
  • IT’S ALREADY YOURS | Luke 15:11-32

    In this powerful sermon, we dive into the story of the prodigal son, but with a special focus on the often-overlooked other brother. He never left home, yet missed the greatest gift: His Father.

    The message reminds us that God is our true inheritance. We already have access to His grace, love, and presence—everything we need is found in Him.

    Key Points:

    1. It’s Better in His House – There's no place like dwelling in the presence of God. Psalm 84:10 reminds us that even one day in His courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.

    2. You Can Always Come Home – No matter how far you wander, God is always there. His arms are open, and you can always return to His embrace.

    3. He Is the Inheritance – It’s not about the blessings or the material things we receive—God Himself is the ultimate gift. He is our inheritance, and His presence is the true blessing (Luke 15:31, Matthew 6:33).

    Are you dwelling in the house of the Lord, or have you forgotten to seek Him? This message challenges us to reflect on where we place our trust and where we spend our time. The Father is always ready to welcome us home because He is already yours.

    Join us as we explore the depth of God’s grace and the freedom we find in living in His house.

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    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • Pastor Ryan delves into the powerful truths found in John 11:32-44, Romans 14:7-8, Exodus 4:10-12, and Proverbs 16:1.

    Key Points:

    1. Time Doesn’t Belong to You, It Belongs to Him - Our schedules are not our own; they belong to God.

    2. His Schedule, His Fight - Rely on God’s strength, not your own, to fulfill His plans.

    3. God’s Never Late, Beware as You Wait - Trust in God’s perfect timing, and don’t label situations prematurely.

    Join us as we explore the importance of surrendering our timelines to God. We often think He’s late, but it's really a reminder that His timing is always perfect. As Pastor Ryan shares, "God is a professional at messing up your plans, but He is a Master at fulfilling His!"

    Reflect on where you need to wait on God's timing in your life, and remember: if it’s not God’s time, you can’t force it; if it is God’s time, you can’t stop it.

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    Learn more about Canada Christian College: www.canadachristiancollege.com

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

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  • Are you feeling frustrated or stuck in a season of waiting? 🌟 Pastor Ryan's powerful message about being anointed and annoyed is exactly what you need! As believers, we are anointed because God is with us, but as humans, we can also feel annoyed and frustrated, especially when it seems like we’re not in the place or plan that God has for us.

    Being anointed means being set apart for a holy purpose, not just possessing a talent. Jeremiah 29:11 declares, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." While we may feel annoyed during these times, Pastor Ryan teaches us that it is crucial to stay obedient and trust in God’s prosperous plan.

    Through the life of David, Pastor Ryan shows us the importance of what we do in our season of waiting. It is our job to say YES to the Lord while we wait, trusting that He has a greater purpose for our lives. Remember, with every anointing, there is a season that will be very ANNOYING, but you never know how God will use any season of your life!

    Pastor Ryan's message reminds us that we only see a small part of what God is doing in our lives. If you say YES to your Father in your current season, He will say YES to you and reveal His incredible plan and purpose for your life.

  • Pastor Brendan Witton shared about the real meaning of Only God Can Judge Me. He shared with us that we all will stand before God and give an account of our actions here on earth. God loves us so much and He sent His Son to die for us so we all can have eternal life, as it says in John 3:16. We were reminded that everyone will stand before God, and we need to know for certain that our name is written in the Book of Life. Now is the time to know Jesus Christ and to call on Him, so we will “not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) If you know God and have been serving Him and yet you feel tired and not enough, God sees all that we do and God has a purpose and a plan for each one of us.

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    Spotify Setlists | https://shorturl.at/aqrJQ

    Spotify Podcast | https://shorturl.at/jnzLW

    Learn more about Canada Christian College: www.canadachristiancollege.com

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • First Love | Season 9 Episode 7 - Pastor Ryan McVety

    In Revelation 2:2-5, Christ urges us to repent and remember our first love. This week, Pastor Ryan's message reminds us of the profound words in Revelation 2:5: “Repent and do the things you did at first.”

