There is so much information out there these days about the right and wrong way to lose weight. Do this, not that, eat this, not that, and all these different diets and exercise routines all designed to help you lose weight. But how accurate is all of this advice? Will following the advice of a 20-something non-runner on TikTok work for a 50-something endurance athlete? I think we all know the answer to that. Today on the podcast, I take a deep dive into the top 10 biggest myths about weight loss and how all of this applies to you as a runner.
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If you want to succeed at anything - losing weight, running a faster marathon - there is one thing you have to start doing. This one thing is nothing you don’t already know, but no one really likes to talk about it. In fact, it’s an incredibly simple thing to understand, but a very difficult thing to master. This may sound overly dramatic, but I say this with all sincerity - master this one thing and there is NOTHING you won’t be able to accomplish. Today on the podcast, it’s all about the number one key to all success and how this will be an absolute game-changer for your health and fitness.
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When it comes to losing weight, there are many, many approaches you can take - some of them will work while others definitely will not. Runners especially need to be mindful of their approach to weight loss because certain methods might help you lose weight but will also impair your running performance in big ways. In this episode of the podcast, I go over 5 dieting disasters runners need to avoid if you want to lose weight without completely destroying your running performance.
The post 269. Replay: 5 Dieting Disasters Runners Need to Avoid appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
It doesn’t matter how much weight you have to lose or how long you’ve been at it, there will eventually come a time when things will get frustrating for you. You might experience a stall or a plateau in your weight, you might keep slipping back into old habits, you might even see the number on the scale go up…gasp! Rest assured that all of this is a normal part of everyone’s weight loss journey and while it might be frustrating, it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. Today on the podcast, what to do when your weight loss journey gets frustrating so you can keep your head in the game and keep making progress toward your goals.
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For most runners, training is just something you do. You find a training program, lace up your shoes, then get out there and follow the plan. This is great and can definitely lead to awesome results, but have you ever wondered WHY these training plans are structured the way they are? In this episode of the podcast, I’ve got 5 training principles all runners need to know in order to perform at your best.
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Most of the runners I work with would like to get better at running. Some are just getting started, others would be considered seasoned athletes. Despite their abilities, they all share a common goal which is to improve their running performance. But what exactly does this mean? Should everyone who runs be training to run faster? What about those people who just want to run longer, is that a valid way to improve running? In this episode, I break it all down and answer the question: Is it better to run faster or longer?
The post 266. Is It Better to Run Faster or Longer? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
There are many, many ways to improve your health and fitness and become a better runner. There are countless books and podcasts that cover these topics in great detail. There’s so much written and talked about that it’s hard to know what’s right, what’s not, and what will actually work for you. So in this episode, I wanted to focus on the 3 most important things you can do for your overall health and fitness - what I’m calling the 3 keys to improve your running and extend your life.
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There is no lack of knowledge in the world we live in today. Just about every bit of knowledge that’s ever been known to humankind is available to us in our hands, on our phones, in just a few seconds. Yet, with all of the knowledge in the Universe literally at our fingertips, we still struggle to eat right, lose weight, or improve our running. In this episode of the podcast, why I believe that knowledge is overrated and what you should be focusing on instead.
The post 264. Knowledge is Overrated appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
There are so many ads and promotions these days for different diets, it’s almost overwhelming. I get it, I’ve tried just about every diet you can imagine and I’ve learned many valuable lessons along the way. Probably the biggest lesson I learned is that you just need to ditch the diet mentality altogether. In this episode of the podcast, why you need to ditch the diet mentality and what you should focus on instead.
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It’s the start of a new year and lots of people are making New Year’s resolutions. I’ve seen all kinds of posts on social media over the last few days from people saying they are going to run every single day this year to others resolving to quit drinking alcohol forever. These are great goals to have but there are some issues with how most people go about actually achieving those goals. Most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions within the first two weeks! So today on the podcast, why I think you should forget the new year’s resolutions and what to do instead.
The post 262. Forget the New Year’s Resolutions and Do This Instead appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
When it comes to fitness, so much attention is put on your actions - what you should and shouldn’t do. I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t do stuff, but I think you need to stop focusing all of your attention on actions and start paying more attention to your thinking. It’s you thinking that determines whether you stick to a plan or not. It’s your thinking that keeps you going when the going gets tough. So in this episode of the podcast, how your thinking (more than anything else) determines your results.
