Maybe you’ve already heard that this week marks the five year anniversary of the pandoozle getting real serious. It’s when Disneyland and the NBA shut down and we all started to feel we weren’t in Kansas anymore. That kicked off the drive to “get back to normal” at all costs. And, with five years in the review, Elizabeth has to ask “are we there yet?”
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
It feels very on brand that the One Hundred and Fiftieth episode of this show would be entitled Shit List. Elizabeth’s got some thoughts about the wisdom of curating a healthy and thriving Shit List in the Year of Our Lord 2025. Have you tried having a Shit List? It may be right for you.
L7 - Shit List
Another Playlist You Might Like - Women of 90's Alternative
Pamela Anderson - I Love You: Recipes From the Heart
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Saknas det avsnitt?
The 2025 Grammys were this past Sunday and Elizabeth was stoked to see Kendrick Lamar sweep his categories for his amazing diss track “Not Like Us”. She says it gave her a spark of hope, tune in to this episode to hear what other moments fed that spark. And which she could have done without.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
While meeting with Producer Chris, Elizabeth had a thought about something that used to be important to her but that she hadn’t cared about since the 90s. And then, recovering from a visit from the COVID fairy, she expanded that list to other things she hasn’t cared about since the 90s and, here we are with this episode.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
This episode, Elizabeth has all the thoughts on our “click and buy” society and how it’s ruining everything. She’s not in the best mood. Tune in for her thoughts on this and other things.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Elizabeth is a curious bird. She admits it. She craves context and wants to know the why and what’s going to happen all the freaking time. And, in moments like the one we are in as a society, there really isn’t context or answers. Tune in to Episode 146 where she shares a couple little phrases and are keeping her grounded.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
A few weeks ago, Dave Grohl fans woke up to find an oddly worded post on Dave’s Instagram account announcing that he’d fathered a child “outside of” his 20+ year marriage. Rough confession from the Nicest Guy in Rock. In the midst of our current societal moment when this type of admission gets you “canceled” and our parasocial relationships are out of control, our massive Dave Grohl fan, Elizabeth, breaks down her thoughts on the matter and whether it’s really any of our business.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
This week’s episode kicks off with a bunch of praise for the pop girlies that released incredible music this summer and got everyone up off their butts and into the Pink Pony Club (playlist in Notes if you’re not already onto this vibe) and then takes a hard left into a Radiant Reads episode talking about Please Unsubscribe, Thanks!: How to Take Back Our Time, Attention, and Purpose in a Relentless World by Julio Vincent Gambuto. Elizabeth contains multitudes.
Girl Summer 2024 playlist
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Elizabeth's been on the Struggle Bus lately and something she's noticed is that ridership has significantly increased. Whether it's from this weird economy or just the general instability of society right now, the Struggle Bus is crowded. Elizabeth's got some thoughts on what this all means. Tune in.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
This week found Elizabeth watching an actor’s roundtable and listening to them complain about how hard auditions are and realizing that’s not a thing that’s unique to an actor’s life. We’re all auditioning for stuff all the freaking time.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
During treadmill time last week Elizabeth had a major aha moment – not something you’re really prepared for at 6:47 am on a random Tuesday. That’s what she’s talking about this week, so tune in.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
10% Happier episode with Vinny Ferraro
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
While listening to Producer Chris drop some absolute bars in his recent episode Code Words and Canaries on his podcast Getting Work to Work, Elizabeth was hit with his wisdom words when he pondered “have we forgotten how to be human?”. And you may be wondering how that relates to full body deodorant – you’ll have to tune in to find out.
Getting Work to Work
GWTW779 Code Words and Canaries
WALL-E trailer
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Hey Friends – Elizabeth is back with a Radiant Recommends episode. It’s been a hot minute, hasn’t it? She read This American Ex-Wife by Lyz Lenz and she’s obsessed. Lenz’s prose opened up Elizabeth’s thinking about the institution of marriage in this society, and she really wanted to talk about it. Along the way, she shares a few other book recommendations (and a movie) in case you’re casting about for your next read.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
A Court of Thorns and Roses
The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch
The Fall Guy movie
The Happiness Curve
The Menopause Brain
The American Ex-Wife: How I Ended My Marriage and Started My Life
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Way back in Episode 71, Elizabeth went over a few things she might have been wrong about in the past, like Leonard Cohen and matcha. Cut to today’s episode in which she reveals a few more areas where she’s changed her thinking.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Hey, Friends, what are you supposed to do when you’re in a “meh” mood and you just can’t seem to lift yourself out of it? That’s where Elizabeth found herself this last month and she’s sharing the wisdom she took from her horoscope and how she applied it to her actual life. Results still pending on whether the “meh” has moved on, though, tbh.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Elizabeth is just back from a spring break trip to Washington DC and the girl has thoughts, friends. All the thoughts. She’s covering her admiration for cherry blossom time all the way to her observations on American history. Tune in for a few laughs and she might make you think.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Remember back in the day when the worst thing you could be called was a sellout? Elizabeth remembers it well. Not so in the Year of Our Lord 2024. Elizabeth’s sharing random thoughts on everything from the above referenced sellouts to streaming services to Quiet Riot. Tune in, it’s a ride.
Episode 35 Playlist (includes Killing Joke)
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
We’re ankle deep in 2024 already and Elizabeth’s been astrologically advised that, as an Aries, it’s the year for her to fully embody her Main Character energy. Not one to dismiss a dictate from the stars, Elizabeth spent last Saturday night performing the part of the main character at a table read for a modern western satire feature film script. Because, you know, why not? This week’s episode has the dets.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
This week’s episode appears to be sponsored by “Get Off My Lawn” because Elizabeth is giving voice to things that are driving her a little bit crazy. From how unserious the marketing of menopause is to society’s out of control parasocial relationships, she’s blowing off some steam.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
You know how, as women, we’re always being implored to “find our place at the table” or “lean in at the table”? Well, what if we make our own table? Or perhaps we’d prefer to gather round a firepit. Today’s episode reveals a slightly spicy Elizabeth pondering the values of these “tables” we’ve all heard about all these years.
Radiant Badass
Chris Martin, Creativity Coach
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