The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 13:22.
Teacher: Sharon Salzberg
Theme: Lovingkindness
Green Tara; Tibet; 17th century; brass with pigments; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2005.16.3a-b
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 25:18.Teacher: Rebecca Li
Theme: Lovingkindness
Red Avalokiteshvara also known as Bunga Dya and Macchendranath; Nepal; dated by inscription, 1842; pigments on cloth; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; gift of Shelley and Donald Rubin; C2006.66.45
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
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The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 28:05.
Teacher: Leslie BookerTheme: Lovingkindness
Wrathful Shrine Doors; Kham Region, eastern Tibet; ca. 19th century; wood, cloth, pigments, gesso, varnish; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; gift of Bob and Lois Baylis; C2014.3a-h
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 12:42.
Teacher: Kimberly Brown
Theme: Loving Kindness
Artwork: Vajra, Bell, and Case; Bhutan; 20th century; metal alloy (vajra and bell), ash wood (case); Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; SC2010.8a-c
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 14:47.
Teacher: Tracy Cochran
Theme: Intention
Artwork: Crowned Buddha Shakyamuni; northeastern India; 11th century; copper alloy with silver and copper inlays and traces of gilding; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2002.29.1
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 13:02
.Teacher: Lavina Shamdasani
Theme: Intention
Artwork: Ritual Bone Apron; Tibet/Nepal; 18th–19th century; bone; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2006.69.4
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 13:25.
Teacher: Elaine Retholtz
Theme: Intention
Artwork: Page of the Perfection of Wisdom (Prajnaparamita) Sutra Manuscript; Tibet; ca. 13th–14th century; pigments, gold and silver inks on paper; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2006.66.669
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 11:45.
Teacher: Kimberly Brown
Theme: Intention
Artwork: Wish-fulfilling Tree; Tsherin Sherpa; Nepal; 2016; bronze cast mandala, found objects, and rubble; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2019.1.1a-j
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 08:28.
Teacher: Kimberly Brown
Theme: Intention
Artwork: Kaumari; Nepal; 17th or 18th century; gilt copper alloy with semiprecious stone inlays; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2006.44.1
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 10:26.
Teacher: Sharon Salzberg
Theme: Illumination
Artwork: Vajrasattva; central Tibet; 13th century; copper alloy with gold and blue pigment; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2009.13
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org.
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 21:49.
Teacher: Rebecca LiTheme: Illumination
Artwork: Goddess of the Dawn, Marichi; Zanabazar; Mongolia; late 17th early 18th century; gilt copper alloy; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2005.16.26
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 21:08.
Teacher: Michel PascalTheme: Illumination
Artwork: Coral Mask of Begtse; Mongolia; early 20th century; papier-mâché, coral, metal, fabric; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2006.41.1a-k
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 16:50.
Teacher: Jon Aaron
Theme: Illumination
Artwork: Manjushri; Tibet; 15th century; bronze with traces of gold pigment; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2006.23.2
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org.
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 09:05.
Teacher: Kimberly Brown
Theme: Gratitude
Artwork: A parcel-gilt silver ritual ewer; Tibet or Mongolia; 19th century; parcel-gilt silver; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2011.11
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 14:38.
Teacher: Tracy Cochran
Theme: GratitudeArtwork: Shadakshari Lokeshvara; western Tibet; 15th century; pigments on cloth; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; gift of John C. Rezk; C2010.11
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 12:37.
Teacher: Elaine RetholtzTheme: Gratitude
Artwork: Tenth Zhamar, Mipam Chodrup Gyatso; Kham Province, Eastern Tibet; late 18th-19th century; pigments on silk; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art, Gift of the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation; F1997.13.1 (HAR 202)
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 13:54.
Teacher: Kimberly Brown
Theme: Gratitude
Artwork Queen of the World, Sipai Gyelmo; China; 20th century; embroidery; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2003.51.2 (HAR 65269)
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 13:53.
Teacher: Lavina Shamdasani
Theme: Openness
Skull cup; Nepal; ca. 18th century; metalwork and human skull; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; C2004.8.1a-b (HAR 65333)Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org.
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 17:26.
Teacher: Lama Aria Drolma
Theme: Openness
Artwork Padmasambhava; Tibet; 15th century; silver and gilt copper alloy with inlays of turquoise and coral; Rubin Museum of Art; C2005.16.36 (HAR 65459)
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org. -
The Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a different work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher.
The episode begins with an opening talk followed by a 20-minute meditation. In this episode, the guided meditation begins at 11:39.
Teacher: Elaine Retholtz
Theme: Openness
Artwork Avalokiteshvara in his Potala Pure Land; Tibet; late 18th–early 19th century; pigments on cloth, silk brocade, cotton backing; Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art; gift of Shelley and Donald Rubin; C2012.4.5 (HAR 1094)
Learn more about the Rubin’s work around the world at rubinmuseum.org.
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