    To rekindle our love for Christ, Pastor Ryan outlines three essential steps:

    Stay Connected: Maintain a close relationship with Christ.Spread the Word: Share the gospel with everyone.Serve the Church: Dedicate yourself to serving Christ through the Church.

    Feeling purposeless or powerless? It's time to reconnect with Jesus, the head of the Church. Being part of the Church community is a powerful way to stay connected, as the Church exists for Him and His purpose.

    Evangelism transcends personality; it's rooted in the BLOOD of Jesus Christ. If you have His BLOOD, you must share it!

    God will use you when you shift your focus from what you can get at church to what you can give. There's no greater blessing than giving to the One who gave you life.

    As Pastor Ryan beautifully reminds us, “You are the Church, my friends. You are the Bride, and your Groom LOVES YOU!”

    God is madly in love with you!

    For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30 PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • The Power of a Place, this is the message that Pastor JJ brought to us sharing from Acts 1:4-8 and Acts 2:1-5. He shared with us what Jesus taught the disciples, that we need to understand that there is power in being in a place and there are connections to a place. Potential is connected to a place, Preparation is connected to a place, Provision is connected to a place and Purpose is connected to a place.

    Pastor JJ taught us that we, like the disciples have potential, we are being prepared, God has provided for us because he has a purpose for us. God may be moving us to a different place because the place we are in is no longer serving or it's the wrong size or location. Even if the place is good, God is always preparing us for another place for His purpose. Sometimes we find ourselves in the waiting room and we learn that God prepares us while we are waiting. The waiting room is the place where God is preparing us for what He has prepared for us.

    We also learned that when we give our lives to the Holy Spirit he fills us but when God is ready to move in a big way, like revival for a nation, the Holy Spirit fills the room and then he fills hearts. God is doing a work in us so we can do His purpose, by being a witness, letting our lives be filled with God's presence.

    For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • In this message Pastor Ryan taught us to PRESS ON, reminding us that where we are now is not where we will always be. We were reminded that God has more for you!

    Even if it’s a good spot right now God has better! In order to press on we need to:

    FOCUS ON NOW GET THE RIGHT MARK remember to not chase titles for ourselves or chase what others have. We need to…STEP TO HIM knowing that Jesus Christ is the only Mark for us to focus on because he is our high calling and HE CHANGES EVERYTHING!

    God wants us to stop running from the things that don’t satisfy and start running to Him! God is saying my arms are wide open and you need to make me your Mark to focus on and step toward because I am your win, I am your peace, I am your hope!!!!

    Good people don’t get into heaven, however FORGIVEN people do. It’s good to remember this especially when it’s hard.

    Paul said it this way in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

    We are PRESSED, but we PRESS ON!!!!!

    We Don’t give UP, WE GIVE IT UP!!!!

    It’s time to say “I’m PRESSING ON! God has more for me!” I am stepping toward Him! I am not giving up because He is my mark to focus on! God is my Champion!

    2 Corinthians 4:16-18 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

  • Pastor Larry Brey shared a great word about recognizing “orphan” speech in our daily lives. He teaches us through Moses’ story - when God called him to lead the children of Israel out of captivity in Exodus 3 & 4. We learned how Moses said “I can’t do that”, “How will I look” “They won’t accept me”, “I’m not enough” and “I’m going to fail" and how God responded to Moses’ fears. The Lord God made us and He will be with us always even to the purpose He has called us to. John 14:18 - “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” It was a great reminder that our Father does not judge us on our performance but welcomes us wholly into His presence when we feel overwhelmed or disheartened - He validates our relationship as His sons & daughters before He corrects our behaviour.

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    Spotify Setlists | https://shorturl.at/aqrJQ

    Spotify Podcast | https://shorturl.at/jnzLW

    Learn more about Canada Christian College: www.canadachristiancollege.com

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • THE SILENT SAVIOUR is a follow up to last week’s sermon called A Painful Praise.

