
  • Welcome to episode 104 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: dry Farming in dry climates, and big farming regrets + it's feedback friday!

    Links for today:

    Shared pathogens with alpaca https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10778254/

    Indian Agriculture in America book: https://amzn.to/4iadp4j

    If I could do it all again would I still farm episode: https://youtu.be/OLTFx5DCX9Q

    MUSIC from this episode:

    "It Blows My Mind" By OTE feat. Edie

    via www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    www.sowrightseeds.com code NOTILL

    https://www.harnois.com Mention Growers Daily

    www.peacefulheritagenursery.com code NOTILL

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 103 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: managing aphids in the greenhouse, rubber band alternatives for bunching stuff, crops to grow this year for, well, next March and cilantro and lacy phacelia as cut flowers…

    Links for today:

    Twist tie machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUHhWy7s5Oc

    BUNN tying machines: https://bunntyco.com

    Tach-It Model #3510 Hand-Held Twist Tie Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAM5F5gPXI8

    Aphid management guide for greenhouses: https://ag.umass.edu/greenhouse-floriculture/fact-sheets/aphids-on-greenhouse-crops

    Beyond the root cellar (crop storage book): https://amzn.to/41iUHAs

    Music: Hungry By Roof feat. Milva

    MUSIC from this episode:

    via www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    www.sowrightseeds.com code NOTILL

    https://www.harnois.com Mention Growers Daily

    www.peacefulheritagenursery.com code NOTILL

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

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  • Welcome to episode 102 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: Megafauna + How to Buy Good Compost + Succession Planting Tips

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Dec 13th episode on crop planning: https://youtu.be/IvbL9YE70qY

    Peter Allen Interview: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-no-till-market-garden-podcast/id1441886206?i=1000690779742

    4 types of compost: https://youtu.be/SxFjb0i8sbE

    MUSIC from this episode:

    via www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    www.sowrightseeds.com code NOTILL

    https://www.harnois.com Mention Growers Daily

    www.peacefulheritagenursery.com code NOTILL

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 101 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: Pest-Free Kale? + How to Find the Right Garden Planner

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Kale video: https://youtu.be/S948__7Arqs

    Seedtime link: https://seedtime.us/notill

    Spreadsheet academy: https://www.farmerspreadsheetacademy.com

    MUSIC from this episode:

    West Side Story By Roy Edwin Williams

    via www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    www.sowrightseeds.com code NOTILL

    https://www.harnois.com Mention Growers Daily

    www.peacefulheritagenursery.com code NOTILL

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 100 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: It's the 100th episode! We talk about the importance of challenges (like this show), irrigation tips, and what not to do in the spring.

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    MUSIC from this episode:

    One Hundred Times By LaKesha Nugent

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    www.sowrightseeds.com code NOTILL

    https://www.harnois.com Mention Growers Daily

    www.peacefulheritagenursery.com code NOTILL

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Erica Reinheimer wrote in the introduction to the intelligent gardener, "Gardening has been my calling. I like the listening part. I like sitting close to the plants in the morning, being with them, connecting. Understanding how minerals contribute to the garden has deepened that connection." While Erika and Alice Reinheimer, my guests today, left their lives in high tech to, in their words, grow excellent food, eat excellent food, help people grow excellent food, play music with friends, putter around the house, backpack, meditate somatically, watch movies, drink good wine, car camp, get real, and get cats. And if that doesn't make them sound like you want to be friends with them, I don't know what will. They created Grow Abundant Gardens, a website where gardeners, professional or personal, can get incredible insights and other little nuggets from two exceptional gardeners, or even professional advice about how to interpret and actionize soil tests. So whatever you grow, and however good you are at it, I guarantee Erika and Alice still have something to offer you.

    Folks who support the show...

    Farmhand is the only all-in-one virtual assistant built by and for farmers. Sign up for a free trial with the link in the show notes, because NOW is the best time to dial in those systems for the next growing season.

    ... and, as always, our work is powered by the individual growers who support us every month over at patreon.com/notillgrowers. You can pick up a copy of The Living Soil Handbook if you don't have one already, as well as a No-Till Growers hat or other merch, check out our YouTube channel, and you can ask you questions or share your insights into ecological market gardening on our free growers forum at notillgrowers.community.chat

  • Welcome to episode 99 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: Pigs in the garden, Misting summer lettuce, and it's feedback friday!