The post 261. Replay: How Your Thinking (More Than Anything Else) Determines Your Results appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
There is a lot of information out there these days on what it means to be healthy and fit. My social media feeds are full of health and fitness experts spouting all kinds of opinions and ideas and principles that everyone needs to follow. But in my years of training and coaching runners on weight loss, strength, and running, I’ve found a few things that really stand out. In this episode of the podcast, I’ve got 10 hard truths about fitness no one is talking about so you can become the healthiest and most badass version of yourself yet.
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When it comes to accomplishing big goals, you have to expect things to get hard. For example, losing weight takes time, and for some it can be a long and challenging road to get there. Yes, losing weight is hard, but so is becoming more overweight and more metabolically unhealthy. So you can choose the hard of losing weight or choose the hard of becoming sick and unhealthy. In this episode of the podcast, what it means to choose your hard, and some practical tips to help you choose wisely.
The post 259. Choose Your Hard appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
It’s that time of year when the days are getting shorter and colder, the holidays are upon us, and all you feel like doing is staying in and eating comfort food. And just so you know, I’m not opposed to eating comfort food, but I believe there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. I also believe there are a lot of misconceptions about using food to comfort ourselves so I want to address that here today too. In this episode of the podcast, the truth about comfort food - how do it the right way so you don’t completely screw up your food plan.
The post 258. The Truth About Comfort Food appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
The holidays can be a very difficult time of the year for a lot of people. Shopping for gifts, planning social events, spending more time with family, and the added end-of-year demands at work can all lead to feeling more stressed and overwhelmed. It can be very easy to just say “F-it” and blow off all your diet and exercise plans, stay indoors watching Netflix with a big ol’ glass of wine, and hibernate until the New Year. In this episode of the podcast, I share a few simple tips for handling the holidays like a badass so you can slide into the New Year feeling good about yourself (which is not the way most people do it).
The post 257. Replay: Handling the Holidays Like a Badass appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
I’ve received a lot of comments on my social media posts over the years basically saying that if you are a runner, you shouldn’t need help losing weight. The main thought behind these types of comments is that if you run, you shouldn’t be overweight and that running, in and of itself, is all you need to do in order to lose those extra pounds. These are nice ideas, but they just don’t hold up in reality. In this episode, I’ll address all the reasons why runners need help losing weight, and why it doesn’t involve running more miles.
The post 256. Why Runners Need Help Losing Weight appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
Everyone wants to know how to lose weight, how to get healthier, how to run faster, and how to get there as quickly as possible. Nowadays, people have no patience for anything, especially when it comes to something like losing weight which can take a long time for a lot of people. It’s not uncommon for it to take 6 months or more to lose 20 or 30 pounds. In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to let you in on a little secret - the shortcut to health & fitness success so you can get to your goals faster.
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Just about all of us will eventually engage in some type of self-sabotaging behavior. Most of the time though, you don't know when you’re doing it. Self-sabotage is often confused with failure, being stuck, or even laziness. It’s actually pretty subtle sometimes, but knowing what it looks like is the important first step in eliminating it from your life. So in this episode of the podcast, I’m going to answer the question, “How do I know if I’m self-sabotaging?” so you can start making progress toward your goals again.
The post 254. How Do I Know If I’m Self-Sabotaging? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
This past weekend I had the privilege to be a part of the 49th annual Marine Corps Marathon. Just to be clear, I did not run the race, instead, I was able to be a part of this amazing event from a very different perspective, one that most people don’t ever get to experience. I came away from the race feeling all the feelings and it really renewed my love of the sport of running. In this episode of the podcast, I share some of the big lessons learned at Marine Corps Marathon and how this event has changed my life for the better.
The post 253. Lessons Learned at Marine Corps Marathon appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
When you think of discipline, what comes to mind? For some, it conjures up images of obeying rules and doling out punishment for anyone who disobeys. I never think of discipline as punishment, but rather a method of achieving whatever worthwhile goal that I want for myself. If there’s something big that you want for yourself, I’m telling you, there’s no magic formula, it just takes practicing the art of discipline to get it. So in this episode of the podcast, I'll be exploring what it means to practice the art of discipline so that you can achieve everything you want in your life.
The post 252. Practicing the Art of Discipline appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
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