your self-care time and that doing the inner work, and that this is your most important business task of all.

    Her approach is unique in the way she combines her energetic gifts with strategic business mentoring as well as looking at business from a holistic point of view as a woman with a female cyclic body.

  • Grab a cuppa, draw a bath, sit outside under the trees, whatever tickles your fancy, while you listen to our chat.

    From living with anxiety to listening and working with her deep, inner-knowing - with Jess Lee Williams

    In this episode, we chat about:

    Who is Jess - from where to here Her story of personal growth and overcoming anxiety Her journey into realising and embracing the intuitive that she is Being a mum and running a business How, even as a mum, she puts herself first so she can be her best self Modalities that Jess leans into to live her life and run her business - Human Design, Astrology, Intuition, Numerology Beautiful modalities and tools Jess uses for healing and coaching her clients How fast healing and change can happen so fast


    Jess Lee Williams is a Spiritual and Intuitive Coach and Healer. Her mission is to make the sacred simple, so more women can follow the calling within to connect with themselves and their soul.

    Jess Lee channels high vibrational healing energy, messages from our guides and her inner wisdom to intuitively guide you through your own healing and reclamation. ⁣Re-connecting you with your heart space, back into your power, whilst being embodied and grounded to the earth. Releasing and clearing what is no longer serving you energetically, holding the space while you go to the parts of yourself that you may have resisted.

    Connecting with the freedom and expansion on the other side.

    She does this through one-on-one sessions, virtual retreats, her podcast, channeled artwork and group experiences.

    How to connect with Jess Lee Williams





  • I was introduced to Human Design about a year ago, and so began the deep-dive down the rabbit hole of learning and it trying on for size! It has fascinated me soooo much not only about how validating it is, but also how it has heightened my awareness of not just light qualities I possess, but shadow qualities also. So when an ‘in-real-life’ situation arises, I am aware, can identify what’s going on and respond differently and with energetic correctness.

    Babes, when you couple female cycle syncing with understanding your human design, you can live and be and make decisions and create from an incredibly powerful place!


    In this episode, I give you a taster of what Human Design is all about. We talk about...

    What is Human Design What modalities is it made up of What are energy types What does strategy mean The link between our strategy and authority How does each type live in energetic alignment Profiles What is deconditioning How can I find out my Human Design

    And so much more!

    Instagram Training

    We will dive deeper into how our female biology works, our hormones, how to balance them and live in-sync with our female monthly cycle. It’s a 7-day training, which is a low investment - time up to 30 mins a day - which you can absorb at any time of the day, in any country and money (€49.99) - with huge benefits. You’ll also get access to the week’s content for an additional 28 days


    How to connect with Nicola



