
  • We sleep less as a society than we ever have, and we are fatter and sicker as a society than we have ever been? Think that's a coincidence? It's not.

    In today's episode I am diving into sleep:

    Why aren't we making sleep a priority?Why should we make sleep a priority?How sleep impacts our health and weightStrategies you can begin implementing today to get more sleep


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In this week's episode we are talking about stress. Specifically I am answering 8 of the most common questions I get about stress:

    Is stress bad for you?What are the signs of stress?Is my stress making me lose weight/gain weight?How can I stop stress eating?How do I get rid of stress?How do I fit in self- care?Is there a diet that will help me reduce stress?Is there anything you recommend to calm stress fast?


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • I am going in depth in todays episode about all things intermittent fasting and how it impacts women's physiology, women's hormones, women's health, women's weight and women's fertility.

    What is intermittent fasting?How does intermittent fasting impact women and men differently?How a negative energy balance, and fasting, throws off women's hormonesWhat does the research tell us?How does IF impact women at different phases of a woman's life?If you do want to try fasting, how should you start?If fasting isn't working for you, what to do instead!


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • Let's dive into everyone's favorite topic (or not so favorite topic)- FOOD CRAVINGS.

    What are they?Why do they happen?How does a craving differentiate from true hunger?And most importantly- what are strategies you can use to tackle a food craving when it hits?

    In today's episode we are diving into food cravings, and I promise you are going to walk away not just with an understanding of how and why cravings occur, but most importantly, how to respond to them properly when they do!

    Schedule a free connection call with me


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In today's podcast I'm tackling the topic of Ozempic. While the benefits of this drug are everywhere, what's less talked about, are the downsides to using this drug.

    I want to cover those downsides, the potential risks (especially when discontinuing Ozempic) share some practical strategies to mitigate the negative metabolic effects if you are on Ozempic or want to take it, and then lastly, offer you natural science backed alternatives to using these drugs- alternatives that will work just as well, for LIFE, with no side effects whatsoever.

    I will be discussing:

    How these drugs workHow did we get here? Where these drugs are so popular and widespread used?The impact of Ozempic on weight loss and maintenance.Potential downsides of rapid weight loss, including muscle loss and metabolic adaptation.Practical strategies to mitigate muscle loss and maintain metabolic health if you do chose to use these drugsNatural science backed ways to increase GLP-1 in the body without taking Ozempic


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In today's episode, I want to tackle the question: Does God Care About My Body? As Christians, many of us tend to emphasize the spiritual over the physical, yet, as I'll discuss today, God created us as embodied souls. He chose to give us a physical body. And only when we understand how much our bodies matter to God will we truly be able to value our bodies ourselves.

    If you have not already listened to my episodes discussing body stewardship, I recommend starting with Episode 3 "What is Body Stewardship?"

    And Episode 6 "Idols that prevent us from stewarding our bodies well."

    In today's short episode, I simply want to take us into Scripture, so that you understand what God thinks about the physical body, why it matters to Him, and why, consequently, it should matter to us.

    I'll be discussing:

    How unawareness of how much God values the body is part of the reason why we fail to value our own bodiesGod created us as embodied souls for a reasonScriptural references as to why the physical body mattersHow a biblical view of the body can help shape the way we view our bodies and care for our bodies


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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • Is it possible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time?

    In this week's episode I'm tackling a controversial topic in the health and fitness space- the topic of body recomposition. I'll be discussing:

    Is it possible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time?Who is it possible for?Even if body recomposition is possible, is it practical?How you can make recomposition more possible with nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle

    PODCAST LISTENERS ONLY- Use this link and automatically save $50 off on your Labs/Consult Bundle!

    This bundle includes:

    Initial intakeInitial consultation (60 minutes) & discussion of what labs are neededLab interpretation (I can order for you or you can order for yourself)Personalized suggestions based on the labs (nutrition, lifestyle, supplementation, general/ basic exercise guidelines)30 minute followup via phone at 3 months.


    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In today's episode I am giving you a "crash" course in hormones! What are hormones, really? How do they work in the body? What processes do they influence? How do you know if your hormones are off? And most importantly, what are some of the most powerful ways you can naturally balance your hormones?