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Pennstate on squash bugs: https://extension.psu.edu/squash-bug

    Timer: https://www.dripworks.com/galcon-6256s-od-wall-mount-dc-controller-6-station

    Summer lettuce vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=589sGmOhKlE

    Music: La FelicidadBy Caro Luna

    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 98 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: growing pest free squash, broadforking vs tilling, and value adding

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Episode with CSA in Germany: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-no-till-growers-podcast-network/id1441886206?i=1000457101392

    ExcludeNet: https://www.berryprotectionsolutions.com/netting

    Episode about what tiller does to soil: https://youtu.be/kpuVFYD74pg

    Featured MUSIC TODAY

    β€œWeather” By Pandaraps, Big Soda, Is Our Children Learning

    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 97 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: Burlap for mulch, is farmer Jesse real, and how big to make beds and paths,

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Living Paths Video: https://youtu.be/wrcMmW4WKF8

    Featured MUSIC TODAY

    β€œWeather” By Pandaraps, Big Soda, Is Our Children Learning

    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 96 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: how much can you earn in a market garden, FSMA exemptions, and are you ready for march?

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Natalie Podcast from Yesterday: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-no-till-market-garden-podcast/id1441886206?i=1000695562553

    Helpful FSMA document about exemptions: https://psdocs.spes.vt.edu/FSMA/PSR_who_is_covered.pdf#:~:text=To%20be%20Qualified%20Exempt%2C%20your%20farm's%20three%2Dyear,be%20directly%20to%20consumers%20and%20'qualified%20end%2Dusers'.

    Natalie’s Research: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Natalie-Lounsbury

    Featured MUSIC TODAY

    β€œWeather” By Pandaraps, Big Soda, Is Our Children Learning

    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 95 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: Growing in Sand VS Clay Soils + How I Grow Carrots in Clay how to get academic papers for free

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Growers Daily MLS Fantasy Soccer League ⚽️ : https://fantasy.mlssoccer.com/#classic/leagues/25574/join/H9SY94WY

    Radio lab episode about Sci-hub: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-library-of-alexandra/id152249110?i=1000642648720

    Sci-hub: www.Sci-hub.se

    Carrot video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3i1C_6vsD0


    "Bottoms Up" By Siine feat. Frank Moody

    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • For my last episode, it was an honor to talk with Jo Ann Baumgartner, the executive director of Wild Farm Alliance. Wild Farm Alliance is celebrating 25 years of working to promote healthy viable agriculture that helps protect and restore wild nature. You can get involved with their work if you are interested in having nesting boxes or raptor perches on your farm, AND THEN your farm can be included on the VER YCOOL flyways trail. Stay tuned for the end of the conversation, I have some parting thoughts about the current state of agricultural research...

    Folks who support the show...

    Farmhand is the only all-in-one virtual assistant built by and for farmers. Sign up for a free trial with the link in the show notes, because NOW is the best time to dial in those systems for the next growing season.

    ... and, as always, our work is powered by the individual growers who support us every month over at patreon.com/notillgrowers. You can pick up a copy of The Living Soil Handbook if you don't have one already, as well as a No-Till Growers hat or other merch, check out our YouTube channel, and you can ask you questions or share your insights into ecological market gardening on our free growers forum at notillgrowers.community.chat

  • Welcome to episode 94 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: clearing snow from tunnels, will higher food prices help local, organic food sellers, and It's feedback Friday

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Support Flood Victims Link : https://governor.ky.gov/flood-resources

    Venmo a few bucks to: EKYMUTUALAID

    Cashapp: $EKYMUTUALAID

    Growers Daily MLS Fantasy Soccer League ⚽️ : https://fantasy.mlssoccer.com/#classic/leagues/25574/join/H9SY94WY

    Tolerance range in the US for packing lettuce: https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/Lettuce_Inspection_Instructions%5B1%5D.pdf

    Winter Squash Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMJeFiTql7U

    Egg prices: https://civileats.com/2025/02/18/op-ed-egg-prices-are-soaring-bring-out-the-backyard-hens/

    Why US not using Bird Flu Vaccine on chickens: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/bird-flu-eggs-vaccine-poultry-usda-outbreak-rcna192781


    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 93 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: today we’re gonna talk about growing vining crops (winter squash, Hedge Wedges, sweet potatoes, etc) on permanent beds, and field tips for getting the season started earlier.

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Support Flood Victims Link : https://governor.ky.gov/flood-resources

    Venmo a few bucks to: EKYMUTUALAID

    Cashapp: $EKYMUTUALAID

    Growers Daily MLS Fantasy Soccer League ⚽️ : https://fantasy.mlssoccer.com/#classic/leagues/25574/join/H9SY94WY

    Sage Hill Slope Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53KKV4paafo

    The Velvet Teen: https://thevelvetteen.bandcamp.com/music


    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 92 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: Hunting woodchips, growing starts without a greenhouse and Pets vs gardens (cats, dogs).

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Support Flood Victims Link : https://governor.ky.gov/flood-resources

    Venmo a few bucks to: EKYMUTUALAID

    Cashapp: $EKYMUTUALAID

    Growers Daily MLS Fantasy Soccer League ⚽️ : https://fantasy.mlssoccer.com/#classic/leagues/25574/join/H9SY94WY


    β€œI would give anything” by Roy Williams

    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 91 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: managing poorly draining clay by raising beds? Making lettuce mix more efficient to produce and leaf mold FTW!