    Sometimes we think that Jesus is silent. That He hasn’t heard our prayer or praise to Him. It could be that we have let the surrounding circumstances become louder than our Saviours voice. We may have waited until things were all falling apart before we reached out to the one who is always with us to ask for help. We see the disciples go through this in Mark 4:35-41 and Matthew 14:23-33. From them we learn four points

    Key Points:

    NEVER FORGET “WHO” is in our BOAT

    DON’T WAIT until we are in free fall to call for help


    A SILENT SAVIOUR is still a Saviour

    FIX YOUR FOCUS on Him & the things of this world will grow dim

    We need to focus on WHO instead of WHAT, so we can Worship - Him - Only. In the middle of the storm, we give a PAINFUL PRAISE, because WORSHIP fixes our focus off the problem and on to the ONLY ONE WHO CAN SOLVE IT. With my eyes on Him, I can walk on water. He may be silent, but HE IS WORKING. It’s not about WHAT you are going through, It is about WHO is IN YOUR BOAT WITH YOU!!!

    For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • Are you experiencing a low valley place in your life? Waiting for an answer from God? Are you feeling like nothing is working or things seem to have been taken from you? Do you feel like you are in a dry place, feeling depressed or anxious?

    Pastor Ryan gives us an answer on how to get out of this hard place. It is an act of surrender, it is a Painful Praise! There is power in a painful praise that brings refreshment, peace, joy and love. God is with us through it all even in the pain and in the plush times.

    Psalm 23:4 says "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." God will guide us through the valley and it can be a place where we understand our purpose long as we praise Him.

    Job 1:21 - “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord”.

    For More Information About The River, Visit:

    LinkTree: linktr.ee/theriver.worship

    Website: www.theriverworship.ca

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    Youtube: www.youtube.com/@theriver.worship

    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • Do you fear God? Do you know that you can have a reverential fear of God? He loves us, He protects us and He heals and guides us! As children of God, He knows what we need and it’s always for our good.

    Pastor Ryan in this message shares how God says “yes” to us, his “no” is a blessing, and there's also a third answer which is a "not yet".

    For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • For More Information About The River, Visit:

    LinkTree: linktr.ee/theriver.worship

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    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • What consumes you, fills you. The question is, what are you full of? Pastor Ryan draws the magnifying glass on the spaces and places in our lives that needed filling. How and what we fill it with will consume us. What we magnify will loom larger than us. MAGNIFY GOD not your problems!

    For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • Have you ever asked yourself if you are hungry for the right reasons?

    Pastor Ryan shares with us that it is okay to be hungry but it has to be for the proper things. What am I hungry for? Is it food? Acceptance? Fame? Or am I hungry for God, for His presence? For His Promise? We need to make sure we are not giving away our birthright or our promise from God. Nothing in this world will fill the God sized hole we have in our soul.

    Seeking approval from man before we seek approval from God is a dangerous aisle, but through prayer we can shift our focus from what the world has to offer to what God will fill you and it is His presence.

    Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled"

    Matthew 4:4 says, “But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

    For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • For More Information About The River, Visit:

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    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • Pastor Ryan encourages us to think of being stretched not as a negative thing, but as something that God is doing in our lives to take us more akin into His plan and purpose.

    We may be aimed, bent, or stretched but we are still attached to God. The LORD is with us in this hard season. His hand is guiding us even when we feel stretched thin.

    For More Information About The River, Visit:

    LinkTree: linktr.ee/theriver.worship

    Website: www.theriverworship.ca

    Giving: www.theriverworship.ca/give

    Instagram: instagram.com/theriver.worship

    Facebook: facebook.com/theriver.worship

    Youtube: www.youtube.com/@theriver.worship

    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.

  • For More Information About The River, Visit:

    LinkTree: linktr.ee/theriver.worship

    Website: www.theriverworship.ca

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    Instagram: instagram.com/theriver.worship

    Facebook: facebook.com/theriver.worship

    Youtube: www.youtube.com/@theriver.worship

    Spotify: http://wurl.li/emwtr

    Merch: www.therivershop.ca

    Want to join us at The River for a worship experience? You can find us every Tuesday at 7:30PM at 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9B6.