    We will be unpacking it all in today's episode!

    What are hormones?How do hormones work in the body?TestosteroneEstrogenCortisolInsulinT4 & T3Best strategies for nutrition, sleep, training, stress and environment to naturally balance your hormones!

    PODCAST LISTENERS ONLY- Use this link and automatically save $50 off on your Labs/Consult Bundle!

    This bundle includes:

    Initial intakeInitial consultation (60 minutes) & discussion of what labs are neededLab interpretation (I can order for you or you can order for yourself)Personalized suggestions based on the labs (nutrition, lifestyle, supplementation, general/ basic exercise guidelines)30 minute followup via phone at 3 months.


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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • Weight loss versus fat loss. These two terms are often used interchangeably, however they mean something very different and that's exactly what I'm diving into in this episode. Once you understand the differences between weight loss and fat loss, you will understand how to lose weight the RIGHT way, and keep it off. For good.

    We will be unpacking:

    Weight loss versus fat loss- what is the difference?Why a focus just on losing weight almost always leads to weight regainMetabolic adaptations to weight lossHow to shift from a focus on losing weight to losing fatThe importance of muscle in metabolism and weight maintenance long term

    This episode offers 4 action steps you can take TODAY to focus on fat loss, not just weight loss!

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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • Today, I'm going to talking about 7 universal "dangers" to the health of your gut, seven things science has shown to impact the health of your gut in a negative way.

    I will be discussing:

    AntibioticsAlcoholDehydrationEnvironmental ToxinsSleep deprivationUltra processed foods

    AND- most importantly, offering actionable takeaways for you on how you can IMPROVE the health of your gut!

    Be sure to check out EPISODE 8- "The Role of the Gut in Weight Loss, Fat Loss & Physique Change".


    VSL #1 (use code VSL10 for 10% off)My fav brand of Saccharomyces BoulardiiMedical grade research backed collagen peptidesMy fav brand of L GlutamineMy fav brand of colostrum (this is THE BEST out there!)

    Learn more about my Labs/Consult Bundle here and use this form (mention the code REVIVE50 to save $50 on your labs/consult bundle) to schedule a 1:1 call with me!


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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In today's episode I want to talk about 5 easy ways you to change how your body looks without changing a single thing that you eat!

    We will be discussing:

    Primary food versus secondary foodHow mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health are interconnectedHow simple strategies are often the biggest drivers of change: walking, sleeping, eating slowly, spending time in nature and practicing joy


    Happy Light

    Custom Gratitude Journal


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In today's episode I am taking on one of the biggest limiting factors I see in the clients I work with: ALL OR NOTHING THINKING.

    How often have you caught yourself saying things like:

    I eat great during the week but I “always” binge the weekends.I “never” make it more than three weeks into a diet before I mess it up.Now is not a good time. There’s too much happening. I’ll start when I can give it all my attentionI just downed a row of Oreos. Well, I guess my diet is “ruined” might as well finish the whole package.

    This is all or nothing thinking and I promise you, it is hurting your ability to reach your goals.

    Today I'll discuss:

    What is all or nothing thinking?Why do we do it?What are the negative effects of all or nothing thinking?A step by step process for working your way out of all or nothing thinking

    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In today's episode, the last episode of season 1, I am diving into what it means to be your own health advocate.

    If you've ever left a doctors appointment frustrated, confused, unvalidated and unheard, this is going to be a valuable episode for you.

    In it I discuss:

    Conventional health versus functional health, how they differAcute care versus chronic careFive ways to prepare ahead of time to get the most from your doctors visitsA simple three step process you can follow if you don't get the answers you're looking for from conventional medicine

    Drop your suggestions for season 2 topics here (It's anonymous!)

    Today's sponsor is LMNT. To try LMNT, use this link and you'll receive a FREE sample pack with any order!


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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In today's episode I'm tackling a trending topic- hormonal birth control.

    Ironically, this episode is releasing in the wake of a controversial Washington Post article (which I will link below in the show notes) about the explosion of women who are stopping their birth control because they aren't have a positive experience while on it.