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Support Flood Victims Link : https://governor.ky.gov/flood-resources

    Venmo a few bucks to: EKYMUTUALAID

    Cashapp: $EKYMUTUALAID

    Leaf mold paper from Purdue: https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/uar2.20022

    Growers Daily MLS Fantasy Soccer League ⚽️ : https://fantasy.mlssoccer.com/#classic/leagues/25574/join/H9SY94WY


    Nocturnalized By PΓ€r HagstrΓΆm

    Via https://www.epidemicsound.com

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support

    or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 90 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: Starting Tomatoes from Seed + Hugelkultur + hello from a flooded state

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Support Flood Victims Link : https://governor.ky.gov/flood-resources

    Venmo a few bucks to: EKYMUTUALAID

    Cashapp: $EKYMUTUALAID

    Grafting Vid: https://youtu.be/5o4ZXWqh2Qk

    Tomato Vid: https://youtu.be/FKfDyQ7mBOs

    Grafting Episode of Growers Daily: https://youtu.be/GJR3E3LTaVE

    A good hugelkultur guide: https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/sustainable-landscapes-creating-a-hugelkultur-for-gardening-with-stormwater-management-benefits.html

    Jadam Micoorganism solution video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Uuy8DxGjA



    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Today, Alex Ball has conversations with two of his favorite farmer friends and mentors, Adam Mitchell and Lindsey Steele, who have both helped over the last few years develop his individual business, become a better farmer, and grow his understanding of what it means to be feed his community. They dig deep on soil building through deeper woodchip application, scaling-up and fine-tuning a greens business, and aggregating fresh produce from and for other farmers in your local community. So any further ado, let's have Alex's last interview with Adam Mitchell at Country Valley Farm and then Lindsay Steele of Garden Fort.

    Folks who make the show possible...

    Farmhand is the only all-in-one virtual assistant built by and for farmers. Sign up for a free trial with the link in the show notes, because NOW is the best time to dial in those systems for the next growing season.

    ASAP (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project) will offer the Business of Farming Conference on Saturday, February 22, in Asheville, North Carolina. Find out more at asapconnections.org.

    Since 1972 Ohio earth food has been the go-to source for soil testing, consulting, fertilizers, seed starting soils, foliar sprays and disease and insect controls. Visit them at ohioearthfood.com.

    ... and, as always, our work is powered by the individual growers who support us every month over at patreon.com/notillgrowers. You can pick up a copy of The Living Soil Handbook if you don't have one already, as well as a No-Till Growers hat or other merch, check out our YouTube channel, and you can ask you questions or share your insights into ecological market gardening on our free growers forum at notillgrowers.community.chat

  • Welcome to episode 89 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: Lasagna gardening, why farming is the great mingling space, and it's feedback friday (farmer Grant freeze, farmer business plan, farming with kids, holding farming to a different standard).

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    Tesla Cotnract for $400 milliion : https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/12/us/politics/trump-tesla-musk-cybertruck.html

    Farm Business Book: https://amzn.to/3X1JQK1



    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

  • Welcome to episode 88 of Growers Daily!

    We cover: how to raise kids on a farm, how to grow peas?

    ‼️ Hiringβ€”Produce/Editor Application: https://forms.gle/vnbTTv24NHw52duj8

    Links from this episode:

    NTMG Episode with Mastodon Valley Farm: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-no-till-market-garden-podcast/id1441886206?i=1000690779742

    NIFA family farms: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/grants/programs/family-farms

    Trampoline (pretty sure this is the one): https://amzn.to/4aX7soM



    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at https://www.notillgrowers.com/support or https://www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers

    Show Sponsors:

    Rimol: https://www.rimol.com

    Farmhand: http://gofarmhand.com

    groSMART: http://www.Grosmart.com (CODE: daily)

    MY BOOK!

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    French copy of The Living Soil Handbook: https://amzn.to/4h2bYot

    Italian Copy https://www.terranuovalibri.it/libro/dettaglio/jesse-frost/il-manuale-del-suolo-vivente-9788866819967-236828.html

    German Copy: https://www.oekom.de/buch/das-grosse-boden-handbuch-9783987261374

    Other stuff and ways to support stuff like this πŸ‘‡

    5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL)

    πŸ‘€: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL🚨

    ORDER Dan Brisebois' Seed Book! πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    The Living Soil Handbook πŸ“• πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Hats 🧒 πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Forum πŸ’¬ πŸ‘‰ https://notillgrowers.community.chat

    Music 🎡 πŸ‘‰ via www.empidemicsound.com

    πŸ‘• MERCH πŸ‘‰ https://www.notillgrowers.com/livingsoilhandbook

    Support our work (πŸ‘Š) at www.notillgrowers.com/support or www.Patreon.com/notillgrowers