    I have blogged on this topic in years past, and done several posts on Instagram, but I wanted to do a full podcast, because it's something I feel very very passionate about.

    Women deserve to have all the information PRIOR to taking birth control, and unfortunately many times they are not given this by their providers.

    In today's episode I will discuss:

    The widespread use of hormonal birth controlThe dangers of giving birth control use to teenage girls Why natural ovulation is important for women's health Why birth control is not a true root cause solution, at best it is symptom managementThe short and long term side effects of birth control use


    Washington Post article

    LMNT- grab a free sample pack!

    Join me on the 'gram!

    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • How can you approach social settings, social events, picnics, birthdays, parties, dinners out, get togethers, etc in light of the fact that you're trying to create change in your habits around food and eating?

    In today's episode, this is the topic I'm tackling.

    I will discuss:

    How giving others the benefit of the doubt can go a long way to changing your experienceThe importance of communication and asking for supportHow you can view these situations as opportunities to show up as future youWhy watching your words matters a great dealWhat to do when people are negative, nasty or mean towards you or your new health habitsRespecting others food choices earns that respect in return


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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • Love your body.
    Love yourself.
    You're perfect the way you are.

    Messages like these sound pretty good don't they?

    But in todays podcast, I dig deeper. I take us into scripture, which reveals not only that the message of "love your body, love yourself" isn't biblical, it's also not the panacea to body image struggles that it's marketed to be.

    I'll discuss:

    What body positivity/love your body isWhy it's an impossible and unnecessary askThe slippery slope of self loveCaring for the body versus loving the bodyHow scripture addresses the body and body imageThe REAL solution to body image struggles isn't ourselves. It's Jesus.


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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In this weeks episode I discuss the three main ways in which the health of your gut has a direct impact on your body's ability to lose weight, lose bodyfat and gain muscle.

    The three main ways are:

    The microbiomeDigestive functionThe mucosal lining

    I also share simple strategies you can begin to implement TODAY to take better care of your gut!

    Address sleepAddress stressManage exercise and recoveryEat a nutrient dense diet rich in healthy varietySpace your meals appropriatelyImprove meal time hygieneInclude natural probiotics, fiber and polyphenols and prebiotics


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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • Consistency is probably the single most important thing if you want results yet it is also the biggest thing people are struggling with when they come to me.

    In honor of my 7th podcast episode, I'm unpacking 7 reasons you are struggling with consistency!

    You have not accepted being lean and healthy in todays culture will always require extra workIf you cannot do it perfectly you don't do it at allYou chase diets, you don't build habitsYou're trying to change too much too fastYou're results focused not behaviors focusedYou're planning based on your "best" day not your typical dayYou aren't addressing your mindset

    + a BONUS!

    Lets Talk- Schedule your FREE strategy call today!

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    Get free recipes and tips delivered right to your inbox every Friday!

    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • In today's episode I'm deep diving into three idols that might be preventing you from stewarding your body well. These areas are Food, Exercise & Rest. Your relationship with, and perspective towards these three areas play a huge role in the decisions you make in the name of body stewardship.

    In this episode we will discuss:

    What is body stewardship (I recommend going back and listening to Ep.3 FIRST if you've not listened to it already)the Idol of Foodthe Idol of Exercisethe Idol of RestClosing


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!

  • Do you really struggle with daily scale fluctuations? If so, grab a cup of coffee, a notebook and a pen, because today I'm going to be explaining WHY the scale fluctuates and how you can make sense of it moving forward.

    We will discuss:

    Why weighing yourself can be helpful on your journey (this is a great systematic literature review: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25521523/)The three main reasons people get emotional and irrational when self weighingDo daily fluctuations even matter?Changes in body weight versus changes in body fatThe seven main contributing factors to daily fluctuationsHow to best self weigh to minimize fluctuationsTop 3 take home points


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    Learn more about your options for working 1:1 with me: https://www.revivewellness.health/services or use this link here, to schedule a free strategy call!

    Try Syntrax! To try to the most delicious, gluten free, lactose free "top of the line" whey isolate AND save 25% use the code "syntraxallison" at checkout.

    Better Bodies discount code "BB15" at checkout to save 15% on my favorite betterbodies gear!